Seek Further Inward and Outward!?

Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental!? Guide 2-1 May the Giant Be With You

Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental!? Guide Weird Real(m) Quest(ion)s Introduction & Season 1

Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental!? Guide 2-1 May the Giant Be With You [, The Sage Within!?]

Sharpen the saw blade huge log on train track fade to sign…..river valley “51,201”…big town for Northwest…compare to other towns like Boise [Just under 150,000 at that time.[1]]… “Everett McGill,” “Jocelyn Packard” highlighted…… “Eric Da Re” …who is that? [Leo Johnson[2]: Dare: Principle: HQT]… “Goaz”?..who is that? [Deputy Andy Brennan[3]]…“Michael Horse”? [Hawk]….“Sheryl Lee”? [Laura Palmer [4]]…  “Grace Zabriskie” [Sarah Palmer[5]]…follow down the river for the extras, the new recruits for Season 2: “Duwayne Dunham”… “Harley Peyton”…river teleplay…
To Great Northern…Agent Cooper shot on floor…coming through on phone, on note from Audrey…bloody abdomen, looks meditating and also in cross formation [LT: HQT]. …. “315” [3 as 1 is 5: Synergy: Principle]… “Room service [MNT: Connection to end of the last season and his amazed gratitude for “24 hour room service.”]…..jaws recast and eyes….old man with milk [FM]…small high hats….clustered….Native American blanket [NAM]…bow tie…fish to the left [AM]… “Warm milk.” [FM]… “Would you put it on the table, please?”…calm when shot [DMT: MNT]…. “Agent Cooper”….Andy: “Mayday!”…hangs up phone….duck there…giant…light under the bed…he winces [After Cooper asks, “Did you call the doctor?”]… “It’s hung up, the phone.” …giant [HQT: LT: Awaken the Giant Within: How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Destiny! by Anthony Robbins[6]: Principle]…angled up…..Adirondack [“Tree Eater”] bed….fish on wall [AM]…signing when shot…“Does this include a gratuity?” [Principle: Cooper applied this even while shot: LT: HQT]… “314” [Pi: circle: MNT] visible… “I’ve heard about you.” [WRQ]….bows….thumbs up [PTHM]…..winks… pyramids out of his head [From Cooper’s left side of face the floor has line of pyramids angled right, upward: WRQ: HQT]…he comes back….shaking in hand with booklet….repeats his: “I heard about you.”…Cooper thumbs up to him…he’s back again…like the log in the hallway….winks and thumbs up at him [PTHM]…..Cooper puts up pointer finger bent [PTHM: Star Wars’ Yoda connection with gesture and title phrasing with “Giant” instead of “Force”: “For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we [David Lynch’s Quote of Synchronicity in the Introduction echoes:  “We are all light bulbs.”], not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.”[7] [Principle: HQT: Consider the “Force” of Twin Peaks.]….wink back….wander off right….one finger power [PTHM]….heavy ominous tone…walker….Giant….there…..lights and shadows change…..angled up at him… “I will tell you three things.” ‘[Macbeth’s Witches [SHM: WRQ: HQT].]….What myth has?…“If I tell you them and they come true, then will you believe me?” [Principle: HQT]…. “Think of me as a friend.”… “Where do you come from?”… “The question is ‘where have you gone?’” [Principle]….red bow tie…similar to old man….shadow right…. “There’s a man in a smiling bag.”…. “2 [thing is:]…The owls are not what they seem.” [Macbeth [SHM: “Fair is foul and foul is fair.” [DMT: Principle: Duality as Unity of Balancing Opposites. [DUBO].].]similarity… “Without chemicals, [he points.]”…. “This is all I am permitted to say.” [Principle]…. “Give me your ring.”…“I will return [it] to you when you find these things to be true.” [HQT]…. He takes his pinky ring [The others have them. Do they grant power?]…view absolutely up to him for a bit…“We want to help you.”…. “Who is we?” is ignored…[“One last thing…Leo locked inside a hungry horse.” [AM: IM: HQT]… “There’s a clue at] Leo’s house. [You will require medical attention.” [Principle].]…fades out as he fades in…..
One Eyed Jack’s….Horne….painting of witch or flying woman….Blacky [:“Why’s he holding out on me?” [IM].]……brother yelling at Blacky… nails….Buddha lamp [LT: HQT: AT]….he puts the lamp closer at her….candles in the back…bag….tarot cards there…..tarot deck that was made…. “Bastard,” she says….oddly shaped cross …heroin band…
Inside the red house….smoking cigar, opens door…closes it…red carnations on the walls? [FLM]…masks [=[8]]…three on wall [WRQ: How many on self? DMT: HQT]….two left….triangle… tie… “Blow your house down.” [IM: AM: Fairytale]…. is acting as Big Bad Wolf [MNT: Carried over from Hank’s association last episode.]….…. “Didn’t they tell me who I was?”…[Jerry through door: “We got a situation. Brother Ben, we got a “S,” “N,” “A,” “G.”…“Alas, I do have a situation.” [IM: Principle: HQT]….“I like you. You know how to interest a man.” [LT: Principle]… “That’s half the battle.” [IM: HQT]….creepy….[“Next time we will play a different game. I’ll make the rules. You’ll like it. Fun game. Everyone wins.” [Principle: GT: HQT: Horne rolls right hand fingers upwardly. [PTHM].]…cat mask [AM: DMT]…..she is realizing, about her face….disgusted and angry…
Great Northern…ice…Cooper still there [Camera aimed up from ground over Cooper and upward.]….lips moving … “Diane.”…. “voice activat[ion]”… “I’ve been shot.”… “A great deal of pain and a fair amount of blood.” [HQT]…. “Wood tick.” [AM]… [“You can imagine the impact on your chest of three bowling balls dropped from a height of nine feet, you might begin to approximate the sensation.” [Principle: HQT].]… “[All things considered, being shot] is not as bad as I always thought it might be….as long as you can keep the fear from your mind. [I guess you could say that about most anything in life. It’s not so bad as long you keep the fear from your mind.” [Principle: LT: HQT: “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” – Yoda[9]: Mental Power through Mindfulness [MPM].]…“Ring is gone”… “At a time like this, curiously, you begin to think of the things you regret, or the things you might miss. I would like in general to treat people with much more care and respect. [Principle: momento mori: HQT]…saved it….magical protection [WRQ]…. I would like to climb a tall hill, not too tall, sit in the cool grass, not too cool, and feel the sun on my face.” [HQT: LT: Meditation: Visualization]… “I wish I could have] cracked the Lindbergh kidnapping case.” [HQT: LT]…“I would very much like to make love to a beautiful woman that I have genuine affection for.”….mentioned… [WRQ: Synchronicity of just watching a show about that case.]… “[And it goes without saying that I would] like to visit Tibet.” [HQT: MNT]… “[I wish they could get their country back and] the Dalai Lama could return.” [HQT: MNT]… “I would like that very much.”… “All in all, a very interesting experience.” [MNT: Twin Peaks is indeed]….“Ahh.”… “They’re here.”…
Squiggly sideways shot brought back together….4:45 on the clock….bullet up close…turns slowly… “[I saw] a masked face” [DMT: HQT]…Lucy there with green sweater and red x…. “[Bring Agent Cooper up to date.]”….list….. “How long have I been out?”…. [Doc Hayward: “We haven’t had this much action in one night since the Elks’ Club fire of ’59.”] [LT: HQT]… clairvoyant [WRQ]…eyes shown on the right [three lights]…. [Cooper: “Doc, [Right arm up at right angle].] when the will is invoked, [the recuperative powers of the physical body are simply extraordinary.” [Principle: LT: HQT].]….magick…
Other times shown….plant ruins…cars burned…panning right across the destruction…news show… “Mysterious circumstances.” [WRQ: HQT]… [Cooper: “Duly noted.” [IM: Principle].]
Donna there crying with oxygen in her nose…Cooper walking slowly……body…“Is that bag smiling?” [HQT: WRQ]…[Lucy:] “What’s there to smile about?” [Principle: gratitude.]…nuclear fallout sign shown…
Up close “Ronette Pulaski” file…there she is….mullet?…vitals shown….fade from her [ZM] to…her walking with burn or mark on chest [FM] and on the bridge and then back to her in bed and then visual reaction, not physical….eyes panning slowly…..reddish color around eyes…calms and fades to black to…
Laura’s house [Cloud above and lighter sky beyond]….cousin there….stares at the carpet….flower pattern for couches [FLM]….her [Sarah] hair is even crazier [MNT]….flower chair [FLM]…. “I had the strangest dream last night…[The rug…]” [WRQ: HQT]…she looks down back at the rug…flower on her bathrobe and flowers on her nighty [FLM]…his [Leland]  hair is now white [DMT: WRQ]….he’s singing [AT]… “[Now] if the words sound [queer, and funny to your ear, a little bit jumbled and jivy…” [MNT: AT: LT: HQT].] ….paisley tie….paisley screen [AT]…tree …what time of year?…screen……tree…. “Morning dears.”….carpet body shape [appears from right to left and ominously crawls brown as crackling fire [FRM] on pink carpet.]….then vanishes….she [Maddie] is freaking out….shakes her head…to…
Fire [FM]…Horne there….desk on the right…statue white to the right [AT]…dog? [Yes: AM]… [“Agenda: 1: I want a location on Catherine. Keep our distance; just make sure she’s ready to take the fall.” [IM: HQT]… “2. I want a] complete medical [on Leo Johnson and his prospects for recovery, and a satisfactory explanation from] Hank Jennings [why Leo is not being measured for a plot in Ghostwood Memorial Park.” [HQT]…Jerry: “Well begun is half done.” [Principle].]….antler chandelier [AM: DMT: MNT]….Horne [dancing] down facing on the desk and bro on the carpet…[Leland:] “I’m back.”… “Back and ready.” [Hamlet: “The readiness is all.” [SHM].]….[flash noise]…
Camera on….Leo’s house…red hat brown bear [AM: DMT]….geese on the wall….mountain in the background…Rainier? [HQT: WRQ: UFOs[10]] behind Cooper [:“Sheriff, a picture is forming.” [Principle]… “Leo was trying to turn someone into kindling.” [IM: FRT].]…red down left…and white and small gray….squirrel brown on [AM]… “Leo’s duster”…
Old cruiser… “Agent Rosenflower.”[SHM: Rosencrantz: [FLM].]…board hits him in the face and knocks him out….Andy wide walking….pump there, shovel, and tire [PTHM: water of pump left and front with band of the red as fire on the porch behind Cooper and Harry. [DMT].]….beginning of new start….what does his accident reveal?…“Looks like you were more right than you know.” [Principle]… “Circle Brand” [Leo’s boots]…Andy still wobbly…rock there….thumbs up [PTHM]…blood coming out the nose and smiles…
Truck… “Littleton” logging…. “Hot damn that pie is good.” [IM: FM: gratitude]…flannel shirt…cousin with shades….Donna comes in….raging storm over rocks three [AT: MNT: Symbolic of the quest to answer the three riddles of the Giant: HQT]….blue top…Donna….Laura’s glasses exchange…blurry baby or duck head behind cousin….duck [AM]….symbol of seeing as Laura…on and then off….she puts on her glasses and what do we all see… “Do you see these glasses that I am wearing?”…breaks them…. “I hate them.”…impulsivity transfer [WRQ]…cigarettes inside….name of smokes?…Zippo lighter [PTHM: FRT]…straw in picture….smoke … “Jacoby”… “Maybe. [Maybe the sun won’t come up tomorrow if you wash your hair.] Think like that and you’re going to go crazy. [What’s done is done. The only way that this won’t] come back to haunt us [is if we keep quiet about what happened last night. I can assure you…” [HQT: Principle].]…idiom [IM]…. “Get the picture?” [IM: Principle: MNT: Cooper’s vision]… “Loud and clear.”…synesthesia…smoke… “Leland’s hair [turned] white.”…. “White as a sheet.”…[Donna: “Weird.”]…he’s the ghost haunting them…view from behind the counter…red menus to the left…red triangle…jar on wall…human figures…fake plants… “Look into the Meals on Wheels.” [MNT: HQT]…clue…Log Lady there…mug enlarges as it goes up…spits out gum and puts it on the wall…brown flannel….
Sheriff’s department….Cooper shirtless….[Albert: “How simple can I make it? [Principle].] I’m in proximity…I’m familiar with the underlying case.” [Principle]…[Cooper:] “You’re not going to win any local popularity contests.” [IM: HQT]….hairless Kyle MacLachlan…. [Albert:] “5’6” to 5’10.”…. [“You’re] still blank on the other details…. “Wood tick.” [AM]… “Vigilante justice or just clean country living?” [WRQ: HQT]… “Where does this general attitude of unpleasantness come from?…Well, if you don’t want two black eyes on a regular basis, I suggest you make some kind of peace with rural life.” [Principle: LT: HQT]… [Albert:] “Great, after the square dance, maybe we all can take a hayride.” [AT: HQT]… [Albert on Andy:] “Where do they keep his water dish?” [AM]… “Hungry Horse, Montana?”…real place? [Yes.[11]]… Albert arms crossed in front…. “Feb. 9th, 1988.”….. “Teresa Banks.” [Cooper and Albert say simultaneously.]… [Cooper: “Good work, Andy.”…Albert:] “Yeah, woof.”  [AM]double head down nod from Cooper to send Andy away….
One armed man coming in with suitcase…all in black…music oddifies…..she has flowers on her shirt [FLM]….collar….long dangling heart on chain [MNT: ZM]…
tape zoom out [ZM]…. Harry listening…James all in black…fade out….lines of windows, shadows…… “Especially…in your gas tank.”….[James:] “Mystery man.”… “This guy can really light my fire.”… “[Well, we were in the woods and she started saying this] scary poem, [over and over about fire and then said…” [WRQ: AT: HQT].]… “Would you like to play with fire little boy, would you like to play with Bob?” [WRQ: FRT: HQT]…repeated… “Laura said a lot nutty stuff. [Half the time it just went right by you. This stuck though.]”… [Cooper:] “I’ll get right to the point.” [IM: Principle]…slant down left tie from Cooper….Hawk arms crossed… [James:] “It was in a coconut.” [FM]…. “[Then] it dawned on me.”….pin on Cooper…“Sometimes you just get lucky.” [WRQ: Principle: GT: Connection to last episode of the first season when he says “Mother always said I was lucky.”] ….
Donna in…glasses on….whistling…from unknown source…in with cigarette…western style show down music….pulls drag dramatically…Lucy no words….arm on bars….only touch hand on arm [PTHM]….smoke rising….like movie star of old [Film Noir]… “When did you start smoking?”…like Laura…. “Helps relieve tension.” [Principle: HQT]…When did you get so tense?” [MNT: LT: Principle]…. “When I started smoking.”… “Maddie”…cousin…POV shift back and forth….flicks full cigarette away….kiss through bars…her hand on James’ neck [PTHM]…she backs up [“Or is it not ok for me to want you?”]…holding herself on the bars and breathing deeply…jazz improv…jazzy detective….Donna bites his pointer finger [PTHM]….he sighs…eyes open and blinks…fade to black…
What music awaits is the question…none… “103,” not Room 101… “Every addition…published the last three years.”… “Look for a picture of Theresa Banks.”… “Behave yourselves.” [Principle.]…. “Back issues.”… “Especially from” a company that preys on human weaknesses.” [Principle: HQT]…
… “Calhoun Memorial Hospital”….triangle down in circle with man figure arms open and upward [Vitruvian Man[12]]….Jacoby…blue cord….food [FM: waaa waaa swirling noise accompanies shot.]…goop…different shades of vomit green…[Cooper to Dr.:] “I don’t want any baloney, magic tricks, or psychological mumbo jumbo.” [Principle]…[“Place you under arrest for obstruction of justice.”]…dangles necklace….blue cord…from above….black leather….blue diamond and dot and solid diamond inside of blue diamond… “Correct…somewhere near the old sawmill road.” [HQT]…. “You lost them.”… “They went into the woods.”….now his POV flashback… “Followed [them] on foot.…. [They spoke intently, but I couldn’t hear what they were saying.”]…“Cold night in the woods.”…under a rock…back to Cooper…not blinking… “[Ill-advisedly perhaps,] I took it as a keepsake.” [LT: HQT]…. “It was her…a divided heart” [DMT: HQT]… “Living a double life.”… “Two people” [DMT]… Steppenwolf [DMT: LT: Siddhartha: The Glass Bead Game [GT].]… “She seemed to have reached [kinda] peace with herself.”…. “Decision to end her life.”…. “But maybe she allowed herself to be killed.”…that segues into a picture of her dead face with the plastic….then back to hospital view of Cooper and Sherriff…. “Come on fellas.”… “I was heavily sedated.”…. “It was all like a dream.” [MNT: DMT: HQT]… “There was a smell, [peculiar smell.]”…“Void his bowels.”… “Smells like oil.”… “Scorched engine oil.”…eyes open as Dr. waits for agents’ response….none…
Cut to Bobby…then food slop [FM]….pulls tray away….on wheels…flannel down….flowers [FLM]…for Leo’s girl…pulling on each other’s hair….Shelly….red two cups or candle and large cup between them….acts like curtain adjuster is a…POV of Bobby’s face…then to Shelly…Bobby doesn’t blink… “Fat chance.”…idiom origin? [IM: GM] ….same patient gown as Jacoby…. “That food can kill you.” [FM: HQT]…. looks under her….then takes blink… “You better go.”… “You’re my girl.”…. “I love you.”…from Shelly to Bobby…. “I guess I love you too.”…comes back for a kiss to seal his uncertainty [HQT]…..picture on right of door…black image….arms wide… “[I guess] I love you too.”…humanoid black portrait  painting left partial frame and snack dispenser…crutches against wall…
Ed there…red collar out of blue jacket [DMT: Primary color opposition]…buck to the left [AM]….talking with cig in mouth, not smoking….[Ed: “Thinking about the things I should have said or done…I never believed in fate Agent Cooper. Always felt you make your own way, you take care of your own, you pick up after yourself.” [WRQ: Principle]…crutches shown between legs of Harry and Ed… [Albert:] “Farmer’s Almanac.” [LT]….after…“That’s a full load.” [IM] … “Right out of high school.”… “Get hitched.”… “That would be that.” … “I was so twisted up inside I couldn’t see straight.” [IM: HQT]… “Little town in Montana out past Great Falls.” [HQT]… “[Half joking,] half-drunk, half crazy.” [MNT]… “Eagle Pass.” [HQT]… “Honeymoon”… “By golly, I shot out Nadine’s eye on that honeymoon.” [William S. Burroughs’ William Tell Tragedy[13]]… “Hunting pheasant.”…. “Listening to the sound roll and echo down the hills.” [HQT: Try for yourself on a hike. Echo echo echo! Timp Pass]…referring to gunfire sound…. [Ed: “You make your bed.  You sleep in it.”]…Albert…blue back red symbols spun at different degrees…Albert faking crying…crutches in frame to right…Cooper…doesn’t blink…turns right…their music in…stronger….open-mouthed…. “Smiling bag.”….turns after epiphany [Principle: LT: HQT]…ICU 1… “Poor Ed, poor Nadine.”…. “Take this opportunity.” [Principle]…“Nurse, I [really] mean it…you better speak to that kitchen.”…
Pete looking at food…sniffs it and pushes it away [FM]….flowers fake to left [FLM], ours, and dark painting above…. “2” on wall to left [AT]… “I’m ready to lay the whole thing out.”….. “[Jelly] donuts”…. “That goes without saying.” [IM]….flowers on side table….picture on wall…. “Chocolate peanut butter pie.”… “[I’m serious,] bring the whole pie.” [FM]…theme song in…half fold writing illegible….POV behind Norma…phone ringing….Ed with Nadine…she looks down…red to right shoulder of Ed….breathing tube…
Diner…flannel at booth…father eating…sees his son…diamond on side of napkin…dispenser…weird duck in corner [AM]….lays down in booth…red on father’s insignia….Bobby Briggs: [“Dad, what is it that you do exactly?]….red of ash tray….decaf coffee pot behind father… “That’s classified.” [IM: WRQ: HQT]… “The huckleberries are particularly delicious today. [Particularly fresh and delicious.]” [FM: Principle: Gratitude through positive, aware affirmations.]…. “May I share something with you [MNT]….a vision [I had in my sleep last night, as distinguished from a dream which is mere sorting and cataloguing of today’s events by the unconscious.] [WRQ: LT: HQT]…It was a vision [fresh and clear as a mountain stream….the mind revealing itself to itself [Principle: Giant: HQT]…[In my vision I was on the veranda of a vast estate,] a palazzo of some fantastic proportion…[There seemed to emanate a light from a] gleaming radiant marble…This was my first return….a reunion with the deepest wellsprings of my being.” [MNT: DMT: WRQ: HQT]…Prodigal son. [LT: HQT]….Bobby strokes hair [Major of son: “He was happy, and carefree.  Clearly living a life of deep harmony and joy. We embraced, warm and loving embrace, nothing withheld.” [Principle: HQT]  ….barely moving two sets of people behind dad….Bobby open-mouthed… “We were in this moment one. [My vision ended I awoke with a tremendous feeling of optimism and confidence in you and your future. That was my vision of you. I am so glad I had this opportunity to share it with you. I wish you nothing but the very best in all things” [MNT: Principle: HQT]…hand quarter shown, but gestures shake with his thoughts….close up of handshake [PTHM]…Bobby cries…..Father Major…open-mouthed….salute from Hank to Major [PTHM] ….Hank left pocket….loud… “[Well,] how’d she like the flowers?” [FLM]… Hank slams towel down…Bobby has flash that Hank shot Leo [WRQ: HQT: psychic vision]…sees Hank there…
Donut spread [long and angled]…partially eaten donut [FM]….drawing in back of Twin Peaks [AT]….intersection of “Sparkwood and 21”….donuts equal humans…double stacked donuts… “Log Lady”… “Were consumed.”….red stop light merged with scanned right…. “There was a third man.”…The Third Man [Orson Welles’ film noir and how does that category apply to Twin Peaks? [MNT: AT].]…still Log Lady…“Third man outside the cabin.”…hammer…bloody….floor doughnuts…. “Ronette”….small cut-out….nail….shown [Merged shots]…with coffee cups [FM]… “Fire Walk with Me.”… “Blood matches no one.”… World… “Coast to coast” … “Ab 0”…rare type…picture of Laura Palmer….after picture on pearls on torso of woman [AT]…Andy starts to cry…Lucy there calm…holding pointer… “It’s what we call a real three hanky crime.” [IM]…“I don’t like the way you talk smart…” [Principle: LT: GT: HQT]… Andy storms out…two balanced pots of coffee on hot plates in the center [AT]…. “Ronette Pulaski and Leo Johnson are in comas.”…. “This leaves only the third man.” [HQT]…fade to black….
Then to sunset…out of veranda….with portico…two buck heads shown [AM]….Pete there [“I do appreciate the ride.” [Principle: gratitude]…Harry: “I do appreciate your company.” [Principle: gratitude].]…bar….light from outside…double door…snowshoes to the right [HQT]…..flannel for Pete… “[Nasty business,] I feel like somebody taped my lips to the tail pipe of a bus.” [HQT]… “So where the hell is Josie?” [HQT]…[Note:] “Dear Pete.”… “I had to leave the town.” …forked lamp to left blurred… “emergency business to Seattle.” [HQT]… “There is ginger beer in the [re]fridge” [FM: Dark and Stormy drink]…carving on chair of regal man… “Indulge a secret vice.” [Principle: HQT]… “Shopping.”…Harry… “Pete, we haven’t found Catherine…I know you want to hope for the best, but you ought to prepare for the worst.” [IM: Principle: HQT]… “If you were laying odds [on the] last person standing after an atomic war, I would have bet on her.” [GT: IM]…Hank… “She was a tiger alright.” [AM]… “[No use mincing words [FM],] she was plain hell to live with.” [IM: HQT]… “Plain hell” repeated….head nod from Harry… “Once there was a little bit of heaven there too.” [Principle: gratitude]…. “This will take a little while to sink in I suppose.” [IM]… “God help her miserable soul.” [HQT]… “I loved her.”…Harry shakes him and looks down…call…man with small pony tail….hangs up…notepad yellow with pen on ledge in front of phone [Principle]… “I would like to place an international call please…to Hong Kong.” [HQT]…
Brother Horne comes through…meeting rooms…two fisherman pass behind them [HQT]… “Check In” [Principle] shown…. “Mr. Horne” repeated…for both of them…marlin [AM]….fireplace [FM]….Hank leg in front of it…leather jacket on…Jerry and Benjamin Horne…he has his arms crossed [PTHM]…Horne walks up to him [“Sound Strategy”: Principle]…close…both brothers go behind him…Benjamin rolls up sleeves… “He was chopping wood, inside?” [FRT]… “Heat like that, they’ll be lucky to find teeth”…Horne: “They were such pretty teeth.”….Horne… “I’ll give up….” … “Leave the creative thinking to the brothers Horne. [You’re a bicep. Relax until we say ‘flex.’”]…Hank grabs them both…heavy arms around both….
Massages for Blackie…POV down to them…almost fish bowl…Audrey comes in black gown…mustache man….fish eye lens … “Who’s the refrigerator?” [IM: MNT]…points to man…. “The owner was [a little] disappointed in [y]our performance last night.”…. “The owner isn’t exactly my type.” [LT: Electra Complex[14]]….arms on table….motioned over by Blacky [PTHM]….red on back of dress… “[And,] what is your type, [exactly]?” [Jung’s 16 “Personality Types”[15] ]… “Not you.”… “Princess.” [Which of the 16 types?: HQT]…gold ring right hand [PTHM]…
Raining at Donna’s…blue blouse… “Calling about Meals on Wheels.”…shadow on right… “Double R Station Wagon”….open-mouthed between talking…pondering what to do and what she has done….
Leland in center…fairy princess….star wand [HQT]… “Hayward Supper Club.”….red-haired…. “Fairy princess.”… “I don’t have to worry about being ashamed anymore.”  [Principle]… poem about Laura…chips in bowl…POV behind her….sweater….slow… “[It was] Laura. [I] saw her glowing in the dark woods. [I saw her smiling. We were crying and I saw her laughing. In her sadness, I saw her dancing. It was Laura, living in my dreams. It was Laura. The glow was life, her smile was to say it was alright to cry. The woods was our sadness. ” [AT: WRQ]…POV of reader…shaky…POV….mom looking down….mom closes her eyes… “The dance was her calling. [It was Laura.]” [Principle]… “[And] she came to kiss me goodbye.”….Leland smiles…mom is disturbed…grabs side of head…girl hugs Leland…martini for him…wine for mom….pan around…to fairy [on piano to play “Mendelsohn”: AT: LT: HQT: WRQ: Creatures of the Northwest woods besides the Sasquatch[16]] ….POV of table….mom not blinking and blank-faced….candles different-colored behind Donna’s mom…Donna uncomfortable in chair….fade to them eating [FM]…
More piano [Maddie: “Aces”…Doc: “I feel like I’ve sat through back to back operas.” [AT: HQT].]… “In med school we learned to live on three hours and cat naps.” [Principle: LT].]… “Of course, I can’t comment.” [Principle.]…“[Leland,] what the hell happened to your hair?” [WRQ: DMT]….tomatoes cut [FM]… “It is strange, isn’t it [MNT]… “It had literally changed overnight [DMT]… “I had turned a corner [somehow. I felt a great deal of sadness still, yes, but. Ah, it wasn’t as overwhelming to me. I physically felt that a great weight had been lifted from my heart.” [IM: Principle: HQT]… “Perhaps it has.”…. “God, I feel like singing.”… “Come on everybody, get happy!” [Principle: HQT]….hand gestures [PTHM]…mom is holding back crying…. “Sing hallelujah, get happy.” [AT: Principle: HQT]…Maddie is smiling… Donna is crying… “It’s oh so easy on the other side.” [Principle: DMT: LT: HQT: parallel universe transformation.]… “Better chase all your fears away.” [Principle: LT: HQT]…. “Get ready for the Judgment Day.” [WRQ: HQT: IM: Principle: Revelations Theme [“Realization Time”]….[“It’s oh so peaceful on the other side.” [AT: HQT].]…Leland passes out…ominous music in…yellow glass to left and right of front door….
To Cooper in bed….gun on side bed… “[11:55,] approximately 19 hours from shooting…[Premature purchase of the proverbial farm.” [IM: HQT].]… “dog tired…[As we know from experiments on GIs during the Korean War, sleep deprivation is a one way ticket to temporary psychosis [, and I am working on a three-day jag.][WRQ: Principle: DMT: LT: HQT].]…. “Thought I saw a giant in my room, [perhaps that is a story I will save for another time.” [Principle].]…”Dale…signing off.”….light out…hallway door light still on…. rest in shadow…to…
Audrey in bed…hands clasped in prayer… “Special agent” calling…she is talking to the sky….pan down….to note on floor by bed… “In a little over my head.” [IM: MNT: HQT: We are as well.]….boy statue lamp [AT]….out loud monologue… [“My first time out, I could use a little expert guidance.”]…“[Best intentions]…Any way in the world you can hear me right now?”…psychic connection [WRQ]…
Shadow passes from right to left over Cooper…hand passes over him [PTHM]…giant…giant’s music…bowtie…gone….now back with light in room….up at giant….tri-part lamp to giant’s right…POV behind giant’s head…[Hand up [PTHM]: “Better to listen than to talk.  Don’t search for all the answers at once.] A path is formed by laying one stone at a time.” [Principle]… “Ready now to talk.”…shift to lamp by giant’s eye….flash of light to Cooper’s head… he vanishes….after he said … “You forgot something.”… giant’s hand gesture sent flash of light [PTHM]…
Hospital hallway…then another…boy on poster to right….different hallway shots [one with shadows flickering]….POV moving closer….to other victim [ZM]…other than Laura…POV of person in hall and then to woman…then to Bob on ground roaring like an animal [AM: DMT: HQT]…then to Bob running down the hallway…then Laura screaming like an animal [AM: Demon: WRQ: Controlled by Bob, like her dad.  Two sides. Black Lodge]…then Bob hammering down…then Bob’s face, then Laura in shadow…flash of her… “Fire Walk with Me” flashed [Red Lettering: FT]…then girl…..bloody night dress….hand [PTHM]…Bob…Bob roars like animal….upward….flashing light on him…distorted sound… “Dedicated to the Memory of Kevin Young Jr.” … [DMT] then to piano playing….ragtime old rock and roll… “Pie Eater”…actor named…distorted animal noises [WRQ]….piano takes us out to electricity [AT]…
[1]        “Boise, Idaho 1990 Population,” Google, accessed July 30th, 2017.
[2]        “Eric Da Re,” Internet Movie Database, accessed July 30th, 2017.
[3]        “Harry Goaz,” Internet Movie Database, accessed July 30th, 2017.
[4]        “Sheryl Lee,” Internet Movie Database, accessed July 30th, 2017.
[5]        “Grace Zabriskie,” Internet Movie Database, accessed July 30th, 2017.
[6]        “Awaken the Giant Within,” Amazon, accessed July 30th, 2017.
[7]        “Quotes from Yoda,” Internet Movie Database, accessed July 30th,
[8]         “All transformations are invested with something at once of profound mystery and of the shameful, since anything that is so modified as to become ‘something else’ while still remaining the thing that it was, must inevitably be productive of ambiguity and equivocation.  Therefore, metamorphoses must be hidden from view— and hence the need for the mask. Secrecy tends towards transfiguration: it helps what-one-is to become what-one-would-like-to be ; and this is what constitutes its magic character, present in both the Greek theatrical mask and in the religious masks of Africa or Oceania. The mask is equivalent to the chrysalis.”
         J. E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, trans. Jack Sage (New York:
Philosophical Library, 1962), 195-6.
[9]         “Quotes from Yoda,” Internet Movie Database, accessed July 30th,
[10]        “Kenneth Arnold,”, accessed July 30th, 2017.
[11]         “Hungry Horse, Montana,” TripAdvisor, accessed July 30th, 2017.
[12]         “15 Things You Might Not Know About Leonardo Da Vinci’s Vitruvian
Man,” Mental Floss, accessed July 30th, 2017.
[13]        “Wife’s Shooting Death Haunted Burroughs Says New Bio,” St. Louis Post-Dispatch, accessed July 30th, 2017.
[14]         “What Is the Electra Complex?,” Very Well, accessed July 30th, 2017.
[15]         “Jung’s Personality Types: The Model of Typology,” Psychologia,
accessed July 30th, 2017.
[16]         “The Northwest’s Real Fairy Tales,” Crosscut, accessed July 30th,

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