Seek Further Inward and Outward!?

Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental Guide!? 1-3 Zen, or the Skill to Catch a Killer

[I recommend you read the Introduction before reading this episode.]

Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental Guide!? 1-3 Zen, or the Skill to Catch a Killer [Koan, “Out of Nowhere, the Mind Comes Forth.”[1]]

Opening scene, brother [Audrey’s] left with Native American hat in front of Native American emblem [MNT: NAM]…what tribe?….elk to the right [NAM?: AM]…daughter [Audrey Horne] and father [Benjamin Horne] seemingly are drinking from coffee or soda? Wine, woman is? [FM]…firewood stacked left [FRM]…Great Hall [HQT]…tile floor….eating sounds with credits [Still appearing in juxtaposition [FM].]….chewing…Horne side profile…daughter looking….no conversation…awkward….loud plate noises…Horne taps fingers in impatience [PTHM]…fire going [FRM]….jazz…black leather trench coat… red tie…bright red motif….suspenders…bowtie…. “Hey Audrey”… “Uncle Jerry’s back.”…Sylvia….upset by kiss…fingers motion in [PTHM]….sniffs it…seduced by aroma…sitting by the fire eating bread [Ridiculously joyously [FM: FRM].]… “That is incredible.”….food impressions, very strong motif….speaking with mouth full [Taking us beyond convention relatively simply.]….wrench necklace for Jerry [PTHM]….outside…outside…with thumb…. “Always a pleasure.” [IM].….another mounted head….left…smaller deer [AM]…black ring on right hand with white spec within [CHM/PTHM]….logger mural behind them [HQT]….red flannel to the left… “Did they sign?”…only reaction…murder ignored… “We had those Vikings by the horns!” [IM: AM [HQT].]…“What happened?”….now back to murder…holding bread… “I’m depressed.”…immediate Jerry reaction…. “…new girl at One Eyed Jacks” [GT]… “I like those odds” [IM: GT]…. “All work and no play make Ben and Jerry dull boys.” …Shining [Stanley Kubrick and The Great Northern compared to the movie’s setting [LT].] reference…back to mural…cabin below like One Eyed Jack’s…turning inward to boat….Jerry and Horne on a boat [HQT]…American flag….
“Great huckleberry pie, Ms. Hayward.” [FM [LT: AT: Mark Twain].]…TV shot…reverse living room perspective….father…flannel….back to grandfather clock then to Donna and to…
One Eyed Jacks….attendant…angled on side shot….feathers on her [AM]….. “I’ll tell Blackie.” …buzz…antler light fixture…buffalo on the wall [AM: Animal Nature]… “Next stop rocket science.” [IM: LT] ….angled presentation….hearts….Madame in black….arms open…. “Blackie” [MNT]…
“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day…” [Shakespeare High [Low] Brow [SHM: LT].]…continued….pool table….drinks grabbed….blue stein…mountain painting on the fireplace [HQT: FT]…riders/cowboys statues on the left…standing Native American [NAM] to right….cowboy riders riding towards the mountains above mantle [HQT]… push the curtain back and shift your posture [Shift your posture, indeed, physically and metaphysically with this show. [LT].]….card dangles from elbow [GT]…..all still and watching with the fairy tale music [HQT]….sigh of disappointment….reflection [RM]….well….moon moving to right of midnight [MNT: Back to “black as midnight on a moonless night.” [WRQ].]…back to grandfather clock [HQT]….then to portrait of James on left and Donna on right…piano starting… “It is true, isn’t it?” [WRQ] …whispering…stroking the face [PTHM]…back to TV view….flowers, tiger lilies like, behind [FLM]…falls [DMT]…frogs [AM]…paneling and 3rd painting with fowl coming out [AT: AM]….Cooper whistles and smiles….phone rings….horns and guns behind to the left [AM: HQT]…Hawk… “Body and spirit are still far apart.” [NAM: HQT: WRQ] ….mystical themes [Tibetan Bardo.]….one armed man [HQT]….symbol [Odin with one eye illustrates transformation and “the wound is the gift” in Twin Peaks [DMT: HQT]…Nadine is on the comic side and Laura Palmer is on the tragic side [DMT: Muses].]….left….negative…knock follows immediately hang up…towels held high…no one there…message….wood post right bottom corner…Jack with one eye [HQT: Odin]…left in card…smell….
To car in night….blurry shrubs front….plate…what state [Ya in]?….Bobby and Snake….black Camaro… “Got It…”…switch blade opens with a snap….jazzy snap…green hat backwards, Evergreen [Principle.] state…Washington…pines [WTM]….POV….shadows of the flashlights…view behind…shadows in front….heads magnified….pines….treasure spot [HQT]… “Stupid football.”… “Cash on delivery, Bobby.”…whispers Bobby: “He’s got a gun.”…mouths open whereas Leo’s is closed…man with ski mask, black…behind with screeching noise…. “You punks owe me ten grand…Leo [Speaks in third person like Jerry before [“The mind, or the true nature, of man cannot actually be split… “Like a sword that cuts, but cannot cut itself; / Like an eye that sees, but cannot see itself.”[2] [DMT: Koan]].] needs a new pair of shoes.” ….speaking third person… “Laura was a wild girl…find out your old lady has been giving it away…that’s a problem.” [IM: HQT]…
…Bobby swallows with flashlight on his face….Leo in red [Power color: “valor” and “war.”[3]]….laughs….manically…then silence….pause….run…run….POV again….pines [WTM]…..jerkiness [Filming] nauseating…then to side front view…ball landed on car….still on as they reverse…..
Intricate circular door handle…Big Ed’s hands coming in [PTHM]…figurines of Nadine [Self in miniature [MNT] reflects her mighty transformation [DMT].]…on shelf…oil on ground and contraption broken…exercise equipment….barbell at an angle…dumbbells….same angle…bench press [Programmed by the imagery we know that she will grow mighty…Ed is already “Big” Ed.] …. “Ed, you make me sick.”…back to wrong….above mantle animal scene [AM]….Nadine bends metal [HQT: LT]…strength shown…
Piles of donuts next [FM]… the extended tape measure of the campsite….60 feet 6 inches [POV of tape.]….bottle there glass…milk light… back to…
Cabin…with Shelly….figure on TV…. “Invitation to Love” [MNT]… [“Each day brings a new beginning. And every hour holds a promise to an invitation to love.” [Principle].]…“Big Bad Bobcat.” [DMT: AM]…“Right,” she says…Leo picture on the TV….glass plastic….circles… left of door…rainbow diamonds on light cylinder to right of door and then taxidermy fixed on brick wall [AM]…crown on Shelly connection to One Eyed Jacks [HQT: Queen.]…rainbow cylinder light as crown [AT]…
To diner….country music…Ed comes in….cig dispenser…Ed raises arm in salute high [PTHM] and says, “Cup of coffee.” [FM]…blue, white and red flannel…fishing hat to the left….. “[It’s not the first time, it won’t be the last, but] I’m in that dog house again.” [IM: AM [Principle.]… “All hell broke loose.” [IM: HQT: WRQ.]….strokes his face [PTHM]…
To chalk board….bucket of rocks… “Anyone for a warmup?” [FM: FT]… “Yes.”…
“Meeting ‘J’”…spits it out… “Damn good coffee…and hot.” [FM: FT]….Sheriff’s hand on Hawk [PTHM]…wood piled nicely like donuts and like rocks lining the path [Like a labyrinth, which provides a meditative solution similar to Cooper’s ball and bottle ritual.]….point sticker…Tibet [HQT: LT]…map…shown points at it… history lesson…. [Dalia Lama story: “An extremely spiritual country.”… “Following a dream I had three years ago, I have become deeply moved by the plight of the Tibetan people and filled with the desire to help them. I also awoke from the same dream realizing that I had subconsciously gained knowledge of a deductive technique involving mind body coordination operating hand in hand with the deepest level of intuition.” [HQT: LT: [Sherlock Holmes].]…green trash can to left of Lucy…….pine to right of Hawk…two red and white pot holders on the edge of the donut table….blurred scene lit behind to right of Cooper… ….flips board back [“Nervous about meeting”] ‘J’ [tonight.” Associated names to bottom left with “R” and “T” forming two columns to their right.]…donut and wood to the left [FM: FT]……skinny tie…black and blue… “Stand by the bottle.” …bottle presence explained…Lucy skips to get chalk….Hawk pot holders with bucket [FRM: PTHM]…rocks around bottom of chalkboard… “Leo” to “Hurley” [MNT: Flashes image of character as we enter Cooper’s mind.]…missed….hits right low log… “Josie Packard.”…ink red….low big log…Lucy checks in sugarily…Jacoby with eye plugs in… “Make a note.” [MNT [“Zen, or the Skill to Catch a Killer” title reference hits the idiosyncratic mindfulness [Meditation, Vision, Awareness, Exactitude, Will [MVAEW] [Principle]] of Dale Cooper that Twin Peaks taught to viewers of cable television in the 90s into Now].] … “Struck, but did not break.”…coffee cup… “Horne.” …bangs head….hits green can…off… “Norma Jennings”… “Meals on Wheels”….tree and hits…Andy in the head… “It didn’t hurt a bit.” [Andy’s repeated denial, starting concerning crying.]… “Where’s there’s no sense, there’s no feeling [Principle [Train your senses in Twin Peaks. What do you sense or not sense in the show and what feelings follow?].] … “[Coop,] the idea for all this really came from a dream?” [WRQ]… “It did.”….shakes his shoulder in affirmation and goes back… “Jack with One Eye.”… “There’s no ‘I’ in Jack.”… “Nadine”…hand up from Cooper to Lucy for command [PTHM: Hand symbolism: “It is the corporeal manifestation of the inner state of the human being’ and because ‘it expresses an attitude of mind in terms other than the acoustic’—or, in other words, a gesture. It follows, then that the raised hand is the symbol of the voice and of song…”[4]]….Leo cig in mouth….point…breaks glass….cymbals simmering….synthesizer in…new POV…bottle broken…fade…
Mountain snow….cafe scene and logs rolling right…red wagon in front, juke box to the left….Donna and her family at the booth…red booth…scene with tree painting to left of juke box and above cigarette machine [AT]…wood paneling around….falls at right angle shown on lifted menu [MNT: DMT:  HQT]…Donna watches…two pay phones to left of Audrey…cone to right of blond waitress…sips the coffee…right…right middle finger….black and white for Donna [CHM.]…ocean rocky beach scene and desert scene [AT: HQT.]…large paintings for booths to the left of the Donna’s family…five die heart sweater from Donna [GT.]…runs fingers on rim of coffee cup [FM: PTHM]…Donna watches…Audrey smiles with mouth open…mole shown [Black haired Marilyn Monroe, connects to earlier WRQ reference.]… “Yeah, with cream and sugar.”… “Agent Cooper loves coffee.”…rubs cup the other way… “Agent Cooper likes his coffee black.”…jazzy jazzy….red blurry booth to right… “He used to sing to her.”… “God, I love this music.” [MNT.]… “Isn’t it too dreamy?”…[MNT: Show seems dark dreamy]…saunters, dancing eyes closed arms out….Donna’s parents are watching…face looks up…eyes closed….looks at Donna….red and off white orange red tiles….red trash or ash can…
To….Sheriff’s office….crime site….cloth with blood… “That’s a nasty piece of work.” [WRD.]…Cooper… Tibet book for Lucy [HQT: LT]…upside down…snap…Cooper…Lucy shows him the tongue due to condescension… “Lacking in some of the social niceties.” [MNT: LT: GT]… “Two-bit operation running out of this treehouse.” [FBI Agent Albert: IM]… [“I have seen some slipshod backwater burgs, but] “this place takes the cake” [IM: FM: HQT]…tie…red and white balls…men behind in shades…flag pin…. “Welcome to amateur hour…” [IM]… “Looks like an all-nighter, boys.” [HQT]… evergreen tree behind Sheriff…diamond sweater for Lucy….Cooper gives thumbs up [PTHM]… “Big Ed’s Gas Farm”….Ed in….self shown…with Nadine figurine [MNT]….angled large salad fork on wall [FM]…she hugs him running…orange bottle piece on table…spoon on wall as well…rooster on arrow on orb lamp in front of silent curtains [AM: HQT]….shadows…amplify…Ed gets hugged with a grimace smile…red bottle on side table…triangle bed frame back…Josie gets key…oval portrait shown to left of door…with flower for his wife [FLM]…mirror behind [RM]….red blanket….red flannels for him… “Mink oil on my bed spread.”…. “You’ve got mink oil on your head.” [AM]…Josie pushes bookcase back [GT]….moose or elk antler to left of safe [AM]…books piled [LT]…grabs ledger….zooming in slowly [ZM]…to
Laura’s house…elk shown like elk horn in last scene [MNT: AM]…Leland snaps and gets his jazz record on…record shown with needle up close and then Leland swallowing deeply and struggling…looks down….holds her picture…blue and white small urn piece on table [MNT]….turning around in circles with Laura’s painting grimacing at it…. “With Two Sonnets” and then evergreens on either side above mantel…he is yelling and the jazz is playing…mom comes over as phone rings…he keeps spinning… “We have to dance for Laura” [Dancing Leland [WRQ].]…she breaks picture struggling with him as they hit the coffee table…he smears his wife’s blood on her picture and she slams off the record player…she holds her head and screams in pain…to sadness….back to Laura…he puts his face on it….
To Cooper in bed….angled pillow…shadows move….to him again later fast forward…zoom in flash [ZM]…Cooper old [WRQ]…red streak tie…red curtain lounge [HQT]…shaking man back turned…red jacket like curtain…
To Laura’s mom down to Bob to rag, bloody, to Laura and flashing and then … “Through the darkness of future past, the magician longs to see…one chance out between two worlds….fire walk with me.” [HQT: Principle: LT: FRT]… “We lived among the people…” [HQT]…One armed man….in black….suspenders….scale to his right [GT: LT]…Cooper turns… “I too have been touched by the devilish one…but when I saw the face of God, I was changed…took the entire arm off.” [DMT: WRQ: HQT: Theme of transformation.  Myths involving loss of limbs and assorted body parts.]….Bob shown [DMT]…Mike said…“Arms out”… “Can you hear me?”…. “Catch you with my death bag.” [WRQ]… “But I promise I will kill again.” [HQT]….circle of 12 or so candles out [WRQ]…back to…
Cooper in bed…then to old Cooper side profile [DMT]…plant planter on chair and shaking man and then to front of Cooper with perspective red center tie and black sides…Laura Palmer with red lipstick smiling happily [WRQ]…Midget turns around… “Let’s rock.” [MNT: Principle]…naked woman [AT: Statue, classical.]….trumpet up planet…he rubs his hands after sitting [PTHM]….Cooper POV…on him…Laura touches nose…..hypnosis move [PTHM: WRQ]…he has three pins…top crown [HQT:]…arrow shadow flies across from left to right [HQT]…Midget… “I’ve got good news.” [Principle: LT]…hand of statue to right of his head [PTHM: AT]…Cooper is perplexed… “Almost looks like Laura Palmer.” [DMT]…his midget cousin…Cooper speaks first time… “It is Laura Palmer.”[DMT: As Doppelganger and Mask Themes]…she is speaking in what language? [LT]…red suit for Midget [Red = “revolution” and “liberty.”[5]]…. “She’s filled with secrets.” [Principle [HQT].]…Midget….on Palmer…. “Where we’re from, the birds sing a pretty song…and there’s always music in the air.” [HQT: Charm theme: town hides darkness as fairy tale.]…says Midget….jazzy…angled spiked graph brown flooring…Midget dances and camera circles around….glare orbs [WRQ]…boots shown…Palmer moves arms and gets up….walks over to Cooper…globe on table in front [HQT: LT]…leans over him …hand on wrinkled neck….kisses him…flashing light with jazz…bass run….whisper….Midget dancing….away at the repeated angle…to Cooper in bed…hair up….cowlick crazy….dialing….Native American figurine on desk [NAM]…“I know who killed Laura Palmer.” [Title action: WRQ]… “No, it can wait till morning.”….Cooper is snapping…end….then to Midget dancing from above at 45 angle…he’s grooving……eyes closed and smiling….shimmying…jazzy sax he is flowing to…flashing no issues for him….
[1]           From “The Diamond Sutra”
               “These Zen Buddhist Koans Will Open Your Mind,” Huffington Post, accessed
June 11, 2017,
[2]           “According to a Zenrin poem, it is…”
Alan W. Watts, The Way of Zen (New York: Vintage Books, 1957), 134.
[3]           Henry Dreyfuss, Symbol Sourcebook: An Authoritative Guide to International
Graphic Symbols (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1972), 234.
[4]           J. E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, trans. Jack Sage
(New York: Philosophical Library, 1962), 131.
[5]           Henry Dreyfuss, Symbol Sourcebook: An Authoritative Guide to International
Graphic Symbols (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1972), 234.

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