Seek Further Inward and Outward!?

Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental!? Guide 2-3 The Man Behind the Glass

Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental!? Guide Weird Real(m) Quest(ion)s Introduction & Season 1

Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental!? Guide 2-3 The Man Behind the Glass [The Mystery Beyond Invisible Filters [MBIF].]
Smoke exhaled by the plant…air and then fire….soft sparks [Cutting element of wood]…or metal of the Chinese elements [Principle: Temper Your Temper [TYT].]….then earth for the Twin Peaks….water ends with the falls [LT: WRQ: Four Elements of the West[1] and Five Elements of the East[2]]….falls really in Washington? [Yes: HQT: Snoqualmie Falls]…whirling eddies of the river [SM]…..our lives passing in and out of others and moving with the force of Tao…[Principle: LT: HQT: Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching, Chapter 8, “The Nature of Peace,” Verse 1: “Admire thou the High Way of Water! Is not Water the soul of the life of things, whereby they change? Yet it seeketh its level, and abideth content in obscurity. So also it resembleth the Tao, in this Way thereof!”[3]]…
Coma bed empty…wondering…then she [Ronette Pulaski] is put back in…… “2” on monitor [Bright red there and then blue machine to left with red rectangles]….dark music…painting, rural house [AT]….down golden path….then X-ray…panning left 360…Renault in this one….Cooper here with Albert….blue bag…Albert says, “Looks like…”… [Cooper: “Breathe now.” [Principle].]….screaming “B” slowness after plucking under her finger [Placed by Bob under her finger]….he tainted the IV…. “Souza March”….Albert… “Fellas, let’s stand together for a moment.”….. “Came true almost immediately.”….POV of Cooper’s face and then from behind his back to Harry and Albert…[Harry: “Visited by Giant[4]?”]…“Any relation to the dwarf[5]?” [WRQ:]…dramatic irony [DI] for the dancing dwarf….
Blue of Harold Smith [Blue = “night and the stormy sea; doubt and discouragement…Language Colloquialisms: Feeling blue, have the blue devils: Depression Blues…Psychology Deliberation and introspection…”[6]]…[Howard: “I forgot my manners…Would you like some lemonade? I also have some saltines and some apple butter.” [FM].]…necklace in pocket…takes a sip as she comes in…suspenders…flowers [FLM]…disco globe lamp [AT]…red flowers…between them…motif [FLM]….doesn’t look at her much… “Don’t be nervous, Donna.”… “I’m curious.” [Principle: HQT]….pink behind Harold and red behind Donna… “I don’t like to go outside.”….pauses…sighs…breathes deeply… “I can’t.”… “Do you have a judgment…that you would like to express?” [WRQ: Principle]…. “Laura said you were very fair-minded [Principle: MNT]….think of me as a mystery in her life.” [HQT: WRQ: PTHM: holds necklace]… “I used to be a horticulturalist…I raise orchids [FLM: flower = “flower-symbolism is broadly characterized by two essentially different considerations : the flower in its essence, and the flower in its shape. By its very nature it is symbolic of transitoriness, of Spring and of beauty…Now, because of its shape, the flower is an image of the ‘Centre’ and hence an archetypal image of the soul (56).”[7]] ….they don’t need a lot of light.” [MNT: DMT]….red lipstick…Donna….sound of opening air from greenhouse door…bookshelf has letter, note under it [MNT: LT]… “This is a hybrid… a lady slipper.” [DMT: Lycanthrope theme.]…the monocle is what he has [MNT: myopic] ….narrow sighted… eyes….light inside each….blue of her shirt like the trim….sweater is blue…Donna smiles…side view moment…flower shadow [FLM: DMT]… “I’ll be back… “I’ll be here.” [MNT]…
….Sheriff’s department…chalkboard fix [PTHM]…. [“R, B, T”]…“Bob”… “Mrs. Palmer, Cooper, Ronette, Maddie”… [Cooper: “Maddie has seen [the man] twice. [Both times in a vision.  I’ve seen him in a dream.”]… “This path is a psychic link that will lead us straight to him.” [WRQ: HQT: Principle]…Albert’s feet on table… [Cooper about Giant: “He spoke softly, distinctly.” [Principle].]…[Albert: “And you gave him the beans you were supposed to use to buy a cow.” [WRQ: LT: HQT[8]]…Confining my conclusions to the Planet Earth.” [DMT: LT: Principle]… “You get the picture.” [IM: Principle]… “Even got the frame.” [Principle]…. Cooper quips…. [Albert: “Handiwork of Leo Johnson, currently appearing at Calhoun Memorial Hospital as Mr. Potato Head…No comment.” [PTHM: LT: AT: IM: MNT].]…throws it [Flesh World] and spins it perfectly to hit our view [MNT]…how many tries for POV? [Albert: We sent a portrait of your long-haired man to every agency from NASA to the DEA. This cat is in nobody’s database.” [AM: HQT]]…[Albert: “You were shot with a] Walter PPK…James Bond’s gun, [did you know that?” [LT: MNT: PTHM].]…Albert’s tie…. “[The trail of the man who shot you is ice cold, but I hoovered some fibers from the corridor outside your room. [HQT: IM: water element]…My ticket out of Trolleyville…While I will admit to a certain cynicism, the fact is that I am a] naysayer [and a hatchet man in the fight about violence. I pride myself in taking a punch, and I will gladly take another, because I choose to live my life in the company of Gandhi and King. My concerns are global. I reject absolutely revenge, aggression, and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love. I love you, Sherriff Truman.” [Principle: LT: HQT].]…Albert is nonviolent… the “foundation” is “love.” ….Truman is nonplussed…[Cooper:] “Albert’s path is a strange and difficult one.” [MNT: HQT: Principle: WRQ: Wonder Forevermore!?]…. “Gandhi and MLK” dropped by Albert [LT: HQT: Thoreau “Civil Disobedience.”[9]]…
Corner shelf…Hawk and another officer not there by shelf and then there……[Cooper to James: “Stop trying to figure it out all by yourself.” [Principle: HQT].]…POV behind Lucy…redwood tree image behind [Land of the Giants: HQT…diamond on her sweater…jacket over shoulders….flannel collar…Dick…pinky ring… “I have always considered you to be a woman of letters.” [LT: HQT: Word game: Spelling of letters as the basis of all power.]….Horne’s store…Hawk responds to Dick’s line… “Robot.”…. [Dick:] “[Not that] native people [don’t have enough reason to be angry, per se.” [NAM: LT: HQT]…mountain behind Lucy [HQT]…
Three images of logger’s perspective to Harry, Hawk, and Cooper [MNT] and then shot pans right as they move over [Rashomon has four views[10].  Are we the man behind the glass? The audience? [MNT].]…[Harry: “So how tall was this guy? Did his head hit the ceiling? Almost.” [HQT].]…Leland’s tie…Leland holds the face by Bob…..he is Bob [MNT]….eyes over eyes….diamonds ….curvy… back…dots between…red and blue [DMT]….Star of David with bear in it … “Be an E.A. Deputy.”….. “Pearl Lakes.”… “Job a bore?” on the sign… [“Thank you. That’s valuable information.” [MNT]… “You wanna play with fire, little boy? [WRQ: FRT: PTHM]…Leland flicks to the ash tray…still lit….supernatural [WRQ]….fade to black…
Cafe…log truck goes by…pan left….eaters [FM]…flannel…cowboy hat [HQT]…red ash tray and ketchup between then [FM]…. “[A system to memorize]…using pneumatic triggers….[it does get tricky.” [LT: Memory Palace[11]: HQT].]…Dick about memorizing…looks like Masonic ring on his right pinky…more flannel to left….old school hat and flannel on the phone…Dick starts to smoke… “I’ve hardly had time to feed my cat.”…. “[Dinner at the] Space Needle in Seattle.” [FM: LT: HQT]… “Nearby location.”….raises her voice…neighbors hear… [“I admit it was daring; that made it exciting. Still I thought it would lead to more.” [Principle: HQT]…smiles…. “How about a maternity dress?”….checkered hat of flannel older man behind Lucy with ponytail….[Dick: “Preggers.” Draws on cig.]…
Maddie and James…no red between….[James: “Trying to act like all tough all of a sudden.” [Principle: HQT]…their song is back [MNT]….his hand is on the table…hand motif [PTHM]….earlier in episode… “It was weird.” [MNT: WRQ]… “It wasn’t like her. [I don’t know. I don’t know anything anymore. Sometimes I think I should just get on my bike and go.” [HQT: Easy Rider: “I’m hip about time, but I just got to go.”[12] [Principle: Tao: HQT].]….hand raises for go…her hand on it….representative of Laura’s hand…Donna in….gourd like…on woman to left… “You know, it’s hard to say.” [IM: HQT: LT]…
Pink Panther jazz [AT: LT]…Audrey….arm tied…Blacky with red… of Audrey [MNT]….shot given….syringe pondered… “I’ll buy the bastard out.”…videoing of Audrey in background….shown filming and shown partially the image…flannelled Blacky…
Red….shoes…[One Armed Man: “For heavy field work and they’re extremely versatile; durable with a] steel [reinforced] toe…[Now if the department does any parading, the Fourth or Veteran’s day. These are your best bets.” [MNT: Easy Rider parading violation: Principle: GT].]…Bob image to the right…. “It’s a real eye-catcher.” [IM: MNT: Episode Title]…. [“I understand completely. You need something more practical.] A shoe for all seasons.” [Principle: IM: LT]…One Armed Man sees Bob…taken aback….Why the Thomas Beckett?[13] …Gerard…holds nose and head….why the TB reference?… “I have a medication.”…back to Bob image…zoomed in [ZM]…eerie distorted elephant sound [AM]…
Blue hat to left of Harry…buck to right of Cooper [AM]…pan right…guns [HQT]…decoy on the shelf [AT]…of Harry…mug on top shelf [FM]….map on wall to the left [HQT]… “[Cooper: Best of luck.]…Smells like insurance money.”… “That’s a damn good question.” [IM: HQT]…
One Armed Man…spazzing on top of toilet…trying to shoot himself in the leg…POV from above stall and down and he flushed it and then behind the door…creeping out…is he better?…calls for Bob….as if he is here…like a ghost [WRQ: HQT]… “I’m after you now.”…breathe deeply [Principle]…fade to black…
Tuba and marchers and cheerleaders come out of elevator [AT]…Cooper comes in behind and shakes his head…dot tie again… “Mr. Horne.”…red pomp on behind…cheerleader between Horne and Cooper… “Speaking frankly, is there trouble at home?” [IM]… [Mr. Horne: “Semi-regular basis…Mr. Cooper, do I detect a note of something outside the scope of professional concern…Let me give you the best advice that you’re going to get all week [MNT]…Men fall under the spell of Audrey’s charms like ducks in a shooting gallery; and, if you don’t want a load of buckshot in your tail feathers, may I suggest you park your jalopy outside somebody else’s window.” [Principle: IM: AM HQT].]…. [Cooper: “If I have overstepped my boundaries with my concern, I apologize. I am here only with the best intentions.” [Principle: HQT].]…back to grid white dot tie…on black… “I’ll put a lamp in the window.” [IM: MNT: Title]… lights cigar as he leaves [FM]…man reading paper behind [LT]…checks his back right as she follows Cooper…tie… coral snake [AM: DMT]….
Man drapes over Audrey’s face…. you see her…he strokes her face…. “Candy’s dandy. [Plenty more where that came from.” [IM]….music…. mystery, but not too dark [WRQ: MNT: Principle]…. “My name is Jean.”…bow tie…. “Sweet sleep.” [Principle]…Audrey and then Cooper to the…casino…Jean Renault… “Say something weak and fawning.”…Nancy…Blacky’s sister…Nancy slaps perfume boss’ top of head [PTHM]…. sister’s conflict [Blacky: “She goes back north or this deal goes south.” [IM:GT].]…triangles pointing down on the back of the jacket…
Back of Harry’s head…red book to left of Harry and blue book too [DMT]…blue hat between Cooper and Harry…two doughnuts [FM]….green glass ovoid on the desk… “You have my blessing.” [Principle: HQT]… “Title check.” [LT: HQT]…diamond and smaller star on Cooper’s tie…abstract blurred owl image on wall to right of Harry [MNT: Symbolic Programming and Priming]…
Hand focuses syringe grabbed [PTHM]….POV up to Cooper… “Without chemicals, he points…the giant’s third clue.” [WRQ: HQT]…then to…
Ronette….chained…nope…it’s Nadine…she is shaking….hockey-haired gray attendant….eye patch shown…now we know it was Ed’s shot…blue and red flannel [DMT]…[Doc Hayward: “She’s pumping out more adrenaline than a wildcat well.” [WRQ: AM].]… Hayward’s line about Ed singing to Nadine [AT]… “Beats a trip to Lourdes.” [HQT: LT: WRQ: miraculous healing]… …red cord on her chest….hands shot [PTHM]…Ed’s on hers… “On top of Old Smoky….all covered with snow.” [AT: HQT]…grip increasing [PTHM: Get a grip. IM: Principle]….Ed is straining…she is rising…breaks chains [HQT]….shakes hands…claps them…saying what….. “V i c t o r y” …cheerleader…he is aghast….same snowflake gown….painting behind…green….nature… “You’re only 18” once followed by Nadine hopping and guitar strangely segueing out [WRQ: DMT]…pan back as she is rocking….back to hockey-haired gray-haired man….
Massage of Dr.…candles [FM]…“This is my wife, Fiolani.”… “Practicing a [kind of] creative healing.”…starfish above him [AM: Cooper’s tie: MNT]….in net… “Autosuggestion program that I use.” [LT: Principle]…introducing techniques…blue to right of Harry…geo held [Earth]…red blue of his glasses [DMT: MNT: Episode]…red to left of Jacoby on pillow…blue main part of pillow…wife holding two pyramid rocks [WRQ]….one teal and one black… [Cooper: “Enveloping you in a soft blanket of peace.” [MNT: Principle].]…“Guests are all [Nigerians]…”…one is not teal…tealish translucent…black and white is Dr.’s window…
Forest at night…fade to… owl after fast music clouds [AM: DMT: WRQ]…Laura Palmer’s grave….Donna says, “Hi.”…shadow on tombstone like wallpaper in diner [MNT]…. “We love” on tombstone… “So were you sleeping with Harold or what? [Things have been pretty strange. He seems kind of nice odd ball.  I guess anyone can start to seem like that if you look close enough. [MNT: Principle].]…[“You probably knew how we felt before we did. How can you be so smart about things like that, and so stupid about so much else?” [WRQ: Principle: MNT].]…obelisks [AT: WRQ] behind Donna….tree arched over Donna….Laura Palmer psychic like Cooper….hence the connection…Donna kneels…POV shaky… “It’s a mess.” [IM]…kneels down further… “Strength.”… “Courage.”… “Look what it did.”…closer to Donna as she speaks to Laura Palmer…. “We love you” fully shown on tombstone to contrast Donna’s yelling at Laura Palmer saying, “They didn’t bury you deep enough.” [WRQ: HQT: Black Lodge Limbo]…
“My mom was all loaded. [She was all screwed up.]” [IM]….Maddie with James [Maddie about James: “God, you are on fire. [FRT: IM].]…kiss….fruit to right…song comes back…James says, “Hold me.”…red image to the left of Maddie…blurry…humanoid?…then Donna there…James swipes all the pictures [and lamp] off the table…Donna gone in a van…he yells, “Why?”…green light looks blue….red light …fades to…
Maddie [Red light fades from her face] looking at Laura Palmer on the mantle [DMT: The woman behind the glass [MNT].]….hand on it [PTHM]….she is sadly crazily laughing [“I fell in to a dream.” [WRQ: HQT: MNT]….Leland…same tie….dad killer consoling cousin who is sad at the death….strangely happy and ok Leland [WRQ]… “summers up [at] Pearl Lakes.”…image to the left of Harry…block… “You’re under arrest for the murder of Jacque Renault.”…
Harold outside knock…solid one…robe….books stacked to the left [LT]…..Harold is kneeling [“There’s always manana.” [Principle].]….plant to his right…block red and then yellow and then red stepping down to Donna from the lamp…..monocle moving [MNT]…very close faces….red flower there [FLM]….orchid shown…Donna attracted to it like us…like red…..another lamp glass [MNT]…black star on light blue like larger pyramid…“this is the diary of Laura Palmer.” [MNT]…dark music as Donna realizes what it was…
[1]           J. E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, trans. Jack Sage (New York:
Philosophical Library, 1962), 91.
[2]           “China’s Five Elements Philosophy: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water,” China Highlights, accessed August 8th, 2017.
[3]           “The Tao Te King,” Sacred Texts, accessed August 14th, 2017.
[4]           “Giant The deepest and most ancient meaning of the myth of the giant alludes to the supposed existence of an immense, primordial being, whose sacrifice creation was brought forth.  This cosmogonic myth was very common among primitive and ancient peoples…Now, the giant is, in himself, neither good nor bad, but merely a quantitative amplification of the ordinary ; hence, as the case may be, there are some legendary giants who are protectors and others who are aggressive…This sense of the giant as ‘that which surpasses’ human stature (here symbolic of power and strength), is also indicative of the broad significance of the giant. He may be an image of the ‘Terrible Father’, arising from childhood memoires— children see their parents as giants— or an image of the unconsciousness, the ‘dark side’ of the personality menacing the Jungian Selbst (21), etc. It is interesting to note that in folklore the giant is tutelary in character : he is usually the defender of the common people against the overlord, upholding their liberties and rights.  Without generalization, one implication of the giant may be said to be the personification of collective Man— as implied in the maxim ‘united we stand’— or of the life of a community (16).” [Giant as hero of the common man in Twin Peaks sprung forth by Cooper, hero of Twin Peaks. [LT: DMT: HQT: WRQ].]
                J. E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, trans. Jack Sage (New York:
Philosophical Library, 1962), 112.
[5]           Dwarf A symbol of ambivalent meaning. Like dactyls, elves and gnomes, the dwarf is the personification of those forces which remain virtually outside of the orbit of consciousness [Dancer at the Black Lodge: Synchronicity here follows, for Dwarf fits as “deity” and Bob is the “demon”? WRQ]. In folklore and mythology, the dwarf appears as a mischievous being, with certain childish characteristics befitting its small size, but also as a protect like the Cabiri—…For Jung, they may be regarded as the guardians of the threshold of the unconscious (32). Now, smallness may be taken also as a sign of deformity, of the abnormal and inferior; this is the explanation, then, of the ‘dancing Shiva’ appearing as an image of a deity dancing upon the prostrate body of a demon-dwarf who symbolizes the ‘blindness of life’, or the ignorance of man (his ‘pettiness’). Victory over this demon signifies true wisdom (60).”
               J. E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, trans. Jack Sage (New York:
Philosophical Library, 1962), 87.
[6]           Henry Dreyfuss, Symbol Sourcebook: An Authoritative Guide to
International Graphic Symbols (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1972), 242.
[7]           J. E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, trans. Jack Sage (New York: Philosophical Library, 1962), 104-5.
[8]           “Jack and the Beanstalk,” Sacred Texts, accessed August 14th,
[9]           “This new biography of Henry David Thoreau is the masterpiece
he deserves,” The Washington Post, accessed August 14th, 2017.
[10]         “Rashomon,” IMDB, accessed August 14th, 2017.
[11]         “The Secrets of Sherlock’s Mind Palace,” Smithsonian Magazine, accessed August 14th, 2017.
[12]         “Easy Rider Quotes,” IMDB, accessed August 14th, 2017.
[13]         “St. Thomas Beckett,” New Advent, accessed August 14th, 2017.

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