[No trailer analysis, but here: upside down trees invert the Good to some as “Demons.” Orchid, red, zoom out from shot to open, and quick flower tour. [FLM: DMT: Title and what follows.].]…Name [MNT: Title] matches the three-pronged attack on his face [WRQ: MNT: Previous episode’s ending.]…Harold or something beyond…that which does not allow him to go outside [WRQ: HQT]…inside orchid [FLM]…red, white, fuchsia then to his claw [PTHM]….one eye covered [Harold: “I rested my heart and soul in you.” [IM: WRQ].]…..half-shadow face [DMT]….claw bloody held up in screen [DMT]…[“Return to the world and] find something decent.” [Principle]…screams when he says, “You laugh about it.”…. “You are unclean.” [WRQ]…. “You have contaminated me.”…. James pushes him into the flowers [FLM: HQT]… Donna falls on her knees… Maddie watches…“Just hold me.”…He is pumping madly onto his orchids…screams…yelling upward almost like a werewolf [DMT: AM: WRQ]…
Then to flowing water to the left…and more credits…green on black water…blowing green forest….hear the owl…see the owl [WRQ: AM: HQT]…bikes line up…one red….Cooper into Book House Boys’ room [LT: HQT]….[Cooper on Audrey: “Pupils constricted…breathing slow and shallow” like Juliet [SHM]…Hawk hands in pockets [PTHM]…she is clutching her blouse like Donna did telling her tale earlier [PTHM: MNT]…Cooper’s hand helps [PTHM]…she holds it open-mouthed….rubs it… “I prayed that you would come.” [WRQ: HQT]…Cooper stares down and blinks…gives her a hug…..no more Hawk there [NAM]…
Maddie leaves…. “937” address…. “It’s hard to know [exactly] what to believe in.” [Principle: Uncertainty emphasizes explorations!?]… James’ song comes back in [AT]…. “But when I saw you tonight, I knew exactly what I believed. If you and me put our hearts together, we would be safe no matter what.” [Principle]…then to…
Mug shots….Harry looking…box has buck on it [AM: AT]….two owls white on wall to right of Cooper [DMT: AM: MNT]…[“She’s through the worst of it.] It’s hard to imagine such cruelty.”…[Harry: “Not really.” [LT: HQT].]… “Renault….runs the Northern Territories….You name it.”…Cooper open-mouthed…. “Jean Renault”…..Cooper stands…blurry pair of owls there…. “I [have] violated my professional code.” [LT: HQT]….moon shape behind Harry… [Cooper: “This isn’t the first time that my actions have brought suffering to someone I care about in the name of doing what I had to do. Damn, I should have known better.” [HQT].] Cooper sits….pondering….coffee poured [FM: LT]….Harry… “Coop, sometimes you think too much.” [LT: Principle: HQT]….cheers their coffee [Principle: FM]….Northern over water to falls….then fade to…
Great Northern…Cooper all in black…Horne there… “Brothel north of the border.”…. “Jean Renault”….Horne…hands on money [PTHM: HQT]…. “Oh my God.”….money first… daughter second… Horne’s hand on top of Cooper’s hand and then hugs Cooper [PTHM]…he holds and taps briefcase [PTHM]….wall painting stares at us as totem [AT: WRQ]…
To wheelchair [SM]….black white red flannel…Leo, red shirt…shaky view with shaky entrance banging everything [MNT]…leaf tie…red back… [“Standing by Mr. Johnsen. Not taking the easy way out. [Principle: HQT].]… “In home care is the stuff of miracles.” [DI].…. “I [just] admire your dedication.” [Principle: HQT]…. “Everything looks to be in order.” [DI: MNT: DMT: HA!]….teal heart hangs from Donna’s ears [MNT: AT]…man puts hand on Leo’s shoulder creepily [PTHM]…Bobby…gray and black grid…tie…clown on wall [WRQ: AT]….in white…to left of Bobby…Mt. Rainier painting to right [WRQ: UFO sightings[1]]….Leo’s girl…
Donna, hands together [PTHM]…held together… “It is a lot like the boy who cried wolf.” [IM: LT: HQT]…. “It’s not a game.” [GT: HQT]…moves hand when Harry says, “My hands are full.” [PTHM: IM: HGT: Harold has demonic hands.].…. “Gordon Cole”…. [GC = General Contractor =] David Lynch…hands together for Donna again….
[Outside interrogation room, Gordon Cole:] “Great, pay dirt.” [IM: HQT]…. [“Vicuna] Coat”[2]….. “Really weird stuff.” [MNT: LT: WRQ: HQT]…One Armed Man……hysterical…POV towards Donna as she opens the door….
Pan up to Audrey [Horne: “She looks like an angel.” [WRQ: MNT: Episode].]…above bed looks like grape vines [FM]…hanging from the ceiling….red and gray tie for Horne… “It’s times like these that make a man aware of the value of life.” [DI: Principle: HQT]… “Every rain drop, every sunset.” [Principle]….Cooper red tie….his proximity to her is disturbing…. “The things you must have seen.” [HQT]…dramatic irony [DI]…he pats her shoulder… “Yes, daddy,” she says… “That’s my girl,” he says…she turns over…yellow pillar of light above Audrey….middle finger ring Audrey [AT: PTHM]….
Red dress bag, Nadine comes in…red dolphin on table [AT: AM]…ceramic stacked ice cream bowl [FM]…she is still moving…she hits him and he bends over…has apron on…. “and neck” [IM]….she hops on to him…
To view of belt going on man….then a leg….who….red burgundy dress…it’s Josie…dark couch… “Parisian perfume, Kashmir sweaters.” [HQT]…his tie is Hawaiian [HQT: AM]…perfume on table… “Seattle…Hong Kong” [HGT: Northwest to Bruce Lee’s home.[3]]…. “Mr. Eckhart will make it more than worth your while.” [IM: Principle: Meister Eckhart, Christian Mystic: His mysticism shares paths with Zen.[4]]….he wraps his arm about her throat…. “Be adaptable.” [Principle: HQT]…. “We had an arrangement.” [GT]… “Make him into a fool.”…antlers’ arch above “cousin” [AM: DMT]….fingers on her mouth [PTHM]…zoom into her face [ZM]…tear in eye….fade to black…
To fishing man [HQT]…backing up shot…Maddie on dock…fern to left….sunset…bike up….Harley shown [HQT]…..dun dun bass music going….pink scarf…. “You looked at me and [you] saw Laura.” [DMT: WRQ]….we do too for it is the same actress [MNT]…dramatic irony [DI]…. “strange” [MNT]…word used… “I could feel her thoughts like our brains were connected…” [WRQ: LT: HQT]…she has mouth open…. “Now I’m just me again.” [DMT: WRQ]….wind blowing… “If you really love someone, it’s like there is this bright light shining on you. [You’re right in it. It’s great. I just don’t think you can be in it all the time.” [Principle: AT: HQT: David Lynch’s Synchronicity Quotation plus: “Beauty is the ability to generate light through character.” -Aaron Parell].]… “I want to try to make the way my heart feels last forever.” [Principle: HQT]…. “weird” [MNT] used…she leaves….brown shoes….fisherman still fishing [HQT]…hasn’t moved…to…
Josie and Horne toasting… “To the fire.” [FRT: MNT: WRQ]…which is behind her…which is in our minds from “Fire Walk With Me” [MNT: DMT: Werewolf: Demon summoning you to his hellfire.]…. “To what do I owe [the] pleasure [of this call]?” [IM]….marlin above them [AM]…. “Surely [a] mind as quicksilver as your own [can grasp the complicated position we are in. [Principle: MNT: LT: WRQ: Alchemy: Quicksilver = mercury = “The planetary god and the metal bearing his name…In essence, he is the messenger of heaven. His Greek name of Hermes signifies ‘interpreter’ or ‘mediator’. Hence it is his task to conduct the souls of the dead to the Lower World [Black Lodge]. Like Hecate, he is often triform, that is, represented with three heads [DMT]. He epitomizes the power of the spoken word— the emblem of the word ; and for the Gnostics he was the logos spermatikos scattered about the universe, an idea which was taken up by the alchemists who equated Mercury with related concepts of fluency and transmutation (9). At the same time, he was seen as a god of road (that is, of potentialities) (4). In astrology he is defined as ‘intellectual energy’. The nervous system is controlled by him, for the nerves are messengers on the biological plane (40). Probably it was the alchemist, with their lofty speculations, who penetrated farthest into the archetypal structure of Mercury. In many cases they identified their transmutation-substance with the ‘lively planet’…Mercury (the metal) symbolizes the unconscious because of its fluid and dynamic character ; it is essentially duplex, for, in one way, it is an inferior being, a devil or monster, but in another sense it the philosopher’s child [DMT] (33). Hence, its unlimited capacity for transformation (as in the case of all liquids) came to be symbolic of the essential aim of the alchemist to transmute matter (and spirit) from the inferior to the superior, from the transitory to the stable.”[5]].]…. “Fluidity is everything.” [Principle]… “Iceland.” [HQT]….kissing Josie…glasses back on …. “Why do I sense that this isn’t a negotiable position? [You’re under some kind of pressure, aren’t you?” [Principle: HQT].]….Josie… “Do not play games with me.” [GT: IM] …Horne repeats “Games” and the snapping comes on [GT: PTHM]….Audrey, then black and white woman [DMT: AT] and then another picture to the right….. “Dossier.”….key between Horne and Josie [PTHM]….Horne says, “I will bury you.” [HQT]….she produces a key [HQT]…. “Enough evidence to lock you [away] for three lifetimes.”… “Stalemate.”….Horne says…she says, “Your move.”… “It is a game.” [GT: IM: HQT]…design on her jacket is beautiful [AT]…she holds her blouse……hand over sternum [PTHM]…. “Tokyo Bank” [HQT]…faces painted on wall visible to Josie’s left [AT: NAM]… “Well played.” [Principle: GT: IM: HGT]….
To Leo’s…he has kazoo in mouth and black shades [AT]…POV pulling back…Jack D bottle…Bobby drinking… “Hotbox” for pizza [FM]….clown picture on the wall [MNT: AT]…balloons…up close Jack bottle [FM]….his breathing is kazooing [AT]…Bobby hits his nose a few times…Labatt’s Beer to right of Shelly [FM]….clown there again looking down on them kissing on the table [MNT: Colors]… in front of Leo…kazoo brought up leg to neck…[“This is too creepy.” [MNT].]… “I don’t want to exploit him or nothing.” [Principle]…..clown then to left….. “Familiar stimulus.” [Principle: LT: AT: HQT]…..box of Crunch on stove [FM]….Leo’s face into cake….blues guitar playing….rocking not eerie….laughter….then to…
Gordon’s ear….shaking his head….Cooper points without looking to Gordon [PTHM]…image visible ….Gordon skinny tie… “You remind me today of a small Mexican Chihuahua.” [AM]…..coffee and donut for Harry [FM]…thumbs up… “I believe in secrecy, Coop” [Principle]… “You might be getting in a little over your head again.” [IM: HQT]…. “Pittsburgh” [HQT]….a completely different story…. “Restless nights and uneasy dreams go with the territory.” [MNT: WRQ: HQT]…[Cooper: “There is much work to be done, but] mind, body and spirit are up to the task.” [Principle: HQT]….arms crossed Cooper [PTHM]…. “Two and two [do] not always equal four.” [LT: 1984 dystopian]…. . “Sent to home base. [Looks kind of familiar, doesn’t it?” [HQT].]…. [“Chess deal” [GT]: “P to K-4.” “A chess deal.” “Opening move from Windom [GT: “Win” + “Dom(ination) MNT] Earl.” [DMT: Noble Demon’s mad move [MNT].]…“Bless your heart, we are going to have to watch your back from now on.” [IM: heart: Principle: HQT]…..fade to…
Back to doors…Horne’s…. “With the Jerry on the road.” [LT: One the Road, Jack Kerouac connection increases.]….hand on Leland’s shoulder [PTHM]…he has blue tie…paisley design [AT]…Horne’s red with gray and black tear dot….paisley design grey…white stuffed animal [AM: AT] behind Leland…he notices it…touches it…ponders fur [PTHM: AM]…Leland keeps the hair…..arms crossed Leland [PTHM]…. “Run it through the Caymans.”…. “Drop escrow into a black hole for six months.” [IM]….arms open for Horne [PTHM]…. “That’s my Leland.” [DMT: WRQ: Leland split with professional self functioning, but social and family self lost.]…they pat each other [PTHM]…
Log, reddish, where Laura was found…two big steins Christmas oriented [FM: AT]…circle above Harry’s head….hand on hand [PTHM]…ominously held notes… “Mr. Lee.”…leaves…two fingers, Harry points at Josie [PTHM]… “I love you,” dropped by Harry…he is open-mouthed….she repeats it….reflection of Christmas reindeer head in mirror [RM]….
Up close to Horne’s cigar end [FRT: FM: Fire Food [FF].]… “Mr. Tojamura.”…..blond woman eating behind and between Horne and Mr. Tojamura ……totem carved to right of Tojamura [NAM: AT]….fire to right of Horne [FRM]….[“Trying to be sensitive to local concerns. You must understand the impact that this project will have on the community.” [Principle].]…“You waste [my] time.” [IM]… “Mill fire.” [FM]… “Created [a raft of unforeseen] problems.”]… “Psychic [as well as] financial.” [HQT]… [“I feel that it is my duty] as civic leader [to help foster the healing process.” [Principle: HQT].]….black tie…for Tojamura ….she says, “My family at Nagasaki.” [LT: HQT]….singing starts….
Blond talking to bald fellow….Leland singing [AT]…red hats…. “You are precisely my cup of tea.” [IM: FM: AT]….bartending shown…totem there behind piano [AT: NAM]…now Horne and Leland singing together…. [“All of the beautiful and new things I am learning about you day by day” [Principle: LT: HQT].]…red hat there…wine right in front of them [FM]…..candle on the table [FRM]…Pete [“The King and I” [AT: LT] …fishing tie [HQT: AT]….Pete asks… “Do you like musicals?” [AT: LT: DI]… “Not even Fiddler on the Roof?” [AT: LT: MNT]….[Tojamura: “I find adherence to fantasy troubling and unreasonable.” [MNT: Principle: HQT].]…Pete…. “You’re not from around here.” [IM: HQT]…..“I am a visitor.”… “Could I buy you a sake?” [FM: LT]…. “How about a nice, cold milk?” [FM]…which he produces…panning up to…
Long table of One Armed Man…..“Do you suffer from schizophrenia?” [WRQ]…Twin Peaks’ theme…picture of Bob shown up close [Title: AT: MNT]…red tie for Cooper with dark blue circle centers…. “You’ll never see the other side.” [WRQ: IM]…One Armed Man sounds demonic [MNT: Mad “Demon” Episode: “Chthonian Demons Various beings mentioned in mythologies come under this heading, such as the Greek harpies and Erinyes, the Hindu Rakshasas, the Arabic djinns, the Germanic elves and valkyries, etc. They are symbols of the thanatic forces, of the death-wish in various guises : the subtle fascination of dreams, or the heroic thrill experienced by the man who answer the call to battle (35). The quest for death— extremes meet (because of the curve of the conceptual line)— is apparent in limit-situations, not only in the negative aspect but also— and principally— at the peak of the affirmative. That is, vital optimism and perfect happiness of necessity imply the other extreme, that is, the presence of death.” [6]]…..white belt buckle [AT]…mouth open….looking upward…..flag pin for Gordon [HQT]….. “Who are you?” [WRQ: Channeling]… “I am an inhabiting spirit.” [DMT: WRQ: HQT: MNT]…. “Who is Philip Gerard?”….[“He is host to me.” [WRQ].]…“You spoke to me in my dream.” [WRQ]…. “About Bob.”… “He was my familiar.” [WRQ: HQT]…. “Where does Bob come from?” [WRQ]…. “That cannot be revealed.” [HQT]….. “What does Bob want?”… “He is Bob [eager for fun.]”…. “He wears a smile.”… “Everybody run.” [AT]…. “[Do you understand the parasite? It attaches to a life form and feeds.] Bob requires a human host.” [WRQ: HQT]… “He feeds on fear and [the] pleasures.” [DMT: WRQ: HQT]….. “They are his children.”… “I am similar to Bob.” [WRQ]…. “We once were partners.”… [Cooper and One Armed Man strangely simultaneously:] “Through the darkness, the future past, the magician longs to see.” [Principle: LT: HQT: Counter to “Demons”: MNT]….. “One chance out between two worlds.” [WRQ: GT]…. “Fire Walk With Me.” [FRT: WRQ]….close shot of Bob….black eyed…. “Saw the face of God, [it was purified.” [WRQ: HQT].]… “To stop him.”…. “This is his true face, but few can see it.” [WRQ]… “The gifted and the damned.” [DMT: WRQ]…up close of One Armed Man….Cooper looked at when he says “gifted” [MNT]…. “For nearly 40 years, Bob near us.”… “Occupied by different souls night after night.” [WRQ]…..Cooper realizes “The Great Northern Hotel”…cut quickly to shot of it over the waterfall at night and then credits…..
[1] “Coming of the Saucers, Mt. Rainier,” Weird US, accessed September 3, 2017.