Seek Further Inward and Outward!?

Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental!? Guide 2-16 The Condemned Woman

Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental!? Guide Weird Real(m) Quest(ion)s Introduction & Season 1

Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental!? Guide 2-16 The Condemned Woman [Judgement and Sacrifice]
The Hanged Man Feminine version [MNT: WRQ]…computerized sawmill early 90s…progress…what remains?…who [Actors and Actresses] gets an “as” and why?…
Owl in glass container [MNT: AM: AT: Foreshadowing for Josie]…bell jar…black chessboard side facing us [GT: CHM]…[Earle: “Listen carefully. It’s your move…] Put your heart into it, will you?” [IM: Principle: GT: HQT]…. “A [certain] tentative mind [as if your mind were occupied with other issues than the board before you. Such preoccupation not only weakens one’s resolve, but one’s foresight as well. A deadly failing in any match, you must agree, but in this particular contest quite disastrous, as we play for grave stakes, the likes of which you have no doubt surmised.” [Principle: MNT: LT: CHM: GT: HQT].]…mask and then tape [DMT]…red tape and blue stripe on recorder [DMT]….pan back…Mike Myer’s mask [LT: AT: Halloween: DMT: WRQ: HQT]….whale on desk [AT: AM]…red book by golden elk book holder like one from lodge in Horne’s office [MNT: AM: AT: LT] …..on the horn…mask angled at Cooper [MNT]…[Lucy: “I’ll do it alphabetically.” [Principal: LT].]…rising strong loving music…view of death mask from Cooper’s POV and then fade to…
Pete…hanging basket of full fruit…fruit on table….food as art [FM: AM: DMT: AT]….pan back…angled beams of room like arrow shaft and feathers to the right [MNT: PTHM]…yellow and brown flannel on wall…[Catherine:] “Peter”…full name…[“You two bring out the worst in each other.” [IM: Principle: HQT].]…[Andrew: “Pete’s a prince of a man.” [IM: HQT]…Catherine: “Court Jester.” [MNT].].]…elbows up…..flannel now….[Andrew: “I had hope that] Time and Age would mellow [that Tempest raging inside you.” [IM: Principle: HQT].]…[Catherine: “Watching you two] act like the Hardy Boys always brings on stormy weather.” [IM: LT[1]: AT: HQT]… “Ghostwood?”…[“Paris” [HQT].]….POV right of Catherine… [Andrew after Josie enters:] “I’m home, did you miss me?” [IM: WRQ]….Josie passes out…blurred place mat flower or butterfly [AM: FLM: AT]… “She has her charms though…”… [Catherine, who was once condemned, but survived:] “But not for long.” [MNT: Josie as The Condemned Woman: Scarlet Letter: Witch: WRQ]…pan up to…
Sheriff… “No Clues to Killer.” [MNT: Paper]…5:30 in for newspaper…Harry: “Save it…” [IM: Principle: LT: HQT]…[Hank: “Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?]…Cry me a river.” [IM: Jimmy Cliff’s “Many Rivers to Cross”[2]: AT: HQT]… “Ouch.”…part moon on shelf [AT]…[Harry:] “No deals.” [GT: HQT]… [Hank:] “How’s that going to sit with your constituents?” [IM?: HQT]… “Pushed the button on Andrew.” [IM: GT]…Hawk…kicks crutch [PTHM]…face of Hank into killer’s pic on newspaper [MNT]…red pages of book…red on shelf to left above Harry: [“Get em out of here. Get em out of here.” [IM: HQT].]…
Alfred tie…red, has angled shapes [AT]….hand up Cooper [PTHM]…. “I don’t take it personally.” [Principle: Shaman: Don Miquel Ruiz’s The Four Agreements: Second Agreement: “Don’t take anything personally.”[3]]….red flannel for Cooper…..[Alfred:] “She is a menace.”…table shot…up… “Maybe she will grow wings and join the circus.” [MNT: WRQ]….
Floor up to Audrey….at “Registration.”… “Tri-County Rodeo Association” [HQT]… “Your enthusiasm brings a [salty] tear to the eye.” [Principle]…. “I look forward to.”…. “Good luck.” [IM: WRQ]…. “You’ll need it.”… “Concierge” [Plaque]….face to right next to repeated face…kisses on his jacket…[Audrey:] “I’m working, see.”….[Billy Zane:] “Heavy equipment.”….[Audrey:] “Mr. Rockefeller.” [LT: HQT]….closes eyes…one eye up…hand to right and facing Zane on back wall [PTHM]… “So forgettable.”…old woman….flower dress [MNT: Conspicuous: FLM: AT]…bright blue and pink and white flowers….totem on sign [NAM]…ripped letter… “High heaven” at top [IM]…. “Save the one you love.” [Principle]… “Gathering of Angels” [Principle: HQT]….
Figures being put back [AT: WRQ]…red to right and on Nadine and in TV reflection from bench [RM]….rooster lamp [AM: AT]….blue and red flannel [DMT]…cat behind Nadine [AM: AT]… “For anything in the world.”… “We had the most magical night together.” [IM: HQT]…..Ed…. “All night?…That’s fair.”…[Nadine:] “We have to call a spade a spade.” [IM]…red nails…..spoon giant to right of Ed [PTHM: FM]…he is dished [MNT]….
[Cooper:] “I want you to level with me.” [IM: Principle: LT: HQT]…horn behind Cooper…through blinds…two ducks [AM: MNT]….. “I don’t know what kind of a place he [occupies] in your heart.” [IM: Principle: WRQ: HQT]…tulips on couch [FLM]….. “This is the end [of it; there are no other options.” [HQT]…pan close to Josie’s face…swallowing reality….[Catherine:] “Was this a social call?” [IM]…square made owl on shelf [MNT: AM]…bear behind Josie and fan behind Catherine matching her earlier dress [AM: PTHM: MNT]…house shown left side of door frame… books on shelf [LT]…[Josie:] “I think I am going mad.” [HQT]…red books left of Catherine [LT]…red on the shelf behind her…tree on the fan [WTM: AT: PTHM]….[Catherine:] “Just pray that he believes you.” [Principle: HQT]…..silver gun [Secret: PTHM]…[Josie,] she holds it on her chest…comforted by that…posture before without it…
Lavender sky [WRQ]…celery in a glass [FM]….[Horne] waves as pointer [PTHM]…[“You know, board meetings are usually nothing more than the gathering of self-minded individuals each more intent than the other on financial gain…Today is going to be something completely different.” [Principle: HQT].…. “You are a sight for sore eyes.” [IM: HQT]….carpet at angle…[“Fila”] jacket for Horne… “John Justice Wheeler.”…. “Came up the hard way.” [IM: HQT]….black leather pants for Jerry… “Bob Briggs”….white stuffed animal behind them [AM: AT]…POV up to Horne… “A pittance which he built into an empire…[I’ve asked him to return the favor and believe in him now.” [Principle: HQT].]….cats as bookends to left of Horne [AM: AT: LT]…[Wheeler: “You’re testing my well-worn modesty.” [Principle]… “Suffice to say.” [IM]…..Audrey in neck of white animal [MNT]… “In spite of these reversals and [stripped with all the trappings of success, what are we left with? The] Human Spirit.”…Bobby Briggs’ tie… “The greatest gift [that] one [human being] can give to another?”… “The Future.” [Principle: HQT]… “Musteal Pinus.” [Picture: AT: LT]… “The Pine Weasel.”…down left… “Found only in our Tri-County Area.”… Jerry: “Incredible roasted.” [DMT: Twin peaks of absurd seriousness and absurd comedy: AM: FM]…down left black large stripe…small stripes gray… [Ben: “Life as we know it.] I want Twin Peaks to remain unspoiled in an area of vast environmental carnage.” [Principle: HQT]…[Jerry: “Until the wheel turns and we get another shot. That’s brilliant!” [Principle: IM: MNT: GT: HQT].]… crossed tools on Billy’s tie [AT: PTHM]….weasel behind Horne [MNT: AM]….hmm…..evergreen…[Audrey:] “Then what?” [Principle: WRQ]…[Horne: “I plan to fight this…on every ground and with every available weapon.” [Principle: LT: HQT]… “I am considering a run for the Senate.” [HQT]…red, white, and blue out through door…
Log truck by café [HQT]…red rimmed wheel car there… “Rabbit Bisque” for food today…Coke bottle empty….blurry condiment [FM]….2:17 on clock…[Shelly:] “Sounds like prison to me.” [IM: HQT]….[Norma: “When she was little, I always used to think that Annie was from a different place and time…hard to imagine her out in the world.” [MNT: WRQ: HQT]….[Earle’s note read by Shelly:] “Mountains kiss, [waves clasp]…flower sunlight, the moon beams, is all this kiss not” [DI: FLM: AT: WRQ]…[Norma: “Sounds intriguing in a way, but it sounds dangerous.” [Principle: HQT].]…
POV of [Ed] as he enters: “We deserve to be happy.” [Principle]… “It’s our turn.” [IM: MNT: GT: HQT]….
Up to evergreen tree [WTM]…Leo sharpening sticks below [PTHM: HQT]….panning around him to the cabin…. “The Foggy Foggy Dew.” [AT[4]]… “[C]-DM” on Windom Earle’s trucker hat [Certainly-Dungeon Master!? Ha: GT: LT[5]: WRQ]…. “[Fly to my breast], kiss me in colors autumnal, [speak to me only of love.” [AT[6]] ….. “You have an incomplete education.” [Principle: LT: HQT]…[“For instance, survival in the wilderness is] a relevant issue in your life, my friend. [This comes under the heading of practical instruction. I hope you have been paying attention.” [Principle: MNT: GT: HQT].]…. “Nature is cruel; this is also a lesson.” [Principle: AM: HQT: Thomas Hobbes[7]]….
Sink, pan right to…one shoe off Hank…look up…blurred bars…..Norma enters…..uncertain initially…[Hank: “Great, now that you’re here…First let me say, I don’t blame you. You gave me a second chance and] I blew it.” [IM: HQT]…[“I don’t know why I am so self-destructive. But I can see] that’s my priority [in getting well. I don’t want to be like this anymore.” [HQT].]…[Norma:] “I don’t want to be like this.”…. “I have to get on with my life.” [IM: Principle: HQT]….jazz…. Hank’s hand on color [PTHM]… “I just want you to be happy.”…..[Norma:] “No more lies.” [Principle]…no pupil in hands face shot…[Hank:] “Here’s the deal.” [IM: GT]…grabs Norma…. “I didn’t come here to negotiate with you. [This is it. It’s over.” [Principle: HQT]…one eye gone…behind bar….rattles bars [MNT: Norma as Condemned Woman: Hank yelling like Harry]…back to…
Chess [GT: CHM]…[Pete: “There are four or five ways of doing this thing.” [Principle: LT: GT HQT].]…white showing us…one pawn off…coffee cup [FM]…ax in log [PTHM]…doughnuts to the right [FM]….chalk map behind Pete [HQT]….[Harry:] “Personals.”….looks like horse facing down right….to mountains…pan up and down at them analyzing the board [GT: CHM]…[Pete: “Guaranteed to cause some sleepless nights.” [MNT: AT: HQT].]…[Cooper:] “Has a perverse sense of honor.”…[Harry: “I never heard of a man who murders by the rules.” [Principle].]…Albert…… “Here it is.” … “Straight up.” [IM: HQT]….posters on left….two cars….map up high….[Cooper:] “I can handle it.” [IM: Principle: PTHM: HQT: Endure all to conquer all.]…
Dogs left [AM: AT: MNT: To the dogs]…to…Josie….in mirror…red lipstick….deer maintained to left….painting of scene behind [AT]…. [Andrew: “A taste for bubbly.”]….fan to her left [PTHM]…Catherine and one on the right… “To beginnings and endings and the wisdom to know the difference.” [FM: Toast: Principle: Serenity Prayer reflection]….Andrew tie… “Perfectly normal response.” [Principle: LT: HQT]…like curtain behind him [MNT: AT]….reddish orange and blue with bright rose on blue….red flower to right of Andrew [FLM]….skull above Josie [MNT: AT]….Andrew tie…black with reddish orange and blue green shapes…identical…“Every action has its consequence…Perhaps you were meant to be together all along. We won’t speak again.” [Principle: HQT]…she is crying by the two champagne glasses…bright red flower above hanging clothes [FLM]….to…
James up path…shot over and up edge to them….rising profound music again….distant shot…into…[Donna: “I wanted us to go someplace we have never been before.  Come on.” [MNT: Principle: LT: HQT].]…
The woods….picnic….fruit and sandwiches with toothpicks…bottle and bread angled equally [FM]…[James:] “Evelyn”… “I wouldn’t blame you if you hated me.” [Principle: MNT: “Don’t take it personally.”: HQT]… James bites his lips…. “But what about you?”…[Donna: “I’ve been a part of all the horrible things that have happened.] I want to be part of something good now.” [Principle: HQT].]….bird chirp a couple times….. “Like crazy.”… “But you’ll go away and come back with great stories.” [Principle: LT: AT]… “Come with me.”… “I’ll come back, I promise.”…eh, David Lynch? [MNT]…pan out kiss…light on bike and bright [MNT: HQT]….fade to…
Black…..leaf mug… Great Expectations Catherine reading [MNT: Of The Condemned Woman: AT: LT]….half snowshoe shown [PTHM: HQT]….red counter…blue curtains [DMT]…light bright right….upside down shape of light….duck between Pete and Catherine [AM: AT]…flying…hands together and fingers out Catherine [PTHM]…canes [PTHM]….elevator…. [Catherine:] “Eckhart” [MNT: “Ick Heart”: DMT: HQT] in…side profile….
“Stop” [Button]….. Andrew… “Reed” on inside of the coat…[Eckhart: “I don’t believe in ghosts.”]… [Andrew: “Pity it is an appealing notion; the return of the grizzly phantom from the grave.” [Principle: WRQ].]… “You deserve haunting.” [WRQ: HQT: MNT: A Condemnation]… “I’m alive.”….. “Some advantage to be gained.” [GT: LT: Principle: HQT]…[Andrew:] “She betrayed me.”…[Andrew:] “We’re all familiar with betrayal.” [Principle: Theme of Twin Peaks: MNT]…. “Love will break your heart.” [Principle: AT: LT: Neil Young’s “Only Love Can Break Your Heart”[8]]… “Happily long ago I lost interest.”…. “Does these twisted things deliberately…..I come back with a warning.” [WRQ: HQT]….[Eckhart: “I am always careful.”]….tie Andrew…….[Darth] Vader breather…. “My [resurrection] remains a well-kept secret” by Andrew immediately before was Vader breath…..tie for Andrew gold on black…. “garage”…used for his accent…cowboy hat [HQT]…Thomas tie…dark ….totem blue in and then panned out as it zooms in [NAM]….moving slowly….
[Horne to Wheeler:] “Think of me as [an open] book [upon] whose virgin pages you will scribe.” [MNT]….before this…gold vest under totem…flying face to …he is a vulture capitalist… “You’re making me sound like Santa Claus.” [WRQ]…. [Horne:]  “You’ll have to excuse me, [the chef just tried to stab Jerry.” [HQT]….cowboy hat panned and then two more…..[Audrey:] “My father’s friends are rarer than the pine weasel.” [AM]…. “Bring us [all] up to speed.” [IM: LT: HQT]…. “You are Santa Claus.”…. “Better hang up my stocking.”…. “I don’t have an opinion either way.”… “Managed to take care of ourselves just fine for more years than you can count, and desperate though we may seem, will probably continue to do so in the foreseeable future.” [Principle: HQT]…Zane tie…river of green gold winding down his tie…. “The far corners of the earth.” [IM: HQT]…close face shots… “It’s glorious out there.” [AT]… “All and all.”… “It’s good to be home.” [Principle: HQT]….lip smack Audrey…..rising slowly…abstract tie…blue and pink dress again…different woman…seated and eating [FM]…back of gold vest…blinks….thinks…
Two beers [FM]….black haired rocker…red hat to the right of Donna and blurry exit… angled cig pack…. “Strange”… “That is strange.” [WRQ: MNT]…note [Shelly reads: “See the mountains kiss high heaven and the waves clasp one another. No sister flower would be forgiven if it disdained its brother. And the sun may clasp the earth and the moonbeams kiss the sea, what is all this sweet work worth, if thou kiss not me?” [AT: WRQ: moon = “The symbolism of the moon is wide in scope and very complex…Because of its passive character— in that it receives its light from the sun— it is equated with the symbolism of the number two and with the passive or feminine principle.  It is also related to the Egg of the World, the matrix and the casket (9).  The metal corresponding to the moon is silver (57). It is regarded as the guide to the occult side of nature, as opposed to the sun which is responsible for the life of the manifest world and for fiery activity.  In alchemy, the moon represents the volatile (or mutable) and feminine principle, and also multiplicity because of the fragmentary nature of its phases.”[9]].] ….panning left….neon red and blue shown [DMT]…red tray…red straws…watching trucker blurry first….keg there…. “Courtwright Diesel and Machine” [Earle’s hat: toothpick: PTHM]…
Twin falls [DMT: WRQ]….red fly fishing practice into the camera view [PTHM: HQT]…sound continues…..panning right and down…book on his desk about Tibet [LT]…..shadows of the candle lights [FRM]…duck call by duck [AM]…..two hanging fixtures with angled flames [FRM]…candle on wall not lit…handle…on door….elk horn [AT: PTHM: AM]….then on wall…[Cooper:] “What about Jonathan?”…pink and turquoise dress…..[Josie:] “I knew this day was going to come.”….rafters above… Harry screams crazily… “Put it down”….whole body into it….strange clanging chimes…deep breathing Cooper…..does he know?…view of them…light on picture on wall….then big light and they are gone….Bob is there [WRQ: HQT]… “Coop….what happened to Josie?” [DMT: Another lost soul trapped by Bob]…..he laughs…and vanishes…midget on the bed…red suit…shadow on the wall….horns his height on the wall [AM: MNT: Demon headpiece: WRQ]…then they are back with light gone…black object on table…there, silver…to that object now….book?…drawer…handle…in it…Josie’s face…..eyes closed…screaming…trapped [ZM: MNT: The Condemned Woman: WRQ]……face in the knob….through….held in…trapped…frozen…..fade to black…
[1]                “Answers to Frequently Asked Questions,” Hardy Boys Unofficial Home Page, accessed November 28, 2017.
[2]               “Many Rivers to Cross,” Genius, accessed November 28, 2017.
[3]              “Don Miquel Ruiz,” Don Miguel Ruiz, accessed November 27, 2017.
 [4]            “Foggy Dew,” Wikipedia, accessed November 28, 2017.
 [5]           “Dungeon Master,” Wikipedia, accessed November 28, 2017.
 [6]           “Adonis,” Bartleby, accessed November 28, 2017.
 [7]           “Victor Nuovo: Locke & Hobbes, the origin of civil society,” Addison
County Independent, accessed November 28, 2017.
[8]                 “Only Love Can Break Your Heart Neil Young,” Genius, accessed November 28, 2017.
[9]                  J. E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, trans. Jack Sage (New York:
Philosophical Library, 1962), 205-6.

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