Seek Further Inward and Outward!?

Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental!? Guide 1-1 Pilot

Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental!? Guide Weird Real(m) Quest(ion)s Introduction & Season 1
[I recommend you read the Introduction before reading this episode.]

Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental!? Guide

1-1 Pilot [, Fly Us Somewhere Strange]

Back to beginning…bird at beginning…before it music…ever(y)green…mountain lavender…factory smoke rising…golden hue…morning light…sparks overflow…turning, cutting, sharpening…logs for logging industry….hand of machine pushes saw blades further…rising music…fade into another view of same… sharpeners ….higher peak of music too…Green Twin Peaks…fade to up close saw blades… “Starring Kyle MacLachlan”…fade to evergreen three trees…huge log….same population…mad mountain Twin Peaks…what do they do to everyone?…made sure there are evergreens in shot…curve of road suggests wonder…curve of river parallels “Everett Ray Wise” wisely fading to falls…down… “Jocelyn Packard”… “Catherine Martell”…actresses indicated for their parts…why them?…fade to river…gentle idyllic ripping water…music tribute water flows like music… “Mark Frost and David Lynch”
Two ducks… overhanging tree…hotel to twin black dogs…mirror red lips…titled head stare…flannel, coffee, thermos, bananas… “Gone fishing.”… reading the paper…slam of door suggests…distance…open mouthed, blinked…Kabuki theater…sound of boat…. “The lonesome foghorn blows.”… You see the wrapped body at the angle of the fishing rod…evergreen…barrel planters….bell of boat…huge log, mold on driftwood…face down body…POV…
Strange cowbell…size of log for perspective…hair shown…phone call, mustache and sideburns…mug in back with purple figure…Lucy Moran…moron…coffee drinking immediately…red pen on left and reddish orange sweater…shield on left of symbolic strength…plants inside…huge tree painting, redwood…“She’s dead”….wrapped in plastic… “Whoa whoa whoa, hold on a second!”…push on door…pushing us and the action forward…pointing fingers….pointing them further… “Not a word about this.”…calendar of orange beautiful trees shown…Twin Peaks’ Bronco….stone in front…fur coat and gray coat…flannel turns away…wrapped body POV…
Bloody wetness…“multitude”….POV behind him… in water…stony beach…tears…pat on back…two birds to right, then bird noises…evergreens… “Going to happen every damn time?” [Andy crying]…Snapping of photo sound… “Let’s roll her over.”…piano music…wood shown to right slightly…POV of her rolled over… facial twitching of flannel… “Laura Palmer”…triumph…. “Laura Palmer”….fist clenched…on counter…smoking….perm… “Yes, I am” under her breath to counter what actually said…bird in window…wreath with band like dream catcher on window [Bird and Native American motifs [BM and NAM respectively.]]…painting at top of stairs as mom checks for Laura Palmer…fan twisting….fan shadow on ceiling below…POV low of her coming down…close up of fan [Spiral motif = SM.] and annoying amplified sound…
Military man getting massage…brown and blue figures on fridge…Native American man on white sill of window… oatmeal cereal to the left…smoke coming out… “Going out with Leland”… [“Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!” ~ The Shadow. Follow the arcs]… “Wonder if she was going out with Leland?”…yes, in a way…boys’ locker-room…friend [Mike] listening in… “Who to call?”
Shot of falls…snow at base…lodge…green light [The Great Gatsby]…The Great Northern evergreen trees…jazzy music Mercedes…black and white shoes highlighted…Canada’s flag lower than USA…fireplace…shown first….spits in fire and apologizes for it….shield like object to the left [Shield motif. Need protection in Twin Peaks.]… [“We have solid information.” “Going to go belly up.” [Animal Motif [AM]]…“Get it for a song: one verse, no chorus.”…Chorus watching this comedy and tragedy- balanced muses: Twin Peaks.] … “Let’s get those cheese eaters…”…two identical looking waiters on right…Native American figures…shields on left, 3 or so….figure on the right…POV of them behind painting of the falls… “My air sacs have never felt so good.”…mulleted attendant…“Make it snappy”…big totem figure weasel, then another painted red… then black in hallway…Harry shown coming in… Harry comes into Great Northern…Bronco shown to Leland’s left…
Yellow phone…she is shaking…puts phone to heart…she already says, “She is dead,” knowing it early [Psychic.]… Harry hand on Leland…lattice to left shoulder…piano comes up again…when she says, “My baby…No no no.”…dramatically… Leland grabs Harry’s jacket…paisley tie of owner [Horne]…high drama music…urn shot of phone sideways down cord, we follow to see where is her moaning from?…not sure…phone is on the ground…now to her screaming face…holding her head…cereal shown…
Cerebral Beetle pulls up….silver hardhat….jukebox….waitress in… “Top Hit” on juke box… “Jumpstarting the old man”… “I thought you Germans were always on time.” [Time theme]…“You care about making time”…Shelly…flannel…red seats….POV pan right of her… “Norma, “I’ll see you in my dreams.” [Immediate connection to dream communication and psychic phenomena.  The show is a dream.  Odd the whole time, like a dream you can’t wake up in or a lucid dream you can’t see the end of.]… “Not if I don’t see you first.”…“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”…eerie creepy piano, silver hat to left…logs behind in truck…“Fat chance.”…“She’s hot to trot for you herself.”… [Idiom motif [IM] and AM.]…
Kissing in car…Twin Peaks’ bend, flashing cop’s car….arm on Bobby….drinking whisky, music hits when she starts with the sips… “Come on cowboy [The Cowboy from Mulholland Drive], light your fire.” [Fire motif [FRM] supports theme of burning transformation, conflict, pain, joy, creativity, freedom, strength [FRT]; Doors reference.] “Just a little pick-me-up before homeroom.”… “I thought I was your little pick me up.” [IM]…
“You are most like a three stage” …. “Rocket.”…[Bobby’s Dad’s Explorations]…“Old man still on the road?” [Jack Kerouac]… “What place?”… “Did he call from?”… [“So quit worrying and start scurrying, Mr. Touchdown.” [JK had football scholarship to Columbia]… “Butte.”….saw truck…symbol of him [Truck motif]….spins around and screeching intensifies threat…light angle of hallway…down from the head… “17 years old”…green chair there…feet exposed…angle…dark lit attendant and body…light on…hand on her face… he touches her chin…attendant, left fist clenched…back to her face and annoying sound like fan…fade to quick fade to
Windy trees [First example of them. Motif [WTM]. Annoying sound to them.  Taking us to the woods.  To the Black Lodge.]
Hands in pocket, chick [Audrey Horne] cardigan brown and orange…red shoes match low red trim…..pixie….smoking cigarette….little plate in her locker…no belt…hands in pocket… “Nice day for a picnic.” [Dramatic Irony [DI]]…boy turns and dances away….cops dance by [Absurdity.  Comic relief from the murder. Shakespearean. Porter after Macbeth’s death.]…Shot corner at angle of friend [Mike] to Bobby…boots… “Somethings up.”…“Where?”… “Principal.”…he [Bobby] snorts and goes in towards it backwards…flat top [Mike]… “Algebra” [Philosophy Math]…Donna Hayward…
Room 10…. “1-42 all” [Douglas Adams] …homework on board…question mark and then “Think” to the right with an explanation point…RAW [Robert Anton Wilson instilled in me that beyond every answer there is another question.]….blue orange and yellowish wall…blue yellow and orange on the left switched…screaming woman in black…Hurley pencil breaks…everyone else is cold…amplifies…. “Abe Lincoln”….panning slowly shot on the right…double “R”…card catalog…panning….silver in Bobby’s pocket…whale fin to left and “Looking for Adventure” [Hike: Quest Theme [HQT]]…world map… “Travel” [TRT] on right…globe green and then red…. “Foods,” [FM] “Art” [AM or AT], “Sports” [Categorized as Game Theme [GT]] [Establishes themes and motifs subliminally.]…..hat on table…he looks away and blinks… “Advised you of your rights…”…Miranda rights yet? [Yes, in perceived time compared to our time.]…
His jacket…interlacing flannel… “Take Bobby out to make his call.” [Laura’s appearance.  She haunts the characters and so does her death.  Is she a ghost?] “I loved her.” [Love is a strange power in Twin Peaks.  Everyone seeks it in other places than where they conventionally should. Twin loves of everyone.]…grabs hands together… chest…vein in neck comes out [Bobby]…. “Cats” on sound board [His pin is a dog? Cat? Baby with a fireman’s helmet on?]…tie of diamonds….pin on [Dale Cooper] crew cut…sharp…panning in empty hallway way… [Where cops and kids danced before.]…echo….glare in middle of hallway…
To grieving woman, then Horne and then to Hurley…cat pin…blinds at different heights [Visual order disturbed]…ascending music as she tears up during announcement of “moment of silence”…no Horne crying…hands held by others…Hurley and her….hand on her shoulder…to cases with her picture [Laura Palmer] as the biggest and many trophies…then a zoom in of it…pearl earring….fade to black…
Then to her picture in her mom’s room…picture is portal [This technique is a motif [PPM].  Fade in and then emerge on the other side, the other scene.]…crying introduction…arm massaging doctor…gray hair…Laura behind her in black and white [Twin Peaks], death colors, to the right of her head as she falls back…picture on shelf [Bob is shown repeatedly in the Sherriff’s office.  Appears more in image than in reality. What is the relationship between both? One manifesting the other?]…two mirrors…boy sitting with white shirt in left mirror of cop…flower wallpaper [Flowers seem certainly a motif.] and flowers on table…partial picture draws you in…
Back to hallway….fan [“Who’s upstairs?” Mrs. Palmer asks and seeks too. Spinning you into the world of Twin Peaks. Into yourself. Into the Universe. Spiral motif. Symbol analysis[1].]
Husband and one of men [Hawk]…lamp in right mirror…squinty sad face…red hair monkey clown nurse on right…closet open…goose with scarf on ground…tissues perfectly raised…flower pattern cover…camera…flower tissue…pink flower on quilt…flower sofa in back love seat or chair…leather belt…constellations on gray haired man….“Good night sweetheart.” [Doo Wop]… Looks almost like white eyes, black, blurred on shelf to right of seated boy…phone calls questions after phone call… breakdown…whisper…center mirror oddly shaped…pattern on cop’s jacket grid like…
Saw mill close up [Back to trailer.  To the relationship between man and the woods, imbalanced as with the timber industry.] Eraserhead intensity…long view off…cutting machinery drone…. “2x4s, 4x2s”… “Station” shown to left of mic…slanting shot…hard hat angled at her… “1989 Fiscal Calendar” on wall…he is grimacing, left mouth twitch and right eye twitch… “Push the plug.”… “Pete, don’t you dare.” [Daring are all in Twin Peaks.  Strong characters abound.]…Catherine… “Shortly, tell the boys to pull the plug.”… “That’s right.”…whistle…red yellow and two blue colored buttons [Primary colors motif of red (Fire Stronger) and blue (Water Weaker)[2].]
Josey Packard… “All work will stop.”
“Pulaski” hard hat same color as mic…. “All work will stop.”…curved blade shown, slowing blade close up [Motif of power tools shown moving up close and hand tools in general shown.  Macbeth theme of the hands. [PTHM]]
Bridge walking, Stand by Me, but more disturbing…same time…when was first? [Stand by Me in 1986]… snow, pure white, compared to her dress…man turns railroad track: “What the hell!?” ….two marks on chest…hands twitching…cord on wrists…bike pulls in… “Harley Premium Gas” shown…light partially shown behind Big Ed’s flannel grunge style…“She was the one.”… “Buy ya a coffee.”…. “You bet.” [GT]… “31002” above door…eye patch… all open lights… “I want those drapes up by nightfall.”…slams door [Strength shown immediately.]… “Big Ed’s Gas”…far rooster on top…jacked up black truck in lot…
Dale Cooper: “11:30 AM Feb 24” [Feb. 11, 2017 while I edit this.]… [“Entering the town of Twin Peaks.”] “Five miles south the Canadian border and 12 miles west of the state line”… [“I’ve never seen so many trees in my life.”] Knock on Philadelphia [As W.C. Fields would say.]…Lamp Lighter Inn… “Slice of cherry pie and cup of coffee…damn that was good”…. “Sherriff Harry S. Truman”….sign shot…Dale Cooper goes by… “What kind of trees? They are really something!”…
Room 323 [23 skidoo continued]…long shot walk…clear reflection on left…green “Exit”…. “Exit” as they leave…..long view….line of lights…light in door at end…infinity [Lemniscate symbol has twin loops. ∞]…“What kind of fantastic trees have you got growing around here?”…. “Big, majestic.”… [“Douglas Fir.”]… [Serious, then whimsical, then serious DC.]…
Shifts to coroner’s report…..back and forth…mundane and work… “Very grateful”…blue curtain on left and being on right…reflection in in the windows…beeping heard as they enter… “First question…”… “Any connection to the dead girl?” [Do we have any connection to the dead girl? Seemingly, yes.]…light beam by Harry’s eye…white black polka dot doctor blouse matches…“I’d like to examine her fingers.” [PTHM and GT]…tissue prepped upright…magnifying glass… “No, don’t go there!”…triggered by her hand…Ronny…blue lines to right of Cooper…stairs shown…switch between shots…doctor’s first appearance chases them down…hula hooper tie [GT. The experts are playful. Dale, yes. Others?]…stairs to right of head…“Gary Cooper.”…“Agent Cooper.”… “Dr. Lawrence Jacoby.” Playing with hula hooper while he is talking about Laura [Who “played very serious games.”]…creeper laugh… “That guy’s a psychiatrist?” [Who is who in this identity twister?]…
Flickering fluorescent lights…“Bad transformer.”…close shot of tweezers…nail shot shown for disturbing realism…[Zoom Motif [ZM]]…mouth movements with hand movements…recorder part of painting to right of Harry…“Let’s see what he left us.”[Cooper]… “Bag and tag this.”… “Let me in on whatever the hell is going on here!” [Truman]… “Sheriff, we have a lot to talk about.”… [As a result of this show, we have a lot to talk about.  Your mind has a lot to talk to itself about.]…
Wagon brown in lot by brown trees…Buick…grid with curve symbol on tire…truck to match station… “All repairs strictly cash.” [Lost transactions]…hanging buck…hug…grid of corrugated plastic lit from sun showing under overhang… “Already been up to the Road House.”…Road House coincidence [Connection to the film, released in 1989.]…
“What the hell are you doing?”… “He’s my best friend, you’re supposed to be with me.”… “Muffle it, junior.”…
Bell as he peels out… “Well, I sure know how to pick em.” [Donna]…fittingly, pirate screams at Ed…he “knows how to pick em too.”…
“Donna, you take it easy.” [Not very easy to take it easy during this show. [IM].  Water flowing, but after the falls? The fall? Finnegans Wake: “First we feel and then we fall…”
– Joyce]…
Twin Peaks Sheriff’s Dept., rock centered…behind blinds is far view with trees…jazz drumming recording, “Asparagus for dinner again?”… “Does this mean I will never grow up?”… “One out of 26.”… “Have you ever been surprised before?”… “Maybe we will both find out a few things about Laura Palmer.” [Learning Theme [LT]]… “Red and green chocolate bunnies.”…pan left low cloud…red and green car…cable to left of dweeb…all yellow “Reflection” [Principle] calendar to left of ditz… “I didn’t cry” as he is crying… Lucy shown for door tag…slow pan in, dripping, tape calculator positioned perfectly to left emphasizing her duty….
Video center silent… [Flickering paused status jars as galvanizing mystique of Twin Peaks.]… “Constitutional Right.”…“Bobby, did you kill Laura Palmer?”… “So what?”…smiles after Bobby’s rant… [“Here’s how this works.”]… “We ask the questions and you answer the questions.  We ask briefly and to the point.” [LT] [Dale Cooper and Twin Peaks [Meta]]…remote with cord…Laura Palmer and Donna playing [GT]…. “Who shot this video?”…point a finger at Bobby…remains open mouthed…picnic blanket classic red and white, remote down and calculating… [Dale Cooper uses graphing calculator text function to communicate during the interrogation. Edge of technology and media.]… “Hint first initial ‘J.’”…Laura Palmer close-up in eye, blue, and he moves closer… “You didn’t love her anyway.”…reflection [RM] of TV on table…pencil in coffee…
Concierge, eagle on desk [AM], brochures to right, turning intentionally annoyingly, design behind…otter?…to left… “What would happen?”… “You wouldn’t.”…spilling more as she holds it and tries to clean… “Audrey, don’t go in there.”… “Seattle” [TRT.  Pacific Northwest locators.  Twin Peaks Geography.]…seen in brochures…mighty totem and angled candles, eagle top contains snow shoes and blanket or skin… “Is there something wrong, young pretty girl?”…face down on a rocky beach… music stops with their thoughts and comedic reactions synchronized to her tragedy…one leg up on wall…attitude…red jacket…black jacket… “Hey buddy.”… “Straightened her out yet.” [IM]… “We’ll finish this quick.”… Lucy, purple sunset sky…
“I’ll be home this evening if you need a sympathetic ear.” [Meta-narrative [MNT] about the show, for it is so disturbing and strange some may want the same “sympathetic ear.”]…
Push lower left…log truck parked outside…black reflection on screen… “Is there some law against having a picnic?” [ [GT]“This is the real secret of life — to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play.” – Alan Watts[3]]…
…Music… “Limping hiker came.”… “I forgot, I don’t know.”…chiming, climbing… “Who are you protecting?” [Truly, in your own life, who are you protecting?  What aspects of yourself?  Inside and outside both have their peaks. Ying yang of Taoism communicated later in the third episode, “Zen, or the Skill to Catch a Killer.”] “Much more serious than you know.”…blinks and swallows simultaneously [Dual mountain Theme [DMT]]….Laura Palmer on screen as he ends….still there…orange, yellow and green with butterfly pin…picture to right of Harry of who?…a biker…her eye shot looks like a hog in her eye [AM]… “Holy smokey,” [IM] Lucy repeats…cut to his bike and his pensive holding on bike…peaks in distance…firs in distance… “The Norwegians are leaving,” repeated… [[TRT] East and West through Americans, Canadians, Norwegians and Japanese as well as Tibetan and Buddhist references.]…bell ringing…hat with plume on it leaving… “You stay out of this.” [[MNT] Should you? You’ve come so far!]…comical Audrey music…
To mist, and then shotguns pointed at the green train, and Agent and Harry searching with light…blood on diamond plate, towel dripping sound, hamper and bag, necklace in dirt, “4:10 afternoon at the scene of the crime.”… “Gold heart, correction half a heart.” [Twin Forms of Twin Peaks [DMT]]…paper, “Fire Walk With Me.”…tone changes, blood to the right… “You and I gotta figure out who has the other half of that heart.” [What is needed for your heart to be full? If it is full, what have you filled it with?]… Pan right to James and his bike…viewing of him viewing and then his over shoulder shot of half heart…banging… headdress, giant lion [AM], dollar house, wooden spiral steps up front out of focus…  “Laura isn’t coming to work with him”…line…banging continues…her reflection [RM] walking up the steps in the mirror…her head there absurdly… “Oh it fell down.”…“I’d say about 6 months.”… “World…”… “Harry, man oh man.”…wires to right of Cooper…“Over 10k. That’s a lot of Girl Scout cookies.” [What is the Girl Scout’s motto? “Do a good turn daily.”[Principle]]…he wears pinky ring…truck shown and then faded into shot from before examined drinking…shaking head…shot of train zoom in…red lamp… “Shelly sit down here a minute and help me out.”… “I’m going to snap your neck like a twig.” [IM]…
Back to Big Ed’s, goose on top…bear with salmon on left [AM]… “I have to see you. Meet you at the Road House, around 930.”… “Alright, sweet heart.”…jazz drumming in…blinds worked manically….no emotion on her face…town meeting…snowy land with fence behind them as they talk about snow [MNT]…hat centered… “Who’s the babe?”…Log lady shown first time to left. [The odd side.]…man looks over once as we enter in view and then away again… “Who’s the glad handing dandy?”…Benjamin Horne…
Hammer hammer and lights flicker…Log Lady…more of painting of Twin Peaks…screech of mic…lights above very bright…angel wing cloud to right of Cooper…flag to left balanced…flag with flowers to left of senile old man…man with black hat and walking stick… “Teach them a degree of caution that will protect them in the days and weeks to come.” [Principle: LT: HQT: AT: Matches Shield motif]…
To green light and then yellow and then closer for red shot with weird wind sounds…fade to
Pan up wheel chair woman…tiles…fireplace… “Leland made it through somehow. End is the beginning. The brutality. The madness of it.”… [“The horror! The horror!” -Colonel Kurtz, Heart of Darkness]…
“Wisely, I supposed.” [Association between Owl and Wisdom seems reversed in Twin Peaks]…view from stairs red tulips very bright…fire frames triangle and is triangle [Alchemical symbol of fire is upward facing triangle.[4]]…Donna is listening with orange sweater…light to her right yellow…panes of open door at stair…man in white paints to left of door…pillow… “The blossom of the evening or the full flower of the evening?” [Poetic Romantic Twin Peaks]…pattern on her sister’s sweater like quilt…
“Mike, Mr. Bonehead Boyfriend.”… “It’s really, really serious.”…globe, fake bird with cage bird to the right…rooster on wheels for kids [AM]…panning in as she exits the wind….elephant coat holder on door…flower on corner of bed…paisley sheets…..pets…jazzy music Bobby’s black car…each throws a can out…woody Cherokee [NAM] to right behind them…man with white pants…suspenders… “Hi, Dr. Hillman.”…Bobby on car surfing and drinking… “361” on his jacket…she shuts door after them…she quotes… “The best laid plans of mice and men.”…he’s surfing… “I am going to tell it to you and I am going to tell you it straight.”…Harriet [DI and IM]… “33111” address behind… line of lights on right of hood [RM]…calculate numbers shown… reflection of dashboard on hood…half top of head… “You betcha.”…
Track Road House, singing, leather jacketed dreaminess…biker on left with pony tail…looks like Coors Light for Ed, flower sweater, red booth is bridge like so many other reds.
He has a neck tie holder of a horned quadruped, bull or stag [AM]…shiny buttons of booth…back to singing with large trapezoid connected wood pieces…red lights like so many others…burgundy curtain…music still heard while Cooper is whittling…noise after one of lines… “There’s liable to be a little trouble this evening.”…whole band shot, braided blond at the table…shoulder right of dancer swaying with the singer…enter red jacket with cigarette…Bobby plays with his zipper…pilot hat for one biker…[Joe: “Just crawled in.” [AM]]…Scotty stares at them…
“Oh what a wonderful world.”… Donna biked there…a little whistle… “I can see which way the wind is blowing.”…thumbs up from Cooper…then to slow dancing…wooden barrels upon entrance…multiple taps behind them and bottle on the bar top…behind green and brown bottle… “Get your hands off me.”…exit to left far view…dramatic fight…Donna snuck out… “Don’t worry I will take to you to James.”… White bike [Black vs. white, chessboard, light vs. dark [LDM] [GT]]…
Brown El Camino…“I suppose you want me to follow them at a discreet distance.”…“Harry, you are alright.”[Aspiration: Cooper’s approval.]…lit bridge tunnel to explore…two on the ground…more than that…holding one’s face…cars turning in…gas station sign shown down toward arrows…“Give me a donut.”…
Into the woods [Levels of Dante’s Inferno.]…darkness… hear/here the woods… “Well Harry, I think we lost them.” [POV]… [ “Old logging road.” -Harry]… back to trees…focus off and then on…Joe is thanked by James…he rests on bike…she has a red dress, of course…half eye shown, all of James’ face… “It was kind of like a nightmare.” [[MNT] We are at the beginning of a nightmare. But this dream is a quest, so the journey has Heaven and Hell, Comedy and Tragedy.] “Donna, she was a different person.” [How will we be after what we have seen?]… “There were things she was involved with…”… [“Things she let herself get pulled into.”]…“She said something about a guy getting killed.”… “It all makes some kind of terrible sense that she died.” “Half the time she wasn’t making any sense.” [MNT]… “I couldn’t calm her down.”… “At Sparkwood and 21.”….the light…
“I looked into her eyes and they were clear.” [Full Circle in the Black Lodge]… [“She sounded so desperate.”]…climbing piano stroking of the head close shot to kissing…ear framing with finger on one side and then different when shot back ….one finger was in front and then different position….“I changed my mind. I am not sorry.” [What is there to apologize for?]… James’ response to kissing Donna… “Oh James, those are sirens.” [Odysseus’ knows the Way. [HQT]]…view up to them and then from ground evergreen twig by rock…shot up…trees lit…bike lights all…rock is dark….
Jazzy and donut eating, Cooper, “What goes around comes around.” [IM and Principle]…POV from car…from him with his hands up to him being walked through the door…fleur-de-lis[5] on wall silver in plaque…hand on shoulder led away…fleur-del-lis to right of her partially obscured…
“You!”…he is watching them, eyes framed between the bars…Bobby has eyes between the bars…shifting perspective slightly…piano creeping in…father and daughter…to donut display first time….watched by officials…extra jelly donuts…conference room…donut display…Great Northern… “Get the chance to knock off early.”…“Tomorrow comes early.” Cooper [Principle]…Harry smiles as Cooper narrates his life to Diane… [[MNT] Self-referential nature of the show.  Self-dialoguing.  Multiple mediums.] Bobby: “When you least expect it.”…barking [Bob behavior mirrored.  Animal nature of those woods. Perhaps it increases within each person. Hence, they each have such difficulty with control. [AM]]…nose shown as he behaved dog like…screaming more, Bobby sounds altered [By Laura? Bob?]…long silence…
Log where she [Laura Palmer] was discovered…Harry, totem shown outside…kiss almost under the light wire close…flower urn…square with center circle lampshade…flower curtain… [Palmer is the bizzaro, disturbed Juliet, the flower frozen by the frost. Many Romeos still alive and connected/affected.]…ship shown with painting of ship behind [MNT]…log focused on…hugging while staring at the scene of the drop off… close up of the body spot…to the swinging red light [“Death throes and sublimation.”[6]]… …opposed to the green before…then to Mom with Laura picture staring to her left and then to hallway with ominous mechanical sound [of the spiral/fan [SM]]…then POV of rock seeker…vision shown…mom, she screams…necklace, grabs it as she screams…leather gloves….Laura Palmer shown as the music ascends…. [Separation Complete [HQT]]
[1]Creation: In the Egyptian system of hieroglyphics, the whole process of creation is expressed by four signs: the spiral, as the symbol of cosmic energy; the squared spiral, as the symbol of the works of this energy within the heart of matter; a formless mass, matter (19). There is, then, a duality of the greatest theoretical importance— two paths: that by which abstract energy develops towards energy as an organizing force, and that followed by pure matter towards a state of matter ruled by a given order.  Here lies the explanation of the process of all creation in its two most essential aspects: that of energy-content, and that of material form.”
  1. E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, trans. Jack Sage
(New York: Philosophical Library, 1962), 63.
[First, this book was selected by me at the beginning of the work for use as the basis for symbolic analysis besides the book in my brain.  I had been gifted this book by a family friend who sparked in me my love of philosophy and gave me my earliest books on the subject.  This is the first entry for “spiral” in the index. I may look at others, but this works for now.  Since synchronicity is a path, I will follow this one.  The spiral as cosmic energy strikes me profoundly for I have always associated the spiral with inward journey since Robert Anton Wilson got it in my head through his spiral ring and spiraling ring of ideas.  We have the spiral as macrocosm and microcosm.  The duality of Twin Peaks as “energy-content” and “material form.” These two energies interacting: may the former be the meaning and the latter be the medium.  Both energies, or “peaks,” are analyzed here.]
[2]           Henry Dreyfuss, Symbol Sourcebook: An Authoritative Guide to International Graphic
Symbols (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1972), 231-239.
From its “Color Section,” a “glossary of the symbology of color”: “Red on road signs always means NO or DON’T, whereas blue means YES or DO.” “Color creates instant impact…Indeed, one’s attention is often captured by color before the form or composition is completely distinct.” Red: “POSITIVE ASSOCIATIONS Blood (life), fire (warmth, passion, sentiment, valor, patriotism, revolution, Christ, liberty NEGATIVE ASSOCIATIONS Blood (spilled), fire (burning), death throes and sublimation, wounds, surging and tearing emotions, passions, war, anarchy, revolution, martyrdom, danger, the devil” Blue: “POSITIVE ASSOCIATIONS The sky, Light blue connotes day, the calm sea; thinking, religious feeling, devotion, innocence, truth, constancy, justice, charity, cold NEGATIVE ASSOCIATIONS Dark blue connotes night and the stormy sea, doubt and discouragement”
[3]  “The Essence of Alan Watts (1977),” Accessed May 21, 2017.
I intended to use Watts’ point in a lecture where walking without purpose was viewed suspiciously, but I found this quote instead.  It emphasizes the game theme of Twin Peaks and that principle applied to life.  Watts’ wisdom also connects to Clarisse in Fahrenheit 451 noting the aggressively stupefying rush of her dystopia.
[4]           Henry Dreyfuss, Symbol Sourcebook: An Authoritative Guide to International Graphic
Symbols (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1972), 86.
[5] “A heraldic flower, non-existent in nature, which has been a symbol of royalty from the earliest times. As an emblem, its base is an inverted triangle representing water; above it is a cross (expressing ‘Conjunction’ and spiritual achievement)…the central arm is straight and reaches up heavenwards, the symbolism being self-evident (59). During the Middle Ages the lis was regarded as an emblem of illumination and as an attribute of the Lord (4).”
  1. E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, trans. Jack Sage
(New York: Philosophical Library, 1962), 103.
[6]            Henry Dreyfuss, Symbol Sourcebook: An Authoritative Guide to International Graphic
Symbols (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1972), 234.

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