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Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental!? Guide 2-10 Dispute between Brothers

Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental!? Guide 2-10 Dispute between Brothers [Ying Debates Yang [DMT].]
Brothers, Twin Peaks’ Cain and Abel [LT: DMT]…who?…dream is [as] myth….Heraclitus… “You can never step into the same river twice.” [Principle: HQT: WRQ]…
….lit road [MNT: Golden Hour]….evergreens [WTM]….brightly lit to shining Laura picture….Leland next…..paintings [RM]….three days later….Doc…panning right….mod dress…..paisley tie…paisley behind [AT]…hair like urn of “hair” [FLM: MNT]…fruit bowl couch [AT]… “There are things dark and heinous in this world. [Things too horrible to tell our children. Your husband fell victim to one of these long ago when he was innocent and trusting. Leland did not do these things, not the Leland you knew.” [Principle: LT: DMT: HQT: WRQ]…Cooper….eyes open Mrs. Palmer…no blink…red lipstick…large earring only in one ear….left…zooming in close [ZM]…hypnosis…sound fade…touching head…. “Very close.”…triumphant…. “Confronted the horror” [LT: echoes of Kurtz at the end of Heart of Darkness: HQT]… “Died at peace.” [HQT]… guided meditation by Cooper…swallows….mouth twitch…. forgiveness….eyes open to realization…Cooper as shaman [WRQ: HGT]….dot star tie… “I would be honored to drive you.” [Principle: What code of honor? [LT: HQT].]…Cooper…she notices missing earing…shot of stairwell…fan spinning [ZM]…
Ham….marshmallows…food assembled quickly…deviled eggs…panning right spread….pie, pastries [FM]….patch….blue dress…red lipstick [DMT]….down….shot of reflection on her shoe [RM]….up shot…from shoe….Hank: [“Waldorf Salad” [FM: LT].]…neck buckle [AT]…Norma red lipstick…Nadine behind Norma [MNT: Dispute between Ladies]….pink flowers [FLM]…duck [AM]….[Mrs. Hayward: “At a time like this, people just] naturally come together. [It’s a time of reaching out.” [Principle: HQT].]….Ed…leaf silver and blue shirt…flowers [FLM]……panning…neck ruffles…Ed….white skull…[Donna: “Seems like the whole town is falling apart.” [HQT].]…stained glass yellow entrance and in hallway [AT]…Doc back…red on shirt and Major’s insignia [“You appear to be fully recovered from your recent setback.”…Dr. Jacoby: “Well, nothing beats the restorative powers of Hanalei Bay.” [LT: HQT].]….[Cooper:] “Stockpiled” [Principle: LT: HQT]… “Cash ’em in.” [IM: GT]…. “Aces.” [GT]….Cooper…[Nadine:] “Can you see my underpants in my shoes?”….open-mouthed look of Ed…yep….pink flowers now behind….left and right…blurred right in distance….grid to the left of fireplace [CHM: FRM]…[Mrs. Palmer: “Donna came over to see Laura…They made this very serious promise to each other to be best friends forever. I think it was a kind of bond against dying…I need to remember all of this.” [Principle: HQT]…violence… “Headed in the gutter where it belongs” [IM]….. …[Harry: “Knock it off. Remember where you are and why we’re here, please!” [IM: Principle: HQT]…[Cooper: “They seem to be having fun.” [IM]…Pete: “They’ve had a running feud for 50 years.”…Dr. Hayward: “Nobody knows how it started, something about] an old flame in a rumble seat.” [IM: FRT: Fire as love and violence for Laura [DMT].]… beret….piano music red band…. “The nest is a little stirred up right now.” [IM: AM]….tie Pete…abstract [AT]….fluffy collar shot again….[Cooper:] “I am really going to miss this place.”…fade to black…
Twin Peaks High School…brown and white tie….low desk shot…red jacket….dog on? [AM]…rainbow right of Ed…yellow ash tray…coffee…heat…mug [FM: FRT]….
Shot red building truck moving…gray gray sky…
Cooper night fishing [HQT]….Audrey…in…cue music….. “Customer relations.”….[Cooper] hand up…palm forward [PTHM]…. “I have no complaints.” [IM]…. “Yes, in fact, I am.”….Audrey close…. “Save my life and break my heart.”… “My personal policy.” [Principle]… “Someone must have hurt you once really badly.”…[Cooper:] “No, someone was hurt by me.” “Never let that happen again.” [LT: HQT]…… “Material witness to federal crime.”… “Protect [her] 24 hours a day.”…. [Cooper: “Windom Earle] taught me everything I know [about being a special agent.” [IM: LT: HQT].]…tie…down right gray on black….stripe… “Died in my arms.”… “My partner lost his mind.” [WRQ]…. “Need to hear any more?”…fuzzy patch on vest…..“It’s nice to be quoted accurately.” [Principle: MNT: Wink wink]…blurred shirt shot….Cooper coffee pot [FM]….[Audrey: “You know,] there’s only one problem with you; you’re perfect.” [Principle: DMT: Paradox]…Cooper processes……
Falls…Horne call…..up Twin Falls…Bobby…up-shot mirror [RM: shield: HQT]…red shirt to the right of Leo…up shot of mirror, chin….pink balloon…tie…particularities….papers on chair…[Shelly:] “I gotta get out of this house.”…[Bobby:] “We’re on easy street. [I’ll take care of you in ways you’ve never dreamed of.” [IM: Roads theme: HQT].]… “I gotta ramble.” [IM: Principle]… “Later.”….cut to…
Water over rusty metal…to sheriff’s office…brown bag….Catherine…mountain to the left…Catherine to right…staff [HQT]…..[Harry:] “Are you dead?” [WRQ: Applied to Leland? Bob?]…. “My husband and I will be duly united.”…. “Am I under suspicion?”…Catherine….mountain to left of Harry [HQT]….red book to the right [LT: Jung’s The Red Book and the details of its release.[1]]…and red flannel to left….[Harry:] “For starters…” [IM: FM]….[Catherine:] “Do you believe in guardian angels?” [WRQ]…statue of football quarterback between [GT: HQT]….[Harry: “To tell you the truth [I’m not sure what I believe these days.” [Principle: LT: HQT].]……mountain…guns [HQT]…shown as she says it [“I believe an angel saved my life.” [WRQ].]…two white owls’ painting in the room [AM]…Bob [MNT: WRQ]…. “[a] bomb” said… “impressions…[walls of flame screaming and I have no idea of how I escaped, but I found myself in the woods. I was afraid. I was afraid for the first time in my life. I dragged myself through the night.” [HQT].]….panning right Harry…elk, duck [AM]…red books… “A rock formation….flooded with memories [of] my childhood…This is what heaven is.”….type writer right [AT]…owl right [AM]…. “Only a guardian angel could have brought me [there.” [WRQ: HQT]… “Thank God we always kept a well-stocked pantry]…can of tuna fish” [Principle: AM: FM]…head nod Harry….drums simmering as she “Ran out of tuna” line dropped by Catherine….
Other side of ladder…..yellow bow tie [Dick: “Great news, I quit smoking.” [Principle: MNT: Previous episode’s subliminal programming outside Leland’s cell through “No” and fragment of “Smoking”].]….hand blue with “OK” symbol on it on ladder [PTHM]….red ladder….on the same ladder, climbing the mountain together [HQT]…Hawk, “What’s up” double tap [PTHM]…ignorant romantic…on her stomach…he is now on the ladder….three-ring bow tie….. “When she had a bun in the oven.” [IM: FM]…Andy is up…..her side…black red and white rings….handshake [PTHM]…blurry badge….
Red flannel and hat…Cooper….knock…red flannel….map in between and trophy in between once again…trophy behind by computer [HQT]……red yellow and black… “Steelhead….only thinking about… [butt]…skunk.”…sword on evergreen[2]…red circle…. “Book House Boy [Patch]” [AT: HQT]…. “I am honored beyond my ability to express myself.” [Principle: HQT]… background…and blue….Bob there…[Cooper] saying goodbye but reason still there… “May the wind always be at your back.” [Principle]…Hawk…..figurines on corner shelf behind Lucy [AT]…Bob [AT]….no…..Mounty, red mustache… “[Special Agent] Roger [Hardy]”…
Brown tie……alternating…close up shot of Cooper [ZM]…Mounty behind….. “Agents that watch the agents.” [Principle: HQT: Robert Anton Wilson taught me: “Who will guard the guards?”[3]]…trophy on the right [HQT]…..[Cooper: “Malfeasance”: LT: HQT]…“In part.”…. “As to your motives and your methods.” [Principle: HQT]…
Bobby waiting…double door….lumberjack scene on the right [AT: HQT]….[Audrey:] “Little late for Halloween, isn’t it?…What are you supposed to be, a lounge lizard? “[WRQ: IM: AM]]….blue and red in basket….his tie….chakras [AT: WRQ]…..down…green right….beige …… “Count to ten.” [Principle: HQT]… “First rule of business is that you have to know who to speak to.” [Principle: HQT]….double door design…beauty…flower wallpaper [FLM]….Horne in jacket….access door there…curly hockey hair left…flower wallpaper…Audrey….left of her box on ground….
Officer on right…Cooper…video shot of him to his left [MNT]…glasses on the table with their shadow…stretching towards Cooper…..angel on table [MNT: “Guardian angel” line before]…pictures shown by Mounty…hand up by Cooper [PTHM]…making strong point….pencil held….picture shown….arms crossed…hands crossed [PTHM]… “You have 24 hours to assemble your defense.” [Principle: HQT]…hands open in defeat….Harry strokes eye…. “I’ll stand.”…[Special Agent Roger:] “Your cooperation will be useful and greatly appreciated.” [Principle: HQT]… “Unless you [gentlemen] have that paperwork, take your cooperation and stuff it.”….stare down [SA: “That attitude will not serve you.” [Principle]….[Harry: “Agent Cooper is the] finest law man I have ever known…I don’t know what information you have or where you got it from, but it is] dead wrong.” [IM: MNT]… “Thank you for your time.”….steps closer…. “Help yourself to a coffee, on the way out.” [FM]….small town etiquette still…
Twin Peaks’ sign welcome….yellow and red…. “Nadine”…. “Go steeplejacks!” [AT: GT: HQT]….banner…red jacket moving back right….drumming…flipping to drums [AT]…slow mo The Six Million Dollar Man[4]….launches….boy flipping…whistle in air before he takes down volley ball net [WRQ]…crowd cheering, out of nowhere to…
Leo’s teeth being brushed [MNT: Transformed to transformed.]….blue band…Shelley…..jazz….red toothbrush…. “Nursing home” respond…[red] flannel to left with blurry wheel and her blue gown [DMT]….Leo rolls closer and dark music enters…red stool to left … “I want a life.” [IM: LT: AT: HQT]… “He moved.”…
RR….red blanket… “The critic has…” [MNT]… “No Ghostwood” sign [MNT]…. “Please don’t tell me how to feel.” [Principle: MNT: How should we feel? Emotions are altered strangely and uncontrollable more in Twin Peaks.]…red diamond on her sweater….[“It] was local charm [not color]” [IM: WRQ: Enchantment theme]…. “You memorized that piece of trash.” [LT: AT: Principle]….paisley jacket [AT]…Mom…[“You might as well know, so we can get this little melodrama over with” [Principle: DMT: MNT: HQT].]… “M. T. Wentz.” …. “Is me” in French [DMT: MNT: “Mother Bothers Daughter”]….[Norma:] “Run me into the ground.” [IM: HQT]…[Vivian:] “I can’t violate my professional ethics….Some standards have to prevail.” [Principle: LT: HQT]…. “How about the standards of common decency and kindness?” [Principle: LT: Kurt Vonnegut on “Common Decency”[5]]…. “As usual, you are overreacting…” [FM]….Lynch’s skill… “The hurt I feel is my hurt. How I react is none of your damn business.” [Principle: HQT]… “Be sensible.” [Principle]….ice cream cone to left of mom…. “Goodbye.”…. “Go.” [Principle: HQT]……silence….she leaves…red stools’ path…..
Hank in military gear and Norma’s mom’s man [HQT]…view from desk…. One Eyed Jacks….wrestling [GT: LT: HQT]…[Hank: “You didn’t even fire a shot.] Welcome to the fun house.” [IM: MNT]….angel on the bench to the right [MNT: Guardian angel follows.]…shot rising…head lock: [“Better get with the program.” [IM].]….Renault…hands… “This is him”… Ernie’s shown on red curtain…Jean Renault…. “Cash poor position.”…smoke rises… [Ernie:] “Associated with [some of the most] prestigious financial instruments in this country.”… “I’m hardwired.” [MNT: Echoes last episode’s line from Alfred about Cooper having the “hardware”: LT: Self-programming: HQT]…. “I’m definitely your man.” [IM: HQT]….[Renault:] “You say the magick words.”…. Mounty has suit case [DMT]…red pillow…..three books [LT]…. “You have a very good system…very scientific” [Principle: LT: HQT]… “We all gamble here.” [Principle: GT: HQT]…. “You must enjoy life.” [Principle: LT: AT: HQT]…item to the left…on wall….enlarged kerosene lamp top wall hanging….or it is a?… “[Just enough to put the last nail in Cooper’s coffin]…I want him crucified.” [IM: HQT: WRQ]…view doesn’t change of Renault…movement on plume to the left….
Smoking rising to smoke moving left clouds in front of the moon [FRT: WRQ]….Harry…shadow at window….Josie…red pajamas…then to…
Woods [WTM]….hole in tree trunk…pan left…blue coffee pot [FM: HQT]….[Cooper: “At the time I did what I thought was right; I must now face the consequences.” [IM: Principle: HQT]…Major: “You can do no more.” [Principle: Stoicism]…Cooper:] Bob [WRQ]…blurry object left front…[Major:] “I’ve pondered that same question continuously.” [Principle: LT: WRQ]….coffee can [FM]…….[Cooper: “Trying to imagine him out there incarnate,] looking for another victim to inhabit.” [WRQ: HQT].]… [Major:] “There are powerful forces of evil.”…. “It is some men’s fate to face great darkness.”…. “We each choose how to reach.”… “[If] the choice [is] fear, [then] we become vulnerable to darkness.”…. “There are ways to resist.”….[“You sir were blessed with certain gifts; in this respect,] you are not alone.” [Principle: LT: HQT]…. “Have you heard of the White Lodge?”…. eats a white marshmallow as pondering…POV through ferns towards them and then to Cooper…drinking coffee [FM]… “I’m going to take a moment here.” [Principle]…. “There’s nothing quite like…out in the open air.” [Principle]… “I look forward to hearing more about this White Lodge.” [MNT: LT: WRQ]…thumbs up from Major…number half shown…8? White on overturned canoe? [HQT]….shot up to Cooper….he hears owl [AM]…we see owl….flash of light [WRQ]…Major shown…figure in black [WRQ: Cloaked]…white light….more white…figure gone, POV…flash of light…gone light over hill…then…
[1]           “The Red Book,” W.W. Norton and Company, accessed October 2,
[2]           Sword = “The sword is in essence composed of a blade and a guard ; it is therefore a symbol of ‘conjunction’, especially when, in the Middle Ages, it takes on the form of a cross.  Among many primitive peoples it was the object of much veneration…Similarly, the Romans believed that iron, because of its association with Mars, was capable of warding off evil spirits (8)…Furthermore, given the cosmic sense of sacrifice…the sword is then seen as a symbol of physical extermination and psychic decision (60), as well as the spirits and word of God, the latter being a particularly common symbol during the Middle Ages (4). In this connexion, Bayley draws attention to the interesting relationship between the English words sword and word. There can be no doubt that there is a sociological factor in sword-symbolism, since the sword is an instrument proper to the knignt, who is the defender of the forces of light against the forces of darkness.  But the fact is that in rites at the dawning of history, and in folklore even today, the sword plays a similar spiritual role, with the magic power to fight off dark powers personified in the ‘malevolent dead’…When it appears in association with fire and flames— which correspond to it in the shape and resplendence— it symbolizes purification.  In alchemy, the sword is a symbol for purifying fire. The Western type of sword , with its straight blade, is, by virtue of its shape, a solar and masculine symbol…a symbol of spiritual evolution…This association of the sword with the tree is of great antiquity…It is also linked with steel as a symbol of the transcendent toughness of the all-conquering spirit.”
                  J. E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, trans. Jack Sage (New York:
Philosophical Library, 1962), 307-9.
[3]           “Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes,”, accessed October
2, 2017.
[4]               “The Six Million Dollar Man,” IMDB, accessed October 2, 2017.
[5]           “Kurt Vonnegut Jr.: Quotes: Quotable Quote,” Good Reads, accessed
October 2, 2017.

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