Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental!? Guide 2-14 Double Play [Combinational Creations [GT: AT: HQT].]
Trailer has music of rising emotions [AT: MNT]….mountain peaks of forces within you as the land energizes reality [Principle: WRQ: HQT]…
Blood bandage, still shaky…..pan out….over lips….broken glass ….untaped…. “Good Lord.” [IM: HQT]…. evidence…red on it….blackout and the fire [FRM]….chessboard [CBM: GT]…rope…stab….[Harry: “Any traces?” [LT: HQT].]… “No blood.”…[Hawk: “Footprints, same set, one coming, one leaving, heavier impressions on the way down.” [NAM: LT: HQT].]… “[You’ve] seen this before?”…trophy green bottle [AT: HQT]…red flannel…. “Douglas fir…Harry?”…“Large pole pine” [WTM: HQT]….footprints…infinity on the hand [AT: WRQ: PTHM]….pointed at the open window….up beyond the ridge…mountain illuminations and light of lamp….light of flashlight…shadows… “I can still feel his presence.” [Principle: HQT: WRQ]… “No mistakes, no slipups.” [Principle: Burroughs’ Discipline of DE [Do Easy].]…“Everything has its own rationale, precision, intelligence.” [Principle: LT: HQT]… “He has taken his first pawn in a very sick game.” [GT: WRQ: HQT]…music credits over board [CBM]…
Fire [FRT]….pan down and across to candles….duck [AM]….candles on shelves behind and owl [AM: MNT: WRQ]….[Audrey: “A business relationship is like a] sacred pact. [Equaled only by the closest of personal relationships where nothing is held back.” [Principle: HQT].]…. “Wanna get rich, Bobby?” [IM: HQT]….red vest passes….ice cube is father…melting of ice as riches…[“Help my father come back from limbo land before he melts away and leaves us with a handful of nothing.” [WRQ: HQT].]….fire on left and water or right [DMT: Fire = “In Egyptian hieroglyphics, fire is also related to the solar-symbolism of the flame, and associated in particular with the concepts of life and health (deriving from the idea of body-heat). It is also allied with the concept of superiority and control (1), showing the symbol had by this time developed into an expression of spiritual energy. The alchemist retained in particular the Heraclitean notion of fire as ‘the agent of transmutation’, since all things derive from, and return to, fire. It is the seed which reproduced each successive life (and is thereby linked with the libido and fecundity) (57). In this sense as a mediator between forms which vanish and forms in creation, fire is, like water, a symbol of transformation and regeneration. For most primitives, fire as demiurge emanating from the sun, whose earthly representative it was…”…
Water = “The Chinese consider water as the specific abode of the dragon, because all life comes from the waters (13). In the Vedas, water is referred to as…(the most maternal) because, in the beginning, everything was like a sea without light, in India this element is generally regarded as the preserver of life, circulating throughout the whole of nature, in the form of rain, sap, milk and blood. Limitless and immortal, the waters are the beginning and the end of all things on earth (60). Although water is, in appearance, formless, ancient cultures made a distinction between the ‘upper waters’ and ‘lower waters’. The former correspond to the potential of what is still possible, the latter to what is actual or already created (26). In a general sense, the concept or ‘water’ stands, of course, for all liquid matter. Moreover, the primaeval waters, the image of prime matter, also contained all solid bodies before they acquired form and rigidity. For this reason, the alchemists gave the name of ‘water’ to quicksilver in its first stage of transmutation and, by analogy also the fluid body of Man (5). This ‘fluid body’ is interpreted by modern psychology as a symbol of the female side of the personality. The projection of the mater-imago into the waters endows them with various numinous properties characteristic of the mother (31). A secondary meaning of this symbolism is found in the identification of water with intuitive wisdom. In the cosmogony of the Mesopotamian peoples, the abyss of water was regarded as the symbol of the unfathomable, impersonal Wisdom. An ancient Irish god was called Domnu, which means ‘marine depth’. In prehistoric times the word of abyss seems to have been used exclusively to denote that which was unfathomable and mysterious (4). The waters, in short, symbolize the universal congress of potentialities, the fons et origo, which precedes all form and all creation. Immersion in water signifies return to the preformal state, with a sense of death and annihilation on one hand, but of rebirth and regeneration on the other, since immersion intensifies the life-force. …The Babylonians called it ’the home of wisdom’.”[1]: Twin Peaks’ Falls]…hand on chin [PTHM]… “I’m the one you suck up to.” [HQT]…to…
Shelly’s after [Audrey says:] “What about Shelly?” [MNT]…darkness….struggle…shaky…ripped picture shadow of Leo only [AT: MNT]….statue…light…shakes… he’s gone…checked board on the top of the fridge [GT: CBM]….slammed jam at the fridge [FM: HQT]…red glow on house [WRQ]…owl outside [AM: MNT: WRQ]….mouth open….he’s not rolling in the chair…it is rolling….red dangling right…wheelchair….moves on its own…POV….circles on curtain behind…spinning wheel [SM]…no Leo still…by fridge…throws sock at him…still a shadow…he’s gone again…window behind…POV…lamp with no bulb….[Shelley: ] “I’ll kill you.” [HQT] …organ…run….through side……leaves flying around…knife hit too …..ax out….Leo reaches out of the window breaking the glass…show of ax…eyes closed…. “Goodbye wife!”….red stool…behind…Bobby…clown face [AT: WRQ]…on Leo’s…knife shown [PTHM]…programmed [ZM]…red….clown [AT: WRQ]…up on wall Leo strangle….Bobby open-mouthed…[Leo:] “Goodbye,” but really he’s stabbed…blue pajamas and red bathrobe…..clown to the left….partial blue bowtie…mushroom [FM]…wall paper…screaming….plastic flapping…screaming…still struggling…now slow shot of opening blurred….leaves….fades to…
Black …flash bulb over body of vagrant syringes to the left….dartboard “Double Play” [MNT: DMT: GT]…double play of coffee [Principle: BM]…double play of trophies on the shelf to the top [MNT]…[Harry:] “He didn’t miss a beat.” [AT: IM: Principle]…body worked on in between…red lamp and red flannel…red on desk… “If you want this case, it’s yours.”…. Cooper: “Harry, I want it.” [HQT]…cheers to that [FM: IM: Principle]…medicine kit…[Hawk:] “Car on the logging road…hit by a bus… [Leo:] attacked her and ran off into the woods.” [HQT]…[Cooper: “Holy Smokes” then to flash of bulb with dusty smoke. [MNT: Second flash: Double Play: GT].]….Andy flings glove to wall pointing finger at Lucy who has red wand….pencil in sharpener [PTHM]…corner shelf…wheeled out body…yellow lamp…red stand or hamper …red and blue post behind Andy [DMT]… “No Smoking”…her sweater…patterned…geometric paisley patterns [AT]… “Both of you aren’t fit to be fathers for a chimp.” [AM] … “I’m going to get to the bottom of this right away.” [IM: HQT]…
Model cars on mantel [Winged Statue: Angel: God: AT]…pan right…red Mercedes….trophy like Harry [MNT: AT: HQT]…then to more cars panning right [HQT]…red tool case [PTHM]…red jacket…Jeffrey Marsh…[Evelyn]…[James:] “My luck.”….briefcase silver briefcase….[Jeffrey:] “I hear you’re on the road, no itinerary, no deadlines. I’m envious. Wish I was going with you…we’ll talk shop.” [IM: LT: Jack Kerouac: AT: HQT].]…“Jordan” jersey [AT: HQT]…[Evelyn:] “Plenty of things I can find for him to do.” [Principle: HQT]…leaves…all in black… “Did a fine job on the car.”….Jaguar…ominous music out….open-mouthed and not blinking…screaming…did he crash?…we wonder [Principle: MNT].…
Tie for Ed… “I wake up every morning feeling like I’ve been hit by a timber.”…motif [HQT]… [Hayward:] “Be patient.” [Principle]…before…wrote “adrenaline.”…. “extra” [WRQ]…red diamonds….[Norma:] “extra potatoes” [MNT: Double Play: GT: FM]…brown hat….[Ed:] “Trying to clear his head.” [IM: Principle: HQT]… “Thanks Doc.”…smiles from Ed…. “That tree was redwood… called Nadine.”… “It wasn’t pretty.” [IM: AT]….Doo Wop comes in [AT]…[Norma:] “I think it’s time I start correcting a few of the mistakes I’ve made.” [Principle: HQT]…[Ed:] “A cabin, a couple of venison steaks and a bottle of sparkling wine.” [Principle: FM: HQT]….smiles….
Tudor….ship…multi-sail [HQT]…diamond window…radio or TV on [MNT]…shirtless James…plant on shelf and on lower table…[James:] “Didn’t feel like good.”… “It’s wrong.” [Principle]….[Evelyn:] “Love isn’t wrong.”…game still heard…double played [MNT: GT: DMT]…right eye raised by her…open-mouthed…stare and stare….
Twin Peaks on painting, the right [AT: HQT]…chessboard [CBM]…two pawns out and the knight black moved [GT: HQT]…blue book on red book on the desk [DMT]…..black coffee mug and light object on desk on [FM] …[Harry:] “So how does chess figure into all of this?” [Cooper:] “He felt that all of life could be found in the patterns and conflicts on the board.” [GT: Principle: HQT]… “Now it’s my turn. [I’ll publish my response in the Twin Peaks Gazette.” [GT: Principle: HQT].]…shelf…light blue on it…trophies…two shotguns [HQT]… “I’ve brought some baggage to town I haven’t told you about.” [IM: HQT]…curtain like lamp behind Cooper and red book bright above Harry and then desk [LT]…shadows from windows across…. “She was very beautiful.” [HQT]…. “Her name was Caroline.”…flash to her….white and black shadow [DMT]….fade out… “One night I failed in my vigilance.” [MNT: How do we fail in our vigilance while watching Our Show? Our Lives? Our World? [HQT].]… “I lost consciousness.” [HQT]….red sideways on shelf and then above it…identical….he sits down….arms crossed…book to his left and up on second shelf [LT]…lean forward…don’t blink [IM: Principle]…when you do, strong….trophies, two, to Harry’s top right… “Mind is like a diamond.”… “Cold and hard and brilliant.” [Principle: Meditation: LT]… “He feigned the insanity that sent him away….[At some point he lost the ability to distinguish what’s right
from what’s wrong.” [DMT]…. “You don’t know what he is capable of” [IM: WRQ: HQT] is repeated and faded into…
Fog over valley and into mountain….evergreen [WTM: HQT]…[Wally’s Hideout’s] bright jukebox [AT]….neon on right and red light above her with blue top right [DMT]…besides lights behind bow…redwoods on big painting behind the bartender…martini [FM]…red and blue sign [DMT]…with yellow…olive bitten [FM]…country [AT]….Donna, classic…holds it in… “Yeah.”… “You know him.”….smoke rises…. “What kind of work?”….[Evelyn:] “He said something about the ocean, Mexico.” [HQT]…. “Are you what he is running away from?” [WRQ]… “Why don’t you go home?” [Principle: HQT]…yellow glass below blue like curtain at…Leo’s…music….
James’ music…two flower pots [FLM]…banging head and falling down on the garage column…holding head…crack in the asphalt at angle complementary to bike [MNT]….
Fireplace fades and panning into [FRM]…train [HQT]….trumpeting flourishing….marching….Confederate forces miniatures shown…tapping Horne [PTHM]…fire behind him…smoke rises…. “He’s marching on Washington.” [LT: HQT]…golden stag shown howling up [AM]…. “General.”….Dr. Jacoby…red and blue [glasses: DMT]…just enough of the Confederate flag is shown for it to be recognized… “You’re in the cavalry.”….lotus seated Jacoby [LT: zazen[2]]…Audrey in black…bowtie of Jerry paisley [AT]…. “There is a great day upon us.”… “We will once again walk on our cherished fields.” [Principle: HQT]… “Only God can stop us now.”… “Hallelujah” from Dr. Jacoby…wide wood paneling….[“What he’s] doing is quite healthy.” [WRQ]… “He in turn will reverse his own emotional setback.” [Principle: HQT]…. “We who fight shall be remembered for our bravery, for the battle scars we bear.” [Principle: HQT: Jung: “The wound is the gift.”]….. “We [few].”…fan on… “We [happy] few”…marlin behind [AM]…Hemmingway style [LT: HQT]…flag held up…yellow dot on black tie….Dr. Jacoby….shaking the flag [AT: PTHM]…..red and blue of flag complementary to the style [DMT]…waterfall and Northern lodge shown and singing still heard [AT] …as the falls descend…drumming…
Briggs walking in open-mouthed and disoriented and exhausted [Military Trumpet: AT: HQT]…passes out after he says, “I need to see the sheriff.”…Lucy checks mirror after he faints…all three drink water simultaneously [MNT: Triple Men mark Double Double Play: GT]….triangle glass….guns behind…balances with men…[“Other societies] dedicated to the fight for the good.” [LT: WRQ: HQT]…. “Bordering on the paranoiac…their motivation in the search of the White Lodge is not ideologically pure.” [WRQ: HQT]…trophy on the right gun, son.… “I have the clear, intuitive sense that there’s much trouble ahead…I am not aware of the form it will take…I will return…until that time…I will be in the shadows if you need me.”…[HQT: WRQ: “The introduction from The Shadow radio program ‘Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!’ spoken by actor Frank Readick Jr., has earned a place in the Americanidiom.”[3] [IM: LT: Principle: Jung: WRQ].]…light of shadows already on them through blinds…slit angled awesomely… [MNT: Harry: “‘In the shadows,’] can you beat that?” [IM: GT: HQT]… “No.”…from Cooper…jazz drums…glasses down simultaneously…Hawk’s arms crossed [PTHM]…pink donut and green and white [FM]…mountains, three behind red head….leg moving….Dr. Jacoby…pink kimono like jacket…hula hoop on his red tie [AT: GT]….it “is nonsense.”….moving foot in circles…[Harry:] “Is it hot in here?” [IM]… [Cooper and Hawk:] “Yeah”…she stands up…he laughs…. “We’re going to go bowling.” [GT]….whistles [AT]…screams….[“Mr. Mayor”] with shotgun… “Mom and Dad, I use…” [On board]….[Mr. Mayor: “and the hippie too.” [Dr. Jacoby].]….[On board:] “Is your job a bore?”…family photo above….face shown left…. “I don’t want to talk, I want to shoot.”… “You can always shoot later, talk first”…arms crossed…figuring…hands on hips Hawk [PTHM: When carrying a gun, this position amplifies.]….we wait…Star of David sheriff’s symbol shown[4] [AT: HQT]…fade to… black then back to them…Jacoby laughing…hanging mugs to the left [FM]….kisses on mayor… “We decided to adopt a child.”….lumberjack on wall [HQT]….log and log….three across… “I hope you will all forgive me for my boorish behavior” [Principle]…Dr. rises up on his feet… “I don’t know about you guys, but I could definitely use something to drink.” [IM: FM: Principle: FM]…to…
Totem up high lit red and then gargoyle shadowed image [AT: NAM: WRQ], piano strong and striking to Pete…angled chimney…stone wall…onions [FM]….white pots two….mounted elks pan right two…double [MNT: AM]….blurry table in front…piece of log on wall with picture on the right…. “Andrew”….red on back bookcase [LT]…[Catherine:] “As you can surmise.” [Principle: Probability]…flower yellow on lamp [FLM: AT]…Pete winks… “Let me get this straight.” [IM: Principle: LT: HQT]… “You didn’t die.”…[Andrew:] “You didn’t need to know.” [Principle: HQT]…secrets [DMT]….jacket…red blue and thin yellow stripe [AT: Primary Color Power]….shadows like before from blinds…tree limb on wall…black tie…red on lamp and then right bright …..really….blue on Catherine’s shelf and then showing circle…..top right…red light…bright… “That rat!” [AM: IM]…bell rings….black glove…horseshoe on neck tie [AT: WRQ]… “Eckhart”….. “Thomas”…dark…. “Welcome to Twin Peaks.” [DMT: Twin Peaks itself is the double play [MNT: GT].]…at fire [FRM]….mirrored glasses….shot up to him…fire in his eyes [RM: FRM: IM]…both of them…fade to…
Great Northern…appearing as though it is on fire [WRQ: FRT]…..to falls…Twin Peaks [DMT]….Doc, Dick, Lucy…Dick blue top and red pants…red and blue eagle [DMT: AM]….Dale pouring coffee [FM]…scale on desk….[Harry:] “I need to ask you a favor.” [IM: HQT]…[Cooper:] “If you say drink coffee, I will drink coffee.” [Principle: FM]…[In newspaper picture:] “Asian Man Killed!!” [HQT: MNT] before that…he has his book on Tibet [LT]…at 36:13 in, stop and examine photo …write it down…do the work….photo on paper then just photo….mountain in between them [HQT]….flannel Cooper…outside shot of Dept.…rain….red lamp behind Andy more….
[Hayward: “Cut] through the red tape.” [IM: HQT]…Dick blue top…red pants… “Through the back door where hope and promise never seen the light.” [Principle: HQT]…[Nicky] “conceived by assault”…red book sideways [LT]…. “Had a dream for a better life for herself and her child.” [Principle: HQT]…arms down and leaning down….purple on sweater… “buried her in Potter’s Field” [AT: HQT]…he is walking back and forth….diamonds [GT]…white and burgundy…flyswatter for Lucy [PTHM]…diamonds on Dick’s shirt…panning towards Doc closer during conclusion of the story…Andy and Dick are crying…..she smears a bloody flake with red lights….
Tudor….[James:] “What does it look like I am doing?” [WRQ]….huge grip [Principle]…diamond handsaw on wall [PTHM] …over wood paneling… “It’s wrong.”….coat rack…clock in brass on wall…..sirens [HQT]…down drive way…back to James closer to face…diamonds in front of them…she’s crying…streaked down both sides…she knows…. “My god, you set me up.”…[Evelyn:] “It was Malcolm’s idea.”…. “He’s not my brother.”… “Go find that young girl who loves you.”…red and blue of the cars [DMT]… double play [DMT: GT]…. “Go”….snaking away…Donna is there…under the tree…scarf….four cops…two cars… “Come on, come on” repeated [IM: MNT: HQT]…fades to…
Spinning up at the trees shadowed as darkness falls [SM: WTM]…POV of Leo…through the pines…mouth open…owl flies toward him in dark space [AM: WRQ]…fast clouds and thunder [WRQ]….fog….Leo still, in red…open-mouthed and breathing…shack…light….yellow inside…wood, large logs stacked with white chair….creepy notes…..flutes…gun….[Earle:] “No, no.”… “Come in.”… “It’s alright, I’m a friend.” [Principle]…gun by chessboard [GT: CBM: PTHM: HQT]…in the shadows….rope for handles for the cabin… “You look like you’ve had a very hard night.” [HQT]…chest… “Come sit, I will help you.” [Principle: HQT]…trees moving in the distance….cobwebs…chess board white strongly illuminated [CBM]…panning closer to him, eyebrows raised…blinks…wind and leaves in [WTM]…lights out…shadows……fade to black as credits hit…
[1] J. E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, trans. Jack Sage (New York:
Philosophical Library, 1962), 100-1: 345-6.
[2] “Zazen Is Not the Same as Meditation,” Barre Center for Buddhist Studies,