Seek Further Inward and Outward!?

Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental!? Guide 2-22 Beyond Life and Death

Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental!? Guide Weird Real(m) Quest(ion)s Introduction & Season 1

­­­­­Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental!? Guide 2-22 Beyond Life and Death [Transcend D(e)ual Mountains [TDM [DMT: LT: WRQ: HQT].].]

[How Twin-Peaksianly fitting that my dad is recovering, antijinx, from an almost fatal form of cancer, a friend’s dad died, a friend’s brother died, a friend’s cat was euthanized, a relative almost died, a relative’s relative just died, another friend has a mysterious illness…I was rear-ended…as I finish…[WRQ: HQT: MNT: “Beyond Life and Death”].]…

22 is the number of Hebrew Letters and [MNT: LT: 2 to the 3rd] 8 is the number of the Eightfold Path. Bird, on a branch, is named [AM: MNT]….name all that is worthwhile [Principle: AT: LT: HQT]…sawmill has name [MNT]…woods have….saw cutting population [WTM: AM: LT: HQT: WRQ]…what is white on the ground to the right of the sign?…sideways line of yellow….hoping for a rainbow [Principle: AT: WTM: HQT]…..but overcast…angular rock into moving river… “Wise”…to…

Sheriff’s…light red on left….lipstick… and next to chin….guest starring Heather Graham…name at top….[Andy:] “Were you afraid, punky?”….wet outside…on the stage…[Lucy:] “The lights are going out.”…repeated… “It all went black…[It’s so dark. What about] hand signals? What good would they do for us now?” [PTHM: DMT LT: WRQ: HQT]… “Baby.”… Andy not blinking…. [“In front of God and everybody.” [HQT]…. “I love you” simultaneously repeated…chime to…

Cooper…intensely contemplating petroglyphs [NAM: AT: LT: GT: HQT] …Hawk looking too…eyes shadowed…stern…view down….[Harry: “He seems to have completely disappeared.” [WRQ: HQT].]…blue book on the desk…red book to right of him and others there [DMT: AT: LT: PTHM: HQT]…angular orientation [Principle: MNT: AT]……..[Cooper: “The only hope of finding them is somewhere in this map.]…Giant…..liiittleee man…….fire” [AT: LT: FRT: WRQ: HQT]…peeeakss…two wittth ssspiiirallls  inn eithieeer [SM: AT: WRQ: HQT]…… “Firrre walllk with me.” [LT: WRQ: HQT]….pan to Cooper…. “Fire walk with me.” [Principle: FRT: Personalize the phrase to make a mantra to meditate on your inner and outer energies. If “fire” walks with you, it empowers you. Hike over Twin Peaks with your Guardians. [DMT: LT: WRQ: HQT].]….repeated…head shake…Pete in…red book shown in right [DMT: AT:]… “Grand Theft Auto….the Log Lady stole my truck.” [DMT: GT: AT]…down shot….heads move…eyes meet…. “68 Dodge Pickup, Powder Blue…took off on the road up towards the woods.” [WTM: HQT]…[Cooper: “The Log Lady will be here in one minute.”]…psychic [LT: WRQ: HQT]…. “The woods…Ghostwood Forest”….[Harry:] “Ghostwood” [WTM: WRQ: HQT] repeated…..[Pete:] “12 rainbow trout in the bed” [AM: HQT]…..Pete said….echoes…[Harry:] “Wait a doggone minute.” [AM: IM]…. “A circle of 12 sycamores.” [WTM]…[Hawk: “That’s where I found the bloody towel and the pages of the diary.” [LT: AT: WRQ: HQT]…[Harry:] “Glastonbury Grove.”…..[Cooper:] “The legendary burial place of King Arthur.” [PTHM: LT: WRQ: HQT]….[Pete:] “King Arthur is buried in England.” [LT: WRQ: HQT: YES! A synchronicity to end what began as a synchronicity as described in the introduction. The question from Jeopardy was about Guinevere and how the couple was given a piece of furniture for their wedding: The Round Table.[1]] …red buttons and book to right of Pete…down shot…hands out for Pete [PTHM]…quick wrist movement…hand over watch [PTHM]…Log Lady enters as predicted….finger at her [PTHM]…potion [WRQ]….image again shown on left…seated figure and human structure [AT: WRQ]… “Thank you, Margaret”…smile from Coop looking at Harry Truman…light on her hand and log….half Hawk face….[Log Lady:] “This oil is an opening to a gateway.” [LT: WRQ: HQT]…smile and eyebrows raised by DC….red blurry behind him and then from…..[“Scorched engine oil.” [Cooper and Harry: LT: WRQ: HQT].]….said simultaneously …synchronicity [WRQ: HQT] …she hugs herself…Hawk embraces [PTHM]…red book in between….blue pens [DMT: AT: LT]…back down shot…to…

Truck…one light working…red and blue…..orbs of flashlight…view through truck, back light…flashes light on his face…[Earle: “Glastonbury Grove.” [WRQ: HQT].]…she [Annie] is illuminated… “Take a look at that….there’s plenty of time for that…I do like the fear I’m feeling.” [WRQ: HQT]….light on us…straight shot intentionaly….no intentionality [MNT]…prayer…6:50 in [Psalm 141[2]: WRQ: HQT]…prayer that Annie, nun, is using…mystic warrior [LT: WRQ: HQT]….POV of Earle’s flashlight…then up to trees….blacked out other side….praying POV…to the white circle….12 small leafless trees [WTM: WRQ]….[Earle:] “You and I have an appt. at the end of the world.” [WRQ: HQT]…..light on her face….side of her face…looks like Laura Palmer [MNT: WRQ]… “I took the boy [right] to the edge that time…Come [in]. Come into the circle. I tell you they have not died…[their] hands clasp, yours and mine. [You will not run. Not in this circle of trees.” [WRQ: HQT].].….humming starting…like hand twitching before [PTHM: WRQ]…she is entranced [WRQ: HQT]…eyes whiter…. “You’ll come with me.”….viewer…shadow on white circle [DMT: AT: WRQ]…then to curtain….two worlds…..walk through the magick theater[3] [AT: WRQ: HQT]….curtains close [MNT]…moving…..we watched…it fades…we are left with the circle…then black…

Back of Ed walking in…Nadine and Mike on couch with bandages on their heads…illuminated European city street….3D Venice gondola [AT: HQT]…Nadine…blue dress….tie…like peacock [AM: AT[4]]… and gray pants of Mike… “Then [the] tree hit me.” [WTM: WRQ: HQT]…red and blue bandage labeled box [DMT: AT]…flower pillow [FLM: AT]….then part of flower urn….[Nadine:] “Who are you?” [WRQ: HQT]…Ed turns…pic of young man to right of Doc [DMT: AT: WRQ: Reverse transformation: MNT:  “Beyond Life and Death”]…Ed is horrified… “Make him go away.” [LT: HQT]…red and blue lights on picture [DMT: AT]…flowers…multicolored on the metal [FLM: AT]…cat to right of Doc Hayward [AM: AT: MNT: Principle: Heaviness abounds. Use writing to lighten and control reality. [LT: AT: WRQ: HQT].] …horse pulling carriage way into road on picture [AM: AT: HQT]…almost looks like a canal… “Where are my drape runners?” [WRQ: MNT: Full Circle: HQT]….figures to the right of Nadine… “35, [you] moron…What kind of stupid question is that?”….figures to right of Nadine [AT: WRQ]…..two little figures hand in hand [AT: PTHM]….[Mike:] “I’m sorry, Ed. I think I let things get a little out of hand.” [IM: PTHM: WRQ: HQT]…fade slow into [AT: MNT: Lynchian Doo Wop]…

House outside….low dark noise…fire place then to Hayward’s wife [FRT: Burning emotions]…Donna with suitcase [PTHM: HTML]….family photo in hallway of stairwell [DMT: AT: MNT]……red lamp to right to Horne…. “Who are my parents anyway!?” [WRQ: HQT]…[Ben: “I] only wanted to do good, be good…it feels so good to tell the truth.” [Principle: Mark Twain: “If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.”[5]]….open-mouthed Horne….[Hayward:] “Ben, damnit!?”….blue flannel…black and gray…fire place to left of Horne…first pump for forgiveness [PTHM: HQT]…[Ben:] “Silvia…I told you to stay home!”…open-mouthed sighing…head down Horne…now Will…hits Horne…glasses into fireplace [PTHM: HQT]…Hayward [Wayward!]…shakes hands and goes to knees [WRQ: HQT]…Donna is crying…flower, tigerlilly like, and fire [FLM: AM: FRT: Beauty and power]….gulping Horne…

Red key, Andrew there [under cake saver [PTHM: FM].]…goat on wall [AM: AT]…. “I knew I’d seen it somewhere…They’ll never notice the difference.”…Pete there…woman too [AT]… “Oh Andrew.” [GT: LT: HQT]…..goat mounted there…

View towards HS driving with Dale Cooper…red….light on truck…flashlight orbs like eyes [MNT: WRQ]…Twin Peaks shown on side of Bronco…familiar angle [MNT]….. “This way.”….known by Cooper…up they go…now POV towards them…DC searching….light on him… “I have to go on alone.”…[HS:] “Why?”…doesn’t blink and stares at him…DC walks out of sight and then his POV [HQT]…pines [WTM]…sounds of the forest…Harry standing in darkness…walks slowly towards him and out of shot…what is left?…POV of Cooper….owl [AM: WRQ]…shine up…nothing in trees…eyes scan…owl shown…looks down….grove shown…light on it panning right…open-mouthed Cooper…tree in shot…blurriness…humming coming in….pit shown… “An Opening to a Gateway.” [WRQ: HQT]….shadowed Cooper [DMT: WRQ: Black Lodge]…view behind…his shadow on the ground….HS approaches…POV towards him…chopped wood there…curtain shown….Cooper entering…HS watching….pines moving [WTM]…curtain, darker, he enters [LT: WRQ: HQT]….they close…fade…. “My God,” says [HS [IM: LT: WRQ: HQT].]…light there, circle…gone…swallows…gulps HS…

Statue? [AT]…angled black lines on white…armless sculpture… “Under the Sycamore [Tree]”…song [WTM: AT: MNT]…now shot of another statue…black and flashing lights….curtain… The Midget …saxophone…zig zag below…down at [The] Midget…shadow dancing [DMT: AT: WRQ]….Cooper watches…we see Cooper’s lower legs and shoes…blue and red chairs [DMT: AT]…different contrast….singer…with the cord we saw when we saw DC’s lower legs…flashing light and dark…androgynous [DMT]…singer….circle on singer…[The] Midget watching…turning way…looking at us [MNT]…looking at Cooper… “and I’ll see you and you’ll see me….and I’ll see you in the branches that blow.”…images throughout the show [MNT]…. “In the breeze…I’ll see you in the trees.” [AT: WTM: WRQ: HQT]….Cooper watches opened eye…and we do too [MNT]….flashing again like last episode…faster lights like last episode….The Midget watching DC…we watch singer…and DC… “Under the sycamore tree.” [AT: WTM: HQT]….singer fades…

Curtain remains…Dale Cooper stares, doesn’t blink…closed mouth…to…

Andy….frog….light on us from flashlight….we hear Andy from HS’ spot…slowly walking Andy…fade to…

Black…then to mist on mountain….up right it goes…bridge from girl [also harmed the night Laura died.]…before shown in this episode and then to…

The circle [AT: LT: WRQ: HQT: “Circle…As Jung observes, the square, representing the lowest of the composite and factorial numbers, symbolizes the pluralist state of man who has not achieved inner unity (perfection) whilst the circle would correspond to this ultimate state of Oneness…Circumference A symbol of adequate limitation, of the manifest world, of the precise and the regular (25), as well as of the inner unity of all matter and all universal harmony, as understood by the alchemists. Enclosing beings, objects of figures within a circumference has a double meaning: from within, it implies limitation and definition ; from without, it is seen to represent the defense of the physical and psychic contents themselves against the perils of the soul threatening it from without, these dangers being, in a way, tantamount to chaos, but more particularly to illimitation and disintegration (32).”[6]]….it’s day time….HS and Andy sit on a log…[HS:] “Been about 10 hours since he went in there.” [WRQ: HQT]…piece of wood on ground in front of HS….[Andy:] “Do you want a thermos of coffee?” [Principle: FM: PTHM]….hands together for Andy [PTHM]… “Do you want a plate special?” …[HS:] “Yeah…do you want dessert? [FM]…audience? [MNT]…HS’ hand [on] mouth [PTHM: HQT]…. “Yeah.”… “Do you want pie….?” [Principle: AT]…we see inside circle pit [POV: WRQ: MNT]….reflection like before with Bob and the curtain….coming through the reflection [RM: WRQ]….here we have trees instead [MNT: WTM]…it’s from his POV [WRQ]…the pine in there…and sycamores…

“New accounts.”…sleeping woman there…. “1985” on file cabinet… “Dell Mibbler”….bank vault… “Is there anything I can do for you?”….[Audrey:] “Dwayne Milford Junior…Audrey Horne has chained herself to the Twin Peaks Savings and Loan Vault in protest [of their financial ties]…I intend to stay here…to debate the future of our environment…ok?…Can I get a glass of water, please?” [WTM: AM: LT: HQT]…comically old like giant Great Northern attendant [DMT: WRQ]…view long of water cooler [MNT]…he raises hand [PTHM]….sound in chamber…design around vault [AT]….she is fed water… “Thank you, Dell.”…red behind security sign….on chair….light of light on black counter…bright like flashlights…he is lost….arms on chest…fear motion… “You…you…you.”…[Andrew: “I live and breathe.”….[Pete:] “He’s alive.”…[Dell:] “The funeral…all the flowers…” [FLM: WRQ: HQT]..well, of course….there is going to be a [bit of a] problem.”…hands up as he walks towards Audrey [PTHM]…cane for Andrew [PTHM]….[Audrey: “Civil Disobedience.” [LT: HQT].]…Andrew laughs….quote from Andrew: [“‘Waste no time arguing what a man should be. Be one.’ Marcus Aurelius…I admire your verve.” [Principle: LT: HQT].]..26 in…MA…stoic…last episode…endurance…ataraxia[7]….despite the weird…[Audrey: “Did you call the gazette yet?] Call the sheriff.” [HQT]…shot angled to Audrey…all four in a line…from height and perspective [MNT]…he [Dell] looks at key with magnifying glass [Principle: PTHM: LT: HQT]…grid of boxes and bars….we, following his slow walking [MNT]…pillar in between…pivot shot….light around…as bars….sound again in vault…guard…sleeping woman… “It’s a boy!” […repeated by cop who picked up phone [Lucy and Andy: HQT].]… “We’ve come to the end of [a long road] and here we are.” [MNT: HQT: So true, eh?]…truly…Bob… “Got you, Andrew.”… “Got you Andrew, love Thomas.” [GT: WRQ: HQT]…..glasses fly…into a tree….dollars fall…fade to black…

Truck [HQT]…café….car, walkers coming in…shot of Briggs with his wife…she has green and blue flannel…woman with black hair to right of Shelly…barking at each other….woman there talking to another blond woman…menu shown with mountain scene [AT: LT: DMT: MNT]…Mona Lisa pin [AT]…[Bobby:] “I thought you Germans were always on time.” [Principle: HQT]…laughing away…double braids….[Bobby: “Leo probably] up in the woods having the time of his life.” [IM: DI: WTM: LT: AT: WRQ: HQT]…

Shot of him with string on his teeth…and panicking…

Cloak of black with red edge for [Dr. Jacoby: “You were right. There’s the Major.” [LT: WRQ: HQT].] and black hat…spirals like petroglyphs on Laura’s mom’s coat [SM: AT: LT: HQT: Dr. Jacoby has key tie.]…[Dr.: “Excuse us…for the intrusion.” …[“Sarah] had a message for you that she [thought] was important.” [IM: LT: HQT]….intuition…valued [Principle: LT: HQT]…she is not blinking…. she speaks in altered voice [WRQ]… “I’m [Imp: WRQ: HQT] in the Black Lodge…with Dale Cooper.” [DMT: WRQ: HQT]….then we enter…

Black Lodge [POV: MNT: DMT: LT: WRQ: HQT]…zig zag floor and curtains [DMT: AT: CBM]…POV….we hear…The Midget…we enter the Black Lodge [MNT]… “I’m wa(i)sting for you.”…fade black….

DC seated at angle to [The] Midget…he watches…head turns to the side…down left tie [AT: WRQ]…for Cooper…black with stripe of salmon…[The Midget:] “When you see me again, it won’t be me.” [Principle: DMT: LT: WRQ: HQT: Heraclitus]…statue hand on groin to his left [AT]…strange lamp on black table [AT]….[The] Midget stands up and hits his foot on the ground and says, “This is the waiting room.” [GT: CBM: WRQ: HQT[8]]…he is happy… “Would you like some coffee?” [Principle: FM]…he licks his lips… “Some of your friends are here.” [WRQ: HQT]…pin star on DC [AT: WRQ: HQT] ….we hear walking…it’s Laura….dress black….red and black…curtain there… “Hello Agent Cooper.”…she blinks…hand up…ringer out with thumb…snaps [PTHM]…does not blink… “I’ll see you again in 25 years.” [MNT: Wow! So true!: WRQ: HQT]… “Meanwhile.”…hand up [PTHM]…like holding bottle of wine [PTHM: Like statue: AT]….salmon [AT: AM: land of salmon] and yellow time…Laura gone…shot of DC with [The] Midget…DC blinks…sees waiter mentioned before… “Hallelujah.”…both say…first tall waiter…giant…he has coffee…gets up…coffee….coffee [FM]…POV down to him…DC watches…blinks…looks up…there’s the giant…they are one [DMT: WRQ]…he stares down…he sits next to The Midget…Twin Peaks… “One and the same.” [DMT: LT: WRQ: HQT: MNT: Beyond duality]…Twin Peaks….Giant says it…we are told [MNT]…he vanishes [WRQ]….curtain dark at bottom…light above….hand to hand for The Midget [PTHM]…he is smiling…timing off [MNT]…Dale Cooper looks right…coffee… zig zag…turn and grab mug [PTHM: FM]…see the darkness [DMT: LT: WRQ: HQT]…what comes out…like pit of Black Lodge….humming…like singing bowl …coffee is all black…[The] Midget licks lips and rubs hand[s]…no longer frozen…its liquid…[The] Midget looks away and doesn’t blink…now coffee…sludge… “Wow, Bob, wow!” [WRQ]….looks back at Dale Cooper… “Fire Walk With Me” [Principle: FRT: LT: WRQ: HQT]….fire flash…whole screen…then flashing lights [Laura screams: WRQ: HQT]…then DC….he looks around….we watch him get up…head shot…he walks across the room… The Midget not there…back to hallway…statue…through the curtain…to another similar room…plant with ring, green lamp…upright bass [PTHM: AT]….head shot of DC…through another curtain…[The] Midget pointing at him and us [MNT: WRQ]… “Wrong way.” [WRQ: HQT]….DC walks down the hall again….back to same room…he enters…open-mouthed…laughing…it’s The Dancing Midget… “Another friend.” [LT: WRQ]….we see shadow walking [DMT: WRQ: HQT]…crazy laughing breathing…Maddie walks…holding dress…same as Laura’s… “I’m Maddie.…Watch out for my cousin.”…she fades…lower half first [WRQ: HQT]…[The] Midget gone as well…DC is back…now angled shot…turns rotationally right…clockwise…nothing in room…first room…pin in DC tie…or clip [PTHM: AT]…down right to [The] Midget snarling…doppelganger…he looks up…dancing….DC down….to right…Laura with white eyes back in the position holding a[n invisible] bottle [FM: WRQ: HQT]…meanwhile…then looks like vampire [WRQ: HQT]…blue and red flashing on Dale Cooper…she is on the chair…holds dress…and screams in his face; we see Earle…he runs away…we see it again…she is screaming in my face [WRQ: MNT]….he is then into another room that is quiet…blood on his hands [SHM]…he is trailing it…a long zig zag, blood…now down shot, moving with him as he walks shot…or what?…we see his bloody footprints…bass note….view of other room…nothing but the zig zag…

Up pan of Dale Cooper open-mouthed… “Caroline”….there with DC…his stomach shot…she is moving…looks up to him… “Annie”…blood on her stomach and mouth and neck…then to black and all gone…he repeats… “Annie”…then fade to…

Hallway with it flashing over it…we have POV towards another curtain…shadow behind [Principle: LT: WRQ: HQT]…POV of him entering….curtains move…Annie there…doesn’t blink…red lip stick…she advances… “Dale…I saw the face of the man who killed me.”…DC blinks… “It was my husband…who’s Annie?” [WRQ]…gold wing on black furniture between them [AT: AM]…it’s me…Caroline with blank whitish eyes…then Annie in same dress [DMT: WRQ]… “You must be mistaken…I’m alive.”…then to Laura…screaming….big silver shield like earring [AT: HQT]…screams and stops…Dale just shrugs and it’s Windom Earle… “Dale Cooper.”…then to curtain…Annie appears in black dress again…she is holding arms crossed in between them [PTHM]…gold wing table with black top [AT]…Annie fades…..

Two wings….revealed…Earle laughs… “If you give me your soul, I’ll let Annie live.”…. “I will,” DC says…Earle stabs Cooper…fire…all…

Then DC and Earle in front and he is stabbed again…Bob next to Earle…Earle screaming…Bob says… “Be quiet!…Be quiet!”….starts “Bobby barking”…..Earle in pain… “He is wrong….he can’t ask for your soul…I will take his.” [WRQ: HQT]….Earle now heard screaming…fire from his head [Like Scanners[9]]…then caught in Bob’s hand [PTHM: WRQ]….he breathes like wolf…laughing [AM: WRQ: HQT]…crouched over…Cooper walks away…we see shadow, then behind them…Cooper is back…writhing behind them…laughs with Bob…his eyes…white….that was his shadow that followed him over…not Cooper himself [WRQ]…Leland emerges…his eyes are also cold… “I did not kill anybody.”…Leland menacing, but not too threateningly looks at him…we see Cooper seeing Cooper to left of Leland [DMT: WRQ: MNT] …Cooper is ok and smiles at Leland….they chuckle together…Dale Cooper looks at us [MNT]…Leland’s hands together [PTHM]…real Cooper runs…empty room…POV of him running…then out to hallway…then to another room…runs to camera….POV behind…shadow shown…another DC following…hands on himself [PTHM]…Twin Peaks [DMT: WRQ: HQT]…Bob there, face in…silent…but then a breath…then red curtain…lit circle…over and behind the black pit…Cooper there….Annie there too…water there…blood on Annie’s…face [DMT: WRQ: HQT]…

To Twin Peaks falls…in them…two sections…then to DC in bed…blue pajamas…there he is…Doc to right and HS to left…DC’s that is…duck on table and duck flying in picture [AM: AT]…hat to right of HS… “I need to brush my teeth.” [Principle: HQT]… “Sure.”…books stacked on bottom of table… “Take it easy now.” [IM: LT: HQT]….shadow of Doc Hayward on wall [DMT: MNT]…we see it earlier today….from his attack on Horne…yes… “I need to brush my teeth” repeated oddly [WRQ]….mirror [RM]…angled towards it…falls on picture above toilet [Twin Peaks Peaking]…toothpaste into the sink…two pictures behind Cooper [AT]…POV from mirror…no blinking….headbutts mirror [WRQ: HQT: The headbutt, a most brutal and effective maneuver, and the mirror’s strange destruction.]…Bob is on the other side…Bob still there…Dale Cooper [looping] looking up at Bob [DMT: WRQ: HQT]….chain over light…we see Dale Cooper looking at us crazily and Bob too [MNT]…. “How’s Annie!?…How’s Annie!?”….repeated….chuckling….towel same color as the toothpaste…cup of coffee [FM]…moving slightly…in and out of focus….what do we see inside of it!? [MNT]…Laura Palmer upside down…smiling….angled slightly clockwise….not blinking….little motion… “Sycamore Trees” song…David Lynch did the lyrics [AT: WRQ: HQT: This is the end. There is no end. Hike Twin Peaks [DMT: Twin Peaks].]…[10]

[1]           “Round Table: Arthurian Legend,” Encyclopaedia Britannica, accessed May

16, 2018.

[2]               “PSALMS, CHAPTER 141,” United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, accessed May 16, 2018.

[3]           “Herman Hesse’s Steppenwolf— Accepting the Shadow,” HuffPost, accessed May 16, 2018.

[4]                “Grounds for Sculpture,” Grounds for Sculpture, accessed May 16, 2018.

[5]           “Truth,”, accessed May 17th, 2018.

[6]           J. E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, trans. Jack Sage

(New York: Philosophical Library, 1962), 44-6.

[7]           “Jordan Peterson and The Return of The Stoics,” Swarajya, accessed May 17, 2018.

[8]           “Purgatory,” Wikipedia, accessed May 17, 2018.

[9]           “Scanners,” IMDB, accessed May 17th, 2018.

[10]         “Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental Guide [Use for Each Chapter],” Ebullient Explorations, accessed May 18, 2018.

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