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Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental!? Guide 1-7 Realization Time

Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental!? Guide Weird Real(m) Quest(ion)s Introduction & Season 1

Hiking Twin Peaks – 1-7 Realization Time [Transitory Revelations]

RT [Realization Time: HQT: DMT: LT: GT: Principle] …Catherine Martel…her actress is identified…moon…shadow from our left to top right….dark Great Northern…
Cooper on edge of the bedge [LT: AT: Bed, ledge portmanteau [DMT].]…back to end of last episode… “What I want and what I need are two different things.” [HQT: LT: Principle: Henry David Thoreau: “Simplicity. Simplicity. Simplicity.”]…tree and river [“River An ambivalent symbol since it corresponds to the creative power both of nature and of time. On the one hand it signifies the fertility and progressive irrigation of the soil ; and on the other hand it stands for the irreversible passage of time and, in consequence, for a sense of loss and oblivion.”[1] [DMT].] scene to right of Cooper….Cooper looks at her sweetly….provides a handkerchief with flick of a wrist [PTHM] before handing it over…. “Two malts and some fries.” [FM: Doo Wop Romance [DWR].]… “That could take all night.”… “The night is young.” [IM: HQT]… “I can’t tell you all my secrets.” [HQT: Principle]…Audrey open-mouthed sighs as Cooper leaves…..
Andy in cautiously ….Lucy does not look at him… “Peak Activity Time” [HQT: LT: Principle]….slowing, zooming in [ZM] to Lucy…red square behind her…..motif….every scene?…red on necklace….Cooper comes in with flute [AT: NAM: Trickster archetype.]….three watching in police office lobby…. [Doc Hayward: “Hill Mina”] bird“Native to Southeast Asia, Indonesia.” [AM]…  [“Its ability to mimic the human voice is amazing.”… “Mimicry is a kind of a play for a mina.” [LT: DMT: AM]… “Hey Waldo, what’s up?” [MNT] …. Doc flannel….deer mounted head to left of Doc and then close up of bird [AM]….Cooper tie…paisley [AT]…Cooper…. “I don’t like birds.” [AM: Birds = “In North America, the supreme Being is often equated with the mythic personification of lightning and thunder as a great bird.” [NAM: Thunderbirds? [WRQ].]… “Why?”…. “It’s urge to mimic.” [HQT: Principle]… “Should return with its good health.” [HQT: Principle.]… [Doc:] “These grapes are right on the edge.” [FM: DMT: MNT]….bird on Laura…. “[Now] we know who and when, but we don’t know why.” [Principle: LT]… “[Voice-activated, Harry.] When the bird talks, maybe we’ll get some answers.” [AM: WRQ]…. “This would be a good job for the Book House Boys.” [HQT: LT]
…black Camaro pulls up….hidden by evergreens….Bobby with “T” for “Twin Peaks” on the back [T is a mirror image…fitting for twin [DMT: “Twin…The respective characteristics of their parents— expressed in landscape-symbolism by the dualism of the mountain (representing heaven) and the valley or water (representing earth)— are not fused in their offspring, but discrete. Thus, one brother may be a fierce hunter, another a peaceful shepherd. In sum, these beings are usually beneficent deities (17). Through the influence of totemism or of animalistic symbolism, they appear fairly often in the symbolic guise of animals: as birds…” [DMT: AM: MNT][2]… peak from “Mountain… “The vertical axis of the mountain drawn from its peak down to its base links it with the world-axis, and anatomically, with the spinal column.[3]]…spotted by Leo…..Radio says, “Better call Hawk on that one.” [MNT: Media forms motif]….Leo’s arm is shown hurt…..through his sights shown [ZM][“Come on lover boy, Leo’s waiting.”]….red-hatted figure on way in…..she has the red nails too….red ladder….. “Start over.” [Principle]…. “Go real slow.” [Principle]….Bobby listens and doesn’t blink… “Where am I going to hide?” [WRQ: DMT]…Leo Johnson is history, [understand. I’m taking care of you from now on. I’m going to deal…”]…Bobby is speaking about himself in third person…back to POV of Leo…Lucy on here……he reacts to hearing the bird [AM]…..
To urn….panned across from before…..urn between rooms…..tape….[Laura: “What’s up, Doc? [AT: LT].]…Just a few words [before I go to sleep.].”…. “I feel like I’m in a dream tonight….big, bad ones, [You know? [MNT].]…the kind you like.” [DMT: HQT]…Laura’s tape to Dr. [RT: MNT]…[“It’s easier talking into the recorder. I guess I feel I can say anything. All my secrets. The naked ones. I know you like those, Doc. I know that you like me too.” [DMT: MNT]…Donna and cousin listening….wall paper… “All my secrets, the naked ones.” [HQT: DMT]…..swan ship holder for napkins [AM: AT]….. “Feb 23” [Twenty Three Synchronicity [TTS] from Jung and transmitted to me from RAW from Burroughs.[4] ] [James:] “The night Laura died.” [HQT: We can only hope that our deaths do not involve investigations, but peace and legacy.]…POV through room with urn on right….”Realistic” is the brand of radio for “Realization Time” episode [MNT]….fade to…
Horne’s….red car to left….two manikins and cardboard cutout to the left…. [Audrey: “Try this. It smells like a forest.” [HQT].]…Invitation to Love shown connected to the soap…..bright red to the right…[Customer: “I want a scent that makes a statement.” [Principle].]… “I don’t appreciate your attitude.” [HQT: LT: GT: Principle.]….Audrey grabs both of her coworker’s triceps…..coworker has red in the hair…sage western boots….SAGE…back to desk…red box on the left…and red car beflow [“Below”: “be” and “flow” portmanteau.]…. hear whispers [Shade Slit Shadows] …louvered door…Civic award on the right….red box for coworker…..laying there next to Audrey….she keeps smoking… “It’s a unicorn.” [HQT: WRQ]… “Ancient symbol of purity.” [“Unicorn Symbolic of chastity and also an emblem of the sword or the word of God (20, 4). Tradition commonly presents it as a white horse with a single horn sprouting from its forehead, but according to esoteric belief it has a white body, a red head and blue eyes.”[5] [Red and blue primary color theme of opposities, fire and water dualism. [DMT].]… “Tamed only by a young heart.”… “They were very pleased with you as well.”…. “Not many girls qualify.” [HQT: GT]…. [“The variety of work is completely up to you.” [HQT: Principle].]…“If you are chosen…” [HQT]…red tie…“Escort important guests, VIPs.” …. “Your attitude will take you far in this life.” [RT: PTHM [Card exchange]: Principle: LT: HQT: Positive Psychology, Positive Thinking Movement, Manifestation from Meditation on Gratitude.]…. “Ask for Black Rose.”….red box…..diamond pattern distorted on tie…yellow desk lamp….list of names on his ledger [Heart rating system [HRS][GT].]……steals desk ornament…what is it?
Log truck and Norma’s car comes out….Hank and Shelly chatting behind the counter….bear with red sweater on wall [AT: AM: DMT]….scarf to right…red ash tray…..king crab and fish dinner [FM: AM]…..lighter box engraved on counter with 50 cent change and red ash tray….he pockets lighter…. “Hi Harry, glad to see me?” [WRQ]…[Hank: “Harry, I’m innocent.”… Harry: “What you are is on parole, Hank.”… “You think people really change, Cooper. I don’t.” [HQT: LT: Principle]…red frame to left of Cooper…Shelly…seafood between Cooper and Harry….[Cooper: “Harry, I’m going to let you in on a little secret.] Everyday, once a day, give yourself a present. [Don’t plan it. Don’t wait for it. Just, let it happen. It could be a new shirt at the men’s store, a cat nap in your office chair, or two [cups of good, black] coffee.” [Principle: LT: FM]…[“Like this, a present.” Harry: “Like Christmas.”…DC headnod… “Ah man, that hits the spot…Nothing like a…” [IM: LT].]….red ketchup container….red booth to right of Harry… then to….
Red on right with mannequin again….little Horne Horse [AM: DMT]… lipstick and paisley dress for new recruit [AT]…..
Gun like Shelly….shooting Leo… curtain [MNT]… [“Tune in tomorrow for] Invitation to Love” [Twin Peaks gives many invitations to love it. You are reading this, eh?]….Nadine perched with chocolate…. “Bon bons” [FM]….two pictures of children to right of Nadine [MNT]….[Nadine: “You don’t know how bad it is. You don’t know all the things I was going to do, for us…It wasn’t just things I was going to buy; it was the new life we were going to lead.” Ed: “Nadine, there’s plenty of patent attorneys. We’re just going to keep on looking until we find one who understands drape runners.”…Nadine: “Rejected.”….Ed: “Nadine, don’t you give up. Don’t you dare.” [HQT: Dare!?].]…buckle for necklace is called…pink and black……blurry red collar of Ed….Ed’s shirt….red…rejected….to……..
Pete’s house… Pete: “Tim and Tom’s Taxidermy.”…. “It loses something in the translation.” [Principle]... Harry: “Well Pete, it’s still a fine looking trophy, no matter what the size.” [Principle]…saw to the right of Harry [PTHM]….Josie is there….red counter to the right…. “Timber Falls Motel” [HQT]….her red lipstick….envelope Catherine and Horne same angle of posture in picture…. [Josie: “A fire at the mill.” [HQT: FRM].]…hug….fade ….to…
Tux Cooper…[NAM: AM: AT: Totem bird wing projecting from our left.]…POV as he walks close….looks like Bond [LT]…[Harry: “Well now…That’s pretty spiffy, Cooper.” [IM].]…wooden fish above mantel [AT: AM]… “You’re going to be lucky tonight.” [GT: WRQ: Principle.]….fisherman behind Cooper chatting [HQT]…[Cooper: “Do you believe her? How much do you know about her? Where she’s from? Who she was before?” [HQT: DMT: WRQ].]… Harry: “What are you getting at?” …. [Cooper:] “The truth. It’s my job.” [HQT: Principle.]… [“That’s good enough for me.” [Principle].]….. [Harry:] “I got that brand new Cadillac you wanted.” [LT: Bill Hick’s impression of Elvis giving away Brand New Cadillacs.]… [Cooper: “Big spenders vacationing among the firs.” [HQT].]…
Totem left….Audrey in [“Yes, it’s still urgent.” [Principle].]…sees the empty hallway…two drinks on bar…tall thin tie man with red and black tie like flannel shirt…snow shoes [HQT]…. “Is everything in order…?” [Principle]…. “Are you suggesting that there is something irregular at work here?” [WRQ]… “Are you an ambitious man…?” [HQT]…Macbeth [SHM]…..she doesn’t blink and keeps holding the paper [PTHM]….to her by the portrait again and the secret desk slot [HQT]…
Audrey slips note under door and strokes “315….finger along wall…Asian man checks into another room… “313” shown after word for odd number association….
[Cooper:] “It’s going to work like gangbusters.” [IM: Etymology[6]]…Big Ed… “I got a big head”…piles of donuts [FM]….double stacks …not all even….bird in cage above [AM]….MC-60 on tape…bird says, “Laura.” [DMT]……twice…lumberjack shown with slices as thick as him [HQT]…[Shade Slit Shadows]…shot at the station….man running way…Leo Johnson….shoots that photograph…blood on the donuts [HQT: FM]…bird cage swinging…Waldo shot [SHM: Comic Relief]…pile is absurd…of donuts….Andy… “Poor Waldo.”…he is Waldo [MNT]…..listening to reverse…..bird whistles….says, “Laura, Laura.”….. [“Don’t go there.” [HQT: Principle].]…“Hurting me” repeated…Cooper blinks… “Stop it, stop” repeated…. “Man no”… “Man no”….fade…
To One Eyed Jack’s [GT]….blinking….Jack’s open-mouthed….woman passes…..Ed stairs…Cooper round glasses…“Here comes something.”… Cooper: “Glad to know you, Blacky. [I like your style.]” [IM: AT]… “Yeah, it’s our rookie season.” [GT: LT: HQT: IM]… [Blacky: “Well, you just think of this night as Spring Training. With a little luck, you just might make the team.” [HQT: GT: LT].]…“You look like Carey Grant.” [About Cooper: DMT: Bizarro: LT: WRQ]…explore reference….. “Barney and Fred” [Flintstones: AT]… “Both in from the Twin Cities.” [DMT: LT: HQT: Doubles]… “So boys, what’s your pleasure?” [HQT: Principle]… “This might just be your lucky night.” [IM: WRQ]…[Ed: “Luck has nothing to do with it.” [Principle].]…two girls with cards in front of Native American painting [NAM]…dealer with dreads…white van….red and white colors….elbow of statue same as Cooper in pose…..[“Ed, let’s gamble.” [GT: AT: MNT: Principle].]…
Palmer household…house in stairwell…two stairwell pics hit by cousin…she has plastic bag and pink on… Leland is sitting there menacingly [DMT]…in the shadows [of trees: HQT]…not blinking…turning slowly…James outside…piano ascending…orb above James [WRQ]…glare in light of Laura Palmer….cousin….James sees her blond hair…Donna in car…..she has recorder [MNT]……
Icelanders singing [HQT: LT: AT]…golden moose or elk [AT: AM: HQT]…..elk methinks [LT]…huge pine cone for Jerry…dots on Horne’s tie…Jerry plane on his hat [HQT]… “The trees.”…. “They worship”… “I caught a couple of them hugging pine.” [HQT: “Natural Mystic”: Bob Marley]… “What’s the catch?” [GT: IM]…. “They want to finalize the deal at One Eyed Jacks.”…spills beer…stain… “Road trip, road trip.” [HQT]…..pine cone blurry….[Remind is strong. Objects of memory.]… Josie and Horne plotting…black jacket Hank there…..wags his finger at her…..she has arms clutched…
Audrey escorted to One Eyed Jacks….red curtains….theme [FRT: Of fire without and within, from destruction to sin, dominate and win.] …red drink…Audrey shakes her shoulders and makes noises…[Blacky:] “Hester Prynne”…The Scarlet Letter… “Calgary Stampede 87-89”…[Audrey: “The Lost Dude Ranch.”[HQT: Are you a lost dude? Or are you lost, dude? The Lost Highway…]…red nails… “Airmail your bottom back to civilization.” [HQT]….grabs cherry….ring on right middle finger [PTHM]…blurry lights in mountain to right…like pine cone…tied cherry stem…
King of Hearts appears [GT]….man with dreads….cowboy machine to the left of the dealer who left….tools on wall [PTHM]…wheel as the chandelier…[Ed, finger to side of eye gestures [PTHM] after he says: “Blackjack is not my game.” [GT: LT].]…Jacque dealing…Invitation to Love…[“Jade, here’s to old times. Should old acquaintance be forgot.” “Auld Lang Syne” reference.[7]]
Totems on both sides at the Doc’s house [NAM]…on his chair same pattern as what he had in his office… “Bottoms up.” [IM]….Doc grabs the…tie is abstract on the top suspenders…U31 VHS….totem to the right on his desk too….filming…National Geographics piled on the left of the desk….[Madeline: “Meet me at Sparkwood and 21 in 10 minutes.” [FRM: HQT]…
Black gloved hand…music comes in… Bobby is watching….and who is watching behind Bobby….POV….blurry on right…license plate information at top difficult…screech to remind you of the eeriness of the POV behind Bobby…Dr. gets close to the video…. “Gazebo.”…comes down to his convertible….peels out….industrial lot for his office?…Bobby watching…“Say goodbye James.”…he hits Harley Davidson on bike…more screeching and shaking POV of cousin [Breathing [HQT].]…
[1]         J. E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, trans. Jack Sage  (New York:
Philosophical Library, 1962), 262.
[2]  [Shadow side and Transformation]
       J.E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, trans. Jack Sage
(New York: Philosophical Library, 1962), 336.
[3]   [Maybe the spinal column here has twin sides? The earth and the heaven side.  The below, or on and the above.]
       J.E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, trans. Jack Sage (New York:
Philosophical Library, 1962), 208.
[4]           “23 Fascinating Facts about the Number Twenty Three,”
Independent, accessed July 16,
[5] Unicorn continued: “Jung, in his work on the relationships between psychology and alchemy, has studied a great many aspects of this fabulous animal, concluding that, broadly speaking, it has no one definite symbolic character but rather many different variants embracing singe-horned animals, both real and fabulous, such has the sword-fish or certain types of dragon…On the other hand, the alchemists made use of its ambivalent implications in order to symbolize Monstrum Hermaphroditum. The universality of this symbolic being, non-existent in nature, is indeed surprising ; it is, for instance, in the Vedas.” [DMT]
       J.E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, trans. Jack Sage (New York:
Philosophical Library, 1962), 338.
[6]           “Gangbusters,”, accessed July 16, 2017.–gangbusters
[7]           “Auld Lang Syne: Should Old Lyrics Forgot Song Means 8
Things,” Telegraph, accessedJuly 16, 2017.

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