Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental!? Guide 2-7 Lonely Souls [Joyous Hearts [JH][DMT].]
Twin Peaks are the highs and lows of life’s comedy and tragedy [DMT: LT: AT: Muses]…inverted mountain of Dante’s Inferno if my reference is right [Yes.[1] [Principle: LT: HQT].] …Twin Peaks, either side of self…Steppenwolf [DMT: AT: LT: HQT]….swirling [SM] of the Twin Peaks inside oneself…water imagery…inner vortex [SM]….fade to…
…Line of eaters…right hand with same coffee in right [FM]….[One Armed Man:] “A large house made of wood surrounded by trees. [The house is filled with many rooms each alike, but occupied by different souls, night after night.” [WRQ]….dark music….One Armed Man…recites it as Shakespearean actor [SHM]…. “Full cooperation.” [IM: Principle: Wisely Enter Circles [WEC].]… “[On my way] as soon as I finish my coffee.” [IM: FM: Principle: Qualifier]…mountain between the two halves [DMT]…Cooper, Gordon, and Hawk…One Armed Man, Andy and Harry… “Bend, Oregon.” [HQT]… “Real hush hush.” [IM: Principle: HQT]… “Good luck to all of you.” [IM: WRQ: Principle]…hand shake, except for Mike, The One Armed Man [PTHM]…[“Safe journey.” [IM: Principle: HQT].]…toast their coffees [Principle: FM]…green light like Gatsby on water [AT: LT]…remains long as the fade to the…
Waterfall image on the clock [PPM: AT] panned right to the One Armed Man in the gift shop [who says:]… “No, no.”….drumming is somewhat chaotic…what is it?….woman walked in…sailor bouncing ball [HQT]…view above…everyone with ball [GT]…sailors with balls…Horne smoking cigar and walking very fast [FRM]…totems between One Armed Man and Cooper [AM: NAM]…Catherine shown without comment…spasm for One Armed Man [WRQ]…view above….Horne…pan away…..cacophony…double bouncing….jug….Doc there with black bag….POV down…blurred beam top left…chick in…fishermen as usual walking through [HQT]…back and forth with Horne stomping view….two fisherman in the way…yellow feathers in the…tackle box visible above [AM]…tree carving [AT]….white and black marker to left [CBM]…
Destruction of papers [at Harold Smith’s]…shredded dreams and secrets [HQT]…..dots on curtains in little boy and grandma’s house beyond….Uni Gro bag…..one grow [“All as one grow” as solution to the title: MNT]…universal…
Panning right twin peaks [DMT: AT: painting]….elk [AM]…fruit [holding statue: AT]…The Story of [Philosophy by Will Durant? LT: HQT]….three books…flower clock [FM]…Laura’s pics and one with Maddie…blue matching background of framed picture…to Maddie who is both [DMT]….mom and Leland….Laura’s pic between them….Maddie sits between, behind the Laura picture [MNT: DMT]…Leland’s hand behind Maddie and partially the mom [PTHM]…hair of mom echoed by vase of dead plants with evergreen behind it [MNT]…flag on pic…Missoula is where Maddie is going to go [“David Lynch, one of Missoula’s most famous sons…”[2] [MNT: LT: HQT].]…in picture before [AT]…flower couch [FM]…Leland grabs hand [PTHM]….paisley pajama pants [AT]…reflection on picture of lace [RM]…..shadow of her for hair doppelganger [DMT]…panning right reveals cat ….Siamese cat…of course [AM: DMT]…[Leland: “It’s not like Missoula is at the far end of the universe.” [IM: WRQ].]…and she just said, “Of course.”….panning right….to record spinning and blurred [SM]…coffee with saucer on couch [FM]…. “What a Wonderful World”!? [AT: DI: MNT: “All Wisdom Begins With Wonder.” [AWBWW] –Socrates[3] [Principle: LT: HQT].]…then to…
Log truck and cops both at [HQT]….Smith’s house…blood on papers…flash bulb…he is being taken down [from hanging]…but note grabbed from pocket first… “I am a lonely soul.” [WRQ: MNT: Phrase of boy magician across from Harold. Psychic boy knew his death note’s content ahead of time. [HQT].]…temperature red and blue to the right [DMT]….flash again…illumination…Hawk found….red encyclopedias…flash again….National Geographic [LT: HQT: Explore!]…dark gong…flash now flashes them to white and then back then to…
Shelly’s house by the lake…flannel…robe…food on face [FM]…picture above Shelly…blue and pink balloons next to each other… “That’s a good start.” [IM: Principle]….insulation on the ground….jazzy music….Bobby’s untied…. “T” shown on left…in red…Twin Peaks… [Shelley:] “I didn’t make the rules.” [IM: GT: HQT]….shot at waist level….then to another angle slightly higher… [Bobby: “Leo] into a lot of different stuff with a lot of different people.”… “After hiding it somewhere.” [HQT]…Leo starts screaming… “He’s alive.” …Frankenstein [WRQ: AT: LT: Stealing from him galvanizes his consciousness.]…spits….untied boots….Leo, scar on forehead…. “He probably has gas.”…. “New shoes.”… [said] like a bird [AM]…to…
Roaring fire [FRT: Tension burning.]…Audrey…elk between Ben and Audrey [AM]… “Blacky.”… “Emory Battis.”… “Ronnette.”…. “I know about Laura.”…blue handkerchief in his pocket…black tie…etched flowery [FM]… “You remember Prudence? [I wore a little white mask.]” [Principle]…How ironic a name? [MNT]…Horne turns away…cigar shown now in view [FRM: FM]….blue and red books [DMT]… History of a Free People[4] [NAM: LT]…book [Three Coins in the Bird Bath[5]]…black and gray flannel for Audrey….like his tie…he looks down after she asks, “Did you sleep with her?”…silence….piano comes in after “Yes.”…then to her picture….scene before…with partial…shown…Horne licks his lips….now pic again… “I loved her.”…hand moves to what? [PTHM]…blurred image of pens in front…piano shift to disturbing tone and Audrey’s disgust…
Woman with bag outside café….red shirts to the left…coffee between Norma and Shelly [Counter shot]… “25 cents a cup”…. “Free refills”…Double R Diner [FM: HQT]….heavenly music ascending….red lipstick and right exit sign blurred top right…blurred window through window… “You look after yourself. [When you are ready, you can come right back.]” [IM: Principle: HQT]… “Like you haven’t even missed a day.” [IM] …. “A moment.”…. dreamy doo wop moment…. “I don’t know what to say.”… “Don’t say anything.” [Principle]…hug to…Rock and Roll Nadine and Hank….socks…..spinning on red stool…blue hat walks out….red ashtray partially in view….triangle peaks [MNT]….red and blue and yellow in Nadine sweater [Primary colors: AT]…. “Split pea and lamb”…on sign [FM]…. “Spl” [Spell] visible again…“Like you went away forever.” [IM]….jazzy pink panther….Hank open-mouthed…. “Pea” visible [FM]… “You’re not mad, Norma?”….dramatic irony [DI]… “Eddie told me that you broke up.”….his head to the ground…his ring visible to remind us of the connection [MNT]..[Nadine: “Isn’t he just the dreamiest?”]…. “I can’t wait till the start of football season.”….crushed glass….hands bloody… “I am sorry. There goes another one.”….staring at palm [PTHM]…whipped cream and shake on her…POV to her hand and other side of Ed’s amazed and shocked face… “I am so happy.”…. “I could just kiss you to death.” [IM: SHM: Lady Macbeth and Juliet strike me. [DMT].]…and she starts…..he is open-eyed and she is not…..eye movement….open-mouthed…. “Oh boy, Nadine.”…….no one there….
To Leo [Left of door outdoorsman painting [AT: HQT].]….transformation like Nadine [DMT]….Mike there in red….trophies on shelf [HQT]…red flowers to his right [FLM] and the lift for his bed there too….zoom in to him and then Mike looking closer [ZM]… “74” [On Mike’s jacket]… “Hank did this.”… Leo hits his head back [Movement like before shows consciousness brewing based upon conversation. [HQT: WRQ].]….he gets supremely fixated…Leo that is….Leo’s face away…seemingly responding…drooling…. “Will you get a hammer?” [PTHM]…Mike is open-mouthed…. “74”…he has “MC 60” tape in his shoe…..spitting again…drooling…. “It’s not money, but who knows.”…shot of them and the hanging lift…framed well….
Stack of 12 doughnuts…ripped paper…coffee [FM]…Rotary symbol [HQT]… “Something like that.”… “Supports the contention of the One Armed Man.” [Principle: Evidence Analysis for Argumentation: LT: HQT]… “He was a threatening presence.” [HQT] ….two toothpicks…Audrey…in all black…log frame behind Audrey…slanted down right tie [Cooper: “Holy Smokes!” [IM: WRQ: FRT].]….black with white and gray line….Cooper…hands in pockets…Harry walks in eating [FM]….pink skirt…room 105…. “Without chemicals, he points.”….fade to black…as “warrant”….and dun dun dun note hit…
Pan right Great Northern…Mr. Tojamura….book on table [LT]…silver cover…..red dot tie… “My good friend.” [HQT]…dramatic irony [DI]…..[Mr. “We appreciate your promptness” [Principle: Gratitude]…red dot and gray back….handkerchief matches gray…blurry globe…Joseph on book…silks….on it…his eyes are blue and reflections there [RM]…face twinges as he says the arrest reasons… “You’re insane!” [WRQ]….Horne’s ring shown…Horne wags his finger at him [PTHM: Ring Power [RP].]….[“Is this some kind of sick joke, because] I know people in high places?” [IM: LT: HQT]….gold elk shown [AT:AM]….full nelson [LT: HQT]….glasses down… “No! No!” ….stoic Cooper…men sawing like men wrangling Horne [AT: MNT: HQT]…Catherine there and her assistant quietly watching…shown no word…
Tops of tree…evergreen…half dark [WTM]…blurry record [AT: SM]…chair…with light…no one there…duck on table [AM]…no music heard….carpet view backing up…what is this creature?” [WRQ: Cryptozoology: Bigfoot, mentioned when?: LT: HQT]….shaky…now upstairs…hand crawling down [PTHM]….it’s the mom…paisley bathrobe [AT]….Leland called for….fan shown…speed is hypnotizing [SM]…
Lucy Moran, nope…blond guy…Andy with hat…light dark music [DMT]…who’s in?…it’s the Log and Log Lady [WRQ]…she is married [Ring]…theme of showing it during “Lonely souls” [MNT]…how the married are still lonely?…red big glasses…lipstick…. “We don’t know [what will happen and when, but] there are owls in the Road House.” [WRQ: AM: HQT]….collective “We.”… “Something is happening.” …Cooper is right.”….she agrees…
Then full moon with crazy purplish clouds [WRQ: Moon motif]…to…
Pete…shadowed door… “Something is happening” in this episode…..disturbing shots…. “Look here, buster.” [IM: HQT]…. “Lonely souls.”…. “Something about your eyes.”….“It’s me.”… “Me.”…. “Catherine.”… “You look terrible.” [IM]…laughter…. “Just terrible.”….repeated…then to…
The tree blowing in the wind [WTM]…back to record [AT: SM]…odd breathing…crawling on floor…she sees…what?…we see nothing and then…nothing…to a white horse [AM: WRQ: Unicorn]….she is open-mouthed and unblinking…horse breathes and blinks and vanishes….POV over her and up blurred to record in focus….pan right up….Siamese cat [DMT: AM]…then Leland in the mirror [RM]…no awareness of her on the ground….to…
Road House…Chevron Log at gas station…two beer bottles in the puddle and reflection of the sign in it [RM: FM: AM]…red sign…..red lipstick…lager….shown…red curtains…big painting [AT: Like painting at Palmer’s]…James on right…with nuts [FM]…Donna smoking [FRM: FM]… [Donna on Harold: “I think he was hurt inside in a way that I couldn’t figure out.” James: “Everybody’s hurt inside.” [Principle: HQT].]…elk…again…in painting….white bandana on the right… “heart” in lyrics of [HM: “Look back inside my heart. I want you up back inside my heart. Tell your heart, ‘Don’t let me die.’” [Principle].] …. “Tell your heart, ‘It’s me.’” [Personify and anthropomorphize the heart= “In the vertical scheme of the human body, the focal points are three in number: the brain, the heart and the sexual organs. But the central point is the heart, and in consequence it comes to partake to the meanings of the other two. The heart was the only part of the viscera left by the Egyptians in the mummy, and since it was regarded as the centre indispensable to the body in eternity; for all centres are symbols of eternity, since time is the motion of the periphery of the wheel of phenomena rotating around the Aristotelian ‘unmoved mover’. In traditional ways of thought, the heart was taken as the true seat of intelligence, the brain being merely instrumental (25); hence, in ancient attempts to explain the profound and continuing analogies between concepts, the moon was aid to correspond to the brain and the sun to the heart. All representations of the ‘Centre’ have been related in some way to the heart, either through correspondences or through substitution, as in the case of the goblet, the coffer and the cavern. For the alchemist, the heart was the image of the sun within man, just as gold was the image of the sun on earth (32). The importance of love in the mystic doctrine of unity explains how it is that love symbolism came to be closely linked with heart-symbolism, for to love is only to experience a force which urges the lover towards a given centre. In emblems, then, the heart signifies love as the centre of illumination and happiness, and this is why it is surmounted by flames, or a cross, or a fleur-de-lis, or a crown.”[6]]…. “I violated that.”…. “He didn’t deserve that.” [IM: HQT]…saw on wall [PTHM]…and mountain painting [AT: HQT]…Cooper on the right in brown and Harry on the left….x glass up left…to singer…so bright …surreal [AT]…Log Lady likes peanuts [FM]…sax solo…levels of sound [AM]…Donna has same color on as Maddie earlier in pajamas….two soda….two beers [FM]….Donna singing to James…the lyrics… “I want you right back inside my heart.” [HM: Heart as locker of secrets and the physically connected organ to such storage: the strain of secrets within, depending on their origin.]…he contemplates the peanut and smiles…Log Lady taps log…sailors playing pinball [HQT: GT].… “SkoKo…” lager shown…peanut bits [FM]…one on tap….fade to curtain and beer logo…..
Three saxes [AT]…..Bobby at bar and old man from the hotel…Maddie-looking sailor [HQT]….eyes closed….see the light [Principle: LT: HQT: WRQ]…glimmer in Cooper’s eyes [IM: Principle]…smoke filling [FT: Smoke as sign]….fade to…
Band….ominous music in…now Giant after old man before…all stare…transfixed [WRQ]….Log Lady moves [WRQ: Indicating her awareness, like Cooper]… “It is happening again.” [WRQ]…light on his neck and on the Giant…repeated line from Giant…fade to…
Record [AT: SM: Dream machine by William S. Burroughs:[7]]…which is happening again?….Leland in mirror [RM]….he smiles….we see from mirror…now Bob is there [WRQ: DMT]….winks…now Bob flashes over Leland on the other side…first Bob turns and then Leland turns to you…menacing odd angle door shot… it is happening again…glove of Leland [PTHM]…wife on floor…another glove…nonchalantly donning them… “What is that smell?” [HQT]…light on her…Bob now flashes over Leland…heat distortion…over flowers on wall [FM]…Maddie screaming…Leland…as Bob…light spotlight on him strangling Maddie…Bob strangling…shadow right [DMT: WRQ]….Bob punch…laugh…Bob hands on knees animal like [AM: DMT: WRQ]….hands up, “Come to Bob.” [HQT]….smaller than her but stronger…smiles like a wolf [AM]…throws her down…punch…picture of Laura behind her….blood on the eye….can’t look away [IM]…dancing with her…creepy spinning view of his….disorienting…movie spinning mantel [SM]…too fast…in and out of focus [SM]…now to Bob…astral plane world…another level [WRQ]…kisses her….controlling the father ….father daughter…father niece…bloody tear….back to Bob….roaring….snarling….demon noises [WRQ]….you have the psychic view….both worlds…peaks [DMT: WRQ: HQT]…light eyes of Bob….down right tie…gray…on red…her face into the painting [AT: HQT]…. “going back to Missoula” [MNT]…was on the painting [Leland smashes her face into]….under finger…..the bloodiest one… “o” goes under it [GT]…with a scalpel….face to blood on black…like Audrey…to…
Giant with blue eyes [WRQ: HQT]….not blinking and open-mouthed…blinking Cooper….red bow tie….Cooper grabs tie…Giant fades…so does light…back to…
Band….movement of crowd again…slow slow…old man waiter now…with red apron….in red on wall…red and green bowtie…he pats Cooper on the right [PTHM]… “I’m so sorry,” the man says….he smiles…. “The sun.” [HM]…. “The river flows out to the sea.” [Principle: HQT]….Bobby…stares open mouthed…then to Donna…Donna is crying… [Dreamiest singing:] “Love, don’t go away come back this way….come back and stay.”…Donna crying….Cooper looks up….to singer…side down profile…brighter red….he is seeing the different levels [WRQ: HQT]…red on him…to curtain…the dominating red….slowly panning left as it fades….. “Tojamura” and….. “Please stay” is the last line of the song and matches with the end of the credits [MNT: as the shot pans left on the red curtains]…
[1] “The Geological Features That Inspired Hell in Dante’s Divine Comedy,” Forbes, accessed September, 11th, 2017.
[2] “Demystifying David Lynch,” Missoula News, accessed September 11th, 2017.
[3] “A Study of Wonder,” Psychology Today, accessed September 11th, 2017.
[4] “History of a Free People,” WorldCat, accessed September 11,
[5] “Goodbye, Mr. Smith : He wrote about it all. Column after column, year after year. Through him. we got to know about the city we love most, about him, about each other. : On Dentists, Rome, Aging . . . and Saving Water,” Los Angeles Times, accessed September 11, 2017. http://articles.latimes.com/1996-01-10/news/ls-22882_1_jack-smith/2
[6] J. E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, trans. Jack Sage (New York: Philosophical
Library, 1962), 135-6.
[7] “Dreammachine” Wikipedia, accessed September 11, 2017.