Seek Further Inward and Outward!?

Hiking Twin Peaks 2-17 Wounds and Scars

 Hiking Twin Peaks 2-17 Wounds and Scars [Pains into Pasts]
Josie and scarred and wounded [MNT]…how many of the characters? [MNT: WRQ]…what about Twin Peaks itself? [MNT: WRQ]…is it connected to the soul of the woods? [MNT: WRQ: NAM: HQT: “Many of these cultures, however, recognized and named the spiritual ingredient or attribute, the special quality of the wonderful, the very, the beyondness, in nature.  This was sometimes considered personal, sometimes not.  We have from the American Indians terms such as manitou, or wakan, or yapaitu, often translated as power ; and we have the well-known Melanesian mana. But this is what they reach through faith, the other end of the relationship itself is unnamed.  Apparently, to behave and think religiously is to behave and think.  To describe a way of life in its totality is to describe a religious way of life.”[1] [LT: WRQ: HQT].]…slowing us down to dreamspace [MNT: LT: Principle: WRQ: HQT]…flowing into the mythos [MNT: Principle: LT: WRQ: HQT]…shadows long from other side [Principle: WRQ]…
To face, eyes open [Harry]….still….painting [AT]….glass turning shadow….Josie….turning glass….hat and Josie on the ground…turning glass…sax solo [AT]….turning glass [PTHM: FM]….shown with shadow….to Josie and Harry Truman…back and forth…glass turning as contemplation [MNT: Josie’s fate: SM: ZM: WRQ]….turning away from the time…the memories [Principle: HQT]….shown and hand more and then face [PTHM]…Hawk looking down….breakfast shot [ZM]… “made special” [Follows “breakfast” actually]… “Norma[’s] breakfast”….with bottle of Jack at Book House Boys [FM]…. “Earle’s chess game is the biggest concern” [GT: HQT]… “The man has a poor sense of recreation.” [Principle]….[Harry] he has glass in right hand [FM: PTHM]… “Pretty simple town….used to be….I guess the world has just caught up to us.” [MNT: HQT]….breakfast lit…more whiskey….double plus shot…
Heather Graham in….Briggs there, Toad left….red ash tray to right….cone…[Norma:] “Sister Annie.”…[Annie:] “That’s not exactly a character reference.” [Principle]… “Feels a little strange.” [MNT]… “The real world.” [MNT: Echoes Norma’s reflection in the previous episode emphasizes her otherworldliness. [WRQ].]… “bingo chips” [GT]…red below counter between them…by Norma…. “Walleye” and then “P” for “Food of the Day” [FM]… “Pike.”… “Walleye Pike Chowder.”….Log Lady touched log after touching the Major’s neck [PTHM: WRQ]…
[Sounds of frogs: AM]… “Interpol” [MNT: Cooper’s reading: LT: HQT]…. “Warning.”….right eyebrow up for Cooper….[Hawk:] “About to hit bottom.” [IM: HQT]…. “Need a hand.” [IM: PTHM: HQT]… [“Let’s just let the] rain fall as it has been.”… “I hate paper work.” [MNT: Principle]… Twin Peaks Post [MNT: LT]….[Cooper:] “Couldn’t determine cause of death.”… “Body only weighed 65 pounds.” [WRQ: HQT]… “Maybe we just better whistle on [our] way past the graveyard.” [MNT: WRQ: With a bird on my shoulder, I was whistling while editing this particular section: Synchronicity: Superstition: Tradition[2]]….[Cooper: “Trail is] stone cold.” [IM: HQT]…to…
Road lit ahead [HQT]…Native American flute [NAM: AT]….Earle smoke…he’s breathing alternating nostrils…twirling flower [FLM]…. yogic breathing [Principle: LT: HQT]… [“You can’t really appreciate how tonic] country life [is until you are actually right here living it.” [Principle: HQT].]… “Splendid.”….light angled in arc… “Mental image [is always perfect.”]… “Tacit agreement is acceptable, Leo.” [Principle]…. “Your silence speaks volumes.” [Principle] ….chessboard height [CHM]….it is lit…lights across the ceiling…. “This isn’t a move.”… “This is a trick.”…. “He is playing a stalemate game.” [GT: Principle: HQT]… “Cooper doesn’t know the meaning of stalemate.”….bird noises [AM]….waves club [PTHM]… “I cannot tolerate people who do not play by the rules. [People who shirk the standards.” [Principle: GT: HQT].]…breathes in….back to flute connection to music before…..contrast between threat and flute [DMT]…ring on his left hand [PTHM]…twisted knot rope of gold [MNT: ZM]…
Slow Audrey walk in with flute….trophy on shelf to the right [AT: HQT]….Dick….Dick… [“Both] delightedly represent the sanctity of nature.” [Principle: AT: AM]…totem there [MNT: NAM: AT]…paisley scarf….. “The Great God.”….[Audrey:] “Pine weasel.”…ropes being tied…Twin Peaks’ cheerleader walks out…totem to left, two…painted and not painted [DMT]…..[Wheeler:] “Trying to run lumber upstream.” [IM: HQT]…cross talk….. “How about a picnic?” [Principle]…totem hauled out….[Dick: “Constitutes the] Supreme Incongruity.” [CTSI [Principle: MNT: DMT].]…. “That’s clear, Dick.”…back to…
Harry….light to left of Cooper…bird to the right [AM]….[Cooper:] “Variety of felonies in Hong Kong.”….stops his pour….light brighter…closer shot to Cooper…. “I know it’s not easy right now.”… “Get out of here.”… “Go!!”…half-light face of Harry Truman [DMT: MNT: “Janus A Roman deity who is represented with two faces joined along the line from ear to jaw, the two faces looking in opposite directions. Like all symbols facing right and left at the same time, Janus is a symbol of wholeness— of the desire to master all things.  Because of its duality, it may be taken to signify all pairs of opposites— to be equivalent to the myth of the Gemini. It seems that the Romans associated Janus essentially with destiny, time and war.  His faces were turned towards the past the future, denoting both awareness of history and foreknowledge (the two-headed eagle has a comparable significance.) But, as Guénon has rightly pointed out, two heads are, in fact, hindrances to the knowledge of true, destiny, which lies in the ‘eternal present’ (25). This explains similar symbols but with three heads arranged in the form of a rotating triangle, after the fashion of Janus, but with a third head facing forward.  Triform Hecate is represented in this way (59). Janus also symbolizes the union of the power of priest and monarch (28).  Marius Schneider has suggested to us that Janus may also be identified with the two-peaked Mountain of Mars and, consequently, with all symbol of Inversion and mutual sacrifice.”[3]]…
Who opens door to Catherine?….panning to side face…she looks…open-mouthed…. “The door was open.” [WRQ]….Tutor house plans….[Catherine:] “A country habit, we’re all so trusting.” [Principle]….fan…panning right….all in black….her POV…grandfather clock [AT: HQT]….paisley style jacket for Catherine…. “They are going to be buried side by side, so they can keep [an] eye on each other…[I guess you have reason to be bitter.” [HQT]:]…. [Catherine:] “Just call me a healthy skeptic.” [Principle: LT: Skeptic philosophy[4]]…gun out [PTHM]…no blinking…black box [WRQ]…chair has top edge design like eyes [AT]…like Sasquatch [AM: AT: WRQ]….angled black box…
POV behind Donna….blue sweater Donna….low by stairs….[Earle:] “Spokane [Washington]”… “Would you like to come in?”…vampire principle [Principle: LT: WRQ]….coffee table…straw in coke and sandwich [FM]…shadow of vase to right on piano [AT]….a pop or something….framed between the two rooks [GT]….[Earle:] “Found [himself] a little piece of heaven here.” [Principle: DI: MNT: HQT]…flowers on table and then on table behind couch [FLM]…. “Sit around and try to figure out how our lives would work out.” [Principle: LT: HQT]… “He has come [a little] closer to the mark than I have.” [IM: Principle: GT: HQT]….panning closer…large empty ashtray….[“So it seems that absolutely] none of it applies to your life.” [Principle: LT]…[“You] enjoy it in all its absurdity.” [MNT: Principle: AT: HQT]….about high school, but also us [[MNT]…rising… “30 years ago this month.”….humming…then to…
Pete looking down on a chessboard…another board out of focus in the front [CBM: MNT: GT]…chess posted to the wall…less than half a Honey Bear [AM: FM]….. “Perpetual check[!]” on wall [Principle: OODA loop: Observe Orient Decide Act[5]]…. “Jerry rigged.”…….Casablanca on poster to the right of Cooper [AT: MNT: HQT]…. “He doesn’t want pawns.  He wants royalty.” [Principle: GT: HQT: Game as points.]….diamond on Lucy [“I guess some people don’t know quite as much as they think they do.” [Principle: LT].] …sweater….Log Lady and Briggs in [WRQ]…Andy hand on chin [PTHM]…three triangles… like nuclear warhead [AT: Origin for symbol[6]]…Honey Bear facing us [AM: Animal marketing: Principle: LT]…coffee mug like onyx next to it…[Margaret:] “My log noticed.” [WRQ: Log as familiar]… “I remember.”…. Twin Peaks’ mark on the back of her leg….flannel Cooper… “Seven years old.”…POV down from Cooper and then to Log Lady… “Disappeared for a day…. Flash of light and that mark was on my leg.” [WRQ]….[Major Briggs:] “We [three] recall the light and [also] the call of the owl.” [AM: WRQ]….shadow of flag on desk [AT: HQT]…book red on left of Cooper [LT]….[Major Briggs:] “I’m connecting with something.” [Principle: WRQ]… “Hold the Log.” [PTHM: WTM]…
“Obey me not” [Wheeler: AT[7]] heard first and then fade to…Audrey and Billy Zane…. “Coyote’s howl” [AM: MNT: WRQ: trickster[8]]….red flowers behind Billy Zane [FLM]…birds white geese flying on blue of Audrey [AM]… “You must have been serenaded [at least] once or twice.” [Principle: AT]…[Audrey:] “I don’t inspire much singing.”…. “I don’t think anybody really knows me.”… “There’s nobody…[Know any more cowboy tricks?” [LT: HQT].]…shot with dock… ducks coming this way [AM]…basket at parallel angle to them [PTHM: FM]…to…
“Lakeview Dr.” [Street sign: MNT: Matches “Dr.” Hayward and reminds of Laura’s murder.”  …same soda [FM]…dishes…pink….pant just in shot on right….part of painting behind Donna on right shoulder…..thin painting on wall to left of door [AT]…racing stripes on the wheel chair [AT: HQT]…[Hayward:] “Drowned on a rafting trip on the Snake River.” [AM: HQT]…[Eileen:] “It’s a cemetery.” [IM: HQT]…[Hayward:] “KN to KB3,” flannel for Doc [ZM: GT: HQT]…plant shown…. “You understand?” [MNT: WRQ]….
Big Ed’s…car sound goes by…Dr. Jacoby….child faces on wall to right of Jacoby…stair angled plates…[Nadine:] “A little spat.” [IM: HQT]…green watch…[Dr. Jacoby: “Do you know suggesting?” [MNT: Principle: WRQ].]…[Nadine:] “We’re not talking relativity here.” [Principle: LT]….Doc shirt…scribbles…. “You are so serious.…You’re acting like this is some really big deal.” [IM: HQT]….[Dr: Jacoby] “There are no secret tricks or magick words.…. It’s like the dissolving of scar tissue around [a] wound.” [Principle: MNT: Nadine’s wounds and scars: She already has eye patch from Ed: LT: HQT]… “She’ll start [to see] reality again when her mind feels safe.” [Principle: LT: WRQ]…bracelet on left hand for Doc [PTHM]…[Nadine:] “No jealous rages.” [Principle]… “Maybe just one,” wink…. carriage looks as if it is on water….face still shown…..
Yellow in hallway…mom opens….blurred jamb…moves her hand [PTHM]…..lean down…yellow in the mirror [RM]…hand to mouth [PTHM]….Donna open-mouthed…blond haired boy on wall behind her [AT]….
Menu [MNT]…nature scene….[Shelly:] spoon as mic [PTHM: AT]… [“What would you do to] bring about world peace?….Make them form a circle and join hands, because you can’t make a fist joining hands.” [Principle: PTHM: HQT]…Earle as biker [HQT]…the Double R…tattoos to left of eye…tatts on forearm [AT]… “Beauty…it’s an inner thing, you know? [AT: Principle]…Tibet for Cooper…same book [LT]… “Snow Cro” under cone [AM]…[Cooper:] “A cup of deep black joe” [FM]… “Snow cro” shown…POV from behind Cooper…. [Annie:] “Looks like it’s grown on you.” [IM]…. “It has a way of doing that.”[MNT: AT: Principle]…POV from Earle…through pie case [FM]…red ash tray on right [MNT: Red for alert.]…[Annie:] “I made it a little strong.” [Principle: FM]… “Ok.”….wrist has scar on it [MNT: She went to the light after the darkness.: Principle: WRQ: HGT]…hand up for Cooper [PTHM]…face out….ketchup shown in the distance to the left [FM: MNT: Blood symbol of her attempt]….bright with ash tray….look to other place: Earl gone, burger still there [FM]….shakes head…Hawk is there….
Black and white image on the left….pictures all askew…diamond window door [GT: AT]…[Harry:] “Hey, Deputy Dale.”….light behind Cooper on the ground… “That’s good thing about the law. You can’t kill it.” [Principle: HQT]….red books on the ground [LT]…..contraption to right of Cooper…diamond between them [GT]…dry vines above him…[Cooper:] “Might be a damn fine time to start.” [Principle: LT: HQT]…..piano in…..theme music…light on shelf… “Your life is still your own.” [Principle: HQT]….spits….window shell fan out…[Harry:] “She didn’t have to die.”…two lights shown….hand on hand and they form a circle [PTHM]….hug….grabs elbow more… “There’s a whole lot I don’t understand.” [Principle: LT: HQT]…Cooper: “We’re all like that.” [Principle: LT: HQT]…..fade to black….
Neon “The Book House” [AT: MNT: DMT: Contrast to One Eyed Jack’s sign in red.]…[Hawk] “It was like taking a hike to your favorite spot and seeing a hole where the lake used to be…Josie ha[d] power.” [WRQ: HQT]…. [Cooper:] “The man who doesn’t love easily, loves too much.” [Principle]….red and blue books layered around [LT: DMT] ….spaced equally… “Keep going” said in his sleep…
View of Great Northern….light to the left…lit candles in between concierge and the mic [FRM]…. “Stop” shown on the sign….. “Were going deep….sea fishing” [HQT]…check in….yellow hat…..bell slammed…shades over patch…bell is hammered on…lights on totem [NAM: AT]… “Stop Ghostwood”…pine weasels hung…Horne chuckling….clock to right of totem… “Very gratifying…[to see so many people sincere about their environment.” [DI: MNT: Principle: AT: LT: HQT]…. “Rabid development interests.”…our, panning, right….tables lit…coffee mug [FM]….up lighting… “Trying to turn our beautiful Northwest forests into a monstrous amusement park.” [WRQ: HQT]…. “Animal reserves undisturbed for centuries.” [AM: HQT]… [“Little worlds that serve as] sanctums.” [Principle: WRQ: HGT: Sacred land mythology.: MNT]….now weasel shown [AM]….three posters….white and black dress abstract on the right [AT: DMT]…. “Ecology is not a luxury science. [It is not about pleasant appearances]…. It is about survival….about whether we are all going to make it …..period.” [Principle: LT: AM: WTM: HQT[9]].]…[“Not to understate the value of visual pleasure…” [Principle: MNT: AT].]…[“Graciously given of their time tonight.” [Principle: HQT].]…candle lights to the left…..screech of mic….gold and green curtains….blue dress…red cummerbund…and bow tie…[Dick:]…“Splendid gathering” [Principle: AT: HQT]… “Splendid,” said again…red scarf…[“Delightful mix of warm Northern comfort and]…Southern insouciance” [Principle: AT]…. “Plethora of plaid…with a hint of polka dot” ….describes the show itself [MNT: AT]…[“ A moonless night black slim skirt for the] look that always says, ‘Hey, world I’m here.’” [MNT: AT: Matches Cooper’s coffee comment].]….leg with blue dress on right…lit bottles on the right…..[Aboot Andy’s Attire:] “Buffalo check jumpers”…. “He’s out mastering [a] task or riding the breeze of a chance meeting.” [Principle: Flow Through Challenge [FTC]: LT: HQT]…cowboy rodeo jacket [HQT]….lights blurred…. “Like a sheep” [AM: MNT: IM]…Horne…dunking cookies [FM]….[Catherine: “If it isn’t] John Muir, friend of the Redwoods.” [MNT: WTM:  LT[10]: HQT: Ecology theme emphasizing conservation and protection to heal and prevent “wounds and scars.”]…man behind…tie gray stripe down left… “I am absolutely 100 percent sincere.” [MNT: Totality is absurdity.]…Catherine necklace…small circle and then large [AT]…. “Have you ever in your entire life had an experience that [truly] changed you?” [MNT: AT: Twin Peaks and…: WRQ]…. “Please spare me the born again sales pitch and level with me.” [MNT: IM: “Level with me” phrase repeated: LT: HQT]… “What do you expect to gain with all of this?” [Principle: WRQ: LT: HQT]…. “[A] first scrubbing on one of the dirtiest consciences in the entire Northwest.” [IM: SHM: Macbeth: HQT]….flower dress [FLM]….blurry light orbs three to left of [Catherine] in triangle…handing circle earrings [PTHM: AT]…. “[No matter how many deals I made or how much money I made, inside] I was still a black miserable clod of dirt.” [Principle: LT HQT]…. “I am finding [that] the one thing that really affords you joy in life….. …the only authentic [thing] is giving. [Don’t wait till you are on your deathbed to find out.” [MNT: Principle: HQT]…. [Catherine:] “You actually sound like you mean it.” [Principle]…glasses in handle…champagne bottle positioned between them [FM]…bright light on waiter…..see description of Catherine [Horne: “I do, for you, for me, the future…why don’t you take this opportunity to transcend a lifetime of megalomania and egocentricity and write us a big fat check and help us stop Ghostwood.” [Principle: LT: DMT: HQT].]…man behind hands together…staring beyond….

“Tim Hinkle”….coffee sipping [FM]…. [“How’s everything going? That’s good. I have with me] a little fellow that doesn’t understand the peril that awaits him…[an innocent] in a world gone mad, [a world gone mad.]….I give you…” [Principle: HQT]…….repeated…flash bulb…tie like red curtain… “Unfortunately this little fellow is incredibly curious, making him very easy for one to trap….attracted to bright shin[y] objects.” [Principle: LT: AT]…meta bout his own work [MNT]… “Very cheap cologne”…drawing in black and white on easel [DMT]…right pinky ring [PTHM]… “Little pilgrim” [IM: HQT]….bit on noise…throws onto plate…table overturned…jazzy…curtain escape…simpler outfit to the gold curtain….POV of weasel [ZM]… on ground….red and blue dress and jacket and jacket and dress [DMT]…red dress of Audrey….blue dress…purple …yellow….kiss…..chaos surrounds [Principle: WRQ: HQT]….screaming…then to black…and then to…

Reading [LT: ZM is actually POV]….trophies on left [AT: HQT]…red on book case [in The Book House]…clubbed in the head…[Eckert’s Executive Assistant Assassin’s] gun on the bed [PTHM: HQT]…unbuttoning….beams above…light below….hair let down…light from beyond…shelves of books [LT]…enter into bed and end the episode…[“Let me take you on a trip.” [MNT: WRQ: HQT].]
[1]           Dorothy Lee, “The Religious Dimension of Human Experience,” in Personality and Religion: The Role of Religion in Personality Development, edited by William A. Sadler, Jr., 37. New York: Harper & Row, 1970.
 [2]           “whistle past the graveyard,” Merriam-Webster, accessed December 6, 2017.
 [3]             J. E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, trans. Jack Sage (New York: Philosophical Library, 1962), 154.
[4]                 “Skepticism,” Encyclopedia Britannica, accessed December 6, 2017.
 [5]              “John Boyd in the News.  All you need to know about the OODA Loop,” The Atlantic, accessed December 6, 2017.
[6]               “Who Made That Radiation Symbol?,” The New York Times, accessed December 6, 2017.
 [7]               “Traditional Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie,” Genius, accessed December 6, 2017.
 [8]               “Native American Coyote Mythology,” Native Languages of the Americas, accessed December 6, 2017.
 [9]                 “An old Wintu woman, speaking in prophetic vein, expressed this: ‘The White people never cared for land or deer or bear.  When we Indians kill meat, we eat it all up.  When we dig roots we make little holes.  When we build houses, we make little holes.  When we burn grass for grasshoppers, we don’t ruin things.  We shake down acorns and pinenuts.  We don’t chop down the trees. We only use dead wood.  But the White people plow up the ground, pull up the trees, kill everything.  The tree says, ‘Don’t. I am sore. Don’t hurt me.’ But they chop it down and cut it up.  The spirit of the land hates them.  They blast out trees and stir it up to its depths.  They saw up the trees.  That hurts them.  The Indians never hurt anything, but the white people destroy all. They blast rocks and scatter them on the ground.  The rock says, ‘Don’t! You are hurting me.’ But the White people pay no attention. When the Indians use rocks, they take little round ones for their cooking…How can the spirit of the earth like the White man?…Everywhere the White man has touched it, it is sore.’  Here we find people who do not so much seek communion with environing nature as find themselves in communion with it.”
             Dorothy Lee, “The Religious Dimension of Human Experience,” in Personality and Religion: The Role of  Religion in Personality Development, edited by William A. Sadler, Jr., 35. New York: Harper & Row, 1970.
[10]         “John Muir: A Brief Biography,” The Sierra Club, accessed December 6, 2017.

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