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Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental Guide!? 2-20 The Path to the Black Lodge

Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental!? Guide Weird Real(m) Quest(ion)s Introduction & Season 1
Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental Guide!? 2-20 The Path to the Black Lodge [Way of Dark Weird [WODW [DMT: LT: WRQ: HQT].].]
Get to the Black Lodge over the falls and down the river [Principle: WRQ: HQT]…
Close up of pawn [ZM: CBM: GT: MNT: Returns to last episode’s end.] and then down to open mouth face….goatee…rocked back and forth…silver hazmats two suits [WRQ: HQT]…..caution tape ripped…lake behind…dock…..grass on gazebo… red… hat back words… “Rusty”…skull with green snake wrapped around it [AT: AM]… “I’m a roadie”….. “Gig in Knife River.” [MNT: HQT]…. “This guy came out of the woods, like] Bigfoot or something” [Reference had to be made. Note area of most famous footage, connection, and David Paulides’ work.[1]]… “Weird suit.”….ham shown on shirt [FM: AT]….. “Brew.”….Andy face down….red flashing on left of shoulder….. “Brew….we like some” [Principle: FM]….yellow to left of DC….black leather jacket… “Uncle in Moses Lake.” [LT: HQT]… “Move to LA.” [MNT: HQT]…..laughing crying [DMT: WRQ: Muses[2]]….diamond on Harry Truman’s sweater [AT]….writing on left arm of jacket….red….[“He’s taken another pawn…but he didn’t tell us his move. Windom Earle is] playing off the board.” [Principle: CBM: GT: LT: HQT]….cut to…
A board [CBM: GT]… “No Smoking” in focus and then back….blue maker and red marker in jar [DMT: AT]… folder to left of Lucy [“He looks really sad, so Hawk is feeding him breakfast.” [Principle: FM: NAM].]….pawn [GT]…. “Support Your Police” shown….in blue… “We Support.”….chess piece [GT]… “What do you know about saving our planet?” [Principle: AM: WTM: FLM: LT: HQT: Ecological theme].]… “I know it is in a lot of trouble.” [Principle: AM: WTM: FLM: LT: HQT]…heart earring… “I am taking fate into my hands. [Because the suspense is too much for me.” [Principle: LT: WRQ: HQT].]….eyebrow raised Andy…leaf sweater with red flowers for Lucy [Return to the last episode, “Variations of Relations,” at least to me, that of the leaves: MNT]… “We could also use a father.” [Principle: LT: HQT]… “It is a great concept, but I have no idea how to go about it.” [Principle: LT: WRQ: HQT]…[Andy:] “Pearl Lake.” [AT: HQT]… “Styrofoam never dies for as long as you live.” [Principle: AM: WTM: HQT]…[Lucy:] “IT DOESN’T!?”….
Falls pan up to…Great Northern…people walking near edge [Principle: DMT: WRQ: HQT]…fire roaring [FRT]…all in brown and chops for B[illy] Z[ane]…snifflings…..pine weasel [AM: AT]…on left…globe in between [AT: LT: HQT]…shirtless Ben….white stuffed animal to the left [DMT: AT: AM]…[Doc Hayward: “It’s what’s in your heart that you should be worried about.” [Principle: LT: HQT].]…[Ben:] “I know I have given you reason to doubt me, but I am only interested in doing the right thing [for everyone.” [Principle: DMT: WRQ: Secrets contradict.].]…. “Not as long as the lie survives.” [Principle: LT: HQT]….[Doc:] “Damnit Ben, it’s not that simple.”… “[I believe you.] I applaud your desire to do the right thing, [but] goodness in you is like a time bomb.” [Principle: AT: Rancid from …And Out Come the Wolves[3]: DMT: WRQ: HQT]… “There’s nothing good [about] ruined lives.” [Principle: HQT]… “It is a confusing and difficult process, but I must continue.” [Principle: LT: HQT]…knock….s….Jack…leather coat…diamond sweater [AT: GT]… tie….red books and blue book [DMT: LT]…[Doc: “Nice to see you again.” [Principle: IM: HQT].]… “Be careful, please.” [Principle: LT: HQT]…silver symbols on tie [AT]… “Gassing up the jet as we speak.” [HQT]….weasel in between [AM: DMT: MNT]…. “Wherever it is you are in such a hurry to get to?” [Principle: WRQ: HQT]…to…
Flowers painting [FLM: AT]….to attic…pink bag…moving exhaust fan [SM]….flannel round box….shadows like dream machine [WRQ]….Burroughs[4]…crossed out county and state…peace signs like Nixon [PTHM: DMT: LT]…I am not a crook…pics…fireworks….held by Ben [PTHM: [FRT: AT: MNT]….
Red suitcase goes by [Audrey]…Hawk reading about owls [NAM: AM: AT: LT: WRQ]…tree carving on counter of lodge [WTM: AT]…[“Now, it’s important.” [Principle: LT: HQT].]…
Seated on the steps…[Wheeler:] “A brave man is dead. He’s my friend; I have to take his place.” [Principle: HQT]…[Ben:] “You aren’t coming back, are you?….Strive for goodness. [Tell the hardest truth first.” [Principle: HQT].]….[BZ:] “Just do the best you can; that’s all you really can do.” [IM: Principle: HQT]…guitar comes in…. “Tell her I.”….pause cut to…
Nibbled cup [PTHM: FM]……[Major:] “Harvest schedules or ancient calendars.” [LT: HQT: WRQ[5]]… “Look for any curious nomenclature.” [Principle: LT: MNT: WRQ]…[Harry: “Major, how goes the battle?” [IM: HQT].]…red folder box…[Cooper:] “You look bushed.” [IM]…[Major:] “Obtaining and perusing the Project Blue Book files.” [LT: WRQ: HQT]…[Cooper:] “What [have you] you glean[ed?” [Principle: LT: MNT].]…[Major: “Earle]…best and brightest among us.” [IM: HQT]…[“When our attention turned from outer space] to the wooded areas [surrounding] Twin Peaks…destructively obsessive.” [WTM: WRQ: HGT].]…..[Earle on video: “These evil sorcerers, Dugpas[6]…express themselves in darkness…this place of power is tangible and can be found…many names for it, but chief among them is the] Black Lodge.” [DMT: WRQ: HQT].]….description…string on TV….tie clip for Dale Cooper… “I had assumed he had come for vengeance [but I miscalculated. He’s insinuated himself into the lives of people I care for. He has murdered innocents. He has] engaged us in subterfuge and red herring.” [Principle: GT: LT: HQT]…. “A fish I don’t particularly care for.” [IM: AM]……figures on wall [AT: WRQ]…one seated aristocrat and then a humanoid structure and then a winged creature on the paper between the photographs [AT]….red older…picture of drawings, three of them in Cappy’s hands……[Major: “I could use a good stretch. Perhaps a walk in the woods to clear my mind.” [Principle: HQT].]…[Harry:] “Don’t forget the breadcrumbs.” [Principle: FM: HQT: Fairytale allusion: “Hansel and Gretel”[7]]…thumbs up from Dale Cooper [PTHM]….into the bonsai tree [ZM: WTM: AT]….
[Earle:] “The only thing that Columbus discovered [is] that he was lost.” [LT: HQT]…. “Haven’t even left the snide yet.”… “Peewits loaded with optimism.” [Principle: WRQ: HQT]….zooming in with computer [ZM]…into human head….while mentioning Brigg’s “head” and “polishing” it [MNT: AT]….[“Reunion. Wine, cheese, talk about old times,] trade hilarious anecdotes of the good old days.” [Principle: FM: LT: HQT].]…[“I wonder what amongst my detritus I can use to spice up…life.” [Principle: PTHM: LT: HQT]….foot on white king head [GT: HQT]….Leo grabbed device….pan to…
Cherry pie [FM] ….woman’s hand shaking and she is staring at it….it is possessed [WRQ: AT: weird music]…..[Bobby:] “It’s time to stand up and fight for our environment.” [Principle: AM: WTM: HQT]… eating to right of Bobby….[“I know I have not been paying the right kind of attention to you lately. I got busy…I started wearing suits, ok, and suddenly I am walking around like I am more important than everybody else.]…My brain rolled over and I could see all the stuff that was special to me….The stuff that matters.” [Principle: DMT: LT: Epiphany: WRQ: HQT: visualization of meditation and a striking moment.]….red ashtray and ketchup bottle between them [AT: FM]….kiss…phone call in between…it is for Shelly….we see Shelly’s ring [AT: PTHM]….as she leaves…
Judge walks into the Road House….Twin Peaks’ contest….squirrel…silver on table [AM: AT]…on fake Easter grass…. “It’s in the bag.” [IM[8]: HQT]… [“British, or] Bohemian[9], [or something.” [WRQ] …. “Bound to fall for your charms.” [Principle: WRQ: MNT: Fairytale with enchanted and enchanting woods and people…Bob…aliens…[10]]…  “A slit halfway up to Seattle.”…striped bowtie…red and blue neon lights above judge’s head [DMT: AT]…..[Lana:] “Then and only then.” [IM: Principle: HQT]…consoled judged….fades into…
Sheriff’s office…..panning down…[Cooper:] “Each in a curious manner.” [Principle: AT: LT]… “Nobody showed up.”…Polyphemus [The Odyssey, and earlier Harry Truman was Leopold Bloom: you are on a quest for the sublime within the strange and mundane. [Principle: AT: DMT: LT: WRQ: HQT: MNT].]… “Somebody who struck you as peculiar, personable, or just plain puzzling?” [MNT: Principle: LT: WRQ: Twin Peaks]….. “That’s unusual.” [IM: WRQ]… side shot of Dale Cooper….panning behind his head…panning around from Donna to Audrey …she blinks…to Shelly [ZM]….she blinks…..pan past her into black….into…
Saw blade…wiped sawdust away [PTHM]…red there…back to…Windom, more on sorcerers: [“You would have appreciated the…ancient sorcerers bent on evil. Rather like the Kali worshippers in India[11]. Another fine bunch of zanies I can tell you. Blood for Breakfast! Blood for lunch!”[12] [DMT: LT: WRQ: HQT]…Joker at top and side [GT: AT: MNT]….Audrey, Shelly, and then Donna….close-up shot [ZM]….red pins [AT]…petroglyph under the cards [NAM: DMT: LT: WRQ: Overlay of ancient and modern symbol systems]…[“Just between you and me, old boy, your wife has some fairly modern views on marital fidelity. But no matter, she is]…still fit for a queen.” [IM: GT]…his type of “dead queen” [GT: HQT]….Windom all in black [AT]….Leo shocks himself….again…. “We’re all Love’s Fools, [more or less, but you will] learn [as I have] the value of hate.” [Principle: DMT: LT: HQT]….
Pete….behind….Billy Zane back…green tree hauled out of elevator [WTM]…pic of child in black and white on desk with globe behind [PTHM: LT: AT]…same tie as before…as his convo with Billy Zane…red tie…super bright [AT]…..[Audrey:] “Some creep sent me a poem.” [AT: WRQ]… [Ben:] “Someone with a highly visible profile to be able to inspire our community to action.” [Principle: HQT]….marlin behind Ben [AM]….[“Use your public platform as a forum for environmental debate.] Only you can take our message to the people.” [Principle: AM: WTM: MNT: HQT]…. “Where is John Justice Wheeler?”…Billy Zane’s character…rising music….… “Some tragedy in Brazil demanded his immediate attention.” [HQT]…as Audrey leaves…same sound as woman with pie comes in [AT: FM: WRQ]….high hum…cut to…
Pete pondering wall and saying, [“Josie, I see your face.”]…she is still trapped [WRQ: HQT]…Randy is man concierge….man staring at Audrey and Pete…Pete waves awkwardly to “Josie.”…
[Cooper:] “Well, the symbols suggest the time.”… “First I thought it was a signpost, perhaps it’s an invitation.”…. “Perhaps both.” [Principle: DMT: AT: LT: WRQ: HQT: Twin Peaks’ Duality: Paths to the White and Black Lodges.]….red pencil in cup….blinds green…light cast…Dale Cooper ponders in between…. “Oh, just thinking about Annie Blackburn.”…[Harry:] “Bless your heart, I’ve never known your mind to wander.” [IM: Principle: LT]…[Cooper: “I proceed as usual, my mind clear and focused, and suddenly out of nowhere, I see her face and hear her voice. Naturally I try to reorient myself and come back to the task at hand, but the image remains.” [Principle: LT: WRQ: HQT].]  ….symbol to right of Cooper… he’s now shaking…same high pitched hum [AT: WRQ]….cut to…
Major walking in the woods….small pine trees [WTM: Book House Boys’ symbol]…panning up and down on Major through branches shot…he touches a tree…feels symbol on neck [WRQ]…horse comes up [AM: WRQ]….singing a “discouraging word” [AT]….then shoots Briggs with a tranquilizer dart and then keeps singing again [AT: WRQ]….Briggs raises hand to him [PTHM]…. “Leo, it looks like you finally found your calling.” [IM: HQT]…as the back of a horse!…laughing Earle….fades to black…
To airport…Billy Zane shuts door and taking off…to counter….Dale Cooper’s hand on Annie’s…..[“There’s a whole world out there. Jump in.] Hear the other side, see the other side.” [Principle: LT: HQT: Identified as “St. Augustine” by Annie[13]]… “It is.” …10:35 on the clock… “Something is troubling you.”…man passes…..chime for door… “I’ve been seeing your face in fried eggs all this morning.” [FM: WRQ]… reminds me of Josie being trapped [WRQ]….[Cooper: “There are those who believe in a scientific basis for attraction…hard to comprehend without perspective.”  [Principle: LT].]…coffee cup and saucer on counter and water there [FM]…no one there…as drawing back…odd music coming in [AT]…[Cooper: “We think too much.” [Principle: LT: HQT]… [Annie: “What we observe is not nature itself, but nature exposed to our nature of questioning.” [Principle: DMT: LT: HQT: Identified by Cooper as “Heisenberg.”[14]].]…woman at counter….she has diamond sweater [AT: GT]….broken plates…view down…close-up shot of dripping coffee [ZM: FM]…slow mo……..
Then to truck…Pete’s at airport…. “Packard Mill” on side….black and white checked star or bird shirt for Audrey [AT: AM: DMT]…..two earrings in Audrey’s’ left ear [AT]….Pete watches…buttoned up to the top…he is crying….then same hum…right hand shaking [PTHM: WRQ]…right eye….smaller than left…to…
Earle’s house…smoke coming out….red table saw stand on right….[Major:] “I am not at liberty to divulge that information.” [Principle: HQT]……blue and red in center [AT: DMT]….yellow in the center…those colors are featured…[Earle as Trebek:] “What is the capital of North Carolina?”….[Major:] “Raleigh.”….[Earle:] “Fat load of good that will do me.” [IM]…. “I admire your fortitude.” [Principle: HQT]…close-up of yellow liquid going into the syringe…. “We may continue this game indefinitely.” [Principle: GT: MNT: WRQ: Do we agree?]….Leo advances and then retreats….Earle salutes Briggs [PTHM]…Leo advances… “What do you fear most in the world?” [Principle: WRQ: HQT: Nightmare Territory of Tragedy [NTOT].]….[Major:] “The possibility that love is not enough.” [Principle: LT: HQT: WRQ: I wrote something exactly similar today.]…. [Earle: “When did you first see the petroglyph at Owl Cave?…Garland:] “In dreams.”…[Earle: What kind of dreams?]… “There was a light.”… “Guardian beyond it.” [LT: WRQ: HQT: “Guardian Just as the powers of the Earth must be defended, so, by analogy, must all mythic, religious and spiritual wealth or power be protected against hostile forces or against possible intrusion by the unworthy.  Hence the familiarity of the ‘keeper of the treasure’ in legends; almost invariably, this guardian is a griffin or dragon, or else a warrior endowed with superhuman powers.  In temples, the idea of defence is implicit in the spatial organization and confirmed by the disposition of the walls, the doors and towers.  In the Far East, the guardians are usually fabulous monsters. In Western countries, the same function may be performed by the figures inscribed on doorways. From the psychological point of view, guardians symbolize the forces gathered on the threshold of transition between different stages of evolution and spiritual progress or regression. The ‘guardian on the threshold’ must be overcome before Man can enter into the mastery of a higher realm.”[15]]…… “Still I recognize the signs.” [Principle: LT: MNT: AT: Do we? Semiotics[16]]…[Earle: “What do the signs mean? [LT: AT: WRQ: HQT].]…. “There’s a time if Jupiter and Saturn meet, they will receive you.” [AL: LT: WRQ: HQT: Astrology: Astrotheology]…strange noises from Briggs [“Nemuck”?]… [Earle:] “Garland”….repeated… “I was hoping for a lengthy conversation.” [Principles: MNT: LT: HQT: Sometimes we are.]…. “I am afraid his mind has begun to wander.” [Principle: WRQ: HQT: We wander through Twin Peaks and wonder. [MNT].]…
[Circle center white on black, focusing mind as symbol [AT: DMT: LT: MNT]…[Catherine:]…“His woman servant Jones.” [WRQ: HQT]….she gave the puzzle box [GT: LT: WRQ: HQT]… [Andrew: “Last bequest.  A clever joke perhaps, or something of value.” [Principle: GT: AT].]… …[Andrew] advances out of shot in black and then fades out [view down on them with antlered deer to left [AM: AT].]…[Catherine:] “Secret to opening.”… “Drive me mad.” [Principle: LT: WRQ: HQT: MNT: “The Path to the Black Lodge”: Who is Virgil in this tale?”[17]]….[“Tell me something good.” [Principle: AT: LT: HQT].]…white goat between them [AM: AT]…. [Andrew:] “Chomping at the bit from Paris to Beijing.” [AM: IM: HQT]….his sweater, similar colors to Northern Lodge … “He was and is his own worst enemy.” [Principle: DMT: HQT]….symbols are….circle with four smaller circles underneath [AT: WRQ]….down line with two curves in opposite directions….down line with cross and arrow shape at bottom [AT: PTHM]…full circle with half circle attached to it….square arch with same size bottom as top…like Roman numeral two [II]….bottom shape is line with parallel line below that has half circle descending from it…last one….could be bow and arrow [AT: PTHM]… “c” facing right with line and then wide perpendicular line at end…would be a disproportional arrow….seems to have a simplified moon calendar inside each of the shapes…Andrew laughs in glee…smashed with rolling pin [FM: PTHM]…goat watches [AM]…specifically shown his eye….then to…
Shot outside their house [Where did Laura Palmer go? [MNT: WRQ].]…..
“Miss Twin Peaks [20th Anniversary” [AT: HQT].]…back….deer on stage [AM: AT]….sax music [AT]….Annie in blue…unlit neon sign….figure with blue coat and white shirt and pants to left of cash register…right hand up by ear [PTHM]….left by waist…. “5.50” on cash register… “Dollar Bill” poster, Ed there… [Annie:] “I’m not completely prepared for this” [Principle: (Anti-)Boy Scout Motto Remix: MNT: WRQ: HQT: “The Path to the Black Lodge.”]… “Just think of it as a walking embrace.” …. “Two people stepping as one would step.” [Principle: Dancing: AT: LT]… “20th Anniversary” sign [MNT: 25th Anniversary!] above them…deer on both sides… “Genetic memory.”…. “Collective unconsciousness.” [Jung’s theory connects to the Black Lodge, for the primeval evil exists in a space on some plane, if not within. [DMT: WRQ: HQT[18]] …. “Mom and dad danced the Lindy?”[19]…[Cooper:] “For instance?” [Principle: IM: LT]…cut by hum of mic from judge [“Welcome to this final night of festivities!” [Principle: AT: GT: MNT].]…sounded initially like it could be the same high-pitched sound before….deer down left of judge [AM: AT]… “Damnation, is this damned thing on?” [Principle: DMT: MNT: WRQ: “The Path to the Black Lodge”]….zooming in on Harry Truman [ZM]… “I feel safe and eager.” [Principle: What a great mantra! [LT: HQT].]… “I’m not afraid of anything you make me feel or want.” [Principle: HQT]…parallel with Audrey and Annie [DMT]….[Cooper:] “I’m beginning to tire of his interruptions.” [Principle: MNT: HQT]….Annie in blue… “Hear the other side, see the other side” repeated by Annie [DMT: LT: WRQ: HQT: MNT: “The Path to the Black Lodge”]…. “It’s like a fairy tale.” [MNT: AT]…Dale Cooper says… “You’re the queen.” [IM: MNT: AT: GT: DI: HQT: Dark side of fairy tales where the woods are wickedly wild.]…then all is blacked out other than his face….judge replaced by giant…high-pitched sound….giant motions “No” with hands waving side to side….shadow below him echoing his thoughts [DMT: LT: WRQ: HQT]…
Plane takes off [HQT]…Pete is there in truck….he was waiting all along…shot over tail wing of another plane back to Pete… “517 4T” on plane in blue….Audrey surprises him…she has tear in eye… “I’ve been gipped.” [IM: Principle: GT: AT: LT: HQT]….view of plane turning away…. “He’ll be back one day. He promised.” [HQT]…. “Love stinks.”…Audrey…. “Pearl Lake.” [HQT]… “There are many cures for a broken heart, but nothing like a trout’s meat in the moonlight.” [Principle: FM: AM: HQT: Moon analogy like coffee one of Cooper]…plane turns away…they turn away…to…
Leo…head’s shaking [MNT: WRQ]…hand on side of head….Earle singing, [“Oh when Jupiter and Saturn meet, oh what a crop of mum meat?…more than distant orbs.” [FM: WRQ]… “A plot that tells the time, and the time, time draws nearer with each ticking tock…the cave painting is an invitation of sorts, telling us when the revels begin.” [Principle: AT: GT: LT: MNT].]….….shaky shots….echoes what we hear…computer turns [Blue screen with red background. [DMT: AT].]….shrinking image…yellow orbs spinning…. “It is not only an invitation, it is a map to the Black Lodge.” [MNT: AT: LT: WRQ: HQT]….Earle’s face zoomed in and blurring [ZM]…then back to…
Dale Cooper pondering giant and then judge back and Annie and Dale Cooper kiss [DMT: WRQ]…then…
Outside shot of Road House….of school….of RR…Café… …Great Northern Hallway…with tent shape shown in curtain to [WRQ: HQT]…
Ringing of phone at sheriff’s office…at the beginning of this…we hear the judge saying: “There is something wrong here.”…dramatic irony [DI: MNT: HQT]…to…
Waving trees [WTM]….to white circle in dark forest [AT: “Inferno” opening: WRQ: MNT: same circle as on Puzzle box: HQT]…..light to left…..twinkling sound [AT: WRQ]…hand reaching out of it….motions oddly… hands before stretching out [PTHM]….denim shirt….it’s Bob [Anti-Virgil]….white circle shown….salt?…inside…curtains…jazz music [AT: WRQ]… reflection of water [RM]… fade to black…
[1]                “North American Bigfoot Search,” North American Bigfoot Search, accessed February 28, 2018.
[2]           “Muse: Greek Mythology,” Encyclopedia Britannica, accessed February 28, 2018.
[3]           “Rancid: Time Bomb Lyrics,” AZLyrics, accessed February 28, 2018.
[4]           “Dreamachine,” Wikipedia, accessed February 28, 2018.
[5]           “Fall Equinox,” The History Channel, accessed February 28, 2018.
[6]           “Dugpa,” Theosophy Wiki, accessed February 24, 2018.
[7]           “Hansel and Gretel,” Wikipedia, accessed February 24, 2018.
[8]           “The meaning and origin of the expression: In the Bag,” The Phrase Finder, accessed February 28, 2018.
[9]           “Bohemianism,” Wikipedia, accessed February 28, 2018.
[10]         “Fairy tale,” Wikipedia, accessed February 28, 2018.
[11]         “Why we must worship Goddess Kali,” DailyO, accessed March 1, 2018.
[12]         “Misfits lyrics: ‘Brain Eaters,’’’ AZLyrics, accessed March 2, 2018/
[13]         “Hear the other side. (Aldi Partem Alteram),”, accessed February 24, 2018.
[14]         “Werner Heisenberg > Quotes > Quotable Quote,” Goodreads, accessed February, 24, 2018.
[15]         J. E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, trans. Jack Sage (New York: Philosophical Library, 1962), 128-9.
[16]         “Semiotics,” Encyclopedia Britannica, accessed February 28, 2018.
[17]         “THE DIVINE COMEDY,” Project Gutenberg, accessed March 3, 2018.
[18]         “Understanding the Collective Unconscious,”, accessed March 3, 2018.
[19]         “Lindy Hop,” Wikipedia, accessed March 3, 2018.

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