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Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental!? Guide 2-8 Driving with a Dead Girl

Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental!? Guide Weird Real(m) Quest(ion)s Introduction & Season 1

Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental!? Guide 2-8 Driving with a Dead Girl [Road Tripping for Romance [DMT: HQT].]
House ominous….screaming…lights on…back porch railing…second floor deck…tree [(W)TM]…eldritch [WRQ]….down to house during the morning…to picture of Laura [DMT]…child self with pigtails to the left…paisley wallpaper [AT]…no blink…thumping, tapping, light banging….golf balls on couch…golf tees [GT]…down to the ground…flower rug [FLM: AT]…driving inside…apples still life to his right [FM: AT]…pic of boy in gown [AT]….abstract tie…angled cubes…dark….gray….black surrounding lines…golf balls to the chair….[James, with Donna: “She’s gone?” [IM: DMT: DI].]…they laugh…he is tense for a moment….[Leland:] “I’m sure she’d be glad to hear from you.”…dramatic irony [DI]….pink lavender room….more apples cut….on wall…[Leland to them: “Take it easy now.” [DI: IM: Principle: HQT].]…Bob in mirror [WRQ: DMT]…smiling…..[Sarah Palmer: “Leland, remember to sign us up for Glen Miller Night] at the club.” [AT: LT]…view down from closet to Leland…what is stacked there above? [Blue. White-boxed board games?]….bloody hand [PTHM: SHM: Macbeth]…plastic in bag….has it over his shoulder with ease…supernatural strength!? [WRQ]….blue, the timer statue…centennial celebration….the timber statue [Previous three phrases strike strangely.]…convertible [“710-YEP” plate]…long coat and gloves in that weather….jollily dancing, head nodding in car…to…
Horne in cell….wipes off rails and brushes his teeth….Japanese flag in his pocket [HQT]…. “I don’t even know where I am.” [HQT] ….Jerry… “[God,] you look terrible.” [IM]….hug with tooth brush… “Your regular mouth piece has been charged with murder himself.” [IM]….“[Jerry,] for God’s sake.”…. “Last thing [a good] defense attorney needs to know is the truth.” [Principle: HQT]…a pipe [FM: FRT]…criminal law book [LT: HQT]….blue handkerchief in suit….cigar… “It happens to be the truth.” [Principle: HQT]…dramatic irony [DI]… “Catherine is alive.”…lighter and cigar in jail…. [Jerry:] “Bunk beds.”….fetal position kid [Jerry [PPM].]…view of girl dancing with flashlight…doo wop piano….blurry slow shot…angled pictures in door way…wooohooo…..both have glasses…they are smiling…bow tie…sweater and suit for other…hips and light focused upon…feet…white socks….bob cut [MNT]…straight on light….orbs [WRQ]…..eagle on his sweater same style as Great Northern artwork [AM: AT]…inspiration?… “Lord, what has become of us?” [WRQ: HQT]…
Lucy….back with sister….same sound…baby in blue….bear [AM]… “You must be that native person [I’ve heard so much about.]…Eagle eye.”…. the look he [HAWK] gave her when he walked away [NAM]…
[Cooper talking to Diane while walking with Harry in the timbered hallway of The Great Northern [Long House[1]: HQT].:] “In another time, another culture, he may have been a seer, a shaman [priest. In our world he is a shoe salesman and he lives among the shadows.” [NAM: LT: HQT: WRQ: DMT]…..Leland dancing circles….dances up and down the chair [GT]…back to gifts….red circle to left….fisherman [HQT]…applause of Leland’s dancing [AT]…huge smile… “Just having a little fun.” [IM: DMT]….his boss as the culprit….totem shown, one eye to right of Harry’s shoulder [NAM: AT: MNT]….image between Harry and Leland, furniture black against wall… [Leland:] “You have strong case…The law will handle this.” [HQT]…Cooper: “As it should be.” [Principle: HQT: Cooper as Hero: “The cult of the hero has been found necessary not only because of the exigencies of war, but because of the virtues inherent in heroism—which  he has felt the need to exalt, emphasize and record.  The magic, the apparatus and the splendour of the very appurtenances of the ancient warrior proclaim the truth of this, as does the custom of according acclamation worthy of kings to the conquering hero.  The relationship between the ‘little holy way’, that is the struggle with the material enemies outside, and the ‘Great Holy War’, or combat with the spiritual enemies inside the personality, inevitably gave rise to the same relationship being drawn between the hero of the ‘little war’ and the champion of the ‘Great War’. Every heroic characteristic finds its analogy among the virtues necessary to vanquish chaos and overcome the temptation offered by the forces of darkness.  This explains why, in many myths, the sun was identified with the hero par excellence…the subject of so many myths, legends and traditional tales.  He adds that in the life destined for the hero, the historical and the symbolic are one and the same thing.  The first object of the hero is to conquer himself…”[2] [Principle].]….hand on door frame [PTHM]….struggling…golf club between brow…very tense line…laugh…looks up…Cooper senses the oddity [WRQ: HQT]….his POV…we hear Leland….shaky view….head down…. “If you can remember anything unusual about Mr. Horne’s behavior [the night of Laura’s death, will you please let me know?”]…irony [DI]…his own….eyes up…then to laughter…sweaty face…..turns head sideways…brows up….ominous….Leland framed in door way…dancing again….taps ground with cane [PTHM]…to …fade….
“8” on gloves…pad…pin prick on finger [PTHM]…blood shown….motif….[Dr. Hayward: “This won’t hurt a bit.” [IM: HQT].]…[Cooper to Jerry] Horne: “Gonzaga University 1974.”… “graduated last”… “out of 142”…. “Hey, I’m not on trial here!” [IM: What is your trial?: LT: AT: The Trial’s absurdity seems darkly similar to Twin Peaks.[3]]…[Cooper: “Take a closer look.” [Principle].]…diary …dot tie…diamond grid [CBM]…brownish red…yellow middle  on black…Harry, arms crossed…. “She never got the chance, did she?” [IM: GT: HQT]….Cooper side’s down…side-angle head…. “We’re all adults here.” [IM: MNT]…. “Wild, young girl…[things spin out of control, she becomes a threat” [IM: Principle: HQT].] …. [Ben:] “You are way outta line.” [IM]…. [“Maybe you don’t have anything to hide.” [IM: MNT: LT: DMT: HQT].]…lip smack Cooper…. “You cannot talk to me like this.” [Principle: HQT]…stern look from Harry…. “You have your moment .” [IM: LT: HQT]… “They can establish motive.”…. “Your blood may have Laura’s fingerprints on it.”…. “I strongly suggest you get yourself a better lawyer.”….
Tape [MNT]….Horne’s voice…black bandana Bobby…… “Keep it simple.” [Principle: Thoreau and Easy Rider combined. [Zoom in boombox].]…[“In block letters about six feet high.  The deal that we discussed.” [IM: GT]…. “Dear Ben, I think we should talk.”…he is already talking… “Special delivery for Mr. Horne.” [IM]…blue gown…bright blue…clown on wall [WRQ: AT]…ketchup on body…or baby food…he licks off [FM]…flower pattern on her night gown [FLM: AT]…[AT: Red and yellow plate.]… “That is our ship.” [HQT]… “Cash cow has turned into a sink hole.” [IM: AM: HQT].…“Maybe French maid.”…
Cafe…log truck goes by [HQT]….meal, Toad….Toad….eating meatloaf….mom there…eats his potatoes [FM]….close up of her hand on arm with ketchup there [PTHM: FM]….charming husband….bird on mom’s jacket [AM: AT]….. “Ernie”…. “financial analyst”…gold chains…one with cross…on cell phone….huge ring on both hands [PTHM]…..mountain to right of Norma [AT: HQT]…[Norma’s mother: “The flowers add such a measure of cheer.” [FLM: Principle: AT: HQT]…“Wanted to see something of the country.” [IM: HQT]…. “Toyko [fax] waiting [for me] at the desk.” [HQT]….paper left on the counter…ring on left hand, married… he’s a gambler…not a financial analyst… “1000 on house” [IM: GT]…
…to One Armed Man in bed…guard outside not seen before [Principle]…saw on wall [PTHM]…windows open…One Armed Man hits him down and says, “I’m sorry.” [DMT]….out the window…breeze blowing….fade to black…
“Eat It.”…on cone….Hank….Mom there with pie [FM]…. “Don’t sweet talk me, I’m this far from telling you to take a hike.” [IM: HQT]… “There are people [out there,] from my past that want to see me fail.” [HQT]…country song he is saying as the music is playing [MNT]… “Sometimes it’s [just] best to hole up and wait for the storm to pass.” [IM: HQT]… “I am just trying to keep my head above water.” [IM: HQT]…[Norma’s mom, Vivian:] “Prodigal son returns.” [IM: HQT]…red and blue and purple lines connecting flowers on her blouse [AT: FLM]….pocket…
Harry, glasses [binoculars]…red flannel on rack and Pete in flannel.,. “What you got?”… “Woodpecker.”….binoculars…red headed wood pecker view…through binoc [ZM]….figure black….bear [AM]…between Harry and Pete…owl?…“Pileated wood pecker”… Pete loved her….Harry did too….dramatic irony [DI]…. Pete: “Her assistant?…Her cousin Jonathan.”… “Mr. Lee”…“I have a bad feeling.” [IM]… “I’m right there with you.” [IM: MNT: Principle: HQT]…
Cooper….blue red [DMT]….blue hat to right of red…Bob pic shown….Lucy…baby…blue….fake plants being watered….baby does move [ZM]…elk deer horn mug [AM: AT]….Andy passes out…Bob visible…
…Pete through the bars….Horne, hand over face…..moves fingers to reveal eye [PTHM]…. “Greetings from the…”… [Tape of Catherine:] “I have a strong aversion to prisons.”….panning right….Horne hands on bars moving to Pete… [“Lost in love…almost like a dream…It was the night Laura Palmer died…Memory’s so unreliable, finally maybe it was a dream. Maybe it never happened.] To tell you the truth, I can’t be sure anymore.” [Principle: LT: HQT: WRQ]…Horne sits down…. “Career opportunities offered by the Federal Prison System.”…. “She set me up.” [GT: HQT]…Pete…“That Kathryn.”…he is ecstatic…. “She’s a….”…Horne rattles the bars and kicks and throws his bunk bed and breaks the pillow…down everywhere…snowing…guard watches [Principle]…kicks toilet…sits on toilet….guard with mustache… “Set me up,” he repeats [GT: HQT].…fingers move [PTHM]… “Set me up.”…Leland driving with him…red on key ring… “Missouri” [MNT: AT: Song is fitting for Maddie’s home state.]…left and right driving…view behind him….view up of the trees above [WTM]….looks like California….irony of Cooper’s line and Leland’s horrible driving [MNT]…. “Adams” blurred on car….Leland starts singing…golfer….just struck…. “I guess my mind just wandered.”…[Cooper: “It’s a good idea to leave your troubles behind while operating a vehicle, Leland.” [IM: Principle].]…view over shoulder of Leland…down to him….ominous…rising…. “Diary.”… “That could be.”….taps car… “Do you play golf?”…Cooper… “I [enjoy] its precision.” [GT: Principle]….. “Uh, sure,” says Cooper….Leland up with club raised…to strike [PTHM]…. “By the waterfall.” [WRQ]…white triangle to right of fence….tight face on Leland…ascending…Bob in rearview….mouth emphasized…to…
Water falls…deep inside [WRQ: DMT: HQT]….rising piano…fade to black….
Andy….Gwen dress autumn flowers [AT: FLM]…. “See people want terrible things to happen to you, I know.” [HQT]… “Talk to you about my…”…ring on… “What kind of tiny little creature am I dealing with?” [WRQ: HQT]…. “Just what the world needs. Another…running around loose.”…both listening…same head nod….hand wave [PTHM]… “Jumping like salmon swimming upstream.”… “Spawning.”…[Andy:] “I was misinformed.”… “Oh brother.”…. Oh Brother Art Thou[4] …red blue eagle…blurry fake plants between….[Lucy’s sister: “Schnookeebookum!”]…
Hawk arms crossed…..One Armed Man around Horne…looks rabid… “Bob is not here now.”… [Jerry:] “Isn’t there something [that] you would like to share with us?”…. “Stop staring at me like I’m a dog biscuit.” [AM: FM]… “Who’s Bob?”…. “Clearly this man’s stairs do not reach the attic.” [IM: WRQ]… [Harry:] “I’m charging you [with the murder of Laura Palmer].”… [Ben:] “Good move.” [IM: GT]…“Nail all the windows shut.”…. “You are finished.” [IM: HQT]….Horne hands on….. “Lumberjack”…. [Cooper:] “I think we’re saddling the horse before we’re ready to ride.” [IM: AM]… “Do you get it?”… “I’ve had enough of the mumbo jumbo…dreams… visions…dwarfs…giants…Tibet, [and the rest of the hocus pocus]” [WRQ: HQT]…. vs.… “Hard evidence.” [LT: HQT]…. “This is your back yard, sometimes an [outsider] can forget that.” [Principle: HQT: The Outsider by Colin Wilson: “Chapter Eight The Outsider as Visionary The visionary is inevitably an Outsider. And this is not because visionaries are a relatively small minority in proportion to the rest of the community; in that case, rat-catchers and steeple-jacks would be Outsiders too. It’s for the very different reason that he starts from a point that everybody can stand, and very soon soars beyond the general understanding. He starts from the ‘appetite for fruitful activity and a high quality of life’, the most profound and ineradicable human instinct. And before long you have him making statements like this…”[5]]…Cooper walks away fast….to…
Food…diamond blue bright on black gird [CBM]…down left….tie….licks hands and puts them on Ernie’s back [FM: PTHM…domino tie holder…. [Hank:] “Ernie the Professor Niles.”…fire in the left [FRM]…domino bolo…jazz piano… “[What’s your angle here, anyway, with] Ms. Money bags?”…. secrets…. “Republican fundraiser”…… “Told her some tall tale.” [IM: WRQ: LT: AT: HQT: MNT]… “A whopper.”…[Ernie: “I’m trying hard to tell nothing but the truth these days. It’s therapeutic.” [Principle: HQT].]…abstract tie…grayish blue streaks… “Loan shark.”… “I’m out of it.”… “I paid my debts.” [Principle: HQT]… “Clean slate” [IM]….[Harry] food on mouth [FM]… “This is interesting to me.” [IM: LT: HQT]… “Still on his ace.” [GT]…. “Prepared to pay any price.”… “I completely agree.”….on wall…wood around frame…or antlers [AM]…. “To much success in their future and all their future dealings.” [Principle: GT: HQT]…man turns with clink…chugs…throws napkin down….uncouth…
Wind…blowing curtains…cherry pie…native American flute [NAM: AT]…milk…hair still slicked… “11:05 PM…There’s not a star in the sky tonight.” [WRQ]… “[The trail narrows, Diane. I’m very close, but] the last few steps are always the darkest and most difficult.” [Principle: HQT]… narrow path….picture…Audrey in it…lake…birds behind her [AM]…she has hands behind back [PTHM]…leans against wall and walks along it…..vulnerable act… “What I think doesn’t really matter right now.” [LT: Principle].]… [Audrey:] “All I ever wanted was for him to love me.” [HQT]…sits on bed…said, “One Eyed Jack’s.”…only her one eye shown [MNT]…Cooper knows…psychic [WRQ]….maybe….lit candles [FRT]…ominous…she is on both knees with hands in prayer position…. [Cooper:] “No questions. Do what I say.”….to…
The falls…inside deep again…blue red lights [DMT]…of the cop cars are the model lights of their theme…to the scene….foggy…danger….shaky view…POV and behind them…body…wrapped… “Maddie Ferguson”…fade from Cooper to Maddie…repeated….
[1]               “Longhouse,” New World Encyclopedia, accessed September 18th, 2017.
[2]                 J. E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, trans. Jack Sage (New York: Philosophical
Library, 1962), 140-1.
[3]                 “The Trial Brilliantly Brings Kafka to Life as an Opera in Its U.S. Premiere, ”
Riverfront Times, accessed September 18th, 2017.
[4]                  “O Brother, Where Art Thou?,” IMDB, accessed September 18th, 2017.
[5]                 Colin Wilson, The Outsider, (Los Angeles: Jeremy P. Tarcher Inc., 1967), 203.

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