Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental!? Guide 2-18 On the Wings of Love [Flights of Romance [MNT: AM: IM: AT: HQT].]
Bird theme, love birds flying into dreamspace mountains through the valleys and river on the roads and through the woods [MNT: AM: HQT]…road to falls… “Fe[n]n,” “Frost,” “Lipton,” “Marshall,” “[Everett] McGill”… [“Everett” =] “brave as boar” [AM: HQT]… “Nance”…. “Packard”… “Martell”….bird sound into [AM: MNT] …..
Dead deer and call [AM]…green angled back….Native American flute…call…books [LT]…figure with basket on black book…angled series… Oedipus [LT: WRQ]…list of books…Unconscious who?…books under arm…Book House Boy…red books on bottom…Harry Truman, whiskey bottle [FM]…and beer bottle same angle [FM] …others up…hand of who? [PTHM]….Harry Truman unaware…..hand of…..Eckhart’s woman….one shoulder strap off… “Do you like that?” [MNT: WRQ]…twinkly sound of perfume….poison…blue….dark…ceiling vines [WTM: AT]…lips…chimes….necklace looks like moon on Harry Truman….angled to face, his neck….succubus [WRQ]…..now blurry into Josie [WRQ]…..echoes….of those from beyond [WRQ]…..shine of garrote…gun by bed shown before….always known…thumb defense [PTHM: HQT]….elbows work….straight right…trophy now a weapon [PTHM: HQT]…nice punch….pattern on gold couch…floral [FLM: AT]…man in picture to right [AT]…to…
Falls…same music continues…then to steaming what?…sweater …Zane: [“You can just put it on the table.” [PTHM: Principle].]…same color as totems [AT: NAM]….Great Northern…white red black…orange juice [FM]….[Audrey:] “Your sleep was untroubled.” [MNT: Principle]…“We aim to make your stay as comfortable and as enjoyable possible.” [Principle: AT: HQT]….red and blue on plans in the back [DMT]….[JJW: “Do you remember your grandfather…colorful man, one of the wisest men I have ever met. You know what he said: ‘If you want to bring a hammer, bring nails.’” [PTHM: Principle].]…[JJW:] “Be yourself.”…[Audrey:] “I am being myself.”…[JJW: “I stand corrected.” [IM: LT: DMT: WRQ: Double Bind of Identity [DBOI].]…Audrey looks up and winks… “You have an undeniable magick about you that inspires a plan.” [Principle: MNT: WRQ]…jazz…smiles….repeat of hammer line…glass[es] on…arms wide and smiles…
“Keep this door locked all times.” [Prison Door Sign]…sound affects Harry… “Southern African Consulate.” [LT: HQT]…[Cooper insightfully:] “Jealousy.”…[Harry: “Take me a day or two to] get my sea legs.”…[Cooper: “To be honest, it looks like you] went down with the ship.” [IM: HQT]… “All I need is [some] coffee and [maybe] a little food.”… “Big biscuits smothered in gravy…[anchovies…” [AM: FM: Cooper’s Hangover].]…into the men… “That should do it.”….description is the trick [MNT: AT: Principle]…
[Doc Hayward:] “Bonsai, [the ultimate miniature [AT: WTM].]….[Cooper:] “Bicarbonate of Soda, the Ultimate Digestive Aid.” [FM: Principle]… “Quaff in Good Health.” [FM: Principle]…Cooper’s additions to the room… a plant gift….[Harry:] “Where the hell did that come from?” [IM: WRQ: GT: HQT]…brown-stained bird facing Harry Truman [AM]… “No, who?”…antelope bookend… “Knight to king bishop 2.” [GT: HQT]….ceiling beams [AT]…[Cooper: “Brace yourself.”…David Lynch [MNT]…red a bit of flannel in shot…light into corner above file …focus on bonsai [ZM]….rock?…[GC: “Giving you the classified portion of the Windom Earle dossier…Been over] to Bend Oregon, [a whole lot of shaking going on..” [LT: AT: HQT].]…
[Windom Earle:] “Enter Gordon Cole.”…. “Refusing to play fair.”…
[GC:] “Went boing-oing-oing” [WRQ]…[Hayward:] “The one armed man.”….[GC:] “You got it.”… “Definite schizoid maneuvering.” [WRQ]…
[Cooper:] “Project Bluebook.” [WRQ[1]]…[GC:] “1965.”…. [Harry:] “Investigating UFOs?”… “They’re some curious linkages here.” [LT: HQT]…[GC:] “The word ‘linkage’ reminds me of sausage…[but breakfast is a really good idea.” [FM: Principle].]…. “Remember those old World War II movies.” [AT: HQT]… “Bonsai!” [DI: HQT]….. Gordon attacks sonically… “Brand new issue.”… “More accurate and efficient.” [PTHM: LT: Principle]…road behind Gordon [MNT: AT: HQT]….thumbs up together [PTHM: Principle]…blue folder…then red on left [DMT]…red button just in shot on phone….
Cards, back to Tarot? [No: GT: WRQ]…game [GT: HQT]…red for Leo…angled object in shot parallel with light…green Donna on the image….Audrey is Queen of Diamonds [AT: HQT: Wealthiest?: ]…Spades is Queen Shelly [PTHM: Would use a shovel most out of them?]…hand motion [PTHM]….blurry vertical bands of light behind Leo… “Little Dale King” [HQT]]…magic trick behind Leo’s ear [WRQ]… “Miss Twin Peaks” [AT]…into Shelly’s image…Leo is realizing…faceless into the Joker on Queen of Hearts [GT: WRQ]…Cooper is King of Spades… “Cooper gets to watch.” [WRQ]…he is tilted up and looking down on them…manically laughing as shot is zoomed into Cooper’s [ZM: WRQ]…curves on sword [PTHM: HQT]….fade to…
Black to Great Northern…Donna’s pink car…mom in wheel chair there…fish jumping on bottom shelf [AM: AT]…woman walking by long hair…red on the top left inside of the basket [PTHM]…mom and Horne [i]n shot…she is framed with red mouth of totem face there by counter [MNT: NAM: AT]…Nadine there at the counter…lollipop for Nadine [PTHM: FM]… “Check in” just in the frame [MNT]…. “Registra[tion]”…ear drops…. [Donna:] “This might sound a little strange.” [MNT: WRQ]….dark sweater and gray blue for Audrey…to…
Fire [FRT: MNT]…dark noises…joystick of her wheelchair by the fire…Horne covering fire…jumping fish again above mantel [AM: AT]…mandala from Tibet for the rug [AT]…. [Eileen: “You’ll only succeed in ripping apart] old wounds.” [Principle: MNT: Previous episode’s title of “Wounds and Scars”]…pin on his suit [AT]…Horne’s suit…pine weasel [AM: HQT]…[Horne: “I want my actions to speak for me.” [IM: Principle: HQT]…[Eileen: “Sometimes making up for things only makes it worse.” [Principle: HQT].]…paisley black and white dress for Donna’s mom [DMT: AT]…shiny pin in light [AT]… “I haven’t held you since that night.….I want to go back”…flash on the handle…POV of Horne behind…he licks his lips….secret space…view of them….mom and then Ben…[Eileen:] “You must stay away from me.”…[Horne:] “I understand…I hope you do” [Principle: MNT: LT]…shape of hole is organic…[Donna:] “But I’m going to find out.”….
Waist height…Log Lady…sideways wood pin for Log Lady [MNT: AT]….cedar [WTM]…[GC:] “A steak so rare you could sell it at Tiffany’s.” [FM: AT: LT]…“Nation barber shop” [Sign outside window of Double R]… “Holy smokes, who is that?” [IM]….two cones [FM]… “What a beauty!” [AT]…[Cooper:] “Venus de Milo.” [AT]…bridge there….[GC: “I try my hand at a little counter] Esperanto [IM: PTHM: LT].]…Toad there….. “Strong black coffee” [FM]…. “Engage you with an anecdote of no small amusement.” [MNT: Principle]….Toad is blurry behind… “I feel as though my stomach is full of bumble bees.” [AM]….diamond earrings… “Say something else.” [MNT: Principle]…[Shelly:] “Do you want pie with your coffee?” [FM]…[GC:] “This is like some kind of miracle….phenomena.” [MNT: WRQ]…[Log Lady: “What’s wrong with miracles?] This cherry pie is a miracle.” [FM: WRQ]…cherry pie on right of Shelly…toothpick cabin…[GC] “My socks are on fire.” [IM: FRT]…back to symbol [AT: WRQ]….now four parts….Cooper sees…through the yellow slats….Twin Peaks’ mountains for menus…orange kitty by door as he walks out [AM: AT]…“Chickadee on [a] Dodge Dart.”….. [Harry:] “A finch.” [AM: LT]…..Doo Wop [AT]….[Annie:] “Cup of deep black joe?” [FM: Principle]…[Cooper:] “You bet.” [IM: GT]…bridge shown angled towards Harry Truman… “I’ll try some coffee”….shield, brown, on the right [AT: PTHM: HQT]…. “I’m fine…I’m weird…it feels odd being here…I’ve [been out of circulation so long that I have] completely forg[o]t[ten] my social niceties…you must think I am really strange.” [MNT: WRQ]…. Cooper: “If I thought you were strange, I would tell you.” [Principle]…[Annie:] “Good choice, all the major food groups represented” [FM: Principle]…[Cooper:] “Dollop.”…. “I heard that” from Gordon Cole crosses with Cooper’s penguin joke… “Who said anything” about joke…holding a pin [PTHM: AT]….Gordon’s lips are read…. “I plan on writing an epic poem about this gorgeous pie.” [FM: AT: HQT]…laughs….[Annie:] “Owl cave.” [WRQ: HQT: cave = “Broadly speaking, its meaning is probably confined to that of the general symbolism of containment, of the enclosed, or the concealed. It underlies certain images such as the mediaeval cave, which symbolized the human heart as the spiritual ‘centre’ (14). For Jung, it stands for security and the impregnability of the unconscious. It appears fairly often in emblematic and mythological iconography as the meeting-place for figures of deities, forebears or archetypes, becoming therefore an objective image of Hades, although still expressive of the psychological unconscious (32).”[2]: Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave”]…design… [Cooper:] “I combined Major Briggs tattoo with the Log Lady’s.”…down right gray slat for tie on black…snowflakes on napkin under symbol [AT]…
“San Fran” post card [LT: HQT]….yellow stained glass [AT]…picture….[James:] “Everything feels different when you’re on the move.” [Principle: Relativity: MNT: Comment by Nadine in previous episode: HQT]… “San Francisco is really cool.” [Principle: HQT]… “I’ll be back with a million stories, I promise.” [Principle: MNT: LT: AT: HQT]…light of window…picture on mantel to left of Doc [AT]…flowers on left and right [FLM]….plants on paper…blue squares on both sides of Doc….black flower on Donna’s blouse [FLM: AT]….helmet blue with gold band in between down the middle [HQT]…[Doc:] “One of those heal the pl[anet] things.” [Principle: HQT]…breathing deeply Doc…flowers [FLM]…blue square again…open-mouthed Doc…in zoom and dark ominous music [ZM]…
Across books…must see…mountain river on wall [AT: HQT]…pipe inside library… “One should never allow one’s mind and one’s foot to wander at the same time.” [Principle: LT]…. “What brings you to [the library?” [LT: HQT].]… [Audrey:] “Civil disobedience.” [LT: Thoreau[3]: HQT]….[Earle: “Good for you. It is incumbent on the young to disobey” [Principle: HQT].]… “Poetry is my area of expertise.” [AT: LT]…light on smoke for us to see…[Audrey:] “The waves clasp one another.”….this line too… “What is all this sweet work worth?’ [MNT: Principle: AT: LT: HQT]…[“Audrey]…you look very much like a queen.” [AT: GT: WRQ]…light on smoke rings…
Eggs [FM]…to “Twin Peaks” framed contest winner [AT]…Sunset sun picture on back wall…[Annie:] “I think the [real] world is strange enough.” [MNT: Principle: WRQ]…[Shelly:] “So what’s it like to be back in civilization?” [LT: WRQ]…blurry homemade soups…. “That’s a good guess.”…[Annie:] “Out on parole.”…Hank [MNT]…divided cross symbol on Shelly’s silver diamonds…[Annie:] “You have it all wrong. [I am] not even remotely interested.”…
Down black rope [PTHM: HQT]…Tibet book on desk [LT]…leaf for pin [AT]…Lucy Moran tag just shown…Andy down…huge tree behind…[Lucy:] “Weasel riot yesterday”…[Andy:] “Keeping the peace is part of my job.” [Principle: HQT]…lake behind L…[Lucy: “Spelunking…is it dangerous?”….[Andy:] “Sometimes” [MNT]….reflection of mountain in lake behind L [RM: AT]…[Lucy: “I know that you will be strong. I know that you will be brave.] I want you to promise me that you will be careful.” [Principle: HQT]…radio just in view through glass…to…
Chessboard [CHM: GT]…animal stone dishes [AM: AT: FM: PTHM]…road again shown as DC comes in [AT: HQT]… “Thus losing his initial advantage”… “Then a descent into a cool, subterranean cave will be just what the doctor ordered.” [Principle: HQT]…chains on guns…. “The old tuning fork test.” [PTHM: AT: LT: HQT]…
Waterfall…hole?…no buffalo?…red and blue [DMT]…bright red…blue arrow on it…then yellow too on it…primary colors coming through [AT]…[Horne:] “Jack Kennedy” …carrot pointer [FM: PTHM]…light on pin again [AM: AT]…. “Bay of Pigs….Russians….into Fidel’s backyard.” [LT: WRQ: HQT]…shoulder thrown… “It’s the unvarnished truth that I am looking for.” [Principle: LT: HQT]…carrot point… “You are the best man for the job.” [IM: HQT]…cross over for Audrey…cry of her brother/his son from outside… “Who am I kidding?… sleazy, rapacious heel”…. “I’ve changed…and I am determined to be a better person. [“The kind of father you will respect someday.” [Principle: LT: HQT].]….cry again from brother… “When I think about the mistakes I have made…I want to build a life in happiness [for our whole family. You, me. [DI: Son left out.: HQT].]…[Audrey:] “Daddy I’m your man.” [IM: DMT]…shake…sensational…red of lumberjack shirt…white turtleneck…animal [AM]…[Horne:] “Seattle….breakfast confab with the environmentalists…here are the particulars…time place so on… …bring us back good news…. travel safely.” [HQT]…arm down gesture [PTHM]…opposite sides of the couch…light in towards table on the side…throne chair to left of Horne [AT: HQT]…. “I am filled to the brim….with the feeling of bliss [like a Christmas Tree all lit up inside.” [Principle: HQT: “Follow Your Bliss.” Joseph Campbell[4]].]…arm up on couch…. “I have to face the fact that I really don’t know how to be good.” [LT: HQT]….carrot in shot [FM]…[JJW:] “Keep your eye on your heart and always tell the truth.” [HQT]….[Horne:] “Always tell the hardest truth first….this truth business is [clearly] at the forefront [of goodness…that’s a hard truth.” [Principle: LT: HQT].]…carrot out for John… “What a wonderful world we live in.” [Principle]…son screams [MNT: DI: DMT]…fades to…
Black…Owl Cave [AM: WRQ].…lights on it…Broncos [AT: HQT]…hand up rock [PTHM]…..light on wall… from helmet…yellow on helmet….orange and black ropes…like totems’ color [NAM]…lights on both sides of the cave….dust from ground…light beams…[Hawk:] “Used to play here when I was a kid…used to pretend it was haunted by [fierce] ghost[s]” [GT: WRQ]…to light….into camera… “symbol” on the wall…birdlike [AM]…three big beams and three small…beams….diamond flying upward…light to the right…. “Two symbols combined into a larger whole, [but for what purpose?” [Principle: AT: WRQ].]….[Harry:] “Beats me.” [IM: GT: LT]…[Cooper:] “Tattoos are the question. This must be the answer.” [AT: LT: HQT]….up diamond, cabin to fire…to owl eye and it turning [AM: WRQ]….back to Cooper’s view….back to owl…calling…neck….flying at them…over [AM: WRQ]…Andy waves polearm [PTHM]…owl through light…like bat…Andy’s pick into wall…pick…pick with your pick [Principle: PTHM]…diamond then….Indiana Jones’ style [MNT: AT: WRQ: HQT]…..[Cooper:] “Holy smoke.”….symbol out with staff….horns on diamond…up close shot… “What have I done?”…Andy…[Cooper:] “Fellows, coincidence and fate figure largely in our lives.” [Principle: Jung’s Synchronicity: Cave drawings take this tale into walls of therianthropes and the hand prints of the oldest cave paintings over 40,000 years old.[5]: LT: WRQ: HQT]…into it Dale Cooper goes….blows on end…blurry “petroglyph” with another behind… “I have no idea where this will lead us, but I have a definite feeling it will be a place both wonderful and strange.” [MNT: DMT: Principle: WRQ: HQT]…
Harry Truman nod…Dale Cooper smile…blurry petroglyph in focus and the fire behind [FRT]…[Owl] flies between Broncos [AM: WRQ]…
Piano by fish eating him [AT: AM]…totem again [NAM: AT]…yellow lights…eyes of totem like eyes of doors [AT: WRQ]…uplight from bar…light from right and on piano…red cherries [FM]…there for you to see… “The Great Northern” shown through door…green sphere…Cooper… “How I got there is a rather complicated story.” [Principle: LT: WRQ: HQT]…red cherry lit glass…yellow fire between them [FRT]…flower between them [FLM]…[Annie:] “I thought it sounded exotic…I feel it constantly amazed, stunned….talk and laugh.” [MNT: Principle: AT: LT]….fire behind Heather blurry [FRT]…was in focus before…[Cooper:] “I would love to see the world through your eyes.” [MNT]…red straw…wrist scar….[Annie:] “See the thing is, I’ve failed before…I’m just afraid it may happen again.” [HQT]…[Cooper:] “Want to talk about it?” [Principle]… “Not yet.”… “Maybe I can help.”… “Can you?”… “I’m stubborn, extremely willful”… “I can handle that”… “Some people think I’m strange.” [MNT: WRQ]…[Cooper:] “I know the feeling.”…[Annie:] “I couldn’t always promise you that I would always make sense or do things you expect.” [MNT: AT: Principle: HQT]…. “I don’t expect anything.” [Principle: HQT]… “I accept your kind and generous offer.” [Principle: Gratitude]…then to…
Blurry light and image moving….back to…
Cave….huge mag….flannel…..diamond….pick in wall [PTHM]…[Earle:] “My my my.”… “What have we?”…pause here….petroglyph up high too [AT]…Earle discusses…. “Could it be?” [WRQ]… “The symbol inverted.” [AT: DMT]…close-up shot of turnings…hand [PTHM]….industrial sounds…pick down….flame [FRT]….spits out pick…rumbles…sand….like a waterfall…fade to black….
Red to left of Laura’s picture like playing card [GT: AT]…..
[1] “Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program,” The New York Times, accessed December 19, 2017.
[2] J. E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, trans. Jack Sage (New York: Philosophical Library, 1962) 38-9.
[3] “Henry David Thoreau on When Civil Disobedience and Resistance Are Justified (1849),” Open Culture, accessed December 19, 2017.