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Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental!? Guide 1-4 Rest in Pain

Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental!? Guide Weird Real(m) Quest(ion)s Introduction & Season 1

[I recommend you read the Introduction before reading this episode.]

Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental!? Guide 1-4 Rest in Pain [Momento Mori]

In the beginning was the hotel on a cliff…Dr. Jacoby named…why are certain people named in credits and others not? [Credit for a part, credit for a line, credit for a thought, credit for kind. [Unsupported Personality: UNKNOWN].]
Bottom of the falls fades to red[1] dress Audrey dreaming…black-haired Marilyn Monroe mole higher and to the right…DC talking into recording….jazzy jazzy to cured fish [FM: AM]…Audrey in the mantel front…camo fisherman hat to left of DC [HQT]…. “The perfume you are wearing is incredible.” [Senses emphasized to make one aware and heighten them.]…Jack with One Eye…open mouth and open eyed…
Eye brow affirmation from DC… [“There’s something you would like to tell me.” [LT: MNT].]…“Men go there.”…. “Horne’s.”… “He named it after himself.”… “[That rightward slant in your handwriting indicates a] romantic nature. [Be careful.]” [DC as Sherlock: LT: Principle]…. “A heart that yearns.” …Dale Cooper… “It is an absolutely beautiful morning” [Positive affirmations of mindfulness enhance gratitude through energizing awareness. [PAMEGEA].]…DC…claps…star tie…dream…Lucy…
“My dream is a code waiting to be broken.” [HQT: WRQ: What dreams in your own life are similarly true?]… “Sarah Palmer”… “Deputy Hawk”… “One armed man named Mike.”… “Killer’s name is Bob.”… “Tattoo ‘Fire walk with me.’” [FT]… “Do you know where dreams come from? [neurons fire high voltage impulses into the forebrain. These impulses become pictures. The pictures become dreams, but no one knows why we choose these particular pictures.” [Cooper: HQT: LT: Imagine a dream episode where you escape out of four different levels of realistic worlds before waking up.].] …glasses to the left glimmer with light…to Laura Palmer…old Dale Cooper…red curtain… “The beautiful woman. [“She’s filled with secrets…Where she’s from the birds sing a pretty song and there’s always music in the air.”][Mythology of Twin Peaks initiates.].]… “The midget did a dance.” [GT]… “She whispered the name of the killer in ear.”… “I don’t remember.”… “Damn.”…Lucy then follows… “Damn.”…. “[Our job is simple], break the code, solve the crime.” [MNT: HQT: GT: Principle]…puts the knife and fork down [FM: PTHM]…
[Radio: MNT.]…[“You’re the most cold blooded man I’ve ever seen. I’ve never in my life met a man with so little regard for human frailty. Have you no compassion?” [Dr. Hayward: Principle]…Albert: “I’ve got compassion running out of my noise, pal.  I’m the Sultan of Sentiment…I have traveled thousands of miles and apparently several centuries to this forgotten sinkhole in order to perform a series of tests.  I do not ask you to understand these tests, I am not a cruel man, I ask you to get the hell out my way so that I can finish my work.  Is that clear?” [HQT: MNT].]…Horne looking at her…Horne with polka dot white circle and black tie…“Leland Palmer couldn’t be with us today…We appreciate and understand the value of your work…” [MNT: DI]…[Albert: “I realize that your position in this fair community pretty well guarantees banality and sincerity and a rather irritating method of expressing yourself.  Stupidity, however, is not a necessarily inherent trait [Principle].  Therefore, please listen closely.”.]…knocks him out on the body [Of LP]…. “Wait in the car, Harry.”…hand on as he says it [PTHM]…Laura’s arm dangling down [PTHM]…nails up cloth….sign before reminderstare down at her…shadowed….
Invitation to Love [MNT: Title applies to the series, for it wants you to strangely love it.] on the TV…wood….Leland…shot…floral couch [FLM]…tie circles with dots….from him spaced to the TV show… “Uncle Leland.”….he slowly responds….he slowly rises…open-mouthed….hug…Madeleine…
To R and R café….cowboy hat…diamond tie… “He greets the day with a smile.” [Principle: LT: Mindfulness practice.]…talk to ducks [AM]….amazed DC… “Leo has a corvette.”…
Chopping wood menacingly, man slowly arms closing in on crucifix…Bobby…father enters… “Briggs.”…he puts hands on Bobby’s shoulder as he says, “Laura died too soon.” [HQT: PTHM]…Bobby lights repeatedly…touching fire…fire motif [FRM: He walks with fire. [FT].]… “This leads to stalemate.” [GT]…skinny tie for Bobby….yells afraid…mom is [The] Stepford[s] Wife[ves]…and poster shown red letters and blue on right…painting coffered ceiling… “Tracker, [NAM: HQT: LT: Tom Brown Jr.’s accounts of his Native American tracking tutelage under Stalking Wolf.] …the best,” said of Hawk [NAM: AM].…Pulaski girl…Polish hero [HQT: LT]… “Everywhere.”…. “Tied like this.”…. “Arms back.”… “Has claw marks bites of some kind.” [AM]….”Look, it’s trying to think” [Albert: AM]… “Appears to be the letter ‘J.’”]….103 room… “Excuse us.”… “We have a funeral to get to.” [HQT]… DC…shuts door on…Albert…arms crossed…. “I have seen decency, honor, and dignity here.” [Principle: Fundamental principles stated clearly. [Profundity and absurdity. Tragedy and comedy: Twin Peaks [DMT].].]…DC…. “Life has meaning here…right here in Twin Peaks.” [HQT: LT: MNT: DMT: WRQ: Stanley Kubrick: “The very meaninglessness of life forces a man to create his own meaning.”[2]]… “Sounds like you have been snacking on some of the local mushrooms.” [HQT: FM: WRQ]…threatens him with his authority and then Albert leaves quickly….back to recorder [MNT]…[DC] checks on pension [HQT: LT]… [He’s] loving Twin Peaks [MNT]…
Figurines [MNT: ceramic Nadine.]…Andy’s….boot dancing…Nadine looks at them…lost…she is ecstatic…love… “You bet.” [IM: GT]….he [Ed] has a black tie up…view of Nadine up…slow Nadine confession [HQT: DMT]….James in…
The Great Northern sign cut to [AT]…Audrey short hair…closes nicely wood paneled door…ice shown from office…cut up with camera shot…secret door [HQT]…mug sideways on the ledge….[POV] Doc….with Johnny…waiting…Johnny takes off his war bonnet and puts head to head and rocks like a [NAM]… fade to…
Wind blowing evergreens to the right [WTM] to priest… “I am the resurrection and the life.” [HQT: DMT]…bearded man stares off to a different angle…close up to all major characters…Bobby stares down…James approaches…piano creeping in… “Special love we reserve for the headstrong and the bold.” [Principle: MNT: Twin Peaks celebrates such qualities.]…Madeleine…sunglasses….Audrey stares at DC…Log Lady to the left of the Minister…a man by Bobby with his abstract tie [AT]…Johnny: “Amen.”… Bobby screams: “You make me sick….damn hypocrites…save your prayers…she would have laughed at them anyway.” [DMT]…slow-mo fighting…tall grave with Celtic cross in back….obelisk [AT]…Leland jumps down onto coffin and is lowered down with her [DMT]…now they raise him back up [MNT: He has been resurrected, in the form of possession.]…shot from the side… “Whole thing has gone haywire.” [MNT: Coffin lowering machine microcosm of macrocosm.]….now the mom is freaking out… “Don’t ruin this too!” [LT]… he already did as we know….back down…he keeps drooping, then fade to black…
Shadow mountain and intersection…RR…finger motions [PTHM]…old guys laughing [DMT: Comedic relief from Shelly mocking Leland’s disturbing behavior]…rocking flannel before grunge…duck statue to Big Ed [AM]… “Fresh huckleberry pie.”… “Big Ed, how long have you been in love with Norma?” [WRQ]… “Looks like pie and coffee is on you.” [FM] … “Jacque”… “Middleman.”…“He’s not the only one I call.” … “No” on sign to the left of Cooper….payphone to the right… [Harry: “You’re going to have to go along with me on this even though it sounds a little weird.] Twin Peaks is different. [A long way from the world…that’s exactly the way we like it.  But there’s a backend to that that’s kind of different too.  Maybe that is the price we pay for all the good things.” [DMT: HQT: MNT: Principle]… “There’s a sort of evil out there. Something very, very strange in these old woods. Call it what you want: a darkness, a presence. It takes many forms.” [3] [HQT: DMT: WRQ: William S. Burroughs: “America is not a young land: it is old and dirty and evil. Before the settlers, before the Indians… the evil was there… waiting.”]… [“But it’s been out there for as long as anyone can remember, and we have always been here to fight it. Men before us, men before them, more after we are gone.”…. “A secret society.” [HQT: LT: DMT]…strokes right side of face [PTHM]…
“Book House Boys” [LT]…country store…..shown to left of sheriff….snowshoes and other old tools on the wall [HGT: PTHM]… “Bernie.”…books to the left [LT]….
Shadow on road approaching…camera horizon…El Camino…brown…flannel and vest…red light flashing on…he runs…poodle on the wall by the phone [AM]…pulls out gun [PTHM]….hides in drawer…back of black poodle figure on black top of dresser…
Shadow blue shot of lake [Blue is: “thinking,” “religious,” “feeling,” “devotion,” “truth,” “justice,” “cold”; “Dark blue connotes night and the stormy sea doubt and discouragement.”][4]…then to large cabin…Josie and the Sheriff… “God you’re beautiful.” [AT]… “Something horrible is going to happen.” [WRQ]…intercom being listened to by the wife [Catherine]…portrait to her left…huge library and another secret safe…fan on wall behind …she has kimono…secret spot under her desk…mirror reveals husband behind her [RM]… “Have you seen my tackle box?” [PTHM]… “Be a man about it, Pete.” [DMT: Theme of identities and transformations.]…
Celtic cross there again behind DC…another pillar like the one by the doctor [HQT]…curvy tree to Doc’s right…his earring is showing…. “I’m a terrible person, Agent Cooper. [I pretend that I am not, but I am. I sit and listen to their problems day after day. These people think of me as their friend.  Truth is, I really don’t care. I thought nothing.  No one could ever reach me again.  Laura changed all that.]” [DMT]… fade to…
Josie and Sherriff and stacked wood blurry to the left…Josie and Sherriff slow in kissing as soft female angelic singing comes in…passionate up close kiss and then graceful drop onto the carpet…full moon with clouds passing left [WRQ]…
DC… “Do you believe in a soul?” [MNT: WRQ]…Hawk: “Several…[Blackfoot Legend: waking souls that give life to the mind and the body, a dream soul wanders” [NAM]… “Dream souls, where do they wander?”…“Faraway places, the land of the dead…Laura is in the ground, Agent Cooper, that is all that I am sure of.” [HQT: DMT: LT: WRQ]…..Leland eyes closed…Leland is jazzy smiling…eyes closed… “To Laura and God speed”…Leland tries to dance with a blond chick [GT]…sounds pathetic…crying with the music stopped…he’s out of breath and traumatized… ….grows quiet and confused…back to red street lamp…that’s it…ending on the stopping of the red [Red= “Blood (spilled), “death throes and sublimation,” “wounds,” “surging and tearing emotions,” “passions,” “danger,” “the devil.”][5]…Rest in Pain…
[1]           “Colour: Colour symbolism is one of the most universal of all types of symbolism, and has been consciously used in the liturgy, in heraldry, alchemy, art and literature.  There are a great many considerations bearing up on the meaning of colour which we can here do little more than summarize…Thus Dr. Jolan Jacobi, in her study of Jungian psychology, says in so many words: ‘The correspondence of the colours to the respective functions varies with different cultures and groups, and even among individuals; as a general rule, however, …blue, the colour of the rarefied atmosphere, of the clear sky, stands for thinking; yellow, the colour of the far-seeing sun, which appears bringing light out of an inscrutable darkness only to disappear again into the darkness, for intuition, the function which grasps as in a flash of illumination the origins tendencies of happenings; red, the colour of the pulsing  blood and of fire, for the surging and tearing emotions;  while green, the colour of earthly, tangible, immediately perceptible growing things, represents the function of sensation.’” Please note Dr. Jacoby synchronicity, for my Jungian angle strikes mightily here as the psychologist’s name repeats the interwoven magick of his “meaningful coincidence.”
               E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, trans. Jack Sage
(New York: Philosophical Library, 1962), 50.
[2]           “Stanley Kubrick’s Unbelievable Answer to the Question: “Is Life
Worth Living?” accessed June 18, 2017.
[3]           Darkness is: “The dualism of light/darkness does not arise as a symbolic formula of morality until primordial darkness has been split up into light and dark….It corresponds to primigenial chaos.  It is also related to mystic nothingness, and, in consequence, Hermetic languare is an obscurum per obscurius, a path leading back to the profound mystery of the Origin.  According to Guénon, light is the basic principle behind differentiation and hierarchical order.”
               E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, trans. Jack Sage
(New York: Philosophical Library, 1962), 73.
[4]           Henry Dreyfuss, Symbol Sourcebook: An Authoritative Guide to
International Graphic Symbols (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1972), 234.
[5]           Ibid.

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