Weird Real(m) Quest(ion)s: Episode Analysis
11-13-2020 In talking with Others I trust, it seems there is more than we can always… If Totality Reality is all that we experience in the Absolute Sense of Zen without our categorization, then there is the Edge of Weird within our experience that we may or may not be ready for with the appropriate memories, understandings, and goosebumps.
The assembled WRQ below are in chronological order for each episode with contextual information. Italics indicate writing specifically for WRQ Appendix that was not part of the originally published main text and WRQ analysis. In 2023, I will publish the entire Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental Guide!? as an EE!?-Book with expanded introductions for the main work itself as well as the Principles and WRQ.
If Wisdom [Truth + Goodness] works universally, then there is a lot of Work to do to understand Weird Real(m) Quest(ion)s. Let me break down the reading:
1: Weird Realm Quests
2: Weird Realm Questions
3: Weird Real Quests
4: Weird Real Questions
How much is it worth to possibly understand these areas and experiences? Whether it is the fascination we have about the phenomena, or our fascination about the individuals who experience that phenomena, it is fascinating, and that weirdness connects to the origin of “weird” as “Fate”; that order beyond our understanding that is locked and occasionally opens doors of illumination at mystical moments or continually brightly shines in strange minds such as our beloved hero, Agent Cooper. May these quest(ion)s enlighten the dynamic between the Twin Peaks of your Weird and your Mundane, your Light and your Dark, your Life and your Death, and all other dueling dualities that float inside and outside your Totality Reality. Hiking Twin Peaks is an “Experimental!? Guide” after all. Considering that your life is an experiment and not all experiments are worthwhile, Twin Peaks’ Weird Real(m) Quest(ion)s may yield results not as directly productive as the Principles. However, they may be more energizing for the Edge of Weird keeps your primal liminal uncertainty pulsing with curious power. If you want to apply one or the other, focus on the Principles. These tales, terrors, topics, and teachings are at least good stories and at most…
Motifs [M]
Birds = Included with Animals.
(Windy) Trees [Douglas Firs and Pines [Evergreens]] = [WTM]
Chessboard = [CBM]
Flowers = [FLM]
(Power) Tools and Hands = [PTHM]
Idiom = [IM]
Animal = [AM]
Dramatic Irony = [DI]
Native American = [NAM]
Spiral = [SM]
Reflection shot = [RM]
Food = [FM]
Zoom Shot= [ZM]
Fire = [FRM]
Picture is Portal Shot = [PPM]
Shakespeare = [SHM]
Themes [T]
Hiking Quest as Separation, Initiation(s), and Return of Joseph Campbell = [HQT]
Dual Mountain for duality, Jungian shadow side, harmony of opposites as Tao = [DMT]
Game [Rules, Gains, Gambles, Strategies [RGGS].] = [GT]
Fire = [FRT]
Learning = [LT]
Art = [AT]
Metanarrative = [MNT]
*Principles = [Principle]
*Weird Real(m) Quest(ion)s = [WRQ]
1-1 Pilot [, Fly Us Somewhere Strange]
? nil. Hmm? Am I missing something? Should I rewatch? Symbols jump out? No
For the EE!?-Book, methinks I will rewatch this episode to check why my brain at that time did not note any WRQ. We shall see how 2021 EE “hikes” the “Pilot.” My title indicates it is “Strange,” but a dark oddity is not always a grand WRQ.
1-2 Traces to Nowhere [Astral Plane Limbo]
[“It struck me again earlier this morning. There are two things that continue to trouble me and I’m speaking not only as an agent but also as a human being. What really went on between Marilyn Monroe and the Kennedys and who really pulled the trigger on JFK?] [DMT and LT [Weird Real(m) Quest(ion)s][WRQ].]
she has tree shirt…he has star tie… “Do your palms ever itch?” Audrey [LT [Superstition suggests money.] [WRQ].]…
Cooper [D.B. Cooper made into Dale Cooper. Both mysterious. Where was D.B. Cooper’s approximate landing? [Yes, Portland Oregon flight to Seattle Washington and then he jumped out of the plane between Seattle and Reno, which is in the setting of Twin Peaks.1] [WRQ].]…leans forward for his interrogation…keeps eyes open…holds mouth open…looks down to prepare his delivery…James…Cooper breathes deeply…James, right face for us reddish…music creeps in…Cooper open mouthed…not exactly
“Had this money burning a 10,000 dollar hole in my pocket.”… “Then she went and checked out on us.” [IM [Death euphemism. Consider views. What kind of room will you check in to? [WRQ]:]
“We got places to go and people to see.” Sheriff [IM: HQT: Think how true this is for us!] … “I am getting to feel a little bit like Doctor Watson.” [LT: WRQ [If Cooper is Sherlock…?].]…fade to…
“In an hour, when the lesson was finished.” [HQT: LT]… “How did she seem to you?” [LT: WRQ]…
“Did she say what that was in reference to?” “No, but after what happened to her, I can’t help hearing it in my head, like some haunting melody.” [MNT]…“Hmmm” [Cooper].]…very nice pillow in focus behind her… “So Harry, how long have you been seeing her?” [Observant as Sherlock? [WRQ].]…Cooper smiles [Psychic powers? [WRQ].]….[Key = “Body Language.”]
“His wife’s the lady with the patch.”…[James:] “She’s a real character.” [Real character. How real? [WRQ].]
tape player… [Laura Palmer tape: “It’s Thursday the 23rd [Burroughs’ synchronicity.], and I’m so bored. Actually, I’m in kind of a weird mood…James is sweet, but he is so dumb…cause right now I can take just so much of sweet.” [HQT: DMT]… “I just know I am going to get lost in those woods again tonight. I just know it.” [HQT: David Paulides [WRQ].]
1-3 Zen, or the Skill to Catch a Killer [Koan, “Out of Nowhere, the Mind Comes Forth.”
moon moving to right of midnight [MNT: Back to “black as midnight on a moonless night.” [WRQ].]…back to grandfather clock [HQT]….then to portrait of James on left and Donna on right…piano starting… “It is true, isn’t it?” [WRQ] …whispering…stroking the face [PTHM]…back to TV view….flowers, tiger lilies like, behind [FLM]…falls [DMT]…frogs [AM]…paneling and 3rd painting with fowl coming out [AT: AM]….Cooper whistles and smiles….phone rings….horns and guns behind to the left [AM: HQT]…Hawk… “Body and spirit are still far apart.” [NAM: HQT: WRQ] ….mystical themes [Tibetan Bardo.]….one armed man [HQT]….symbol [Odin with one eye illustrates transformation and “the wound is the gift” in Twin Peaks [DMT: HQT]…Nadine is on the comic side and Laura Palmer is on the tragic side [DMT: Muses].]
“[It’s not the first time, it won’t be the last, but] I’m in that dog house again.” [IM: AM [Principle.]… “All hell broke loose.” [IM: HQT: WRQ.]….strokes his face [PTHM]
“It didn’t hurt a bit.” [Andy’s repeated denial, starting concerning crying.]… “Where’s there’s no sense, there’s no feeling [Principle] [Train your senses in Twin Peaks. What do you sense or not sense in the show and what feelings follow?].]… “[Coop,] the idea for all this really came from a dream?” [WRQ]… “It did.”….shakes his shoulder in affirmation and goes back… “Jack with One Eye.”… “There’s no ‘I’ in Jack.”
Audrey smiles with mouth open…mole shown [Black haired Marilyn Monroe, connects to earlier WRQ reference.]
“With Two Sonnets” and then evergreens on either side above mantel…he is yelling and the jazz is playing…mom comes over as phone rings…he keeps spinning… “We have to dance for Laura” [Dancing Leland [WRQ].]…she breaks picture struggling with him as they hit the coffee table…he smears his wife’s blood on her picture and she slams off the record player…she holds her head and screams in pain…to sadness….back to Laura…he puts his face on it
To Cooper in bed….angled pillow…shadows move….to him again later fast forward…zoom in flash [ZM]…Cooper old [WRQ]…red streak tie…red curtain lounge [HQT]…shaking man back turned…red jacket like curtain
“Through the darkness of future past, the magician longs to see…one chance out between two worlds….fire walk with me.” [HQT: Principle: LT: FRT]… “We lived among the people…” [HQT]…One armed man….in black….suspenders….scale to his right [GT: LT]…Cooper turns… “I too have been touched by the devilish one…but when I saw the face of God, I was changed…took the entire arm off.” [DMT: WRQ: HQT: Theme of transformation. Myths involving loss of limbs and assorted body parts.]….Bob shown [DMT]…Mike said…“Arms out”… “Can you hear me?”…. “Catch you with my death bag.” [WRQ]… “But I promise I will kill again.” [HQT]….circle of 12 or so candles out [WRQ]
Laura Palmer with red lipstick smiling happily [WRQ]…Midget turns around… “Let’s rock.” [MNT: Principle]…naked woman [AT: Statue, classical.]….trumpet up planet…he rubs his hands after sitting [PTHM]….Cooper POV…on him…Laura touches nose…..hypnosis move [PTHM: WRQ]…he has three pins…top crown [HQT:]…arrow shadow flies across from left to right [HQT]…Midget… “I’ve got good news.” [Principle: LT]…hand of statue to right of his head [PTHM: AT]…Cooper is perplexed
Midget dances and camera circles around….glare orbs [WRQ]…boots shown…Palmer moves arms and gets up….walks over to Cooper…globe on table in front [HQT: LT]…leans over him …hand on wrinkled neck….kisses him…flashing light with jazz…bass run….whisper….Midget dancing….away at the repeated angle…to Cooper in bed…hair up….cowlick crazy….dialing….Native American figurine on desk [NAM]…“I know who killed Laura Palmer.” [Title action: WRQ]… “No, it can wait till morning.”….Cooper is snapping…end….then to Midget dancing from above at 45 angle…he’s grooving……eyes closed and smiling….shimmying…jazzy sax he is flowing to
1-4 Rest in Pain [Momento Mori]
“The perfume you are wearing is incredible.” [Senses emphasized to make one aware and heighten them.]…Jack with One eye…open mouth and open eyed…
Eye brow affirmation from DC… [“There’s something you would like to tell me.” [LT: MNT].]…“Men go there.”…. “Horne’s.”… “He named it after himself.”… “[That rightward slant in your handwriting indicates a] romantic nature. [Be careful.]” [DC as Sherlock: LT: Principle]…. “A heart that yearns.” …Dale Cooper… “It is an absolutely beautiful morning” [Positive affirmations of mindfulness enhance gratitude through energizing awareness. [PAMEGEA].]…DC…claps…star tie…dream…Lucy… “My dream is a code waiting to be broken.” [HQT: WRQ: What dreams in your own life are similarly true?]
Chopping wood menacingly, man slowly arms closing in on crucifix…Bobby…father enters… “Briggs.”…he puts hands on Bobby’s shoulder as he says, “Laura died too soon.” [HQT: PTHM]…Bobby lights repeatedly…touching fire…fire motif [FRM: He walks with fire. [FT].]… “This leads to stalemate.” [GT]…skinny tie for Bobby….yells afraid…mom is [The] Stepford Wife[ves]…and poster shown red letters and blue on right…painting coffered ceiling… “Tracker, [NAM: HQT: LT: Tom Brown Jr.’s accounts of his Native American tracking tutelage under Stalking Wolf.] …the best,” said of Hawk [NAM: AM].…Pulaski girl…Polish hero [HQT: LT]… “Everywhere.”…. “Tied like this.”…. “Arms back.”… “Has claw marks bites of some kind.” [AM]….”Look, it’s trying to think” [Albert: AM]… “Appears to be the letter ‘J.’”]….103 room… “Excuse us.”… “We have a funeral to get to.” [HQT]… DC…shuts door on…Albert…arms crossed…. “I have seen decency, honor, and dignity here.” [Principle: Fundamental principles stated clearly. [Profundity and absurdity. Tragedy and comedy: Twin Peaks [DMT].].]…DC…. “Life has meaning here…right here in Twin Peaks.” [HQT: LT: MNT: DMT: WRQ: Stanley Kubrick: “The very meaninglessness of life forces a man to create his own meaning.”10]… “Sounds like you have been snacking on some of the local mushrooms.” [HQT: FM: WRQ]
Shadow mountain and intersection…RR…finger motions [PTHM]…old guys laughing [DMT: Comedic relief from Shelly mocking Leland’s disturbing behavior]…rocking flannel before grunge…duck statue to Big Ed [AM]… “Fresh huckleberry pie.”… “Big Ed, how long have you been in love with Norma?” [WRQ]… “Looks like pie and coffee is on you.” [FM] … “Jacque”… “Middleman.”…“He’s not the only one I call.” … “No” on sign to the left of Cooper….payphone to the right… [Harry: “You’re going to have to go along with me on this even though it sounds a little weird.] Twin Peaks is different. [A long way from the world…that’s exactly the way we like it. But there’s a backend to that that’s kind of different too. Maybe that is the price we pay for all the good things.” [DMT: HQT: MNT: Principle]… “There’s a sort of evil out there. Something very, very strange in these old woods. Call it what you want: a darkness, a presence. It takes many forms.”11 [HQT: DMT: WRQ: William S. Burroughs: “America is not a young land: it is old and dirty and evil. Before the settlers, before the Indians… the evil was there… waiting.”]… [“But it’s been out there for as long as anyone can remember, and we have always been here to fight it. Men before us, men before them, more after we are gone.”…. “A secret society.” [HQT: LT: DMT]…strokes right side of face [PTHM]…
“Book House Boys” [LT: HQT]…country store…..shown to left of sheriff….snowshoes and other old tools on the wall [PTHM]… “Bernie.”…books to the left [LT
Shadow blue shot of lake [Blue is: “thinking,” “religious,” “feeling,” “devotion,” “truth,” “justice,” “cold”; “Dark blue connotes night and the stormy sea doubt and discouragement.12] …then to large cabin…Josie and the Sheriff… “God you’re beautiful.” [AT]… “Something horrible is going to happen.” [WRQ]…intercom being listened to by the wife [Catherine]…portrait to her left…huge library and another secret safe…fan on wall behind …she has kimono…secret spot under her desk…mirror reveals husband behind her [RM]… “Have you seen my tackle box?”… “Be a man about it, Pete.” [DMT: Theme of identities and transformations.]…
Celtic cross there again behind D C…another pillar like the one by the doctor [HQT]…curvy tree to Doc’s right…his earring is showing…. “I’m a terrible person, Agent Cooper. [I pretend that I am not, but I am. I sit and listen to their problems day after day. These people think of me as their friend. Truth is, I really don’t care. I thought nothing. No one could ever reach me again. Laura changed all that.]” [DMT]… fade to…
Josie and Sherriff and stacked wood blurry to the left…Josie and Sherriff slow in kissing as soft female angelic singing comes in…passionate up-close kiss and then graceful drop onto the carpet…full moon with clouds passing left [WRQ]…
DC… “Do you believe in a soul?” [MNT: WRQ]…Hawk: “Several…[Blackfoot Legend: waking souls that give life to the mind and the body, a dream soul wanders”… “Dream souls, where do they wander?”…“Faraway places, the land of the dead…Laura is in the ground, Agent Cooper, that is all that I am sure of.” [HQT: DMT: LT: WRQ]…..Leland eyes closed…Leland is jazzy smiling…eyes closed… “To Laura and God speed”…Leland tries to dance with a blond chick [GT]…sounds pathetic…crying with the music stopped…he’s out of breath and traumatized… ….grows quiet and confused…back to red street lamp…that’s it…ending on the stopping of the red [Red= “Blood (spilled), “death throes and sublimation,” “wounds,” “surging and tearing emotions,” “passions,” “danger,” “the devil.”]13 …Rest in Pain…
1-5 The One-Armed Man [Endures the Beast]
Trees above instead of hanging below…trees above house of mourning [WTM]…Laura Palmer photo, “Home Coming Queen”…Bob sketching Bob for Mom…Donna open-eyed, wide…cousin with tea…to Sheriff… huge glasses…flower shown to left of her photo [FLM]…woman to the left….“He looked like an animal.” [AM: DMT]… “Have you ever seen this man before?”[WRQ]…Leland …. [Sarah Palmer: “His face, my God, his face!”]…“Tell them about the necklace.” [HQT]…[Leland: They’re going to love that one.”]…. “She has had two visions.” [WRQ]…psychic like agent… “It’s night.”…paisley bathrobe [AT]….her hand motion [PTHM]….blurry behind Donna…moving as the camera moves to her…she is open mouthed and opened eyed.…
“Invitation to Love” [MNT: Which should be accepted?] is motif…..bow tie….stroking his hair [PTHM]…. “I’m married to your sister now.”….[“You’ve always said you couldn’t tell us apart.” [DMT].]…Lucy watching with pencil in mouth….shamrock [WRQ] downstairs….. “family business”….on show….summary is intense [MNT: HQT: Lucy elucidates the recent plot twists, which echo Twin Peaks.].….
[Dr. Jacoby] red right eye [= “blood (life), fire (warmth), passion, revolution, liberty.”] and blue left [=“the calm sea; thinking, religious feeling, truth, cold.”]14 [DMT]…like cards [GT]…then his view to Cooper….magic trick…mouth, ball out of his mouth [WRQ]….then white and black diamonds [CBM]….Tibet to the left of the Doc [HQT: LT]….Freudian analysis [HQT]….gets up… [“My abiding interests lie in the East as well, but only as far as Hawaii. The ancient Hawaiians often returned to the soothing rhizome of the ginger plant to ease the pain of profound confusion, which more often than not was sexual.”[HQT: LT: FM]… chopping giant tree…redwood? sequoia?…redwood?…walks towards agent… [Dr. Jacoby: “My own] personal investigation [I suspect] will be ongoing for the rest of my life.”…. [Laura had] secrets [, and around those secrets, she built] a fortress [that in my six months with her, I was not able to penetrate, and which I consider myself an abject failure.” [DMT: HQT]…three… “Red corvette”… “Old Sawmill Road” [HQT]… [Dr. Jacoby [Hand rolling the ball.]: “I’m planning a pilgrimage to Pebble Beach…[HQT]. Hang loose.” [IM: Principle]…Twin Peaks mug [MNT]…Hawk to right of agent….abstract….flag to left of bird seen during his point about Laura being eaten by the birds [AM: MNT] symbolism [DMT: “Bird: Every winged being is symbolic of spiritualization. The bird, according to Jung, is a beneficent animal representing spirits or angels, supernatural aid (31), thoughts and flights of fancy (32)….In North America, the supreme Being is often equated with the mythic personification of lighting and thunder as a great bird (17).”15 [HQT: LT: DMT: NAM: AM: WRQ]… [Gordon Cole: “Now for the bad news, Coop, I’ve got OJAFO concerning his mano a mano with the local Sherriff Truman…”…DC: “Here’s how it is. In my opinion Sherriff Truman showed the patience of a saint in not clocking him a day earlier than he did.” [IM].]…“File it ‘F’ for forget.” [Principle]…. [DC: “I’ll fight him all the way up the chain to Washington.” [HQT: LT].] …“City slicker.” [IM]…“Relieving himself upstream.”…. “I had an intuition.” [HQT: LT: WRQ]… “Sarah Palmer.”… “I’m a strong sender.” [WRQ]….corrects drawing quickly and with eyes in distance… “Always seeing somewhere.” [Principle]…. “Timber Falls Motel.” [HQT]…
Jazzy…Adirondack benches….Nikon for Josie just when the women [Catherine] is saying it to Horne… [“I have more than one hiding place.”]…“Not even Pete the Poodle knows about that one.” [AM] ….drink wine together [“This rusticated mildew farm.”]… “…The Lumber Baron Suite at The Great Northern.” [HQT: Folklore connection to Paul Bunyan, which grounds the mythos of this flight for fantastic fancy. [WRQ].] …Hawk….Bronco….Log Truck…motif [HQT]….Room 101….Orwell? [LT]…Andy drops gun and shoots it…Cooper spins around….[Catherine: “Gun play…sounds serious”… [“I’m going to give little Elvis a bath.”] [WRQ]…“Put your hands where I can see them.” [PTHM]… “Nope”…hand….then to doll [WRQ]…of Elvis [WRQ]….she grabs chip…One Eyed Jack’s a thousand…behind one-armed man…cliff side and light house [HQT]…blue flowers on wallpaper [FLM]…. “Memphis to some place.”… [DC: “The arm you lost, did it have a tattoo?”]…“What’s this all about?” [WRQ]…[Dale Cooper: “What did it say?”]…“Bob.”…. he’s crying ridiculously….both squat as Hawk explains track [HQT: LT]…
Twin Peaks simple in red…Audrey smoking… [“Maybe you should run away and join the circus.”] [HQT: IM]…jazzy…[Donna: “Escape.” [HQT].]…[Audrey: “I got a better idea.” [LT].]…pink tile…. “A life of mystery and international intrigue” [HQT: MNT: Thank you for the meta-point!] …. [“Dream on.” [HQT: WRQ].] “Fact…”…Audrey in the mirror [RM]… …“Fact”… “Sweet tooth…”… [“Well I guess that’s not really a big secret.”]…“I knew the score” [IM: GT]…. “Laura was wild”… [“What else have you figured out Sherlock?” [HQT: LT]…“It gets better.” [MNT]… [Audrey: “One Eyed Jack’s”]… [Donna:] “Isn’t that a western with Marlon Brandon?” [HQT: LT]… “I get all shivery…it’s like a hot cold…whatever we find out we will have to keep it to ourselves.” [HQT: WRQ]….fade to…
Prison….red truck hugging wall… “Hearing room.”…purple dress…Norma…[Official to her: “I hope I didn’t come on too strong yesterday.” [IM: Principle].]… “It’s starting to put the zap on me big time.” [HQT: LT: MNT: The show is doing that to us too! Meta-point!] … [Hank: “I’ve replayed it in my mind a million times. I just don’t have any answers…Why? Why did fate deal me this hand?…But it was fate, maybe in an odd way, even luck that sent me to prison…” [HQT: LT: WRQ].] …Norma in back looking down and to the right….playing with a domino [GT]…grid of color….on her shirt…wood paneling … “Facing a difficult reentry.” [IM: HQT]…
…[Sherriff Truman: “Cooper, I think you’d be afraid to go to sleep at night.”]…bike outside [The One Stop [HQT].]…Hawk Hi-Fives [PTHM]….open sign…kitten [AM]… … [Lydecker] vet clinic….[llama] inside…[DC: “In the heat of the investigative pursuit, the shortest way between two points is not necessarily a straight line.”] [HQT: LT: WRQ: Principle] …giant fire hydrant…to deputy and agent’s respective outsides…walks through…small rose [FLM]…..on her counter….to…
little jar with red hat and pointy nose pointing towards them… “I’m going to fix him.”…[“Fix me first.” [ID: PTHM].]… “Canuck guy that works at the Road House.” [Respect to Patrick Swayze.] ….mushroom wall paper and birds on wood panel to right [AM]…shirt… [Bobby: “I gotta think. I gotta think.” [MNT: HQT: Principle].]… “This could be the answer to our prayers.” [IM: HQT]…[Bobby: “I’m going to take this. Ok. You never saw this. Say it: “I never saw this.” [Principle: HQT]…Shelly: “I never saw this.”[HQT: LT: Theme of religion and belief and spiritual power.].]…plate to left of Bobby….red shirt on blue background….she grabs a gun…puts the gun under her slip…to the office…list of wanted sheet blurry in front of Lucy…back to the sawing photo [AT]… …bird on the wall to the left [AM] and tree painting to right…bird behind Lucy on wall…she has three colored pear pendant necklace [FM]…red yellow and green… fall falls, but not with the evergreens….antlers to left and trees to the right [AM]….pencils in her hand [PTHM]…bird to her left….wallpaper to the right….water cooler to the left….mountain calendar [HQT]….snowman with red hat [WRQ]….shield to the right [HQT]….blurry Christmas ornaments to the right….body language is Sherriff’s question after Cooper knows…he is trying to figure out his intuitive methods [HQT: LT: WRQ]…Sheriff… “Not too many secrets left around here.”…dramatic irony [DI] for us…. “Amen to that.”…. [“Designed from a different set of blueprints.”][DMT: HQT: LT: WRQ]….rapid fire…Andy overwhelmed…[DC about Hawk: “High Marks.” [HM].]…“Andy, what we need is practice, lots of it.” [Principle: LT HQT:]…music sentimental…after marriage questions asked [DC: “No, I knew someone once who helped me understand commitment, responsibilities and the risks… who taught me the pain of broken heart.” [HQT: LT: Principle]….SHOOTING.]….clarinet then….he is shooting as he recalled…Cooper doesn’t blink during shots….Harry does slightly…..Hawk…. [“One woman can make you fly like an eagle. Another can give you the strength of a lion. But only one in the cycle of life can fill your heart with wonder and the wisdom that you have known a singular joy.” [HQT: AM: DMT: Principle]… “I wrote that for my girlfriend.”….[Diane Shapiro], PhD Brandeis [HQT: LT]….…mystery man [Shadow left.]…share his wisdom… “I put 4 through the eyes and nostril.” ….[MNT: View of speaker transmitting Lucy.]…down left tie for Cooper… “We’re going to need some more coffee.” [FM: HQT]…fade to…
and then James comes in for payphone…. “[Going to have] A day of beauty” [Principle: AT: LT]…. “Knockouts of the Double R.”….Donna said by James and then to her dad saying…urn between them….. “SOS mayday” [IM: HQT]….black trench coat….red stools…cowboy hat…cousin there…side profile…he is opened mouth…she turns quickly and takes off her glasses…[James: “Who are you?” [DMT: MNT: HQT: LT: WRQ] …looks like Laura [DMT: She is Laura’s actress….doppelganger….clone myth. [HQT].]… “Did you know Laura well?”… “I thought I did.” [HQT: LT: How well do you know how well you know another? [WRQ].]….Uncle Leland[’s up half the night] listening to music and crying…. Laura’s music for Laura’s doppelganger… she says she used to pretend they were sisters [Laura has three sides.]… she is from Missoula…..she shakes….handshake shown [PTHM]….contrast to his love of Laura…
Antler [AM]…chandelier down to Horne [AT]… “What do you get when you cross a Norwegian and a Swede?” [WRQ]…Native American carpet [NAM]….camera shakes as we get front view…Audrey creeping behind…jacket….sawmill lumberjacks behind [AT]
letter “J”…pocket chip….Andy screams “Waldo.” [LT] … he is Waldo….myna bird owned by Jacque Renault….quote… [“Gentleman, when two separate events occur simultaneously pertaining to the same object of inquiry,] we must always pay strict attention.” [Principle]…tennis player with black mask in front [GT]…light right beyond…shadow on wall…inside… Bobby runs way….drum kicks in as Hawk drives away….piano creeps in…clown to left on wall [WRQ]….
“Keep it simple.” [IM: LT: HQT: Principle: Henry David Thoreau: cabin motif.]…back to the river….illuminated with bluish tinge….
[Donna: [“She said she saw it and she said she had a vision and she saw someone take it.” [WRQ]… “Laura used to say her mother was kind of spooky. [She used to see things; she had these dreams.] Laura did too.” [WRQ]….owl then view of them from above and then zooming back more [AM: ZM]….piano coming in after “Nobody loved her but us.”…about Laura… “Laura” triggers the music…..then view of them above zooming up to owl [ZM: AM: FRM: Fire.]…fade to…
1-6 Cooper’s Dreams [Psychopomp(’s) Leads]
Ben…Horne…smoking cigar…. [Jerry: “I bring you greetings from the] fertile, treeless tundra of Iceland”… [“They are insane for the Ghostwoods Estates project. I have had more serious fun with these” [DMT]… “Nordic animals” [HQT: AM]… “[Giant] snow queen with a smile like a sunrise on an ice rise. You could go blind looking at this girl.” [HQT] …. “Entire leg of lamb.”… “Rotisserie heaven.” [FM: Mitch Hedberg: “I think a rotisserie is a very morbid Ferris wheel for chickens.” [DMT].]…. “Grab some down time” [IM]…. “Fair-haired boys tonight”… [“All of Twin Peaks’ best and brightest”….Ben: “If we still need a kicker to nail the sale, I’m thinking maybe they might enjoy a road trip to you know where.”… Jerry: “I am honored to know you.” [IM: Principle.]…. …abstract tie [AT]…gray Jerry Garcia almost [LT]…one eye signal with hand [PTHM]…Leland in…. [“I just feel I need something to occupy my mind.” [DMT: IM: Principle].]…I wonder why he feels that he needs “something to occupy” his “mind.” [WRQ: HQT: LT: AT]….singing comes back……Leland on ground….
clown on wall [WRQ]….Campbell’s Soup [AT: LT: Warhol: pop art, mystery and drama: “Great Art makes fun of us as it comforts us, because it shows us the world as the artists would like the world to be.” Umberto Eco, Foucault’s Pendulum.]…donuts… [“Better wash that down with a cup of joe.” [FM]…“There was a large group of insane men staying on my floor.” [HQT: Berserkers].]
Doc is amazed at Cooper’s understanding [WRQ]… “Coast to coast.” [IM: HQT: LT: “Coast to Coast AM” Radio Show16]…eye balls on table [MNT]…[Arch behind.]… “No direct contact.”…. “P.O. Box.”
“Starting low, aiming high.” [HQT: DMT: MNT: LT: Principle]… “No, no, no, no, no.”….hands on desk [PTHM]… “May I speak frankly?” [WRQ: When should we in our own lives as we endure its tragedy, comedy and absurdity?]
[James:] “My dad died when I was ten…he didn’t die…he was a bum…my mom’s a writer…poems and short stories…what she does is…” [HQT: LT: AT]…ascending piano kicks in after revelation about his mother… “I don’t want to have any secrets with you.” [HQT: DMT]…“It’s the secrets people keep that destroy any chance of happiness…”[Principle: LT: HQT]….heart earring… “It will never go away our whole lives.” [HQT: DMT: Darkness that has creeped in from the woods?]… “She’s out there wandering like a restless spirit.” [Principle: DMT: WRQ: HQT]…shows lake or river [HQT]…
[Maddy: “The mood at the house as you can probably guess is not that great right now.” [HQT: MNT]… Donna: “If I said that you can’t really say a word of this to anyone, not a soul, not even your aunt and Uncle, would that be ok with you.” [WRQ: DMT: HQT: Principle]…. “That sounds like some big secret.”[HQT]….takes glasses off to process [MNT: DMT: Revealing the secret that she is the same actress as Laura’s.] …James doesn’t blink….until the end… “We’ve sworn on her memory not to let that happen.” [HQT: Principle]… “We have some ideas.” [HQT: LT]…. “Secret hiding place.” [HQT]… “house”… “room”… “I had a feeling that Laura was in trouble.” [HQT]….more psychic connections [WRQ]….desert screen to right and ocean scene to the left [HQT]….domino on keychain [GT]…staring…. “Refugee beauty queens” [HQT]…Han
another totem to the right and then a similar patterned light [DMT: HQT]… “V” on Bobby’s shirt… “Laura wanted to die.”…He lays back in standard psychotherapy session position….big pirate earring for Dr. [HQT]… “Did she tell you that there is no goodness in the world?” Dr. asks [WRQ: HQT]
And then to slow motion bird of prey in flight with ascending music and then pan left over the mountains….what weirdness in their might!? [AM: WT: HQT: WRQ]… and then pan down to the walk… “Watch your step [there], city boy.” [IM: HQT]….raven lands or crow on branch [AM: WRQ].…nothing else…broken small stick….Doc has walking staff, but not using it [LT: HQT]…lodge….[Hawk: “Maybe. Maybe not.” [IM: DMT: Principle.].]….Harry with gun…Doc with wizard staff…..two arms on one side ridiculously….scythe handle without top and another wooden working device [PTHM]…Log Lady: “My log does not judge.” [WRQ: Principle: Wisdom of nature. Oracle of Log.]….milking cans…..tea whistling [FM]…books [LT]….dream catcher like device above [NAM: HQT]… “The owls won’t see us in here.” [AM: DMT: HQT: WRQ: Owl = “In the Egyptian system of hieroglyphs, the owl symbolizes death, night, cold and passivity. It also pertains to the realm of the dead sun, that is, of the sun which has set below the horizon and which is crossing the lake or sea of darkness (19).”17] from end of last episode… “Shut your eyes and you’ll burst into flames.” [HQT: FRT: WRQ]… [Harry: “Thanks Margaret!”]…old fire extinguisher [MNT: FRM]…… [“We’ll let it steep.” [FM: Principle].] HT: “Have you been expecting us, Margaret?” [WRQ]…LL: “You’re two days late. That is your concern.” [HQT]…“My log saw something. Something significant.” [WRQ: LT: Crystal ball? Familiar?]….she is a shaman [WRQ: DMT]…of the log, symbol of the tree [HQT: Tree symbol =18 ]…
Wagon wheel [HQT]… “Tea first, then be ready.” [FM: Principle]….[“My] husband was a logging man.” [HQT]…. “He met the Devil [HQT: WRQ]…[“Fire is the devil hiding like a coward in the smoke.” [DMT: FRT: HQT]… [Doc: “It was a day after the wedding…” [HQT].]… “The woods holds many spirits, doesn’t it, Margaret?” [WRQ: HQT] from Hawk….Cooper leans in and asks….on corner of the shelf… “Dark, laughing… “The Owls were flying…[many things were blocked]….over the bridge…the owls were near…the dark, [the dark] was pressing in on her…[screams far away] terrible…terrible…further up, over the ridge, the owls were silent.”…
Great Northern….sunset sky…Josie smoking…to “Timber Room”…Viking hat women… “Catherine Martell and spouse.”…bright blue dress…. “Go easy on the sauce tonight, Cathy.” [IM: FM]…evergreen tree….two for Twin Peaks on wall…very tall man by pillar [HQT]…Icelandic flag [HQT]….dolphin…[ Major Briggs: “Of course the modern age has changed forever how your people live, Mr. Thorsten, but it would be my guess that there still remains a tremendous vestigial interest in the] legends and folklore of ancient Iceland.” [LT: AT: Principle: WRQ: HQT]….from Colonel….[Jerry:] “American figure of speech.” [IM: “Heppa, heppa.”]…Leland comes in….on face mark…panning around to Horne’s brother…. “I want to cook for you.” [FM]…followed by laughing group of Icelanders… “A socialist who wants to be king.” [HQT: LT]…. [Horne on Iceland:] “Not many trees”…water on his shoe…red large dot tie….Horne’s tie and handkerchief in his pocket…she [Catherine] says, “Hell hath no fury.” [HQT: LT19]… [“Are you familiar with the work of Luke Hanson?”20]…then to Audrey…view of Catherine walking away…she follows….she goes through secret side wall [HQT]….opens up wall spot…watching Catherine and marlin…. [“Let’s keep the melodrama to a minimum [MNT: Principle].]….Fill me in, what’s eating you?” [IM: FM] …. “1,000-dollar poker chip.”… “Jerry gave me that.”…she gives him two slaps and then another…[“It’s a good luck charm. I thought I lost it. I’m so relieved that you found it.” [GT: WRQ].]….Horne kisses her….after the three slaps….daughter is watching….creepy…..[Ben: “I have retained the services of a qualified professional.” [Principle.].]….Audrey is laughing at what she has found…back to singing…Charlie is drinking milk….[“Let me get this straight,] your entire country is above the timberline?” [IM: WRQ: HQT]…strange cupid pin and then people on angle underneath that [AT]….. “We are all Icelanders.” [HQT: MNT: Parallels JFK’s German lines.]… “Ghostwood” Estates
Cooper frustrated with singing….pulls gun…antler on door…314 Pi for room across the hall…Cooper all in black…Audrey is there in the room… “Don’t make me leave.” [HQT]…open mouthed Cooper…ends episode….suspense…[WRQ: Who’s dream now?]
1-7 Realization Time [Transitory Revelations]
Andy in cautiously ….Lucy does not look at him… “Peak Activity Time” [LT: MNT: HQT: Principle]….slowing, zooming in [ZM] to Lucy…red square behind her…..motif….every scene?…red on necklace….Cooper comes in with flute [AT: NAM: Trickster archetype.]….three watching in police office lobby…. [Doc Hayward: “Hill Mina”] bird… “Native to Southeast Asia, Indonesia.” [AM]… [“Its ability to mimic the human voice is amazing.”… “Mimicry is a kind of a play for a mina.” [LT: DMT: AM]… “Hey Waldo, what’s up?” [MNT] …. Doc flannel….deer mounted head to left of Doc and then close up of bird [AM]….Cooper tie…paisley [AT]…Cooper…. “I don’t like birds.” [AM: Birds = “In North America, the supreme Being is often equated with the mythic personification of lightning and thunder as a great bird.” [NAM: Thunderbirds? [WRQ].]… “Why?”…. “It’s urge to mimic.” [HQT: Principle]… “Should return with its good health.” [HQT: Principle.]… [Doc:] “These grapes are right on the edge.” [FM: DMT: MNT]….bird on Laura…. “[Now] we know who and when, but we don’t know why.” [Principle: LT]… “[Voice-activated, Harry.] When the bird talks, maybe we’ll get some answers.” [AM: WRQ]…. “This would be a good job for the Book House Boys.” [HQT: LT] fitting for twin [DMT: “Twin…The respective characteristics of their parents— expressed in landscape- symbolism by the dualism of the mountain (representing heaven) and the valley or water (representing earth)— are not fused in their offspring, but discrete. Thus, one brother may be a fierce hunter, another a peaceful shepherd. In sum, these beings are usually beneficent deities (17). Through the influence of totemism or of animalistic symbolism, they appear fairly often in the symbolic guise of animals: as birds…” [DMT: AM: MNT]21… peak from “Mountain… “The vertical axis of the mountain drawn from it speak down to its base links it with the world-axis, and anatomically, with the spinal column.22]…spotted by Leo…..Radio says, “Better call Hawk on that one.” [MNT: Media forms motif]….Leo’s arm is shown hurt…..through his sights shown [ZM][“Come on lover boy, Leo’s waiting.”]….red hatted figure on way in…..she has the red nails too….red ladder….. “Start over.” [IM: Principle: HQT]…. “Go real slow.” [IM: Principle: HQT]….Bobby listens and doesn’t blink… “Where am I going to hide?” [WRQ: DMT] and red car beflow [“Below”: “be” and “flow” portmanteau.]…. hear whispers [Shade Slit Shadows] …louvered door…Civic award on the right….red box for coworker…..laying there next to Audrey….she keeps smoking… “It’s a unicorn.” [HQT: WRQ]… “Ancient symbol of purity.” [“Unicorn Symbolic of chastity and also an emblem of the sword or the word of God (20, 4). Tradition commonly presents it as a white horse with a single horn sprouting from its forehead, but according to esoteric belief it has a white body, a red head and blue eyes.”23 [Red and blue primary color theme of opposites, fire and water dualism. [DMT].]… “Tamed only by a young heart.”… “They were very pleased with you as well.”
lighter box engraved on counter with 50 cent change and red ash tray….he pockets lighter…. “Hi Harry, glad to see me?” [WRQ]…[Hank: “Harry, I’m innocent.”… Harry: “What you are is on parole, Hank.”
Tux Cooper…[NAM: AM: AT: Totem bird wing projecting from our left.]…POV as he walks close….looks like Bond [LT]…[Harry: “Well now…That’s pretty spiffy, Cooper.” [IM].]…wooden fish above mantel [AT: AM]… “You’re going to be lucky tonight.” [IM: Principle: GT: WRQ]….fisherman behind Cooper chatting [HQT]…[Cooper: “Do you believe her? How much do you know about her? Where she’s from? Who she was before?” [HQT: DMT: WRQ].]… Harry: “What are you getting at?” …. [Cooper:] “The truth. It’s my job.” [HQT: Principle.]… [“That’s good enough for me.” [Principle].]
Totem left….Audrey in [“Yes, it’s still urgent.” [Principle].]…sees the empty hallway…two drinks on bar…tall thin tie man with red and black tie like flannel shirt…snow shoes [HQT]…. “Is everything in order…?” [IM: Principle]…. “Are you suggesting that there is something irregular at work here?” [WRQ]…“Are you an ambitious man…?” [Principle: HQT]…Macbeth [SHM]
“Yeah, it’s our rookie season.” [GT: LT: HQT: IM]… [Blacky: “Well, you just think of this night as Spring Training. With a little luck, you just might make the team.” [HQT: GT: LT].]…“You look like Carey Grant.” [About Cooper: DMT: Bizarro: LT: WRQ]…explore reference….. “Barney and Fred” [Flintstones: AT]…“Both in from the Twin Cities.” [DMT: LT: HQT: Doubles]… “So boys, what’s your pleasure?” [IM: Principle: AT: HQT]… “This might just be your lucky night.” [IM: WRQ]…[Ed: “Luck has nothing to do with it.” [Principle].]…two girls with cards in front of Native American painting [NAM]…dealer with dreads…white van….red and white colors….elbow of statue same as Cooper in pose…..[“Ed, let’s gamble.” [GT: MNT: Principle].]…
Palmer household…house in stairwell…two stairwell pics hit by cousin…she has plastic bag and pink on…Leland is sitting there menacingly [DMT]…in the shadows [of trees: HQT]…not blinking…turning slowly…James outside…piano ascending…orb above James [WRQ]…glare in light of Laura Palmer….cousin….James sees her blond hair…Donna in car…..she has recorder [MNT]……Icelanders singing [HQT: LT: AT]…golden moose or elk [AT: AM: HQT]…..elk methinks [LT]…huge pine cone for Jerry…dots on Horne’s tie…Jerry plane on his hat [HQT]… “The trees.”…. “They worship”… “I caught a couple of them hugging pine.” [HQT: “Natural Mystic” – Bob Marley]… “What’s the catch?” [GT: IM]…. “They want to finalize the deal at One Eyed Jacks.”…spills beer…stain… “Road trip, road trip.” [HQT]…..pine cone blurry….[Remind is strong. Objects of memory.]… Josie and Horne plotting…black jacket Hank there…..wags his finger at her…..she has arms clutched…
1-8 The Last Evening [Of Your “Dying Dream”[1]]
No moon….palm trees [ZM]…Dr. ….noise….pan down sunset scene…mountains…tropical Twin Peaks [DMT]….red ocean [DMT]….sea gulls heard [AM: MNT]…bamboo looks like palm tree trunks [DMT]…..hanging shells [HQT]…. [James: “Weird.” Donna: “Yeah.” [WRQ].]
Roulette wheel…spinning [SM]…above…Wheel of Fortune [GT: WRQ]….woman’s polka dot gloves [AT]…. [“Let it ride.” [IM: GT].]…dice for bow tie for Jacque [GT]… “21, can you beat that?” [IM: GT: HQT]…. “Mother always said I was born lucky.” [WRQ]…. “Maybe later…thanks for asking.”…ploy to get him to lose [GT]…chip… “I’m a friend of Leo’s.”…on camera [MNT]….wheel spinning [SM]….Black Rose doing Tarot…..cross pattern…Wheel of Fortune tarot card…symbolism connected [MNT]…red bow ties for Audrey…red curtains and red lipstick… “You don’t offer and you don’t ask.” [Principle.]…she spreads the cards fluidly [GT: WRQ]…Queen of Diamonds…Black Rose touches her hand intentionally [PTHM]… “I don’t know, mister. Who are you?”… “That chip is of special significance.” [MNT: Twin Peaks is of special significance.]… “Laura.”… “Laura.”…he tries to run away… “We’re in sync now, Jacque. Can you feel it? Can you?…[Good.]” [HQT: LT: GT: “rapport” in Neuro-Linguistic Programming [NLP].]…body posture could have been similar [NLP: GT]….left hand pinky ring for Cooper [PTHM]…the chip [GT]…. “That crazy bird.” [AM: WRQ]… “Had a thing for Laura.” [IM: Who or what didn’t? Consider her powers. [WRQ].] … “Like he’s [Waldo hoping to be found.] in love or something.”… “Getting pretty high. Everybody’s getting pretty crazy.” [MNT]… “Laura’s all tied up.”… “She liked that.” [DMT: WRQ]… Jacque saying, “Bite the
bullet, baby.”[IM]… said up close twice [laughing, ZM]…he’s salivating [AM: DMT: animal behavior]…Cooper is shown eyes up close…[“Thanks for clearing that up.” [IM: Principle: LT: Gratitude and Awareness [G+A].]…Cooper says, “See you on the other side.” [DMT: MNT: season: HQT: reality level: WRQ]…[“Got a trout on the line, Hawk. This one’s a keeper.” [AM: FM: HQT]…
Phone outside Donna’s house and then inside… “All clear.” [IM: Apply to mind:
Principle]…pink sweater….flower pink rose to left of cousin [FM]… [Tape: MNT: Laura
“Thursday the 23rd [Synchronicity: WRQ: HQT] and I’m so bored.”]…“I’m in kind of a weird mood.” [DMT: WRQ: Pink rose suggesting her innocence and how she will be taken like a lily to the field.]… “Right now I can only take so much of sweet.” [Principle: AT: DMT: HQT: Twin Peaks balances.]… “Remember that mystery man I told you about. [If I tell you his name, then you will be in trouble. He wouldn’t be such a mystery man, but you might be history man.”[Principle: WRQ: HQT: Many mysteries meet us in Twin Peaks.]… “As you know I sure got off on it.” [IM: AT: HQT]…about mystery man trying to kill her…. “This man can really light my f i r e….” [IM: FRT: HQT: The Doors: LT: AT]… “His red corvette.”… light to right of Doc between him and Donna…cousin swallows [What awaits?]…
[Josie’s house]….money in box [briefcase]… [“Very generous, Josie. Sitting in that concrete box, ninety grand seemed like all the money in creation. It kept me going.” [IM:
HQT].]…Hank…red Santa stein and then another to the left….mirror [RM]….elk head above [AM: wild theme: hidden or not so hidden abnormality [WRQ: DMT]…Everything and everyone is a bit out of control: “Don’t despair: despair suggests you are in total control and know what is coming. You don’t— surrender to events with hope.” – Alain de Botton24]…[Hank: “It’s a funny thing. Back in the world…Seems kind of light.”]…“We had an agreement.” [IM: Principle: HQT]….[“I’ve been going over this in my mind…If you can follow my thinking. We’re all born into life and we have a certain number of years to move and breathe and have our being. That’s from a book of Oriental Philosophy I read from when I was in the joint. Maybe someone somewhere knows how much time we have?…How does he place value on that time?” [Principle: LT: WRQ: HQT].]…fish on right on counter [AM: FM]….wolf mounted behind Hank, he is a wolf [AM: DMT: wolf = “In Nordic mythology…the wolf appears as a symbol of the principle of evil, within a pattern of ideas which is questionably related to the Gnostic cosmogony. Nordic mythology presupposes that cosmic order is possible only through the temporary shackling of the chaotic and destructive potential of the universe— a potential which (through the process of Symbolic Inversion— q.v.) must triumph in the end. The myth is also connected with all other concepts of the final annihilation of the world, whether by water or by fire.25 [QT: DMT: Frost: AT].]…“18 months…90 thousand”… [“Some unforeseen event kills
you tomorrow.” [WRQ: HQT].]…“As in the case of the boating accident that killed your late husband.” …Hank intentionally shown with antlers above his head as therionthrope [[AM: DMT] man beast creature like centaur, or in this case the Devil or one of his minions. [DMT: WRQ: HQT]…looking down at the back of the head of Josie….angled up to see both of their faces…she is smoking [FRM]….his arms are crossed…. [“You want a lot for your money, and I want a lot for my time.” [Principle: HQT]… “There’s a saying in the joint. It’s not Oriental Philosophy, but it has a similar kind of logic that appeals to my spiritual nature. [HQT: LT: Principle]… Once you’re in business with somebody, you’re in business for life, like a marriage.” [Principle: Polonius: [SHM].].].…he cuts her thumb…and his…blood together… “Partner.”….he licks the blood off his thumb [WRQ]…she wipes it on her lips already red…black fade…
…[Hawk: “Go ahead, give it your best shot.” [GT].]…Andy shuts the doors…[MNT: Saw blade down to him, cutting like the line of Lucy.]…curtains… “If you take the last cup.”…on sign…by counter…kindly…kissing… shot…antlers on the wall [AM]…Andy stone-faced…walks out…pyramid on his jacket [WRQ: HQT]….Lucy…. “Fresh coffee.”… “[James Hurley,] He’s an easy rider.”…Easy Rider reference [“Hey man, I dig time, but I got to go.”… “Simple food for simple taste.” AT: LT: HQT].]… gas tank…plot of movie….
“Bastard hit me with a whiskey bottle.”…blue line…Doc….one eye open like a cat [AM: DMT: MNT: Pete as cat.]….like his glasses….orange and lighter orange curtain…. “He’s too stupid to lie.” [Principle.]… “He’s out of the woods.” [IM: HQT: MNT: We are not.] …fitting line for this show…. “Easter Park.”….pastels….books off shelves [LT]…black bear [AM]…Pete resting with black bear….antlers on the left of Catherine [AM: DMT: Antlers [horns] follow the guilty.]…..Hank on phone…fingers on…..she sends Pete away with a gesture [PTHD: hand gestures carry what power? WRQ]…. “What do you want?” [Ask your Self. [DMT].]… “Talk terms.” [LT: semantics: diplomacy: explore!? General Semantics.26]…Catherine grabs gun…wagon cart on her desk….cage….
“Closed” sign shown [Café]….red top right low….. “Say No to Ghostwood Meeting.” [Dark woods of ghosts, evils, portals… [WRQ: HQT].]…“I can’t blame you for dreaming.” [Principle: MNT: For us watching this dream.]
Leland…stares….no blinking…repeats “hospital” out loud like programmed [possessed] bot…You see him leave between James and Cooper…a red corvette…. “James, what kind of dangerous game have you been playing?” [GT: HQT: WRQ: What game are we/you playing?]…Flashing…Icelanders at One Eyed Jack’s [“I’m so happy; I can’t even say how much.”]…[to] Ben… [Hank on phone:] “Time to black flag that little fire….” [FRT]…Horne… “Proceed.”….Then fire alarm rung [FRT: hospital]….man in black…orange curtains again…Jacque there….hand taped to bed…leather gloves [PTHM]…vitals shown….arms wriggling…..makes dog noise [AM: DMT]…like Bobby before and then whimpers and then flat lined…. it’s Leland
[WRQ: HQT]…he has possessed face…
Cooper shot twice, three times….we hear before he is shot… “Agent Cooper, we have Leo
Johnson”… “He’s been shot.” [WRQ: Parallel synchronicity]…bam bam bam for short season…
- “D.B. Cooper Hijacking,” FBI, accessed June, 4, 2017,
- J. E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, trans. Jack Sage (New York: Philosophical Library, 1962), 91.
- “China’s Five Elements Philosophy: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water,” China Highlights, accessed August 8th, 2017.
- “Giant The deepest and most ancient meaning of the myth of the giant alludes to the supposed existence of an immense, primordial being, whose sacrifice creation was brought forth. This cosmogonic myth was very common among primitive and ancient peoples…Now, the giant is, in himself, neither good nor bad, but merely a quantitative amplification of the ordinary ; hence, as the case may be, there are some legendary giants who are protectors and others who are aggressive…This sense of the giant as ‘that which surpasses’ human stature (here symbolic of power and strength), is also indicative of the broad significance of the giant. He may be an image of the ‘Terrible Father’, arising from childhood memoires— children see their parents as giants— or an image of the unconsciousness, the ‘dark side’ of the personality menacing the Jungian Selbst (21), etc. It is interesting to note that in folklore the giant is tutelary in character : he is usually the defender of the common people against the overlord, upholding their liberties and rights. Without generalization, one implication of the giant may be said to be the personification of collective Man— as implied in the maxim ‘united we stand’— or of the life of a community (16).” [Giant as hero of the common man in Twin Peaks sprung forth by Cooper, hero of Twin Peaks. [LT: DMT: HQT: WRQ].]
J. E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, trans. Jack Sage (New York: Philosophical Library, 1962), 112. - “Dwarf A symbol of ambivalent meaning. Like dactyls, elves and gnomes, the dwarf is the personification of those forces which remain virtually outside of the orbit of consciousness [Dancer at the Black Lodge: Synchronicity here follows, for Dwarf fits as “deity” and Bob is the “demon”? WRQ]. In folklore and mythology, the dwarf appears as a mischievous being, with certain childish characteristics befitting its small size, but also as a protect like the Cabiri—…For Jung, they may be regarded as the guardians of the threshold of the unconscious (32). Now, smallness may be taken also as a sign of deformity, of the abnormal and inferior; this is the explanation, then, of the ‘dancing Shiva’ appearing as an image of a deity dancing upon the prostrate body of a demon-dwarf who symbolizes the ‘blindness of life’, or the ignorance of man (his ‘pettiness’). Victory over this demon signifies true wisdom (60).”
J. E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, trans. Jack Sage (New York: Philosophical
Library, 1962), 87. - “Jack and the Beanstalk,” Sacred Texts, accessed August 14th, 2017. - “This new biography of Henry David Thoreau is the masterpiece he deserves,” Washington Post, accessed August 14th, 2017. - “Easy Rider Quotes,” IMDB, accessed August 14th, 2017.
- “St. Thomas Beckett,” New Advent, accessed August 14th, 2017.
- “Stanley Kubrick’s Unbelievable Answer to the Question: “Is Life Worth Living?” High Existence, accessed June 18, 2017.
- Darkness is: “The dualism of light/darkness does not arise as a symbolic formula of morality until primordial darkness has been split up into light and dark….It corresponds to primigenial chaos. It is also related to mystic nothingness, and, in consequence, Hermetic languare is an obscurum per obscurius, a path leading back to the profound mystery of the Origin. According to Guénon, light is the basic principle behind differentiation and hierarchical order.”
J. E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, trans. Jack Sage (New York: Philosophical Library, 1962), 73. - Henry Dreyfuss, Symbol Sourcebook: An Authoritative Guide to International Graphic Symbols (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1972), 234.
- Ibid.
- Henry Dreyfuss, Symbol Sourcebook: An Authoritative Guide to International Graphic Symbols (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1972), 234-5.
- J. E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, trans. Jack Sage (New York: Philosophical Library, 1962), 25-7.
- Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, accessed July 9, 2017,
- J. E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, trans. Jack Sage (New York: Philosophical Library, 1962), 235-6.
- Tree = “The most essential of traditional symbols…In its most general sense, the symbolism of the tree denotes the life of the cosmos: its consistencies, growth, proliferation, generative and regenerative processes. It stands for inexhaustible life and is therefore equivalent to a symbol of immortality. According to Eliade, the concept of ‘life without death’ stands, ontologically speaking, for ‘absolute reality’ and, consequently, the tree becomes a symbol of this absolute reality, that is, of the centre of the world. Because a tree has a long, vertical shape, the centre-of the-world symbolism is expressed in terms of world-axis (17). The tree, with its roots underground and its branches rising to the sky, symbolizes an upward trend (3) and is therefore related to other symbols, such as the ladder and the mountain, which stand for the general relationship between the ‘three worlds’ (the lower world: the underworld, hell ; the middle world: earth ; the upper world : heaven).” J. E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, trans. Jack Sage (New York: Philosophical
Library, 1962), 328. - “Hell Has No Fury like a Woman Scorned,” The Phrase Finder, accessed July 9, 2017,
- “Luke Hanson,” Internet Movie Database, accessed July 9, 2017,
- [Shadow side and Transformation]
J. E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, trans. Jack Sage
(New York: Philosophical Library, 1962), 336. - [Maybe the spinal column here has twin sides? The earth and the heaven side. The below, or on and the above.]
J. E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, trans. Jack Sage (New York: Philosophical Library, 1962), 208. - Unicorn continued: “Jung, in his work on the relationships between psychology and alchemy, has studied a great many aspects of this fabulous animal, concluding that, broadly speaking, it has no one definite symbolic character but rather many different variants embracing singe-horned animals, both real and fabulous, such has the sword-fish or certain types of dragon…On the other hand, the alchemists made use of its ambivalent implications in order to symbolize Monstrum Hermaphroditum. The universality of this symbolic being, non-existent in nature, is indeed surprising ; it is, for instance, in the Vedas.” [DMT]
J. E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, trans. Jack Sage (New York: Philosophical
Library, 1962), 338. - “50 Aha-Inducing Aphorisms Alain De Bottom Suffering Success,” High Existence, accessed July 23, 2017.
- J. E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, trans. Jack Sage (New York: Philosophical
Library, 1962), 355. - General Semantics Homepage,” General Semantics, accessed July 23, 2017. July 23, 2017.