Hiking Twin Peaks – 1-8 The Last Evening [Of Your “Dying Dream”[1]]
River flowing to the right….then piano, the river falling as a waterfall….where is that waterfall? [Snoqualmie Falls[2]]…outside of Seattle….Piper is Catherine….
No moon….palm trees [ZM]…Dr. ….noise….pan down sunset scene…mountains…tropical Twin Peaks [DMT]….red ocean [DMT]….seagulls heard [AM: MNT]…bamboo looks like palm tree trunks [DMT]…..hanging shells [HQT]…. [James: “Weird.” Donna: “Yeah.” [WRQ].] red phone to left…or is it orange?…steel box….umbrellas….drink umbrellas [AM]…..with dates on them…blowfish lit up in tank [AM: AT]……patterned curtain again [AT]….pushed button…music shifts [AT]…Hawaiian music [HQT]… “My little coconut.” [IM: FM]….necklace….cut to…Harley bike logo…..Bobby there….shoots with fingers [PTHM]…
…cousin still being watched…is it Dr.?…Hawaiian shirt is so ridiculous…he is whispering out loud….guitar on shirt [AT]….Dr.: “Oh my god.”….Jacoby hit from behind by man in ski mask…Dr. crawling towards them….view of Dr.’s own eye…blurry as you sink into it [PPM]…up close and closer with drums…..eye becomes…
Roulette wheel…spinning [SM]…above…Wheel of Fortune [GT: WRQ]….woman’s polka dot gloves [AT]…. [“Let it ride.” [IM: GT].]…dice for bow tie for Jacque [GT]… “21, can you beat that?” [IM: GT: HQT]…. “Mother always said I was born lucky.” [WRQ]…. “Maybe later…thanks for asking.”…ploy to get him to lose [GT]…chip… “I’m a friend of Leo’s.”…on camera [MNT]….wheel spinning [SM]….
Black Rose doing Tarot…..cross pattern…Wheel of Fortune tarot card…symbolism connected [MNT]…red bow ties for Audrey…red curtains and red lipstick…
“You don’t offer and you don’t ask.” [Principle.]…she spreads the cards fluidly [GT: WRQ]…Queen of Diamonds…Black Rose touches her hand intentionally [PTHM]… “I don’t know, mister. Who are you?”… “That chip is of special significance.” [MNT: Twin Peaks is of special significance.]… “Laura.”… “Laura.”…he tries to run away… “We’re in sync now, Jacque. Can you feel it? Can you?…[Good.]” [HQT: LT: GT: “rapport” in Neuro-Linguistic Programming [NLP][3].]…body posture could have been similar [NLP: GT]….left hand pinky ring for Cooper [PTHM]…the chip [GT]…. “That crazy bird.” [AM: WRQ]… “Had a thing for Laura.” [IM: Who or what didn’t? Consider her powers. [WRQ].] … “Like he’s [Waldo hoping to be found.] in love or something.”… “Getting pretty high. Everybody’s getting pretty crazy.” [MNT]… “Laura’s all tied up.”… “She liked that.” [DMT: WRQ]… Jacque saying, “Bite the bullet, baby.”[IM]… said up close twice [laughing: ZM]…he’s salivating [AM: DMT: animal behavior]…Cooper is shown eyes up close…[“Thanks for clearing that up.” [Principle: Gratitude and Awareness [G+A].]…Cooper says, “See you on the other side.” [DMT: MNT: season: HQT: reality level: WRQ]…[“Got a trout on the line, Hawk. This one’s a keeper.” [AM: FM: HQT]…
Audrey….hears next door…black statue to left [AT: classical: LT]…red pillows beyond…slow fade to…
Shelly…through framing…poodle on shelf [AM]…two grey shakers…salt and pepper…gun on counter….she is washing her hair in the sink…towel being moved away on the counter [GT]…..Leo has pinky ring too….
Harry at the factory…POV from back of Bronco… [Andy: “As we say in the law enforcement game,] it’s a cold trail.” [GT: HQT]….Harry drinks coffee….. [Hawk: “The trout is heading upstream towards the net [bears].”]…“Hawk, hold the line, [we’ll set the hook. [Principle: HQT: PTHM]…Hawk: “He’s down minutes. He’ll probably miss the catch, but he’ll be there when we grill him.”…[“We’ll make our move as soon as the big fish shows his fins.” [IM: AM: FM: HQT] line of crane shown with bobber looking hook [MNT: AM [Crane as bird, or Great Blue Heron]: Mighty Fishing].]…Jacque has El Camino [DMT]….red flannel…power slide around corner for car…behind Harry….power slide around corner…Jacque grabbed gun and shot by Andy…Andy stepped up [LT: HQT]…flashing red behind head…
Phone outside Donna’s house and then inside… “All clear.” [IM: Apply to mind: Principle]…pink sweater….flower pink rose to left of cousin [FM]… [Tape: MNT: Laura “Thursday the 23rd [Synchronicity: WRQ: HQT] and I’m so bored.”]…“I’m in kind of a weird mood.” [DMT: WRQ: Pink rose suggesting her innocence and how she will be taken like a lily to the field.]… “Right now I can only take so much of sweet.” [Principle: DMT: HQT: Twin Peaks balances.]… “Remember that mystery man I told you about. [If I tell you his name, then you will be in trouble. He wouldn’t be such a mystery man, but you might be history man.”[Principle: WRQ: HQT: Many mysteries meet us in Twin Peaks.]… “As you know I sure got off on it.” [IM]…about mystery man trying to kill her…. “This man can really light my f i r e….” [IM: FMT: HQT: The Doors: LT: AT]… “His red corvette.”…..red light to right of Doc between him and Donna…cousin swallows [What awaits?]…
Sawmill….logs cut [HQT]…then outside shot…Leo there…with gas cans…black trench coat shift…Shelly is hanging there…[Leo: “Think about it”]… “Bobby Briggs”….[“You broke my heart!”]…..dark blue bandana in her mouth….blood on his wife beater…..
flannel blanket [POV]…pink dress…not sure who it is … it’s Nadine….she is writing on silver platter….wedding dress?….pouring water…bowl…pills in bowl…two kinds…guitar version of theme song…dream[(y)]… “Goodbye.” [Patch side]…Romeo and Juliet [SHM: HQT]…fade to…
[Josie’s house]….money in box [briefcase]… [“Very generous, Josie. Sitting in that concrete box, ninety grand seemed like all the money in creation. It kept me going.” [IM: HQT].]…Hank…red Santa stein and then another to the left….mirror [RM]….elk head above [AM: wild theme: hidden or not so hidden abnormality [WRQ: DMT]… Everything and everyone is a bit out of control: “Don’t despair: despair suggests you are in total control and know what is coming. You don’t— surrender to events with hope.” – Alain de Botton[4]]… [Hank: “It’s a funny thing. Back in the world…Seems kind of light.”]…“We had an agreement.” [Principle]….[“I’ve been going over this in my mind…If you can follow my thinking. We’re all born into life and we have a certain number of years to move and breathe and have our being. That’s from a book of Oriental Philosophy I read from when I was in the joint. Maybe someone somewhere knows how much time we have?…How does he place value on that time?”]…fish on right on counter [AM: FM]….wolf mounted behind Hank, he is a wolf [AM: DMT: wolf = “In Nordic mythology…the wolf appears as a symbol of the principle of evil, within a pattern of ideas which is questionably related to the Gnostic cosmogony. Nordic mythology presupposes that cosmic order is possible only through the temporary shackling of the chaotic and destructive potential of the universe— a potential which (through the process of Symbolic Inversion— q.v.) must triumph in the end. The myth is also connected with all other concepts of the final annihilation of the world, whether by water or by fire.[5] [HQT: DMT: Frost: AT].]…“18 months…90 thousand”… [“Some unforeseen event kills you tomorrow.” [Principle].]…“As in the case of the boating accident that killed your late husband.” …Hank intentionally shown with antlers above his head as therionthrope [AM: DMT] man-beast creature like centaur, or in this case the Devil or one of his minions. [DMT: WRQ: HQT]…looking down at the back of the head of Josie….angled up to see both of their faces…she is smoking [FRM: PTHM]….his arms are crossed…. [“You want a lot for your money, and I want a lot for my time.” [Principle]… “There’s a saying in the joint. It’s not Oriental Philosophy, but it has a similar kind of logic that appeals to my spiritual nature. [HQT: LT: Principle]… Once you’re in business with somebody, you’re in business for life, like a marriage.” [Principle: Polonius: [SHM].].].…he cuts her thumb…and his…blood together… “Partner.”….he licks the blood off his thumb [WRQ]…she wipes it on her lips already red…black fade…
Quick…woman in dress to right of Catherine….hanging ram horns [AM]…hanging…..two men watching through blinds…..he shuts them….and more blinds…the shift to keep watching [Principle]… “I know our marriage is a living train wreck.” [IM: HQT]… “The fellow who caught my eye [IM: fishing: AM]….[“Lumberjack that could scamper up a tree like a cat.” [AT: DMT: HQT: LT]…a summer’s indiscretion, [Here we are.]”…hence they married despite being from money and the factory… “Taking my principle pleasure and lashing out at the one person who was decent enough to stand by me through all my foolishness.” [Principle]…he hugs her…whimpering…she is strong and slowly hugs and pats him…
Andy smiling…shrub blurry in front…Lucy watering the fake flowers [MNT]…Andy makes the noise and gesture [PTHM]…tree to right of Lucy…[Hawk: “Go ahead, give it your best shot.” [GT].]…Andy shuts the doors…[MNT: Saw blade down to him, cutting like the line of Lucy.]…curtains… “If you take the last cup.”…on sign…by counter…kindly…kissing… shot…antlers on the wall [AM]…Andy stone-faced…walks out…pyramid on his jacket [WRQ: HQT]….Lucy…. “Fresh coffee.”… “[James Hurley,] He’s an easy rider.”…Easy Rider reference [“Hey man, I dig time, but I got to go.”… “Simple food for simple taste.” AT: LT: HQT].]…..in gas tank…plot of movie….
Hallway shot of hospital…panned to right…Jacque’s face between Cooper and Harry… “Bastard hit me with a whiskey bottle.”…blue line…Doc….one eye open like a cat [AM: DMT: MNT: Pete as cat.]….like his glasses….orange and lighter orange curtain…. “He’s too stupid to lie.” [Principle.]… “He’s out of the woods.” [IM: HQT: MNT: We are not.] …fitting line for this show…. “Easter Park.”….pastels….books off shelves [LT]…black bear [AM]…Pete resting with black bear….antlers on the left of Catherine [AM: DMT: Antlers [horns] follow the guilty.]…..Hank on phone…fingers on…..she sends Pete away with a gesture [PTHD: hand gestures carry what power? WRQ]…. “What do you want?” [Ask your Self. [DMT].]… “Talk terms.” [LT: semantics: diplomacy: explore!? General Semantics.[6]]…Catherine grabs gun…wagon cart on her desk….cage….
“Closed” sign shown [Café]….red top right low….. “Say No to Ghostwood Meeting.” [Dark woods of ghosts, evils, portals… [WRQ: HQT].]…“I can’t blame you for dreaming.” [Principle: MNT: For us watching this dream.]…heart urn lights…. “The diner…making it soar” [IM: AM: Principle]…. “I always talk too big.” [MNT: LT: folktale: HQT]… “This is new territory for me.” [MNT: For us, for all of television]… “I’ll make you proud of me.” [Principle]….gets kiss from Hank….she blinks once the kiss is over, processing….blurry image in front with hidden stainless glass…
Huge salad utensils on wall [PTHM]….many figures….Ed…Nadine….422 Riverside….
Raining hard…jazz… … [Lucy:] “Sounded like the clock at Easter Park.” [Resurrection and transformation theme: “The Tell Tale Heart”: AT: LT]….Leland…asking intently about the killer [MNT]…Donna… Dad…Leland…stares….no blinking…repeats “hospital” out loud like programmed [possessed] bot…
You see him leave between James and Cooper…a red corvette…. “James, what kind of dangerous game have you been playing?” [GT: HQT: WRQ: What game are we/you playing?]…
Flashing…Icelanders at One Eyed Jack’s [“I’m so happy; I can’t even say how much.”]…[to] Ben… [Hank on phone:] “Time to black flag that little fire….” [FRT]…Horne… “Proceed.”….
To Hank…house is unfinished…snake on table…cobra to right, axe comes down [AM: cobra ax strike: HQT]….hits TV…red to right of Leo…Invitation to Love on TV [MNT: On your TV this entire season?]…Hank outside, shoots Leo…..man on TV gets hug [MNT: DMT]…but not Leo…thug is shown again being shot…hit, the bandana….seeing himself….as we see him…parallels [MNT: DMT: parallel world theme.]….
Behind stairs and framing…Shelly squirms trying not to die…black leather gloved hand [PTHM]….red behind Catherine [FRT]…intense drumming and synthesizer now…hatchet found [PTHM]…ceiling falls in time….precut….
Then fire alarm rung [FRT: hospital]….man in black…orange curtains again…Jacque there….hand taped to bed…leather gloves [PTHM]…vitals shown….arms wriggling…..makes dog noise [AM: DMT]…like Bobby before and then whimpers and then flat lined…. it’s Leland [WRQ: HQT]…he has possessed face…
“3 buildings burning” [FM]… “Packard Saw Mill.”….blue hat for Pete….red flannel and then another underneath…Pete puts safety googles on…[Sawmill employee: “That ain’t such a good idea.” [Principle]…“She’s still my wife.” [HQT]…he kicks in door…shouts her name…
POV above signed agreement…curtain behind …. “Ben…a great moment.” [Principle: gratitude: slices of time synchronicity theme]… “You play on the house.” [IM: GT]….[“This is marvelous.”….Horne: “Enjoy, enjoy.” [MNT: Principle]:]…gets a cigar… “Let’s have a look.” [IM] …Queen of Diamonds [GT: Same from earlier episode. What is a pair?] on her stomach… little seamstress…scampers out secret door [HQT]…. [Horne: “This is such stuff as dreams are made of.” [SHM: DMT: DI].]….red female figures to left and right of door…. “311” Hall…Audrey… her dad….
“Ambient sound around me” [MNT]… “Have either checked or passed out…[“I suspect that I may put them to use as a purely precautionary measure.” [Principle].]…a few hours of quality sack time.” [IM]…[“24 hour room service must be one of the premier achievements of modern civilization.” [Principle].] …into room…note there [MNT]…pinky ring on like Laura and Leo [PTHM]…duck by phone [AM]…black phone….Cooper shot twice, three times….we hear before he is shot… “Agent Cooper, we have Leo Johnson”… “He’s been shot.” [WRQ: Parallel synchronicity]…bam bam bam for short season…
[1] Rancid’s “As Wicked ” has the “dying dream” lyric that came to me for the complimentary title. The song is from the album, …And Out Comes the Wolves, which seems to be a synchronicity, for wolf imagery is featured in the Twin Peaks’ universe in this episode and the album’s title includes ellipses, which is a rare feature, but certainly universal in Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental!? Guide.
[2] “Snowqualmie Falls,” Snowqualmie Falls, accessed July 23,
2017. http://www.snoqualmiefalls.com/
[3] “I am using Wikipedia for this reference, for the nature of this thinking seems fittingly framed by this website’s participatory, evolving nature.”
“Neuro-Linguistic Programming,” Wikipedia, accessed July 23,