[I recommend you read the Introduction before reading this episode.]
Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental Guide 1-6 Cooper’s Dreams [Psychopomp(’s) Leads]
The dreaminess of the music tells me….
Moon zoom [ZM] into focus as object of the dreamer’s pensiveness…singing Icelanders [HQT: AT: LT]…back up to desk, watch on book…Cooper…. “4:28 AM” [Even and Multiplication]… “Woken up by most god awful racket.” [IM]…[“Up until this moment I have experienced nothing at the Great Northern Hotel but the most pleasant, courteous service imaginable; however, it just goes to prove the point that once a traveler leaves his home he loses almost one hundred percent of his ability to control his environment.” [Principle: MNT: Recording to Diane].]… “…My last trip to New York.” [HQT]… “The Smoke Room” [FRT]….fish on platter [FM]…totem to left [NAM]….flannel Native American on table behind … [“Junket”]…“Iceland.” [HQT]…“Lucky you.” [GT: Luck charms game theme.]….[“It will take them a day or two to reset their biological clocks.” [Principle].]… [Waitress:] “Hope the herring holds out.” [FM: AM: Alliteration]… [Cooper: “To be perfectly honest, I’m tired and a little on edge.” [IM: DMT: Principle: “Little on edge.”].]…matches fish programmed before…beak of totem [NAM: AM: AT] shown to left of Cooper….medallion on his mug [HQT]…hand up of Cooper [PTHM]…earrings for cowboy hat [HQT]……large man…tie…up right with square blocks and red base [AT]…. “How old are you?”… “18.”… “We’ll see you later, [Audrey].” [MNT]…. “[See you later] Sons of Odin” [MNT: HQT: LT]…Horne’s brother….
Ben…Horne…smoking cigar…. [Jerry: “I bring you greetings from the] fertile, treeless tundra of Iceland”… [“They are insane for the Ghostwoods Estates project. I have had more serious fun with these” [DMT]… “Nordic animals” [HQT: AM]… “[Giant] snow queen with a smile like a sunrise on an ice rise. You could go blind looking at this girl.” [HQT] …. “Entire leg of lamb.”… “Rotisserie heaven.” [FM: Mitch Hedberg: “I think a rotisserie is a very morbid Ferris wheel for chickens.” [DMT].]…. …. “Grab some down time” [IM]…. “Fair haired boys tonight”… [“All of Twin Peaks’ best and brightest”….Ben: “If we still need a kicker to nail the sale, I’m thinking maybe they might enjoy a road trip to you know where.”… Jerry: “I am honored to know you.” [Principle.]…. …abstract tie [AT]…gray Jerry Garcia almost [LT]…one eye signal with hand [PTHM]…Leland in…. [“I just feel I need something to occupy my mind.” [DMT: Principle].]…I wonder why he feels that he needs “something to occupy” his “mind.” [WRQ: HQT: LT: AT]….singing comes back……Leland on ground….
To slanted cop car….lamp shade down…clown on wall [WRQ]….Campbell’s Soup [AT: LT: Warhol: pop art, mystery, and drama: “Great Art makes fun of us as it comforts us, because it shows us the world as the artists would like the world to be.” Umberto Eco, Foucault’s Pendulum.]…donuts… [“Better wash that down with a cup of joe.” [FM]…“There was a large group of insane men staying on my floor.” [HQT: Berserkers].]…wallpaper like Horne’s tie…fiddle image [AT]… “Hawk”… “Negative”….donut and coffee…closes eyes….and gives it back to Andy… …blue flannel….[“Harry, will you give me a leg up here.” [IM: HQT].]… Doc is amazed at Cooper’s understanding [WRQ]… “Coast to coast.” [IM: HQT: LT: “Coast to Coast AM” Radio Show[1]]…eyeballs on table [MNT]…[Arch behind.]… “No direct contact.”…. “P.O. Box.”…up shot…at an angle…. [“Good night.” [IM: DMT: HQT: aghast exclamation]… “The guy’s no Georgia Peach.” [IM: DMT: FM: AT]…Cooper: “Did you notice the picture of…?” [Principle.].]…see Polaroid and then back to…
Leo’s truck…image and then to actuality [PPM]…white dog image [AM]…flower napkin holder [FM: FLM]….wiener dog plate [AM]….steam where her hands were as they slid [PTHM]…diamond mirrors [RM]….cracked eggs [DMT]….panning right above table level…back to dog…glass jug….green salt or pepper shaker…cow mug [AM]….doorbell man with mustache to left of door [MNT: AT]….handlebar mustache and outdoorsman’s hat [HQT]…red…by Bobby to right…Bobby looks gleefully [: “You drive me crazy.” [IM: DMT].]… “Hi.” … [Shelly about Leo: “On the road…a couple of days” [HQT: LT: Jack Kerouac]…she has the gun…..pondering it…
Blue truck…loggers…Big Ed’s gas…sign on huge evergreens…pan to left working on red car and red pup….angled deck or sign shot to her…crisscross angle effect….evergreen tree on white log trailer mud flaps [AT]….intentionally leaves tow truck winch boom out…Ed… “You bet.” [IM: GT]… “I don’t never want to hurt you babe.”… [Norma: “Maybe that’s our trouble, Ed. We never want to hurt anyone. We never just take what we want. There is a part of me that thinks that this is how it is when you get to the end of your life and you don’t have anything to show for it.” [HQT: Principle.].]…X frames them…..walks to station wagon…fade to black to…
Horne’s….with an “E”…blue outfit…little cars…. “Starting low, aiming high.” [HQT: DMT: MNT: LT: Principle]… “No, no, no, no, no.”….hands on desk [PTHM]… “May I speak frankly?” [WRQ: When should we in our own lives as we endure its tragedy, comedy and absurdity?]…he has abstract tie….picture up top for back of book [LT]…man peering out… “I got my heart set on it, Emory.” [HQT: LT]….grabs tie…. “Does that help to clear things up for you?” [IM: LT: Principle: Neuro-linguistic programming [NLP] suggests that through analysis of someone’s verbs and descriptions, we can identify and actualize a person’s learning and communication style. “Clear” seems a sight word, so verbally paint vividly for vigorous visualization to successfully voice your view to your vivifying audience.]…. “Yes…”…. “Shall we get started on the paperwork?” smugly…
Railing in front of Donna…..pavilion…red grid pattern on shirt… [James:] “My dad died when I was ten…he didn’t die…he was a bum…my mom’s a writer…poems and short stories…what she does is…” [HQT: LT: AT]…ascending piano kicks in after revelation about his mother… “I don’t want to have any secrets with you.” [HQT: DMT]…“It’s the secrets people keep that destroy any chance of happiness…”[Principle]….heart earring… “It will never go away our whole lives.” [HQT: DMT: Darkness that has creeped in from the woods?]… “She’s out there wandering like a restless spirit.” [DMT: WRQ: HQT]…shows lake or river [HQT]…
Huge pile of donuts [FM]….Cooper gloved…feeds himself…cloud with…[Image inside of odd dressing duo.] …red drapes….Hodge Podge pinned up there….horse [AM].…Hawk earring…man laying down to the left….Laura picture…the drapes….mirror Cooper [RM]…Hawk, Harry and him line up and then another man beyond taking pictures… “Place up near the state line” [HQT]… “We’re taking a walk in the woods.” [HQT]….
Juke box…mod dress… “Madeline.”….duck on wall [AM]…with plate…red ashtray and red ketchup….red to left of Donna blurred… [Maddy: “The mood at the house as you can probably guess is not that great right now.” [HQT: MNT]… Donna: “If I said that you can’t really say a word of this to anyone, not a soul, not even your aunt and Uncle, would that be ok with you.” [WRQ: DMT: HQT: Principle]…. “That sounds like some big secret.”[HQT]….takes glasses off to process [MNT: DMT: Revealing the secret that she is the same actress as Laura’s.] …James doesn’t blink….until the end… “We’ve sworn on her memory not to let that happen.” [HQT: Principle]… “We have some ideas.” [HQT: LT]…. “Secret hiding place.” [HQT]… “house”… “room”… “I had a feeling that Laura was in trouble.” [HQT]….more psychic connections [WRQ]….desert screen to right and ocean scene to the left [DMT: HQT]….domino on keychain [GT]…staring…. “Refugee beauty queens” [HQT]…Hank….Shelly touches her arm and moves away…. [“So impulsive.” [Principle.].] “Not much meat on her…” [FM: IM]… “I got to earn my way back in to your heart.” [HQT]…red lips…back to soap opera….blue gag…violence….shades…laugh….Invitation to Love [MNT: Metamedia narrative]…fade to black [in show]…
And then to panther and then to two Native American totems [AM: NAM: AT]…..pan quick to the Major and back to the wife….very jerky like his point, erratic [MNT]…two totems on wall….everybody drinks…Dr. has tie with man and dog [LT: Pavlov]…Dr.….red and blue ring [DMT]…reversed letters on his doors in…blue panel behind …view up to the Dr..…Dr. is pacing…. [“Let’s just cut the crap, huh. [Principle.] Ok, so your parents don’t understand what you are going through right now?”]…“Did you cry?”…after asking him what Bobby and him did when they first made love….another totem to the right and then a similar patterned light [DMT: HQT]… “V” on Bobby’s shirt… “Laura wanted to die.”…He lays back in standard psychotherapy session position….big pirate earring for Dr. [HQT]… “Did she tell you that there is no goodness in the world?” Dr. asks [WRQ: HQT] … “[Every time she tried to make the world a better place something terrible came up inside her and pulled her back down into hell [and took her deeper and deeper into the blackest nightmare.]” [DMT: HQT]…. “Every time it got harder to go back to the light.” [IM: HQT]… “Harboring some awful secret…” [DMT: HQT]…[“Bad enough that it drove her to consciously try to find people’s weaknesses, and prey on them. Tempt them. Break them down. Make them do degrading things. Laura wanted to corrupt people, [because that is how she felt about herself].” [DMT: HQT]…now Bobby is overcome…he is left to cry…
And then to slow motion bird of prey in flight with ascending music and then pan left over the mountains….what weirdness in their might!? [AM: WT: HQT: WRQ]… and then pan down to the walk… “Watch your step [there], city boy.” [IM: HQT]….raven lands or crow on branch [AM: WRQ].…nothing else…broken small stick….Doc has walking staff, but not using it [LT: HQT]…lodge….[Hawk: “Maybe. Maybe not.” [DMT: Principle.].]….Harry with gun…Doc with wizard staff…..two arms on one side ridiculously….scythe handle without top and another wooden working device [PTHM]…Log Lady: “My log does not judge.” [WRQ: Principle: Wisdom of nature. Oracle of Log.]….milking cans…..tea whistling [FM]…books [LT]….dream catcher like device above [NAM: HQT]… “The owls won’t see us in here.” [AM: DMT: HQT: WRQ: Owl = “In the Egyptian system of hieroglyphs, the owl symbolizes death, night, cold and passivity. It also pertains to the realm of the dead sun, that is, of the sun which has set below the horizon and which is crossing the lake or sea of darkness (19).”[2]] from end of last episode… “Shut your eyes and you’ll burst into flames.” [HQT: FRT: Principle.]… [Harry: “Thanks Margaret!”]…old fire extinguisher [MNT: FRM]…… [“We’ll let it steep.” [FM: Principle].]…smacks Cooper.… [“Wait for the tea; the fish aren’t running.” [FM: IM: Principle]… HT: “Have you been expecting us, Margaret?” [WRQ]…LL: “You’re two days late. That is your concern.” [HQT]…“My log saw something. Something significant.” [WRQ: LT: Crystal ball? Familiar?]….she is a shaman [WRQ: DMT]…of the log, symbol of the tree [HQT: Tree symbol =[3]]…
Wagon wheel [HQT]… “Tea first, then be ready.” [FM: Principle]….[“My] husband was a logging man.” [HQT]…. “He met the Devil [HQT: WRQ]…[“Fire is the devil hiding like a coward in the smoke.” [DMT: FRT: HQT]… [Doc: “It was a day after the wedding…” [HQT].]… “The woods holds many spirits, doesn’t it, Margaret?” [NAM: WRQ: HQT] from Hawk….Cooper leans in and asks….on corner of the shelf… “The Owls were flying…[many things were blocked]….over the bridge…the owls were near…the dark, [the dark] was pressing in on her…[screams far away] terrible…terrible…further up, over the ridge, the owls were silent.”…
POV behind false screen so you see Hawk and then…under…Hawk points [PTHM]…back to crow…rounded tail raven….maybe raven it was….house…all four line up now…view of birds closing and zooming out [AM: ZM]…female singing [AT]….line approaching….woodpecker at it [AM]….inside….record…. “To the night, [“shadows fall.]”…lyrics start singing…shadows… “Where there’s always music in the air.” [HQT]…the bird [AM]…film….rope…red curtains…book then to cuckoo clock quick [AM: AT: HQT]….top spits out…chip…clicking noise…1000 at One Eyed Jack’s [Odin]…fade to black…
Great Northern….sunset sky…Josie smoking…to “Timber Room”…Viking hat women… “Catherine Martell and spouse.”…bright blue dress…. “Go easy on the sauce tonight, Cathy.” [IM: FM]…evergreen tree….two for Twin Peaks on wall…very tall man by pillar [HQT]…Icelandic flag [HQT]….dolphin…[ Major Briggs: “Of course the modern age has changed forever how your people live, Mr. Thorsten, but it would be my guess that there still remains a tremendous vestigial interest in the] legends and folklore of ancient Iceland.” [HQT: LT: Principle]….from Colonel….[Jerry:] “American figure of speech.” [IM: “Heppa, heppa.”]…Leland comes in….on face mark…panning around to Horne’s brother…. “I want to cook for you.” [FM]…followed by laughing group of Icelanders… “A socialist who wants to be king.” [HQT: LT]…. [Horne on Iceland:] “Not many trees”…water on his shoe…red large dot tie….Horne’s tie and handkerchief in his pocket…she [Catherine] says, “Hell hath no fury.” [HQT: LT[4] ]… [“Are you familiar with the work of Luke Hanson?”[5]]…then to Audrey…view of Catherine walking away…she follows….she goes through secret side wall [HQT]….opens up wall spot…watching Catherine and marlin…. [“Let’s keep the melodrama to a minimum [MNT: Principle]….Fill me in, what’s eating you?” [IM: FM] …. “1000 dollar poker chip.”… “Jerry gave me that.”…she gives him two slaps and then another…[“It’s a good luck charm. I thought I lost it. I’m so relieved that you found it.” [GT: WRQ].]….Horne kisses her….after the three slaps….daughter is watching….creepy…..[Ben: I have retained the services of a qualified professional.” [Principle.].]….Audrey is laughing at what she has found…back to singing…Charlie is drinking milk….[“Let me get this straight,] your entire country is above the timberline?” [IM: WRQ: HQT]…strange cupid pin and then people on angle underneath that [AT]….. “We are all Icelanders.” [HQT: MNT: Parallels JFK’s German lines.]… “Ghostwood” Estates….music comes on…..Leland is grabbing head and crying…dancing…Catherine kicks off her shoes and comes to dance with him…Catherine is imitating his head grabbing…new dance…..Horne doing it too…muse face with Audrey’s totem [AT]…Audrey is crying now…
Contrast to them and then Josie smoking [DMT]…while animal behind her [AT]… dinosaur or white tiger footies…Laura’s cousin….has box there….Asian figure behind light….light green… “I found a tape.” [MNT]….in “Her hiding place”…photo of Laura Palmer alone shown…for homecoming queen…
Then to Great Northern and Horne looking concerned….she is shadowed as he comes in…globe on her desk [HQT]…two photos on her desk… “Then we can proceed.”….Horne kisses Josie….
Then to Shelly lighting her cigarette with the stove….red cigarettes….Ford Deluxe truck is Leo’s….he goes to grab gas cans…two bright red …motif….Hank comes and hits him to the ground.. “I told you to mind the store, not open up a new franchise.” [Principle.]…narrowly missing putting a boot on Leo’s face….she points gun at him…you “stupid little”…view up towards him…she drops gun…light swings…groaning…uncertainty…fade to falls [HQT: DMT]….
Cooper frustrated with singing….pulls gun…antler on door…314 Pi for room across the hall…Cooper all in black…Audrey is there in the room… “Don’t make me leave.” [HQT]…open-mouthed Cooper…ends episode….suspense…[WRQ: Who dreams now?]
[1] Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, accessed July 9,
2017, http://www.coasttocoastam.com/