Seek Further Inward and Outward!?

Hiking Twin Peaks 1-5 The One Armed Man [Endures the Beast]  

Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental!? Guide Weird Real(m) Quest(ion)s Introduction & Season 1

[I recommend you read the Introduction before reading this episode.]

Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental!? Guide 1-5 The One Armed Man [Endures the Beast]

Trees above instead of hanging below…trees above house of mourning [WTM]…Laura Palmer photo, “Home Coming Queen”…Bob sketching Bob for Mom…Donna open-eyed, wide…cousin with tea…to Sheriff…huge glasses…flower shown to left of her photo [FLM]…woman to the left….“He looked like an animal.” [AM: DMT]… “Have you ever seen this man before?”[WRQ]…Leland …. [Sarah Palmer: “His face, my God, his face!”]…“Tell them about the necklace.” [HQT]…[Leland: They’re going to love that one.”]…. “She has had two visions.” [WRQ]psychic like agent… “It’s night.”…paisley bathrobe [AT]….her hand motion [PTHM]….blurry behind Donna…moving as the camera moves to her…she is open mouthed and opened eyed.…
“Invitation to Love” [MNT: Which should be accepted?] is motif…..bow tie….stroking his hair [PTHM]…. “I’m married to your sister now.”….[“You’ve always said you couldn’t tell us apart.” [DMT].]…Lucy watching with pencil in mouth….shamrock [WRQ] downstairs…..”family business”….on show….summary is intense [MNT: HQT: Lucy elucidates the recent plot twists, which echo Twin Peaks.].….
[Dr. Jacoby] red right eye [= “blood (life), fire (warmth), passion, revolution, liberty.”] and blue left [=“the calm sea; thinking, religious feeling, truth, cold.”][1][DMT]…like cards [GT]…then his view to Cooper….magic trick…mouth, ball out of his mouth [WRQ]….then white and black diamonds [CBM]….Tibet to the left of the Doc [HQT: LT]….Freudian analysis [HQT]….gets up… [“My abiding interests lie in the East as well, but only as far as Hawaii. The ancient Hawaiians often returned to the soothing rhizome of the ginger plant to ease the pain of profound confusion, which more often than not was sexual.” [HQT: LT: FM]… chopping giant tree…redwood? sequoia?…redwood?…walks towards agent… [Dr. Jacoby: “My own] personal investigation [I suspect] will be ongoing for the rest of my life.”…. [Laura had] secrets [, and around those secrets, she built] a fortress [that in my six months with her, I was not able to penetrate, and which I consider myself an abject failure.” [DMT: HQT]…three… “Red corvette”… “Old Sawmill Road” [HQT]… [Dr. Jacoby [Hand rolling the ball.]: “I’m planning a pilgrimage to Pebble Beach…[HQT]. Hang loose.” [IM: Principle]…Twin Peaks mug [MNT]…Hawk to right of agent….abstract….flag to left of bird seen during his point about Laura being eaten by the birds [AM: MNT] symbolism [DMT: “Bird: Every winged being is symbolic of spiritualization.  The bird, according to Jung, is a beneficent animal representing spirits or angels, supernatural aid (31), thoughts and flights of fancy (32)….In North America, the supreme Being is often equated with the mythic personification of lighting and thunder as a great bird (17).”[2] [HQT: LT: DMT: NAM: AM: WRQ]… [Gordon Cole: “Now for the bad news, Coop, I’ve got OJAFO concerning his mano a mano with the local Sherriff Truman…”…DC: “Here’s how it is.  In my opinion Sherriff Truman showed the patience of a saint in not clocking him a day earlier than he did.” [IM].]…“File it ‘F’ for forget.” [Principle]…. [DC: “I’ll fight him all the way up the chain to Washington.” [HQT: LT].] … “City slicker.” [IM]… “Relieving himself upstream.”…. “I had an intuition.” [HQT: LT: WRQ]… “Sarah Palmer.”… “I’m a strong sender.” [WRQ]….corrects drawing quickly and with eyes in distance… “Always seeing somewhere.” [Principle]…. “Timber Falls Motel.” [HQT]…
Jazzy…Adirondack benches….Nikon for Josie just when the women [Catherine] is saying it to Horne… [“I have more than one hiding place.”]…“Not even Pete the Poodle knows about that one.” [AM] ….drink wine together [“This rusticated mildew farm.”]… “…The Lumber Baron Suite at The Great Northern.” [HQT: Folklore connection to Paul Bunyan, which grounds the mythos of this flight for fantastic fancy. [WRQ].] …Hawk….Bronco….Log Truck…motif [HQT]….Room 101….Orwell? [LT]…Andy drops gun and shoots it…Cooper spins around…. [Catherine: “Gun play…sounds serious”[“I’m going to give little Elvis a bath.”] [WRQ]… “Put your hands where I can see them.” [PTHM]… “Nope”…hand….then to doll [WRQ]…of Elvis [WRQ]….she grabs chip…One Eyed Jack’s a thousand…behind one armed man…cliff side and light house [HQT]…blue flowers on wallpaper [FLM]…. “Memphis to some place.”… [DC: “The arm you lost, did it have a tattoo?”]… “What’s this all about?” [WRQ]…[Dale Cooper: “What did it say?”]… “Bob.”…. he’s crying ridiculously….both squat as Hawk explains track [HQT: LT]…
Twin Peaks simple in red…Audrey smoking… [“Maybe you should run away and join the circus.”] [HQT: IM]…jazzy…[Donna: “Escape.” [HQT].]…[Audrey: “I got a better idea.” [LT].]…pink tile…. “A life of mystery and international intrigue” [HQT: MNT: Thank you for the meta-point!] …. [“Dream on.” [HQT: WRQ].] “Fact…”…Audrey in the mirror [RM]… …“Fact”… “Sweet tooth…”… [“Well I guess that’s not really a big secret.”]…“I knew the score” [IM: GT]…. “Laura was wild”… [“What else have you figured out Sherlock?” [HQT: LT]…“It gets better.” [MNT]…  [Audrey: “One Eyed Jack’s”]… [Donna:] “Isn’t that a western with Marlon Brandon?” [HQT: LT]… “I get all shivery…it’s like a hot cold…whatever we find out we will have to keep it to ourselves.” [HQT: WRQ]….fade to…
Prison….red truck hugging wall… “Hearing room.”…purple dress…Norma…[Official to her: “I hope I didn’t come on too strong yesterday.” [Principle].]… “It’s starting to put the zap on me big time.” [HQT: LT: MNT: The show is doing that to us too! Meta-point!] … [Hank: “I’ve replayed it in my mind a million times. I just don’t have any answers…Why? Why did fate deal me this hand?…But it was fate, maybe in an odd way, even luck that sent me to prison…” [HQT: LT: WRQ].]  …Norma in back looking down and to the right….playing with a domino [GT]…grid of color….on her shirt…wood paneling … “Facing a difficult reentry.” [HQT]… [“The Boss is tough and fair.” [MNT: HQT]… “Well, he’s my husband isn’t he?”….3 and 3 domino….hand on his shoulder [PTHM]… “Catch ya later.” [ID]…Native American head on the pumps [NAM]…fuchsia sign behind….fade to…
…[Sherriff Truman: “Cooper, I think you’d be afraid to go to sleep at night.”]…bike outside [The One Stop [HQT].]…Hawk Hi-Fives [PTHM]….open sign…kitten [AM]… … [Lydecker] vet clinic…. [llama] inside…[DC:  “In the heat of the investigative pursuit, the shortest way between two points is not necessarily a straight line.”] [HQT: LT: WRQ: Principle] …giant fire hydrant…to deputy and agent’s respective outsides…walks through…small rose [FLM]…..on her counter….to…
Leo’s and Bobby there…little jar with red hat and pointy nose pointing towards them… “I’m going to fix him.”…[“Fix me first.” [ID: PTHM].]… “Canuck guy that works at the Road House.” [Respect to Patrick Swayze.] ….mushroom wall paper and birds on wood panel to right [AM]…shirt… [Bobby: “I gotta think. I gotta think.” [MNT: HQT: Principle].]… “This could be the answer to our prayers.” [HQT]…[Bobby: “I’m going to take this. Ok. You never saw this. Say it: “I never saw this.”…Shelly: “I never saw this.” [HQT: LT: Theme of religion and belief and spiritual power.].]…plate to left of Bobby….red shirt on blue background….she grabs a gun…puts the gun under her slip…to the office…list of wanted sheet blurry in front of Lucy…back to the sawing photo [AT]… “I’ve been feeling a little high strung.” [ID] … Cooper: “Well, it’s a lack of preparation. We’ll take care of that.” [Principle].]…bird on the wall to the left [AM] and tree painting to right…bird behind Lucy on wall…she has three colored pear pendant necklace [FM]…red yellow and green… fall falls, but not with the evergreens….antlers to left and trees to the right [AM]….pencils in her hand [PTHM]…bird to her left….wallpaper to the right….water cooler to the left….mountain calendar [HQT]….snowman with red hat [WRQ]….shield to the right [HQT]….blurry Christmas ornaments to the right….body language is Sherriff’s question after Cooper knows…he is trying to figure out his intuitive methods [HQT: LT: WRQ]…Sheriff… “Not too many secrets left around here.”…dramatic irony [DI] for us…. “Amen to that.”…. [“Designed from a different set of blueprints.”][DMT: HQT: LT: WRQ]….rapid fire…Andy overwhelmed…[DC about Hawk: “High Marks.” [HM].]…“Andy, what we need is practice, lots of it.” [HQT: LT]…music sentimental…after marriage questions asked [DC: “No, I knew someone once who helped me understand commitment, responsibilities and the risks… who taught me the pain of broken heart.” [HQT: LT: Principle]….SHOOTING.]….clarinet then….he is shooting as he recalled…Cooper doesn’t blink during shots….Harry does slightly…..Hawk…. [“One woman can make you fly like an eagle. Another can give you the strength of a lion. But only one in the cycle of life can fill your heart with wonder and the wisdom that you have known a singular joy.” [HQT: AM: DMT: Principle]… “I wrote that for my girlfriend.”…. [Diane Shapiro], PhD Brandeis [HQT: LT]….…mystery man [Shadow left.]share his wisdom “I put 4 through the eyes and nostril.” …. [MNT: View of speaker transmitting Lucy.]…down left tie for Cooper… “We’re going to need some more coffee.” [FM: HQT]…fade to…
“Eat It All” vanilla cone [FM]… “Say no to Ghostwood.” [HQT: Ghostwood equals the woods that already exist around Twin Peaks. See Sherriff’s point.]…..sign to the right…. “Thanks Toad.”….nickname of big, cheap man….deer painting beyond customers [AM]….red ketchup bottle carries motif….Air Force uniform… “Leo doesn’t talk; he hits.” … “Try our homemade soups.” [FM]….. “Parallel lives” [DMT]…. “Yes,” she affirms…. “Look at us.” [MNT]….red to the left of Leo’s girl….country instrumental behind her…. “I definitely got plans for Leo.” [HQT]…and then James comes in for payphone…. “[Going to have] A day of beauty” [AT: LT]…. “Knockouts of the Double R.”….Donna said by James and then to her dad saying…urn between them….. “SOS mayday”….black trench coat….red stools…cowboy hat…cousin there…side profile…he is open-mouthed…she turns quickly and takes off her glasses… [James: “Who are you?” [DMT: MNT: HQT: LT: WRQ: Principle] …looks like Laura [DMT: She is Laura’s actress….doppelganger….clone myth. [HQT].]… “Did you know Laura well?”… “I thought I did.” [HQT: LT: How well do you know how well you know another? [WRQ].]….Uncle Leland[’s up half the night] listening to music and crying…. Laura’s music for Laura’s doppelganger… she says she used to pretend they were sisters [Laura has three sides.]… she is from Missoula…..she shakes….handshake shown [PTHM]….contrast to his love of Laura…
Trucker drinking [HQT: FM]…mod top heavy cups…two… “Hank got his parole” is the trigger for darker music….
Antler [AM]…chandelier down to Horne [AT]… “What do you get when you cross a Norwegian and a Swede?” [WRQ]…Native American carpet [NAM]….camera shakes as we get front view…Audrey creeping behind…jacket….sawmill lumberjacks behind [AT]… “Dad, are you ashamed of me?”….door open to the left…shaky camera with Horne’s movement… “[I wish I could depend on you more, especially at] a trying time like this.” [IM: Principle]…light to his right is brightest…pan across lumberjack and to Native American artwork [NAM: Balance.] and green glass library desk lamp… [Audrey:] “Cut down like a flower that had just begun to bloom…Life can be so short…[sigh] there isn’t all the time in the world, I see that now…I want to change my life….[I’m willing to start at the absolute bottom.” [HQT: DMT: Principle].]…Romeo and Juliet [SHM]…above the mantel…she is blurred… “Please let me be your daughter again.” [HQT]…screen of biking machine shows visualization…pic of Laura and Audrey with….on the desk….angled to her….lumberjack…pic between them angles at her…other pictures on his desk…woman and then small girl and two others in distance….mottled wall to left of lumberjacks… “No other side.”… “Meet me [down] by the river in a half hour….” [HQT]… “and be discreet” [“Discreet” repeated. [Principle].]…two lumberjack shots…huge log with man on top to the left and then man standing with log taller than him [HQT]… “That’s it, you’re up to date.”…letter “J”…pocket chip….Andy screams “Waldo.”… [LT] he is Waldo….myna bird owned by Jacque Renault….quote… [“Gentleman, when two separate events occur simultaneously pertaining to the same object of inquiry,] we must always pay strict attention.” [Principle]…tennis player with black mask in front [GT]…light right beyond…shadow on wall…inside… Bobby runs way….drum kicks in as Hawk drives away….piano creeps in…clown to left on wall [WRQ]….then woman head dressed like wench on the fridge…”Leo Johnson”…
Then blurred water comes into focus…Leo’s car by a wreck… what plate was it?…. “Nice touch, Leo.”…abstract tie [AT]….grid scrambled and gray odd … “This is Bernie.”…red car behind…motif….he has red shirt too… “Keep it simple.” [HQT: LT: Principle: Henry David Thoreau: cabin motif.]…back to the river….illuminated with bluish tinge….
[Donna: [“She said she saw it and she said she had a vision and she saw someone take it.” [WRQ]“Laura used to say her mother was kind of spooky. [She used to see things; she had these dreams.] Laura did too.” [WRQ]….owl then view of them from above and then zooming back more [AM: ZM]….piano coming in after “Nobody loved her but us.”…about Laura… “Laura” triggers the music…..then view of them above zooming up to owl [ZM: AM: FRM: Fire.]…fade to…
The Great Northern…white ram’s head and his paws holding a gun [AM: HQT]…..Josie…comes first as shadow and then comes around….woman kneeling black and white [CBM]….lunge….then Jacque with his brother picture…two deer up top [AM] …angled stove [FRM]….she has flower dress [FM]….you see the mayo spread slowly [PTHM]….orbs three…yellow bright in middle….hexagonal shape blurred behind Josie to the right…..light by stove… “Let’s give it the run at the money.” [ID: GT]…. “I’m going to hit the hay.”…another idiom [ID]….her lip stick….letter…domino [AT: GT]….3 and 3…domino from Hank…phone alarms us as bear behind Josie does too [HQT: AM]….bell jar…Hank licks the domino [CBM: DMT: Black and white theme of chessboard and reality’s dualities.]….and has it again in his mouth…Josie filmed at odd angle…she crosses her arm and holds herself…antlers behind [AM]…ship behind [HQT]…
[1]           Henry Dreyfuss, Symbol Sourcebook: An Authoritative Guide to International
Graphic Symbols (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1972), 234-5.
[2]           J. E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, trans. Jack Sage  (New York:
Philosophical Library, 1962), 25-7.

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