Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental Guide!? 2-19 Variations on Relations [Fugues Of Findings [FOF [AT: LT: HQT].].]
Title is a figured sensation….saw cuts the peaks [DMT]…as the peaks are over the peaks in the sign [MNT: DMT]….angles of rain down left….left path…frost….two paths…two peaks [Principle: DMT: HQT]….
[Andy:] “Nighttime or day time, once you get a few feet into this place you can’t tell the difference.” [DMT]… [Hawk:] “All remained so untouched.” [HQT]…[Cooper:] “Keep your eyes peeled.” [IM]…cave drawing [AT]…Hawk tracking [NAM: HQT: Tom Brown Jr.’s Tracking School[1]]…crown above Harry Truman [AT: HQT]…… [Cooper: “That is a] frightening question [to contemplate.” [MNT: WRQ].]…. “An accurate, large-scale rendering of this petroglyph…get him on the horn…that’s the ticket.” [NAM: LT: IM: GT: HQT]….spiral…inward journey [SM: LT: HQT]…mouth…..teeth…. “Once upon a time.” [AT: WRQ: Earle’s voice starts the fairytale. [MTN].]…fade to…
Earle.….pipe smoking [PTHM: FT: FM]….[“There was a place of great goodness called the]…White Lodge.”….[“Gentle fawns gamboled there amidst Happy, Laughing Spirits. The sounds of innocence and joy filled the air, and when it rained, it rained sweet nectar that infused one’s heart with a] desire to live life in truth and beauty.” [LT: AT: WRQ: HQT]…..Keats [AT: “Ode on a Grecian Urn”[2]]…..[“I am happy to point out that our story does not end…it’s opposite, a place of almost unimaginable power chock-full of dark forces and vicious secrets…This place I speak of is known as the Black Lodge.” [DMT: WRQ]…gears….chicken wire…pan right to Leo…not blinking….wagon wheel behind him….gauntlets [PTHM]…fire in drum [FRT: AT]……open-mouthed metal punk….fingernails painted [AT]….rings, one glove [AT: PTHM]…auger [PTHM]…..chain snips…red and then very red drill [PTHM]…paintbrushes [AT: PTHM]…. “Hey, man!?”…. “You promised me beer.” [FM: Principle]….student desk…[Earle:] “In time, young man, everything in time.” [Principle: LT]…ordered tools like doughnuts [MNT: PTHM: FM]….flute [AT]…to screen….same petroglyph [AT: WRQ]…blue…fire behind….fire and water [DMT]…..fade to…
White queen [GT: CBM]….then to…back….Pete….Josie’s poem [AT]…red to right of Pete along counter…..rhyming [AT]…..pan right…red behind window on shelf….who is there? [WRQ]….blurry Catherine:… “Give me [a] hand with this damn box.” [IM: PTHM: HQT]….stag head behind Catherine [AM: AT]….star symbols on her dress [AT]….red apples between them blurry [FM]…red lipstick… “If I had a key, it would be open.” [Principle]….[Pete:] “It doesn’t even have a key hole…A puzzle box.” [MNT: LT: HQT]… “On Guam.” [HQT]…. “Taking a little R and R.” [IM]… “There was a monkey show you wouldn’t believe.” [AM: AT]….Catherine looks away… “Sorry poodle.”…. “Fit the pieces together just so.” [Principle: LT: AT]….shadow of horse on right [AM]….
Harry Truman with coffee [FM]…Bobby back…orange juice behind Bobby to the left [FM]….red line of cabinets…red ketchup to the right… “Beautiful people get everything they want.” [AT: Principle]….symbol on metal container [AT]…red booth and red on shelf and then red squares…. “Check it out.” [IM: Principle: LT] …[“Think about it: when is the last time you saw a beautiful blond go to the electric chair?…I think we should take advantage of this beautiful people’s conspiracy.” [Principle: AT].]…“Once we get that crown on your head, [baby,] the sky is the limit.” [DI: IM]… “Keep” on yellow half door….
Red flannel…red ketchup bottle between them….“Oh,” she [Lana] finger points…red nails…ketchup….blue bowtie…[Judge:] “It would be wrong.”…[Lana:] “It would be love, that’s all.”…hand stroke on face… “Lana.”… “Yes, lover, I do.”…two-finger kiss motion vertically to him [PTHM]…..
[Cooper:] “We need doughnuts.” [MNT: FM]….. “Accompany me on a nature study…How wonderful!” [MNT: Principle: FLM: WTM: AM: LT: HQT:]…red menu up height and red diamond on shoulder…like Queen cards [GT]….doo wop…. “No checks please.”…on cashier…red ketchup and plastic bottle between Dale Cooper and Bobby……[Shelly:] “What is all this sweet work worth if thou kiss not me?” [AT: MNT: Last episode library vignette with Earle and Audrey: WRQ]….does not, orange cat between them….sunset to left….[Cooper:] “I need to see this poem immediately.” [Principle: AT: LT: HQT]…cherry pie on top [FM]…. “Flower sunlight moonbeam.” [FLM]…dollar on counter…. “Hearty Beaver Broth.” [AM: FM: Beavers in the Northwest: Mountain Beavers![3]]… “Soup of the Day.”.….deer on left [AM]….eye brows same Shelly…fade to…
Black and then to poem [AT]…and blue doughnuts with red [FM: DMT]…..gold circle on mug for Dale Cooper…star tie with black abyss [AT: HQT]…..owl on shelf [AM: AT]…stein to right and deer to right [FM: AT]… “See the mountains kiss high heaven [and the waves clasp one another, no sister flower would be forgiven if it disdained its brother.” [AT: FLM: WRQ].]…red book on right with blue above [DMT: LT]…. “I hope it is nothing more than a taunt.” [Principle: HQT] … “Insinuate himself in innocent lives.”….doughnuts….bonsai tree….light on shield [PTHM: HQT]…flannel between Hawk and Dale Cooper….[Harry Truman:] “What’s going on?” [IM]…[Cooper:] “Putting the pieces together.” [IM: Principle: LT: HQT]….
[Major Briggs: “Proceed.”]… “Go on.” [LT: HQT]…orb to left shoulder of Dale Cooper [WRQ]….[Cooper: “Currently involved in several disparate investigations.” [Principle: LT: MNT].]… “Unknown origin in…Owl Cave.”… [“Now it seems logic would dictate that these investigations be considered] separate entities. [However, I believe otherwise.” [Principle: LT].]…[“These mysteries are not separate entities, but are in fact, complementary verses of the same song. I cannot hear it yet, but I can feel it, and that is enough for me to proceed.” [Principle: AT: LT: WRQ: “proceed” repeated as mantra.].].… “Project Blue Book.”[4]…[Major Briggs:] “There are certain moral judgements I must consider.” [Principle]….search more….in focus and out of focus for petroglyph… “I’ve dreamed it or seen it, somewhere, somehow.” [Principle: LT: WRQ]….zoom in [ZM]… “3 and 2”….then fades to…
White and black hooded figure walks in and it is the star systems and then an owl and then fire and then back to the fire [DMT: AM: FRT: WRQ]….then swirl on the right [SM]….journey inward [Principle]…red and blue primarily on his insignia [AT: DMT]….orb above Andy’s shoulder the same way as Dale Cooper [MNT]…[Cooper: “Basic style will remain the same.” [Principle: AT: LT].] …..POV through magnifying glass [PTHM]…..body approval…..affirmation…
Broken Dick nose…face to right [AT: NAM]….tie…red and green…shark fin [AM: AT]…..person between talking on payphone [MNT]…..snacks finger and points at Dick…nods…[Horne:] “Easily”…. “Done”…[Dick:] “I will alert my attorney.” [Principle: HQT]… [Horne to himself] repeated [and reflected:] “Sometimes the urge to do bad is nearly overpowering.” [Principle: DMT: HQT: Initiations of Conscience over Shadow]…back to the carrot [FM: Principle]…affirms his Will [Principle]…
Fog in trees and then down to cabin [WTM]…beer [Earle: “Drink up, my friend, we celebrate!” [Principle: FM: AT: HQT].]…red towel…beer [FM]… [“You have lived your short life in] odium and obscurity. [Now at the last you will step upon a Larger Stage. I must confess, I envy you. Your journey begins at a point beyond imagining. Who knows where might travel from there, huh?” [MNT: WRQ: HQT]….soul patch goatee….. “I’m pumped.” [IM]…red towel….crossbow [PTHM]….now chain shutters on wall… “I do not appreciate practical jokes.” [Principle]….shocks, spills beer everywhere….red stone in middle of cross earring [AT]…..light on door….antlers in corner [AM: AT]….up-close shot of arrow [ZM]….rope on rafter… “[Think of all the Hapless Sinners] wondering where their soul’s destination lies. For what!? To gain the answer to a simple question:] Where will my spirit awake? [What life am I given after this life? This grave question has plagued man’s sorry conscience for eons. Now you, you, lucky boy you have the answer, now!. …” [LT: WRQ: HQT]…rising crescendo…left lower…shot into pieces and Leo’s face shaking and then his bloody mouth and then fade to…
Twin Peaks’ conference….same curtain behind them…ash tray yellow on table…pitcher of water shaking [PTHM: FM]…….behind…blurry table…. “America” shirt just shown….three x’s through hallway and saw [PTHM]…POV behind them…..blue blurry to right of Horne….[Ben:] “A celebration of the totality of a woman’s qualities.” [Principle: HQT]…. “Beauty has taken on a broader definition to include mind, body, spirit, [values], and ideas.” [AT: Principle]….[Dwayne:] “What’s he selling? [What are you selling?” [MNT: HQT]….yeah, David Lynch?…[“Let me get right to the point.] An event in search of a theme. [The topic of this year’s speeches should be how do I save our forests? It’s now, it’s relevant, it’s global and it’s…well to put it plainly, gentleman, it’s us…” [“Now” repeated of Earle: Principle: AT: LT: MNT: WTM: HQT].]….Pete…finger pointing right at him [PTHM]…two red orbs to left of Horne… “Pete, I resent your implication. The environmental issues dwarf any] parochial business concerns you or anyone else may be pursuing.” [Principle: WTM: HQT]…right in his face…[Doc Hayward:] “We’ll take it under advisement.” [Principle: LT: HQT]….[Ben:] “That’s the most I could hope for.” [Principle: Gratitude]…[Pete: “He thinks he can pull a fast one.” [IM: PTHM: HQT].]…red flash in both eyes like orbs behind [MNT]… “The idea has merit.” [Principle: LT: HQT: Sure does, right?]…repeated twice by judge…now to…
The shot we were shown earlier….stag above Bobby [AM]…Donna….sees… “Come on up, honey.”….red book to left of Bobby [LT]….. “Exit” sign now shown and not two orbs….[Bobby: “Does] anybody smell fixed here?” [Principle: IM: WRQ]…long blond braided pony tail….Donna consoles grabbing arm [PTHM]… “Fine Kugel”…[Nadine:] “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” [IM]…pinball…two machines [GT]…red face behind Bobby …just in view looking at him…blue hand on the machine grabbing him [PTHM]…red between them and red again…..game behind Bobby: [“What do you think I think?” [LT: GT].]…red and blue to right of Mike [DMT]… “I will strive to be understanding.” [Principle: LT]…. “Do you have any idea of what [ a combination of] sexual maturity and superhuman strength can result in?” [WRQ]…Bobby screams…Mike smiles…Nadine winks…to…
Owl cave with two orbs on it…two eyes in two Earle’s yes [Fade!: MNT]….and his POV…to…
Catherine with two coffee pots [PTHM: FM]…two ducks on the coffee table in front of them and antlers above Catherine [AM: AT]…suggesting her qualities?…Harry Truman hand on her shoulder [PTHM]… [Catherine: “I have been asking myself lot of the same things.” [Principle: WRQ].]…[HT:] “I need to understand” [Principle: LT: HQT]….antlers to right of Harry Truman [AM]…[Catherine: “Well. I think early in her life she must have learned the lesson that she could survive by being what other people wanted to see, by showing them that. What was left of her private self she may have not shown to anybody.” [Principle: GT: DMT: HQT].]…[HT:] “The stories…The lies”….[Catherine: “Who knows, they may not have seemed untrue to her. What she needed to believe was always shifting to suit the moment. In spite of all the things she tried to do to me and my family, I find it] curiously hard to hate her for it.” [Principle: WRQ].]….[Harry: “She was so very beautiful.” [AT: WRQ]….slats create angled shadows [Catherine: “There may be a clue that could benefit both of us.” [Principle: LT: HQT].]…..fan on shelf [PTHM]…lodge in the mountains behind Catherine [AT: HQT]….grandfather clock [AT: 33:35 in the episode: On 4-17-17, I took a picture of that clock it seems. [WRQ].]… [Pete: “Wowee Bob, have we got some beauties…Say, have you had any luck with this thing?” [IM: AT: GT: WRQ: HQT]…..red bottle to right of Pete through doorway on counter [PTHM: FM]…blue on left as curtains….[Catherine: “Butter Fingers.” [FM: PTHM: IM].]…Catherine yells…[Pete:] “Holy moly…Just the second Poodle.” [IM: AM]…symbols…there…images of astrology [AT: WRQ[5]]…fade into…
Lake scene with duck sand hand in water [AT: Painting within show recalls. [MNT].]….wind…..ruffles for Heather Graham’s character…shimmering on water… “I always felt closer to nature than I did to people.” [Principle: AM: WTM: HQT]….light behind Heather…angelic [AT]…. “I lived in my head, [mostly” [IM: LT: WRQ].]….[Cooper:] “That’s not a bad neighborhood.” [HQT]…two blurry orbs…either side of Heather Graham… “There are some pretty strange neighbors.” [Principle: LT: WRQ]…repetition of “strange” and “weird” [MNT: “Variations on Relations” is perhaps about the relationship between Audience and Viewer, Self and self. [LT: WRQ: HQT].]… “Mind if we don’t talk about it?” [Principle: WRQ: MNT: About the “Variations on Relations”? [LT: AT: WRQ: HQT]…symbol on boat to right of Dale Cooper [AT: HQT]…rising….music… “Hiding from your fear doesn’t make your fear go away.”…Cooper: “It makes it stronger.” [Principle: HQT: Blake’s “Poison Tree”[6] or Nietzsche’s Abyss[7]?] …blue on left of Heather G…. “I had to do it here, where everything went so wrong.” [LT: WRQ: HQT]…hand in hand [PTHM]….Dale Cooper strokes Heather….Annie… “I know how hopeless things can seem.”… “I know about the dark tunnel you can fall into…Something similar happened to me. Made me want to disappear from the world. Cause of that maybe I can help.” [Principle: LT: WRQ: HQT]…light on Dale Cooper’s ear…..kissing….[Annie:] “I am trying to learn how to trust my instincts.” [Principle: LT: Daniel Kahneman’s System Type 1][8]….[DC:] “What are they saying?”…[Annie:] “Trust.”….trust the show? [MNT: AT: GT: WRQ]……orbs passing them…then pan out to them on boat…black duck and then white swan [AM: DMT]….like chess pieces [GT]….Earle there [ZM]…fisherman…POV through binocs…duck on lake passes right [AM]…..blue kayak [HQT]…red on bush by gazebo….patch with green tree on yellow and red lettering…..shot of…
Glasses and wine bottles [PTHM: FM]…piano [AT]…pan left…red on counter….and then Horne red tie…leaves on Dicks’ shirt [“Welcome to our oenophiliac soiree…There are some schools of thought that say, ‘There are no other wines but reds.’” [Principle: FM: LT: AT].]…to left of Lucy….black and red label on shelf….Andy tie…red and yellow leaf on burgundy [MNT: “Variations”]…. “Spit it out.” [IM]…Dick yells…hands together [PTHM]…pressing the air…. “That’s what we are here for: to learn.” [Principle: LT: HQT]……. “We must first examine.” [Principle: LT: “The unexamined life is not worth living.”[9]].]….bouquet [FLM]…standing between two pillars [DMT: Principle]…. “The Great Northern Tasting”….red on his nose…shaking heads……almost… “Isn’t she pregnant?”….Lucy? [WRQ]…
Shelley and Gordon: [“So he came slowly out of the shadows…You take one more step and I will ventilate you…It was a brief, but touching funeral…I am glad I caught up with you…about ready to hit the road.” [IM: WRQ: HQT] ….yellow mustard in front of ketchup [FM]…red between Gordon and Dale Cooper…..ashtray [FRM: PTHM]… “This world of Twin Peaks seems to be filled with beautiful women.” [MNT: AT]…. “Join us for pie.” [Principle: FM]….between them…[Gordon:] “Three each…rhubarb pie.”…. “Shelley, you are a miracle worker.” [Helen Keller, The Miracle Worker][10]….. “A goddess sent from heaven.” [AT: WRQ]…. “You just don’t know your own value.” [Principle: LT: HQT]… “She is a rare and precious individual.” [Principle: HQT]…..[“Meeting you has been more than a privilege, it’s] touched my heart.” [Principle: LT: AT]…..bell rings and it’s Bobby… synchronicities [MNT: WRQ]…. “You are witnessing a front, three-quarter view [of two adults sharing a tender moment.” [MNT].]…..ketchup to right of Gordon….Shelly smiles and goes back in….back to…
Dick [“What flavors are we enjoying?” [Principle: FM].]…red to right…Lucy collar….similar leaf pattern [MNT: Variations: AT]…. “Have a banana split?” [FM]….still bartender with bowtie….red tie…front taster….cheese and bread on board [FM]… [Dick: “A really good wine is] like a symphony” [Principle: FM]…varieties…title [MNT]… “4” on table…spits on Dick….cut to…
Fireplace burning and two brooms [FRM: PTHM]….Dale Cooper drinking milk [FM]….glass….has “In the West” in back on the yellow background [AT: HQT]…. “Love is Hell.” [DMT: Twin Peaks: Duality Reality: MNT]…sips…[Cooper:] “The Hindus say, ‘Love is a ladder to heaven.’” [Principle: LT: HQT]…. “Take hikes on hot coals for recreational purposes.” [HQT: Power Through Practice Of Controlled Sacrifice [PTPOCS [Repeat Acronym and Its Transmutation].].]… [Cooper: “Self-discipline.”… “Earthly love.”…. “Hits you like an 18-wheeler.” [MNT: How many have you seen at this point in the show? Only the log trucks? [HQT].]…. “Feel more of everything.”….faces red…. “You on the critical list too?” [Principle: WRQ]…. “Feels like someone has taken a crow[bar] to my heart.”…. “I think it’s been locked away long enough.” [IM: PTHM: HQT]…fish between eagles between [FM: AM]… “Telegram”….horizontal outlet to left….Dale Cooper still…face on totem in green [NAM]…mask facing them [AT: DMT]…on arm…red orb and arc down above it…fire to falls [FRT: DMT]…then to…
Meat…with parsley [FM]….pan back to dinner table….Mom Hayward….dress….pin of leaves on Hayward [AT: Variations]…..black earrings [AT]…..no blinking from daughter or mom……[Doc Hayward:] “Fine tradition.”…[Donna:] “Study overseas.” [LT: HQT: Travel beyond through art and exploration: Principle: AT: HQT]….heads down….moon eye…cut to…..
Then in front of it is hooded black figure and then owl flying towards [AM: WRQ]…red light of stopped car at angle to car…..caution tape in between….box in gazebo…. “Pull me.”…brass ring….[Cooper: “There was a time when I could comprehend with a high degree of clarity Windom Earle’s twisted logic, but his actions of late have left me completely bewildered.] He is changing the pattern of the game board. [Any hope of deducing his next move has evaporated.” [CBM: GT: HQT: MNT: Variations of the pattern].]… “Direct everyone.” [MNT]…[“Whatever else hell could imagine. Greatest fear…Windom Earle merely condescends the logic, leaving us the task of unraveling an insane man’s terrifying caprice.” [GT: LT: WRQ: HQT].]….rocks there…two…see words……orbs to right two and then one to the left of Dale Cooper…..roses around here…aren’t they romantic? [FLM: MNT]…lit gazebo….earlier spot of darkness….lake…shoots rock…black pawn [GT]…..light in the distance over the lake…one…. “Next time it will be someone you know.” [Earle’s Note: HQT]…head to side for added disturbance….
[1] “Tom Brown Jr.’s Tracking School,” Tom Brown Jr.’s Tracking School, accessed January 23, 2018.
[5]“One of the most widespread of symbols, despite its complexity. In almost every land and age its characteristics are the same— the circular form, the twelve subdivisions with their corresponding signs and heir relationship with the seven planets. The Mesopotamian cultures, Egypt, Judea, Persia, India, Tibet, China, America, Islam, Greece and Northern Europe— all were acquainted with zodiacal symbolism. The name of this circular ‘form’ comes from zoe (life) and diakos (wheel); and the basic element of this ‘wheel of life’ is found in the Ouroboros (the snake biting its own tail), symbolizing the Aion (duration). The general significance of this Zodiac concerns the process by which ‘primordial energy, once fecundated, passes from the potential to the virtual, form the unity to multiplicity, from sprit to matter, and from the non-formal world to the world of form’s’, and then returns along the same path (52).
J. E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, trans. Jack Sage (New York: Philosophical Library, 1962), 362.
[6] “A Poison Tree: By William Blake,” Poetry Foundation, accessed January 24, 2018.