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Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental!? Guide 2-12 The Black Widow

Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental!? Guide Weird Real(m) Quest(ion)s Introduction & Season 1

Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental!? Guide 2-12 The Black Widow [Evil Has What Form? [EHWF: DMT: WRQ: HQT].]
Jump into the Waterfall and enter Twin Peaks…shaman into the abyss, the tree trunk, the cave, the volcano[1] [LT: WRQ: HQT]…
Stag right shadow, plant shadow more right [AM]…paneling of door angles you into it….enter….other side….open-mouthed Bobby….pictures too…white animal on top [AT: WRQ: Horne’s own totem.]…Ben with green light of Gatsby above [LT]…Horne to right with clown face above him [DMT: MNT]…same bus tie [AT]…reddening lips… Bobby tie down left gray on bronze….elk horn door handle [AM: AT]…[Ben Horne:] “You know what you have to have in this life?] Balance. [Distance.] Symmetry. Look.”….at the totem…“It’s a beautiful thing.” [AT: Principle: HQT]…name placed higher…angled blurry candlesticks… “Master the technology” [Principle: HQT]… “Damnit, Bobby, what do you want?”…down laugh of insincerity…. “Admiration is for poets and derrieres.” [Principle: AT: WRQ]…… [Bobby:] “I don’t know what you mean.” [MNT].]…. “Mammoth skyscraper.” [AT: HQT]… “Leviathan that rips a hole in the clouds.” [WRQ: HQT]…mythology [Leviathan = “A huge, fabulous fish which bears the weight of the waters upon its back and which the Rabbis claimed was destined for the Supper of the Messiah (8).  In Scandinavian mythology, the oceans are the creation of a great serpent or dragon which swallows the waters only to regurgitate them ;  this being is called Midgardorm (35). The leviathan is an archetype of things inferior— of the primordial monster connected with the cosmogonic sacrifice, such as the Mesopotamian Tiamat (or Tiawath). Sometimes it is in all respects identical with the world— or, rather, with the force which preserves and vitalizes the world.”[2] [LT: WRQ]…black lines like cage [MNT]….tie… “Who’s up there in the penthouse [and why?]”…. “Opportunity knocks.” [IM: Principle: HQT]…door panel tomorrow….stag there [AM]…front and back of scene… “Show me something I don’t already know.” [Principle: LT: HGT]…
Lady in white running [Lana[3]]…[Bobby’s] bag catches on door…to….
Two pictures, Cooper…Native American seller [NAM]…Cooper in flannel [HQT]…flips coin with shimmer onto doughnut plate and then spins onto the [MNT: Slow-mo: FM: GT: PTHM]…..right picture….[Real estate agent:] “Dead Dog Farm” [AM: WRQ]… “Worse than it sounds.” [IM]…. “A puzzle.” [MNT: GT: HQT]… “No one ever really stays there long.” [WRQ]…[Cooper:] “When can I see it?”…
Diamond sweater with crosses…mandala [LT: AT]….duck on corner shelf with human female figure [AM: AT]…disk for hand film …Saturday Night Live [comedian]…. “Persistent random [misfortune].”…polka dots…SNL smelled-her-arm-pits woman[4]… “mysterious circumstances” [DMT: WRQ]….[Signs: Principle: Crack the code inward and outward.]…“NRA”….old computer… “No Smoking” [MNT] backwards…Bob?…
Adirondack backboard [AT: HQT]….above to Andy from down reading text [LT]….evergreen tree on mountain wallpaper [AT: HQT]…Molly Shannon…[Harry: “Went out with his boots on.” [IM: Principle: HQT]…“Love poems of Lord Byron”…“Kama sutra” [LT: AT: Andy grabs mask: DMT: WRQ: MNT: Black Widow: AM] and….fish room with two fish on either side [AM: AT]…plant lamp…flowers [FLM]….light onto …book on mantel…which?… watch… “My Secret Life Chris Gerrity” [DMT: LT]…ring on finger….ring on his right pinky [PTHM]…[Mayor: “Never could say ‘No’ to a woman.] Ya old fool.” [Principle: HQT]….
Hawk outside with young bride….[“You…] She’s a witch.” [WRQ: SHM: Macbeth]… [Lana] “I’m cursed”… [MNT: quoting episode’s title] “Black Widow.”… “Prom night”… “New braces [and they gleamed in the moonlight.]”… “Had to break his jaw in three places.”…[Hawk:] “The curse needs a cure. [I know a bit about these things.” [NAM: Principle: HQT].]… “Are you the sheriff?”… “When something really big goes down, I’m the man.” [IM: Principle: HQT]….Hawk falls through…to…
Twin Peaks High School…blurry records….red shirt….[Coach:] “What’s his name?”…[“That coach accepted that athlete’s desire to compete…Today, the story applies to this woman’s, young girl’s, right to compete.]…Moral and constitutional right.” [Principle: HQT]… “Steeplejack.” [AT]…peanut gallery [IM]….clock at?…Noon?… “Warriors.” [HQT]… “The”… “The Warriors Can’t Reach the Peak!”…  “Steeplejacks will scalp the warriors.”…. “This is sort of like necking.”….head down fade to…
High school…Donna…red peak…orange book…red book [LT]…two images on inside….three…one a bunny [AM]…and ….necklace…hanging rocks….[Mike:] “Pretend you’re still my girlfriend.” [DMT: Vonnegut: “We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful of what we pretend to be.”[5]]… “I’m going to end up in traction.”…
Tudor…shadow of the lamp…Malcolm Sloan: [“Heading up a local servant’s rebellion.  Wondering if you will help me bundle up loose sticks and burn their master.” [WRQ: MNT].]…. “Bring that car around.” [IM]….[James: “It’s repairable.”…Malcolm: “That’s the nice thing about things.” [Principle]…four images [AT]….half shadow center left of door…geometric gold shapes on the….….red box [AT]…. “He gave her a whole new life, that’s for sure…gotta hope I don’t] sound ungrateful.” [Principle: Mindfulness of Gratitude]… “[Compared to the life I was living, want and] dissipation is a step up.” [HQT]… “Defensive postures, masking bruises, vicious cycles…I’m sorry,] am I being obscure?” [HQT]…ship on the right [HQT: AT]…. “[So it perpetuates the cycle.] Nobody stops Mr. Marsh. [That’s a golden rule around here.]” [IM: HQT]… “You can jot that down and put it under your pillow.” [IM: Principle: LT: WRQ]…on shadows on wall…blinks …..fade to…
“For Sale”….pan right…rock wall…hose for kids in small yard…pine needles….panning right with ominous music….tree close to the house….screen porch on the back…[Real estate agent: “Well, it’s still standing. Almost by force of habit.”]….[Cooper:] “Well, habit can supply a strong foundation” [Principle: Discipline: Meditation: LT: HQT]….[Cooper: “Dead Dog Farm.”]…Native American figure to the right of the woman [NAM]…[“That’s an old legend. Of all the people in the world, the best and the worst are drawn to a dead dog. Most turn away, only those with the purest of heart can feel its pain, and] somewhere in between the rest of us struggle.” [NAM: Principle: HQT]….figure on left…yellow….left of Native American…torn flower curtains [FLM]…“XS” on jacket…. “There has been a meeting here.” [Tracking: LT: The Tracker: Tom Brown Jr.[6]: HQT]…[Real Estate Agent:] “What are you seeing?” [WRQ: MNT: Principle]…question for Cooper and for us….[Cooper:] “Baby laxative”…red chair and flower chair…pink flowers [FLM]…POV…to floors……edge of table…rounded edge like chair….ashtray…two plastic bags frame….it…
Open-mouthed…Dick with car [LT: Car manual]…jacked…tires moving…red bright arrow [AT: HQT]….absurd red…old soft salon music….red coffee top [FM]…nails…Nicky’s hair… “Perfect” like Uncle Dick’s… “Out of the car.”….reflection on car front glass [RM]…when he exits and now above right…handkerchief like Uncle Dick in his jacket [PTHM]…. “Scared ya, didn’t I?” [IM: MNT: WRQ]….panning slowing above and down to Dick….walks away….seeing the car fall off the jack [WRQ]…to…
Sheriff’s…red flannel… “Colonel Riley”… “Cooper, you were with Briggs when we lost our coordinates on him.” [WRQ: HQT].]…a pair of wings more than Briggs [AT: HQT]…married…[“Notice any] wildlife [in the area:] birds, owls?” [Principle: AM: WRQ]….. “Any visual contact?”…[Harry:] “It would be a lot better if you just leveled with us.” [IM: Principle]…[Cooper: “We know about the monitors and the messages from deep space you received] pertaining to me.” [WRQ]…[Riley: “You may know something, but you best get your facts straight.” [IM: Principle: LT: HQT]…“From right here in these woods.” [WTM: WRQ]…green bottle on the table…dart board…game theme [GT]…. “Where they were sent to is another question.” [WRQ]…[Cooper: “Might it have something to do with the place called] The White Lodge?” [WRQ]…[Riley:] “That’s classified.”…[Harry:] “You need to give us a little more to go on here.” [IM: Principle]…[Riley:] “He was born with hardware most of us only dream about.” [LT: WRQ: Principle of the Cyborg: Self-programing through applied principles: HQT]…. “The Cold War seems like a case of the sniffles.” [HQT]…
Red paint on shelf….pegboard….she has beer too [FM]…red interior smaller convertible… “Mind your own business.” [IM: Principle]… “There’s nothing to talk about.” [IM: Principle]….James [“I know what it’s like to be alone.” [Principle].]…moves in for the kiss….red can to her right top…grease in pattern up shirt…. “Why don’t you just leave?”…[Evelyn [“Evil-in”: MNT] “It’s complicated.” [IIM]….she goes in for the kiss….view through car to him…. we see the Jaguar symbol [AT: HQT]…upside down…landscaping….
Great Northern…green light down right…Audrey: “Look who’s here. Daddy have a change of heart?” [IM]…..payphone…[Bobby:] “He [just] made the smartest decision [that he’s made all] year.” [HQT]…. [Maybe you’d like to help me celebrate.” [IM: Principle].]… “X”s on chandeliers…ponytail Audrey…avoids slowly the kiss…. “I like the way you think.” [IM: MNT]…small door…into the paneling….secret door foreshadowing [HQT]…volcano, Confederate flag on the right….now figures revealed….cigar… [Ben Horne:] “Gettysburg Day One”… “South is winning.” [HQT]….animal to the right [AM]…chair on table on desk [AT: WRQ]….[Bobby:] “Not exactly from the Rotary.”…Horne in Confederate jacket….POV through peep hole [GT: Heart-Shaped]….salute [PTHM]…
Pete and Catherine…crossed snowshoes [HQT]…[Pete:] “Nectar of the gods.” [IM: FM]….Olympian connection [LT: HQT: Ambrosia : Resemblance of Olympus for characters, like the Greek Gods, all have their transgressions and secrets.[7]]…. “It’s the bubbles.”….leaf print white on blue mug [AT: “Wine comes in at the mouth, Love comes in at the eye, I touch my glass to my lips,] I look at you and sigh.” [LT: AT]…flower on the champagne [FLM]… [Catherine:] “That’s very lyrical.” [AT]….[Pete: “Y]eats…[The only other toast I know is a] limerick…There once was a lady from Galway…” [AT: LT]….[Catherine: “I intend to show you] all the respect and affection [that] you deserve.” [Principle: HQT]….“Maid’s cap.”…Perrier shown…[Pete: “Not the Josie I know.” [DMT].]….[Catherine:] “To Ben Horne’s double cross.” [GT: HQT]…. “Dirty deeds.” [IM]… “And to the woman that brought them down.”…. “To me.”….right hand ring [PTHM]…Pete…. “Here’s to you, [Poodle” [AM].]….
Lips of Cooper [speaking to Diane: MNT]….. “EARLE: P to Q4” [MNT: LT: Other Ads in paper: “the assault at Hector’s Burrito Heaven last night” [FM]… “ADVENTURE SEEKERS!/ MY JUNK / YOUR TREASURE” [Principle: HQT]… “LOOKING FOR PEN-PAL/ The service has me station someplace in the middle of nowhere.  And it gets a little lonely out here.  Not much for secenery just a lot of white stuff…MEASUREMENTS- 43-32-38 / OH! BY THE WAY I’M A FEMALE”… “is looking for…your mustache.”]…. “Per my instructions.” [IM: Principle: LT: HQT]…. “He anticipated my response to [his] opening move perfectly. [He’s toying with me.” [GT: IM: Principle: HQT].]….blinking…thinking…. [Principle: Mind and Find.]…[“Meanwhile, I’ve spent the past two days without badge and gun, the best way I know how… occupying both body and spirit.” [Principle: HQT]…. “A fixer upper”… “In spite of my past.” [IM: HQT]…[“However, as is the case with Twin Peaks, even this bucolic] hideaway [is] filled with secrets.” [DMT: Principle: MNT: HQT]… “Deliberations will soon be complete[d…and if I am not adequately able to defend myself…” [Principle: HQT].]….Book House Boy patch [AT: HQT]….now whitish background…flannel red…TV antenna shadow…ducks on table in new corner [AM]…[Cooper:] “Jean Renault”….. “You did better than good. You may have saved my life.” [IM: HQT]… “That makes us even now.” [IM: GT: HQT]….David Duchovny….hand on phone cord…on hand handshake [PTHM]… “More or less.” [IM: DMT]….DD mirrors Audrey’s hands on hips [PTHM]… “Thank you.”… “You’re welcome.”…she grabs a kiss on the lips….empowered…[Cooper:] “Hank, Norma Jennings’ step father”…. “Sgt. King, Mounted Police”…. connected to One Eyed Jacks…..[DD: “That’s good news. Now can we talk about something more important.” [IM].]…“If you know what I mean”…[Cooper:] “Not really.” [LT: DMT: MNT]…
Cherry pie of Ed…coffee [FM]…Toad there…green hat…[Ed:] “You don’t want to hear my problems.” [Principle]…[Norma:] “We used to talk about everything.”….[Ed:] “Just waiting around for our lives to begin.”… “All those plans just don’t mean a [damn] thing.” [Principle]…hand in hand [PTHM: ZM]….broken…domino [GT]…sees…[Norma:] “We can make new plans.” [Principle: HQT]…so can he [DI]…
Lucy there…forgotten by Dick…diamond sweater still…between them… “I Use…”… “Mom and Dad” above…black on white…[Dick: “May be the] Devil…Homicidal in the first degree.”…oval of Little Nicky in Devil’s costume to right of Andy [WRQ: MNT]…
Light on red book [LT] and red yellow object….[Mayor:] “Did you check him for witchcraft?” [WRQ: HQT]…he is dressed black and white like a Puritan [MNT]…gray and black bow tie… “She killed him with…” [WRQ]… “How much clearer does it have to be?”….Dr. Hayward…hand on left side of face [PTHM]….two objects on side of box…“Missing Persons.”…two and then two together..[Hawk:] “For the widow Milford.”…Dick [describing Lana as] Juliet:…[“Oh she doth teach the torches to burn bright. It seems she hangs against the cheek of night like a rich jewel in and Ethiope’s ear.”[8]…[Now as chorus:] “Beauty too rich for use…For earth too dear.”[9] [SHM: LT: AT]…. Hawk brings her back in…fade slow to…
Lucy…mountain painting to left [HQT]….flute music…head where mountain would be [ZM]…view for speaker and then its POV to the empty dark conference room [RM]…red binder on computer…blue down left [DMT]….yellow light…sounds…pond with trees illuminated by light and it looks like the sun….dotted lamp base on filing cabinet…owl illuminated in back [AM]…panning back to her…Lucy backs away…[Lana: “Stand in the middle and take his clown costume completely off.” [DMT: WRQ].]…door [slam] and then to…
Feet entering diner….red block and beige background [ZM]…David Duchovny…[“I don’t’ want to put the squeeze on you…I don’t need to paint you any pictures.” [IM: AT].]… “For starters.” [IM: FT]…has compact out….red nails…perks up when DD says… “Stay there.”…
[Ernie Niles: “I am guilty against my will…these] men are animals; they will stop at nothing.” [IM: AM: Principle: HQT]…. “I weakened.”…. “Love makes a guy do foolish things. [Illegal things sometimes.” [Principle].]…[DD:]“Will you shut up!?” [MNT: Your Mind tells your mind: HQT]…[Cooper: “We appreciate the trials you have been through. We sympathize with you…That is why we are here.” [Principle: HQT].]…[DD: “Now tell us everything you know.]…[Ernie:] “Tortured me.”….bottles under light on table on right…DD grabs his hand [PTHM]…[Ernie: “I’ve got a nervous bladder.”]…
Lightning craziness [MNT]….diamond glass view out [MNT: GT: POV]…yelling….James….passed ship through diamond reflection to diamond glass…Malcolm with suspenders [“First time he beat her, I swore revenge; something violent and noble.” [HQT].]…James illuminated [MNT]… “That was four years ago.”…flowers to right of Malcolm…“No matter what it costs.” [IM: HQT]…strumming and James illuminated…..
Enter Bobby’s house…owl lamp [AM: AT: MNT: Bob watches in the background: WRQ]…telescope and red flower [HQT: FLM]….in circular holder…plants by window…blue bathrobe and red flower [FLM: DMT]….red candle behind her and owl of lamp to right of Bobby…owl head to left of mom….flower couch…..she doesn’t care about the cigs…rising music with rising description of Major Briggs’ dreams [Bobby: “I was at the Double R a couple of weeks ago. Dad and I had this talk about this dream he had…there was a big house made of white marble, lots of lakes…Dad was there and I was there too living a life of deep harmony and joy and there was all this stuff about my future,] good stuff.” [WRQ: HQT: Principle]…[Mrs. Briggs:] “Your father is an extraordinary human being.”…[Bobby: “My father] is a deeply weird individual, [but he has a lot more going on in his head than most people. That’s for sure.” [WRQ: MNT: What does enjoying this show make you?].]…Briggs…there…reflection wall [RM]…Garland: [“How long have I been gone?…Strange.” [WRQ].]…Bobby has city painting to his left [AT: HQT]…cocktails… “Strong [one], if you don’t mind.” [FM: Principle]….lightning flashing…then to clouds moving opposite for Star Wars [MNT: David Lynch was asked to direct Star Wars[10].]…[Mrs. Briggs:] “Is everything alright?” [WRQ: HQT]…[Briggs:] “No, [not exactly.” [WRQ].] … Major Briggs…lightning flashing…
[1]           “The Foundation for Shamanic Studies,” The Foundation for Shamanic Studies, accessed October 23, 2017.
[2]           J. E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, trans. Jack Sage (New York: Philosophical
Library, 1962), 178.
[3]           “Twin Peaks (TV Series),” IMDB, accessed October 23rd, 2017.
[4]           “Molly Shannon,” IMDB, accessed October 23rd, 2017.
[5]               “Kurt Vonnegut Jr. / Quotes / Quotable Quotes,” Goodreads, accessed October 23rd, 2017.
[6]           “Tom Brown Jr’s Tracker School,” Tom Brown Jr’s Tracker School, accessed October 23rd, 2017.
[7]           “Greek Mythology,” Greek, accessed October 23, 2017.
[8]           “William Shakespeare / Quotes / Quotable Quotes,” Goodreads, October 23, 2017.
[10]         “Behold the David Lynch ‘Star Wars’ that could have been,” CNET, accessed October 23, 2017.

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