Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental!? Guide 2-5 The Orchid’s Curse [Flower Gratitude Blesses [FGB].]
Slow motion water slows you into the lull of the lore [LT: HQT]…
…back to sunset ….Great Northern…red Toyota truck to right …gun [PTHM]…chief [NAM]…snapping in…cow lick agent Cooper… “6:42 AM”……has ear plugs [Principle]…[“Perhaps I should keep a closer eye on my] after dinner coffee consumption.” [Principle: FM: IM: HQT: Pinkerton’s National Detective Agency’s Motto: “We Never Sleep.”[1]]….[“Treating each morning with fifteen extra minutes of] Yogic Discipline.” [YD: Principle: LT: HQT]…. “[Afterward, the pain retreats to a cul-de-sac in] a distant suburb of my conscious mind.” [LT: HQT]… “Begin with …headstand…..I am now upside down.”…. his blurry view becomes clearer [as he says: “The mind becoming porous. The day’s tasks coming into focus. Objects growing clearer.” [MNT: Principle: Mindfulness meditation: LT: HQT].] ….note under bed [MNT]…. “The Giant was right.” [WRQ]… “Jack may have the answer.”…claw two down on wall behind Cooper [AM]….
Hawk in…turquoise earring [NAM: AT]….. “Lost you to the [Calspell] woods.” [WRQ: HQT]… “Had to drink three pots of chamomile tea.” [FM: HQT]….donuts [FM]…. [Lucy: “Tacoma]…Can-do temp girl…[Sometimes can-do girls can’t.” [HQT: Principle.]…Bob image on front door…programming….Bob between them too with Cooper smiling: [“We got the jump on them.” [Principle: IM: HQT].]….
Tie [Salesman’s]…blue and pinkish red…[“Sit and experience what he can of nature.”…Bobby: “Fullest possible experience of life.”…Salesman: “That’s what we’re here for.” [MNT: Principle: HQT].]…blue lift and blue chain holder….machine…[“That’s a new wrinkle.” [IM].]…close-up like sawmill…the enchanting machinations…snapping Bobby….flannel…blurry movement in the background between them….throwing off…..breaking moment…he’s lifting himself…swung back and forth….green tank there…fade to black…
“Bang, Bang, Bar”….then to gavel [PTHM]…red behind…Toad there eating… “Genuine Draft” to our left…eye shown of woman next to Toad…Palmer tie…white dots with red middles and blue background….back to both eyes … “[His] roots go way back.” [LT]….his wife seen around column….Audrey’s dad throwing nuts up and catching them in his mouth…side of Leland’s face by Andy…. “Released on his own recognizance.”…piano in…Horne tie…abstract…pinball behind him [GT]….two machines…bright red on blue…Toad eating behind…
Down blinds…blue continues…trim…blue on house opposite…bonsai tree [AT: Cultivated like flowers [FLM].]… [Harold:] “So, what’s behind those deep blue eyes today?” [WRQ]…[Donna: “Part of your living novel.” [AT: MNT].]…“Meals on Wheels” kept in shot…[Harold: “A bargain has been struck.” [GT: Principle].]…Donna slow stepping…bamboo light [AT]….turns side of case and folds down journal holder…Donna thumbs together and legs moving…nervous….but now reserved in front of him…wine there [FM]…mat has flower edge [FLM: AT]… “Mead Composition” [MNT: “Laura’s Secret Diary”]….red flower between them….blurry…. “My father delivered me.” [Prayer echo.]….up-close shot of his signing of Donna’s name to christen the book… [Harold: “I grew up in Boston…I grew up in books.” [LT: HQT].]….taps, self-surprised at a question about him…. “There’s things you can’t get in books.” [SHM: Horatio in Hamlet[2]: LT: HQT]… “There are things you can get anywhere. [But we dream they can be found in other people.]” [HQT]…long nails… [Donna:] “Maybe our dreams are real?”…. “What’s there to be afraid of?” [HGT]…the door frame is disturbing to him and music follows…hand shaking [WRQ]…looks up…screech of music….twitching on the floor…huge pine cone behind Harold…
Gavel…up-close again [PTHM]….red curtain background [MNT]…Leo shot….Cooper under mounted buck like shaman [AM: WRQ]… “Objection [to the use of the word] ‘normal.’” [LT: DMT: Principle]…show itself [MNT]…. defending lawyers both have same bow tie…man yellow….woman pastel blue… “Perspicacity” [“Seeing through the heart of the matter,” and how fitting for Twin Peaks: MNT: LT: Principle]….hairy chest Leo….no music…[“Constitute a mockery of the justice system.”]….eagle belt buckle [AM]… “Mr. Prosecutor.”…he has navy blue tie…[“On the surface, it might seem ridiculous” [MNT: Principle].]… “Feeling of justice, retribution to a community.”… “Sense of resolution.” [HQT]… “[You fellows can catch your breath.” [IM: Principle]… “I am going to need to deliberate.” [Principle]….Cooper hand up [PTHM]….to bar… “3 Black Yukon Sucker Punches.” [FM: MNT: HQT]…blue neon to right of Cooper….. “What’s the temperature of the town?” [IM: Principle]…. “[They] don’t need a circus.” [IM: MNT: Principle]…. “Came to be a heady cabbage.” [FM: DMT]… “Leo that is.”… “They sneak up on ya.” [MNT]… drinks… that is…red exit above judge…blond in booth to right of Cooper… “12 days” for Cooper’s presence in town so far… [Judge: “I’ll advise you to] keep your eye on the woods.” [IM: Principle: HQT]… “The woods are wondrous here, but strange.” [Principle: WRQ: HQT: Twin Peaks is “wondrous and strange” metanarrative: MNT: woods = “Within the general symbolism of landscape, forests occupy a notable place, and are often found in myths, legends and folktales. Forest-symbolism is complex, but is connected at all levels with the symbolism of the female principle of the Great Mother. The forest is the palace where vegetable life thrives and luxuriates, free from any control of cultivation. And since its foliage obscures the light of the sun, it is therefore regarded as opposed to the sun’s power and as a symbol of the earth. In Druid mythology, the forest was given to the sun in marriage (49). Since the female principle is identified with the unconscious in Man, it follows that the forest is also of symbol of the unconscious. It is for this reason that Jung maintains that the sylvan terrors that figure so prominently in children’s tales symbolize the perilous aspects of the unconscious, that is, its tendency to devour or obscure the reason…the forest harbours all kinds of dangers and demons, enemies and diseases (60).”[3]]…
Big Ed’s….knickknack shelf [AT]….Nadine in…. “You go to the high school?”…Nadine has yellow gloves….knickknack of Nadine looking at us from shelf [MNT]…as she rounds corner…double…skips away… [“Roll with the punches.” [IM: PTHM: Principle].]…flannel and flannel…duck between Ed and James [AM: AT]…spoon behind him to the right [FM: AT]…cat on wall [AM: AT]….down…Nadine open-mouthed…
Truck [Log] rounding bend…Great Northern….phone rings as Horne enters… “for Ghostwood Project”…. “I have”… “taste.”… “5 Five million check.”…
Hank walks in…Bobby sees…man with white turban…Cooper plain duck whistle [AM: AT]…back secret door through Horne’s room [HQT]…globe on the Eastern Hemisphere [AT: HQT]….as Yokomoto [DMT] leaves…. [Horne: “You pushed it pretty close.” [IM: Principle].]…Cooper relaxed…arms open on red couch…. “Veiled amusement park….besides the horse with no head.” [HQT: AM]…Godfather [LT]… “serialized denominations”…Horne shakes note at Cooper [PTHM]…Cooper says nothing as he leaves….and then turns … “Stay by a phone.” [Principle]…Horne says nothing… “Make sure he and the money are neatly delivered.”… “Five million dollars.”… “Now that’s a good day’s work!” [IM: Principle: HQT]…
Donna and Maddie….map… “Doohickey on right hand side”….red cover for Laura’s notebook….
One Eyed Jack’s…animal…cat tail or white [AM]… on right…..auto-engage arm knife [PTHM]…stabs strawberries [FM]… “[You know you love a good steak, but you don’t want to know how it got on your plate.] You must be serious about your business.” [Principle]…strawberry red on tray [FM]…sister comes in… “Dream Land.”…. “Dark lake beds.”….grabs her knife….after he says, “Fun tonight.”…Cooper image on TV…at One Eyed Jack’s…
Post It notes everywhere…Andy covering for Lucy…on him and backdoor above “Lucy Moran” tag…. “Peaks” shown on his sleeve….neatly….red fan center to left of Andy….angled view of him with Lucy blurry…heart pointing to his writing [MNT]…angled shot….used before…
Green bottle in front of Cooper….One Eyed Jack’s…..map…. “Get acquainted room.”… “Robin’s Nest Hotel” [AM]… “Highway 9.”…. “Same…as last time.”…. [Hawk:] “Weird, deep smell.”… “Tommy Hill” is on Hawk’s tag…..he eyes them suspiciously as he leaves…. “Approach through the woods to the rear door.”…..star dot tie…. “What kind of muscle?” [Principle]….tie for Cooper… “We do our part.” [IM: Principle: HQT]….blue eagle [AM]…. Harry says, “Good work.”….we see Andy’s drawings and mess of notes [AT: Principle]…
Red light…yellow….R R….James and Maddie…red jukebox and cover…blue scarf Maddie… “Change for large coffee.”… “50 cents.”….laughter….fade to black….
Hand…gloved [PTHM]….pulls away trees…Maddie’s…. [Harold:] “Second session.”… “13 years old.”… “Road House”… “20 years old”…lights cigarette…. “Want to go party?”… “Laura says, ‘Yes.’”… “Stream in the woods.”…. “Full moon I think.” [WRQ: HQT]… Donna gets up… spinning, dancing [SM: Whirling dervish]…simulating Laura…“Move her hips… “Back and forth.”… Donna demonstrates…demimonde….half-light….fuchsia flower [FLM] above Harold… “Let’s go skinny dipping.”…Donna pulls down top of blouse [PTHM]…ascending piano…fuchsia flower blurred …as Donna remembers…cigarette there….[“His lips are warm and sweet]…heart jumps.”…Harold doesn’t blink… “I never saw him again.”… “That was the first time I fell in love.”….teary-eyed Donna…. “That’s all.”…close shot of cig…then its ash falling to floor [MNT]…
Blowing evergreens and One Eyed Jack’s [WTM]…Cooper in all black and gloves [PTHM]…Harry jeans and …no gloves…muscle shown smoking outside…owl shown [AM: WRQ]…hoots a few times…red bowtie…ball in mouth after Cooper grabs him below….red curtains…. “Future Tiberian Baths.”…. “Pardon our mess sign.” [Principle]….circular saw on steps [PTHM]….three statues [AT] and man with two women walks by…POV moving as they enter…arch…flannel jacket leaves…bath artwork…one light on and one off in room….cards in a spread on wall [GT]…two framed types with matching designs [AT]….Hawk sees Cooper in video…. “Not [such] a bad way to go, all things considered.” [Principle: “Getting old is a privilege.” [HQT]….Blacky and sister…. “Fighting over man.”…moon [Is it full like earlier reference from Laura?] then to…
[Full moon [MNT].]…Maddie after owl hoot [AM: WRQ]….then close up of orchid [FLM]…red dot on white…… “All [basically] a matter of water and light.” [Principle: Foundation of our existence: HQT]…fuchsia flower [FLM] to left of Donna and what he is showing her…. [“Too much humidity is an invitation to disease.” [Principle].]… “Bottom pedal shaped like lower lip” [Principle: Anthropomorphic Vision]… [Harold: “It’s the landing platform for pollinating insects.”…Donna: “Romantic, isn’t it?” [MNT: HQT].]…Harold grabs her hand and puts it on his face and over his mouth…..she has eyes closed…he kisses her….holding the orchid [FLM]…… “Will you excuse me a minute?”…ominous as Donna sneaks….flash light signal [Principle]….Maddie creeps…red-framed cards and blue-framed cards below…
Arm lock for Blacky’s sister [Principle: HQT]….Cooper invisible in black [Principle]…Audrey examined… “I’m nothing but meat on a hook to these people.” [IM: AM: FM: DMT]…. we see her with knife in mirror [PTHM: RM]… Cooper senses it easily…punches her in the stomach…
Harry’s view of Jacque’s brother….kisses Blacky now…lays her down…..blood coming out of her mouth….cards over Harry [GT]….knife in back…Hawk…deus ex machina… “Good thing you guys can’t keep a secret.” [Principle: HQT]…knife grabbed out of back, cut to escape [PTHM: HQT]…..Hank watches…cell phone…. “Daryl Ludwick….Bureau of Investigation” badge for Hank [DMT]…
Donna turns surprised in flower room [FLM]…grid shot of Donna…Maddie grabs it….claw grabbed by Harold [AM: PTHM]…. “Are you looking for secrets?” [Principle: WRQ: HQT]…..Maddie and Donna hold each other….claw held up [PTHM: AM: DMT: WRQ: Animal features of Demon Bob]… “Do you know what the ultimate secret is?” [WRQ: HQT]…claw shadow on Harold’s face…he claws his own face [DMT]…like a demon…fade to black….self-destruction act…to end… [Next episode’s title matches what was programmed: “Demons”]…
[1] “Pinkerton About Us,” Pinkerton, accessed August 27th, 2017.
[2] “Shakespeare Quick Quotes,” Shakespeare Online, accessed August 27th, 2017.