Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental!? Guide 2-13 Checkmate [Victory Defined [GT: HQT].]
[Play games to play the games you want to play. [GT: Principle].]
Game continues [GT]…bird imagery to sawmill [AM: HQT]…nature to man [DMT]….to nature…road and river….lodge to waterfall to river….we all fall and splash everyone else…swirling together [SM: Spiral = “A schematic image of the evolution of the universe. It is also a classical form symbolizing the orbit of the moon (5), and a symbol for growth, related to the Golden Number (32)…In the Egyptian system of Hieroglyphics, the spiral….denotes cosmic forms in motion, or the relationship between unity and multiplicity…The spiral is essentially macrocosmic (10). The spiral is certainly one of the essential motifs of the symbolism of ornamental art all over the world…From a semantic point of view, the spiral is an emblem of atmospheric phenomena and of the hurricane in particular ; but the fact is that the hurricane in its turn is a symbol of secession from the creative (as well as destructive) functions of the universe, that is, of the suspension of the provisional but pacific order of the universe. He also points to the connexion between breathing and the creative breath of life. He goes on to suggest that the volute in ancient cultures was spiral form symbolizing the breath and the spirit. It is for this reason that the Egyptian god Thoth is represented with a large spiral on his head. Finally, by virtue of its significance in connexion with creation, with movement and progressive development, the spiral is an attribute of power…In addition to the above, it is also possible that the spiral may symbolize the relationship between the circle and the centre. For the spiral is associated with the idea of the dance, and especially primitive dances of healing and incantation…” [1]: WRQ]…tree reflections [WTM: RM]…
….Back to stars [HQT: WRQ]….stepping from the flames [FRT: HQT: WRQ: Major Briggs]….seated on throne [HQT]….jungle….around…..three yellow linked triangles like nuclear symbol [LT: HQT]…[fire] filter on image panning to Briggs…[Hayward: “There are some new techniques that may help us break through your amnesia.” [Principle: WRQ: HQT].]…. [Briggs: “My memories are immune from regression…Everything is known to me, and somehow beyond my reach.]…One disturbing image…a giant owl” [AM: WRQ]…Bohemian Grove[2]….trimark on neck behind ear of Briggs [WRQ: Alien abduction mark[3]]… … “Enough to cloud my mind.” [IM: Principle: HQT]… “Secrets.”… “Transcend the human need to conspire.” [Principle]… “Is this meant for the soul, my soul?” [Principle: MNT]…[Cooper:] “Perhaps you better start back at the beginning.” [Principle]… “Project Bluebook.”[4] [WRQ]…. “Disbanded in 1969.”…“In the case of Twin Peaks, the earth below…[Searching for a place called The White Lodge.” [WRQ].]…. “Colonel Riley’s orders”…polaroid of image behind his neck [MNT]…water dripping from sprinkler system…onto it….could have been Cooper’s tears [MNT]….close-up shot of sprinkler with disorienting music accelerating…
Ernie with donuts [FM]…DD in a dress…. “Ernie’s a wee bit gun shy.”…pile of donuts…Cooper with pile of doughnuts….examines donut with bite out of it…DD continues to touch Ernie [PTHM]…
[Dick] looks like Dick Tracy [MNT]…water cooler empty…. [Andy:] “There was a cat in a tree.” [AM: HQT]…[Dick: “Fortunately for us, my efforts have bore more palatable fruit.” [Principle: FM: HQT]… “Open palm.” [IM: PTHM]… “Records sealed.”….directory on newspaper [LT]….
Lucy with red eight pointed stars on sweater [AT: HQT: MNT: Fire on throne after stars of opening scene.]…..
Cafe…old man walking and classic car with red rims…like Norma’s lips… “More coffee?” [FM]…[Ed:] “You bet.” [GT]…pouring shot….[Norma:] “Is everything alright?”…blurred image behind hand…The Double R….fades into…
Bobby …Shelly feeding Leo…Bobby shirt has abstract designs [AT]…red on table and Leo and red…..[Bobby: “Our national] pastimes…golden opportunity….big break.” [IM: LT: HQT]…smack Bobby…Leo with what looks like blood on his lips and blood on Shelly’s face…god screamed….Leo drools…
Off-putting music as we pan right across mountains [HQT]…..call from James…woman with silver bucket…. “Wallie’s…[this] bar on 96.”…..[Mrs. Marsh:] “You homesick, James?]…Tell me about Twin Peaks.” [MNT]…[James:] “I loved a girl who died.” [HQT]…grease on his face….design on her scarf….[“I thought I knew her. I guess nobody did]…My life used to make sense. [I didn’t like it all the time, but it was mine. I felt it belonged to me.” [Principle: HQT]… “Then Laura died, and my life belongs to something else, to Laura.” [WRQ: HQT]…. ….music rising…woman out and then in focus… “Why do you let him hurt you?”…answered with her kiss…to…
Red light…mountain…cafe…then Nadine and Mike Nelson in red…. “How about a nice big piece of cherry pie?”… “I want 16 cups of coffee” [FM]…[“Do I need a court order to get my point across?” [Principle: HQT]….trucker cap in between….cowboy hat to the right [HQT]…she maneuvers a kiss…and lays on top of him…booth behind…shakes head… “I’m sorry, sometimes I can’t help myself.” [IM]…
“Spring Wheat and Barley Special” [FM]….Hank sees Norma through shelves… “[Just] think of it as a test, Hank.” [HQT: Initiation]…[Hank:] “I’ll do that”…fade to black…to …
Knock on Pete’s place….Harry Truman [LT: HQT: AT: True Being and Everyman like Joyce’s Leopold Bloom[5] and Harry Truman as demonstrated by his humility.[6]] with Josie…red can and blue can and red and blue and yellow on back wall through blinds [DMT]…[Josie: “This is my home.] I’m no good for you.”…[Harry: “Let me take care of you.” [IM: HQT].]… slave [“Maid”]…kissing…to…
Falls and then Great Northern….Sam running with ketchup bottle, two drumsticks, and paper…[Horne: “A War between the States.]…General Stewart.” [LT: HQT]…white hand prints on top of door…on ground with cigar [FRM: FM]…ground view…red Confederate flag blurred….box on side…of Plaster of Paris…. “Daddy, I think you need some help.” [IM: HQT: WRQ]….like Leland… “General Lee.”….flute….to…
Ed’s…..plant on wall….fake…with pointed elements for anger…..figures on shelves to right [AT]…[Norma:] “I know this world is going to pieces.” [IM: HQT]…blurred figures…. “Your turn.” [GT]….Norma leg shot and jacket down and then to…
Cooper…with Ernie [according to Hawk:] “Sweating like a pig.” [AM]….. [Ernie:] “Hyperhidrosis.”…. “49th parallel.” [LT: HQT]…[Cooper:] “Focus on the here and now.” [Principle]… “Repeat your instructions to me step by step.” [Principle: LT: HQT]….Harry cleaning gun…..[Ernie:] “Get the hell out of there.” [IM: HQT]… [Cooper:] “By jolly, I sure wish I could join you.” [IM: HQT]…[Truman:] “Consider yourself deputized. [Bureau’s loss is my gain.” [GT: HQT]…[Cooper: “I hope I can live up to this.” [Principle: IM: HQT].]…[Ernie:] “Can I ask you a question?”… “Don’t make me do this. [Just a momentary lapse. I’m cool.” [IM: HQT].]…DD… “You can call me Denis.”…whistle….
Evergreen blowing [WTM]…. “Dorrit Home for Boys.”…[Dick: “Our investigation must continue sub rosa.” [Principle: LT: HQT].]….inside room shot…smiling doll at angle on filing cabinets [WRQ]…. “Childpower!” sticker….blurry front shot…pine cone?…blue in folder…yes, pine cones….bears in corner [AM]…. “Child Placement” door… awkward, very, [Future Parents:] “Hi”… “We’re so darn eager to see him.”….[Dick:] “Little Donny is dead.”…. “I mean dead tired.” [IM]… “He isn’t feeling up to snuff.” [IM: Principle[7]]… “Now, where were we?” [IM: WRQ]….
…Ed a kiss….[Norma:] “We have a lot to talk about.” [Principle: LT]…Hank there… “Oh Ed, the things we do for love!” [Principle: HQT]…Hank is beating on him…weight set in room….Hank clubbed with bag…his POV…cat picture on wall [AM]….he is lifted up and it falls and then is back up swinging [WRQ]….wall of figures broken [AT]…. “Don’t you worry about a thing, Nadine will take care of everything.” [IM: HQT]…to…
Water fall mist and drumming….Bobby being initiated [HQT: MNT: Chess connection through King bestowing Knighthood and echoes of Book House Boys’ patch.]….sword pointed by Horne to his face [PTHM]….Horne up high [“Setting the stage.” [GT: MNT: Principle].]….panning across his battlefield…fire in corner [FRM]….Bobby’s shirt has design on part of collar…sword handed over…victory… “You have suffered an ignoble defeat.” [MNT: Echoes Malcolm’s point about revenge that is “noble” in last episode.: HQT] …. “and I accept your unconditional surrender”…. [Bobby:] “I am going to talk to President Lincoln first.” [WRQ: DMT: Horne’s psychological transformation]….shot of woman in black and white shown to the right…red and green lantern….
[Bobby:] “Bought a condo in flip city.” [WRQ].…[Audrey:] “I think Daddy needs an injection.”…[“Don’t worry baby, Bobby’s on the case.” [IM: HQT].]… “Don’t call me baby.”…
Catherine with design on shawl…angular figure [AT]…..red and blue and black and gold….white….design on Horne’s jacket looks like lotus seated figure [AT: LT: MNT]…. [Catherine:] “I did not come here to gloat.” [Principle]….[Ben:] “You double-crossed me.” [GT]….[Catherine:] “Slimy rat bastard American[us].” [AM: IM]….jazzy in….candles on his miniature set [GT]…..three lanterns lit in triangle…. “I can’t escape it. [You make my body hum. Kiss me General Lee]”…fade into…
James and her with the bottle [FM]….she has fur coat on [AM: AT]….glasses crossed in hands….[James:] “I’ll take what we can get.” [Principle]… “It’s a deal.” [IM: GT]…pour to it [Principle: FM]…panning in [ZM]… [Mrs. Marsh:] “To handsome strangers.”… “and rebuilt engines.” [HQT]…wind blowing…. “You’re a miracle worker.” [LT: Helen Keller’s autobiography]… “You’re being too modest.”….[“Oh go on! You’re strong and you’re kind.”… “You have a wonderfully honest face, James.”…[James:] “I better be careful [about] what I’m thinking.” [Principle]…[Mrs. Marsh: “Don’t be too careful [on my account.”]…turret entry of house [HQT]….leg up on car….[“I can think of a hundred reasons for you to stay.” [Principle.].]…pours out champagne…..takes off her coat…sun lit side of house on right…overalls opened….panning away as they make out on car…bumpy pan out…long driveway…to her brother there….arms behind back…looks down…smiles [WRQ]…waaa waa sound….to…
Dead Dog Ranch POV binocs in focus and not…DD and someone in view…Native American art in windows like Great Northern but more colorful [NAM]…pan up behind Harry Truman, Dale Cooper, and Hawk…Ernie looks outside…we head within….[Hawk:] “Wire’s dead.”… Royal Mounty has Native American jacket [AT: NAM]…[Jacques: “We have cross purposes, Cooper.” [HQT].]…[Cooper:] “We’ll trade.” [GT: HQT]… “Ernie Miles and Agent Bryson for me.”… [Hawk:] “State Police?”…[Harry:] “Call them in.”…POV of Harry readying shotgun…to…
Moon [WRQ]…to shadow…which woman on wall?…woman with James…he is still in bed…..she watches uncertain as he leaves…brother there… “How’s our baby boy?” [WRQ]… “Sound asleep, dreaming of love.”…he kisses her… “Lucky lucky lucky boy.” [IM: GT: WRQ]…he says as he kisses her and hugs her [DMT]…
Night is falling with standoff…Twin Peak mountains shown at door [Red light above Hawk’s head.]….sharpshooters….[Mounty:] “Let’s deal. Let’s run.” [IM: GT: HQT]….[Jacque:] “So you think they will deal?” [GT]…peace sign on wall in shadow of window [MNT: Cooper says, “Surrender.”]…. “N” at top of it….[Mounty:] “Are you crazy?”…..[Jacques:] “No. ”…[Cooper:] “Is my death so important to you?” [WRQ]…..[Jacques:] “My two brothers die.”… “I hold you responsible.” [HQT]…. “Before you came here, Twin peaks was a simple place.” [WRQ]…. “Quiet people led a quiet life.” [Principle]…. “When you arrive, everything change.”…light onto Dale Cooper’s face… “[The quiet people are quiet no more. The] simple dream become a nightmare.”… “Maybe you brought the nightmare with you.”… “Maybe the nightmare will die with you.” [WRQ: MNT: HQT]…[Mounty:] “I do know, we have a damn problem here.” [HQT]…DD with apron and food on tray….hat too…looks like from the R and R…jean[s] shot…. “It was just my legs.”….[Harry:] “Sometimes you got to improvise.” [Principle: HQT]… “Dead” at Dead Dog Farm…river bend…shot to….
Leo’s blues rock…record player [AT]…lights and everything shut off and then on…poodle on shelf [AM]…shadow outside….doll windup clown on bed [AT: WRQ]….nose spinning…shot of light at angle with a loon [AM: MNT]….Leo chair empty…was turned around…now he looks like a clown [WRQ]…lights completely off…to….
Sheriff’s office….[Hawk:] “Something’s not right.” [IM: MNT]… “Playing bingo.” [GT]…. “Explosion.”…beam flashed in camera….Cooper…light on ….searching…hair disheveled…voice of…inside….view of Cooper with light through doorways….open-mouthed….[Harry:] “Good Lord.” [IM]… “Who is it?”…[Cooper:] “I don’t know.”… “It’s a chess game.” [GT]…antler with “X” on hand pointing to chess board [PTHM: CHB: GT: AM: WRQ: HQT]…picture of Laura Palmer for credits….
[1] J. E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, trans. Jack Sage (New
York: Philosophical Library, 1962), 290-2.
[2] “A Guide to the Bohemian Grove,” Vanity Fair, accessed