Seek Further Inward and Outward!?

Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental!? Guide 1-2 Traces to Nowhere

Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental!? Guide Weird Real(m) Quest(ion)s Introduction & Season 1

[I recommend you read the Introduction before reading this episode.]

Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental!? Guide 1-2 Traces to Nowhere [Astral Plane Limbo]

Falls Twin, like Peaks, snow stuck dirty on cliffs. Gun on side table with bullets…bedpost all natural Adirondack deer hoof gun holder and other side of bed carved ducks and fowl [AM [Track]]…3D painting with carving integrated [AT]…cedar plank… “A hint of Douglas fir needles in the air.” [WTM]…panning still left…to hanging Cooper in boxers with wife beater [Inversion [DMT].]…down to his head, armpit hair… “The true test of any hotel as you well know is that morning cup of coffee.” [HQT = “true test”; FM = “coffee”; MNT = “you well know”]… off the post is impressive… [“It struck me again earlier this morning. There are two things that continue to trouble me and I’m speaking not only as an agent but also as a human being. What really went on between Marilyn Monroe and the Kennedy’s and who really pulled the trigger on JFK?] [DMT and LT [Weird Real(m) Questions][WRQ]] [“Wait a minute. Wait a minute” [Audience Directive].]… “A damn fine cup of coffee.”… [“Old habits die hard…” [Principle and IM].]…Canada hat on left [HQT]…Audrey there with drums and blurry head…fishing hats on right…open mouth…Audrey….then Cooper says, “Freshly squeezed.”…she has tree shirt…he has star tie… “Do your palms ever itch?” Audrey [LT [Superstition suggests money.][WRQ]]… To Twin Peaks’ Sherriff’s Department…blow torch on inside, acetylene…mouthful Lucy…donut eating [FM], two necklaces, and two Native American [NAM] symbol pieces…logger in photograph… “Coffee at The Great Northern, incredible.” [FM [Ritual and Recharge of Caffeine Dominates Daily Mind.][RRCDDM].]… He [Harry T.] finally swallows [Donuts after DC’s To Do list overwhelms.]…Laura Palmer photo shown…[Imagery [symbols] speak for themselves as characters and audience members wonder, deeply affected.]…and she has dot suit again…flag to right of Cooper…shown in one particular board between two statues, one with abstract figure on left and then group man statue [AT]…plant island shown to right of Sheriff…he pauses when he looks at the picture and then we see the picture… “Who would do a thing like that?” [MNT: LT [Contemplate your average human’s shadow.][DMT].] “Big Pussycat” is Leo’s truck [AM]…on body of water…red handkerchief [Red = “danger,” “anarchy,” “blood (spilled),” “wounds” [1]]…cig in mouth, “eightliner” on door…such ominous music for him… “All-purpose” [Principle.] detergent shown clearly outside wash…looks at his clothes and sees blood…she says it out loud…even stranger music…grabbing her cheek hard…stares at her as she leaves… James’ mouth tight…vid shown [MNT]…Cooper [D.B. Cooper made into Dale Cooper. Both mysterious.  Where was D.B. Cooper’s approximate landing? [Yes, Portland Oregon flight to Seattle Washington and then he jumped out of the plane between Seattle and Reno, which is in the setting of Twin Peaks.[2]] [WRQ].]…leans forward for his interrogation…keeps eyes open…holds mouth open…looks down to prepare his delivery…James…Cooper breathes deeply…James, right face for us reddish…music creeps in…Cooper open-mouthed…not exactly…triumphant ascending music with the necklace shown and then journal [Laura’s symbols holding your hearts and minds.] shown… “Who has the other half of this heart?” [LT [Principle] Consider that for yourself as you hike Twin Peaks.] Head down, fades with swirl [SM] to Laura Palmer…red lipstick[3]… “I really believe that you love me.” [LT]…close-up of snapping of necklace [PTHM]…then back to James: “I don’t know.”… Back to Leo freaking out over shirt…washer pushed…fist in left hand [PTHM]…Bobby on sink with foot on toilet…black and red flannel rocking Bon Jovi hockey hair… “Had this money burning a 10,000 dollar hole in my pocket.”… “Then she went and checked out on us.” [IM [Death euphemism.  Consider views.  What kind of room will you check in to? [WRQ]].]… “Maybe we can sell lightbulbs door to door?” [Selling light through this series, despite its disturbingly odd darkness [Connection to Introduction’s Opening Synchronicity [IOS]].] “You do not know Leo Johnson.” [L_J?]…Hawk there…bar through James’ face…jazzy as Bobby slides across the bars with his fingers and Snake positions behind…video to Laura Palmer and her friend [MNT]…picnic…mountains behind…higher synthesizer strangeness slow Laura Palmer….. “Help me” heard….slowly said then fade to girl’s mom and kisses chick on the lips and then mom in chair…. “It’s like I am having the most beautiful dream and the most terrible nightmare at once.” [DMT [Twin Peaks in a nutshell].]…. “James and Laura were seeing each other the last 2 months.”… “We were the two closest people in the world to her.”…background faded…green jersey with blanket to the left….her face wonders how mom would react….but she has confidence….hugs her…her white shirt….thermal bottoms….through poster a hallway….flannel….brighter orange…. “My pride hurts worse.” [LT]…..ringing…Lucy Moran reception…looks like skull with horns [AM], not left shoulder of Ed….Nadine vs. Norma [DMT [Norma appears as the most normal main character in the show?]]….Ed got all lighted…. “Out on my feet before I got there.”… “Jacques Renault was tending the bar.”… “The Lamp Lighter Inn” [IOS expanded.]… “They have a cherry pie there that will kill you.” [FM]… Little automobile and then Twin Peaks General Store with part missing…Nadine vs. Norma [DMT]…. “Gentleman Jims”….flashing lights to left of Norma…. “Completely silent drape runner.” [Nadine ranting.]… “Cotton balls!”…snowshoe behind her…river though marsh with evergreens on painting [AT] behind James… “Going to need a hand from the Book House Boys.” [LT]… “Somebody has to watch my back.” [LT: Principle]… “Have you two fellas got your stories straight?” [Going back to subjective experience and the divide between first person accounts.] Blue is his [Cooper’s] carved recorder [Blue = “Thinking, religious feeling, devotion, innocence, truth, constancy, justice, charity.”[4]]…  Color fits for they: “Pray for the health and safety of James Hurley.”… “We got places to go and people to see.” Sheriff [HQT: Principle: Think how true this is for us!] … “I am getting to feel a little bit like Doctor Watson.” [LT: WRQ [If Cooper is Sherlock…?]]…fade to Josie…shot so…mystery…brass on wall to right of Catherine’s husband…buzz….tons of apples [FM]…Pete it is…lots of potatoes too…Cooper calculating…red motif…..Packard shirt…Pete Martell… “Cup of joe” [FM]… “Big pot.”… “Black as midnight on a moonless night.” [The Numinous Darkness [ND] surrounding Twin Peaks.]…urn between Harry and her…on wall behind Harry is antler [AM]….Red lipstick and her dress…fade all behind…two ducks [AM]…his grid, Harry Jacket again… “In an hour, when the lesson was finished.” [HQT: LT]… “How did she seem to you?” [LT: WRQ]… “We didn’t have a heart to heart on it.”…think of the heart theme [Heart Necklace One Eyed Jacks? What kind of Jack? Hearts?  Fittingly? Queens later.][“Something she said though that stuck on my mind. She said, ‘I think now I understand how you feel about your husband’s death.’” “Did she say what that was in reference to?” “No, but after what happened to her, I can’t help hearing it in my head, like some haunting melody.” [MNT]…“Hmmm” [Cooper].]…very nice pillow in focus behind her… “So Harry, how long have you been seeing her?” [Observant as Sherlock? [WRQ].]…Cooper smiles [Psychic powers? [WRQ].]….[Key = “Body Language.”] Harry: “Geez Louise…Andrew died a year and a half ago.” [IM]… “[Fellows] don’t drink that coffee…you’ll never guess…there was a fish in the percolator.” [FM+AM]… Endure….to Josie on wall…flower wallpaper [FLM]… [Catherine chastises:] “[Sentimental] goodwill shenanigans” [MNT: Principle]…You do know what shenanigans are, don’t you?”…hangs up and sips her wine as she toasts to a stranger…mounted deer [AM] on wall out of focus above Ms. Packard… Hat, then grounds and then percolator…from Pete back to Agent Cooper, Harry and Ms. Packer… “What is shenanigans?”…see Dale Cooper’s definition [“Nonsense, mischief, often a deceitful or treacherous trick.” [MNT].] Sheets over Mr. Horne….red tie and white circles [White circle for entering.]…poetry…Horne: [“In the sweetness of passing time, this hour will soon seem like a day.” [Principle.]… “Sing it to somebody else.”…“Didn’t mean to offend your delicate sensibilities.” [MNT]…“Sweetheart, it’s all the same to me.”… “What the next step?” [HQT].]…“Do we escalate?”…“Maybe it’s time to start a little fire.” [IM: FT]… “Are you talking about business or pleasure?” [DMT]…heart red feet like his tie and then kisses her big toes… [“With Smokey the Bear.” [AM].]…fade from odd tree… To house….Sarah [Palmer] hair back to us and curly and colored like the vase contents [MNT: FLM]…boy in reeds to left of Donna…classical dome on opposite wall [AT]….exercise bike…moon to the right of dawn painting… Five hearts of white on Donna’s shirt [GT: Which Queen?]…Mom sees Laura on Donna’s face [DMT]; Donna is dramatic…. Mom sees odd man looking through bed [Bob]…crouching, screams dark horns [AM]… Calhoun Memorial Hospitable…man circle and then downward triangle for symbol [AT [Da Vinci].]…flannel….mom and dad…Hawk asking….one-armed man in red [From The Fugitive, eh?]…. “No Smoking” in red…Hawk sees in mirror [RM]….left earring shown… “Hospital staff only beyond this point.”….as we see him walk into the [Code] blue [Red blue motif dichotomy [DMT]]… Blue light lit Hawk… “Oxygen Storage Morgue”….[“203” or “205”]…Door shuts on its own… Audrey shown twisting…on the carpet…Horne comes in with arms wide and doors open…camera flows behind him…he shuts off the music [MNT [Fourth Wall of soundtrack and character’s track transcended].]… “How many times?”…. “4000.”….scene painted on wall to left of Horne [AT]…he has red handkerchief… bright red [motif]…like Audrey’s lips… “En masse”… “To return to the old country.” [Old, Dark, and Deep Woods of Twin Peaks.]…he is interrogating her…..moving behind her… “Precipitated their evacuation”…Horne: [“I’m assuming this was just a coincidence.” [Synchronicity language expands “meaningful coincidence” of David Lynch’s quotation experience [IOS]]…[“I did go in there to check out the ridiculous smorgasbord.” [HQT: LT: Principle].] She has lamp to the right…her arms crossed…two lamps to her right… “You are going to be scrubbing bidets [in a Bulgarian convent.]”… “Laura died two days ago. I lost you years ago.” [HQT]….closing in on her face [ZM]…she swallows….does not move… Gold plate to left…. “US” on his collar….. [Briggs: “For what we are about to receive, may the Lord make us truly thankful.”… Mrs. Briggs: “Amen.” [Principle: FM].]…orange light of the left of Robert…stacked symbol on wall behind Bobby to right… [Opera singing: “Discuss…the thoughts and feelings surrounding…”… “Rebellion in a young man your age is a necessary fact of life.”… “I am obligated to contain that ____ contrarianist within the bounds established by society as well as those within our own family structure.”…. “Reluctance to enter into a dialogue with me, your father.” [HQT]…“There are times when silence is golden. Silence can be taken many ways, as a sign of intelligence.” [MNT]… “The quieter we come, the more we hear.” [Principle: Meditation].] [Bobby] puts a cigarette in his mouth and then he [Major Briggs] slaps Bobby so that the cigarette [flies] into his mom’s plate… “Now I am a tolerant man. My patience has its limits. To have his path made clear is the aspiration of every human being in our beclouded and tempestuous existence” [HQT: LT].]… Mom says, “We’re here for you Bobby.” [DC: “Nothing is a sure thing Shelley.” [HQT: LT].]…[Leo] “Minor rap sheet.”… Blue hat leaves…Park Service looking fellow behind Log Lady… diamond shelf with cross in gray behind… “Norma Jennings.”…she has flowers on her shirt [FLM]… “RR” in red neon shown…then red ashtray…painting to left….wood paneling…[“Do you have the names of the people on her route?” [HQT: LT]]……. “Two more pieces of this incredible pie.”… “[Man, oh man,] you must have the metabolism of a bumble bee.”…Log Lady…[“For your information, I heard you speaking about Laura Palmer.”  [MNT].]… “One day my log will have something to say about this…my log saw something that night.” [DC: “Really, what did it see?”]… [LL:] “Ask it.”…“I thought so.”…[The Log]… Football being cut open…hidden up on cabinet up high …soap in sock [Full Metal Jacket]… [Leo] he’s moving around and circling….unfinished wall….she hides in corner…. [Rockabilly surf guitar] swinging sound like chopper then cut to black… Waist shot at Donna’s mom’s height….wall paper [“The Yellow Wallpaper” short story.]….Donna all in green…hunter green…rolled up sleeves with sweater….man with something in his hands [PTHM] to right where James was…plates have red design on them… [James:] “My dad died when I was 10.”… [My mom travels a lot.”…“She writes for the paper sometimes.” [LT]…[“Ed Hurley down at the Gasfarm is James’ uncle.”]… “His wife’s the lady with the patch.”…[James:] “She’s a real character.” [Real character. How real? [WRQ].]…Donna smiles…they both smile…red fruit punch shown…piano rises…bike outside…Donna’s house…Mike sees…Bobby loads cigarette…tape player… [Laura Palmer tape: “It’s Thursday the 23rd [Burroughs’ synchronicity.], and I’m so bored. Actually, I’m in kind of a weird mood…James is sweet, but he is so dumb…cause right now I can take just so much of sweet.” [HQT: DMT]… “I just know I am going to get lost in those woods again tonight. I just know it.” [HQT: David Paulides [WRQ].]…. …Doc…he puts into his speakers…flashing blowfish lit differently in his fish tank…high pants…fish tie…palm tree coconut grabbed and holding it as she asks of him… “[Remember me telling you about] that mystery man, well” [HQT: LT]….he has headphones on, looks down…opens coconut and pulls out the necklace which shows he was the one at the end of pilot…holds it up…triumphant…smiling he is…sunset over to his right on mural of orange water and dark land and peach sky [AT: Art as vision sends one on journeys. [HQT].]…

[1]             Henry Dreyfuss, Symbol Sourcebook: An Authoritative Guide to International Graphic Symbols (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1972), 234.

[2]              “D.B. Cooper Hijacking,” FBI, accessed June, 4, 2017,

[3]             [Negative = “fire (burning)”, “death throes and sublimation,” “surging and tearing emotions,” “passions,” “revolution” and Positive =“fire (warmth),” “passion,” “sentiment,” “revolution.”] Henry Dreyfuss, Symbol Sourcebook: An Authoritative Guide to International Graphic Symbols (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1972), 234.

[4]             Henry Dreyfuss, Symbol Sourcebook: An Authoritative Guide to International Graphic Symbols (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1972), 235.

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