Hiking Twin Peaks: An Experimental!? Guide 2-9 Arbitrary Law [Existential!? Code]
The two falls come together…duality becomes unity [Principle: LT: HQT]….swirling together…we are lost in the flow…what forces are at work may be indiscernible…hyperlevels [Principle: DMT: HQT: WRQ]….
Maddie shown [DMT: Laura parallel]…ominous music begins….red light on her…fade to…
Blue branches….green on tree and purple branch…blurry swaying [WTM]…down pan….body….blurry…to “O.” [GT: HQT]…[Albert: “The short answer is that this is the work of the] same ghoul who killed Laura. [More fan mail…” [IM: WRQ: HQT].]….red [white] “me” between … “Strands of fur like fox.” [AM: WRQ: HQT]….in red on blue [DMT]…man shown in circle…arms up and raised triumphantly… “An observation….[I don’t know where this is headed but the only one with the destination in his hardware is you. Go on whatever vision quest you require, stand on the rim of the volcano.] Stand alone and do your dance. Just find this beast before he takes another bite.” [WRQ: AM: HQT]… [Hawk:] “You’re on the path; you don’t need to know where it leads. Just follow.” [Principle: WRQ: HQT]…
Donna …red table cloth…dreamy light shadow…[“I could sing about last night.” [AT].] ….red ketchup between [FM]….hand on hand [PTHM]….. “It’s perfect.”…dreamy land…sealed with a kiss…
Up shot to Norma….mom there…shown from above…her eggs spit out [FM]… “Are we saying we don’t like it? [Mother, can’t you ever say something nice.”]…pluralized her….Twin Peaks [DMT]…red table cloth behind her…fingers together [PTHM]… [Vivian: “That’s not true. The menus are very presentable.] Try white veal sausage and morel mushrooms.” [FM: AT]…. [Norma:] “I’ll go pick the mushrooms.” [FM: LT: HQT]….
Pie is hard….red to the left front and right….French… [Andy:] “Lonely soul.”….. “Nothing.”….. [Donna:] “Her grandson does the magick tricks.” [MNT: LT: Principle]….small David Lynch…. “Suicide note.”… “I am a lonely soul.”….Donna stares away to see the truth [Principle]…
Archway…. “Ms. Treeman.” [Lumberjack: HQT]….trees… “Harold’s world [was] in his words.”…. “new woman…new apartment.”… “Treemont.”…. “Tree mountain.” [HQT]…Twin Peaks [DMT]…. “She passed away three years ago.”… “I have no children.”…down left gray stripes on black of Cooper[‘s tie]….flower jacket [New Mrs. Treemont: FLM]… “Feb 22”…view of Cooper’s face zoom in [ZM]…[Donna reading Harold’s note, which is Laura’s diary: “Last night I had the strangest dream. I was in a red room with a] small man dressed in red and an old man sitting in a chair.” [WRQ: HQT]…fade to…
The curtain scene…[Donna reading Harold’s note: “My words came out slow and odd…then I leaned over and whispered the secret in his ear.” [WRQ: HQT].]…shadow moving right…across curtain….back to eye….Laura and Cooper kissing [WRQ]…. “[Somebody has to stop him.] Bob is only afraid of one man.”…“A man named Mike.”… the Midget [?]…view up close of Donna’s lips and teeth…mouth up-close [ZM]… “[No one in the real world will believe me.] Feb. 23” [WRQ: 23 Synchronicity]… “Tonight is the night I die.”…. “Tear him out from [in]side.”… “[I know he wants me.] I can feel his fire, [but if I die, he cannot hurt me anymore.” [WRQ: FRT: HQT]…piano ascending…slowly…. [Cooper:] “Laura and I had the same dream.” [WRQ: HQT]…Andy… “That’s impossible.” [IM: HQT]…[Cooper affirms the strangeness: “Yes, it is.” [WRQ: LT: HQT].]….pan right to…
One Armed Man, Hayward…bear painting left [AM: Bear = “In alchemy, the bear corresponds to the nigredo of prime matter, and hence it is related to all initial stages and to the instincts. It has consequently been considered a symbol of the perilous aspects of the unconscious and as an attribute of the man who is cruel and crude. Since it is found in the company of Diana it is regarded as a lunar animal (31).”[1] [LT: HQT].]….angled up like owls [AM]….black images on wall [MNT: WRQ]…close up of Cooper [ZM]….[“I need to know something. I need you to help me…I need to unlock that. I need the answer is inside of me.” [Principle: LT: HQT]…[Gerard:] “When we were killing together….Perfect relationship.”… “Appetite.”….[Cooper:] “The night before she died we had the same dream.”….from before…[Gerard:] “Satisfaction.”….. “Golden circle.” [WRQ]…makes circle [PTHM]…tongue almost out, mouth open… [Cooper: “I] gave my ring to the Giant.”…[Gerard: “He is known to us here.”]…“He is real to us here.” [WRQ: HQT]…. “You have all the clues you need.” [Principle]… not in head…in heart [Gestured: PTHM]….bronze on tie with gray stripe….Bob watching him suffer in bed with shadows on wall [WRQ]…
Zoom down hallway to Cooper [ZM]…old butler is back… “I know about you.” [IM: WRQ: LT]…one glass of milk [FM: PTHM]… [Cooper repeats: “Getting warmer now.” [IM: FRT].]….view up to him…key design in chandelier [MNT: Key = “It is symbolic of mystery or enigma, or of a task to be performed, and the means of carrying it out. It sometimes refers to the threshold of the unconscious (32)…In legend and folklore, three keys are often used to symbolize a like number of secret chambers full of precious objects. The first key, of silver, concerns what can be revealed by psychological understanding’ the second is made of gold, and pertains to philosophical wisdom; the third and last, of diamond, confers the power to act (38). The finding of a key signified the stage prior to the actual discovery of the treasure, found only after great difficulties. Cleary there is a morphological relationship between the key and the Nem Ankh sign (or ‘Eternal Life’)— the anserated cross of the Egyptians; their gods are sometimes shown holding this cross by the top as if it were a key, especially ceremonies concerning the dead. But it should perhaps be pointed out that, in this case, it is the keys that derive from the anserated cross, the archetype of the key of Eternal Life that opens up the gates of death on to immortality.”[2] [LT: WRQ: HQT].]…up-close white stuffed animal….Cooper’s badge…he’s contemplating [Cooper: “White fox.” [AM].]… … key is clue…he is clue…white animal…[Cooper: “White fox” [AM]…[Harry: “White, dead, and stuffed.” [MNT: AT: AM].]…fish moving beyond [AM]…. “That’s as close as I can cut it.” [IM: Principle]…what does note reveal? ….not illustrated….
[Alarm Technician: “Another couple minutes, I’ll have this baby up to code. Tweaking the sensors mostly. Don’t want your sprinklers to be overly jumpy. Got to set it just so.” [Principle: LT]…doughnuts blurry right [FM]…pink there behind Lucy… “Is he the father?” [HQT]… “You said you didn’t have any…”….abstract Lucy Blouse [AT: Pyramid shape on her left shoulder.]…. “Richard Tremaine”…
Horne…rubbing head with handkerchief [PTHM]….bows to him…dramatic irony [DI]… [“There’s been a snag]….A momentary inconvenience, I assure you.” [IM: HQT]…..view of Catherine between the bars blurred…Horne between blurry bars…. “This is the long, dark night of my soul.” [LT: Originally by John of the Cross[3]: Eckhart Tolle[4]: HQT]… “Time to seek that [tiny] flickering flame within.” [Principle: FRT: WRQ: LT: HQT]…red toenails wiggle…glasses on for Horne…open-mouthed… “Benjamin Horne, you’re a slimy rat bastard.” [AM: IM]… “Living hell.”[IM: WRQ]…he kisses her big toe…crawls up the bars… “You want me to beg?”… [Catherine:] “I’ll consider it…Why spoil it with the truth?” [Principle]…before that… “We’ve spent our entire adult lives lying to each other.” [Principle]…
Leland and Donna with glasses….black, can’t see the eyes…tape….blurred image to right of Leland….his tie…peacock like [AM: AT]….dots and down stripes right…shimmery…metallic….he is tense in the face…his hands are extra-close [PTHM]…cig inside….cig lit inside…..light purplish like pine scene earlier [WRQ: MNT: FRT]….filtered….he is staring without blinking [WRQ]…open-mouthed…he to her…too close…music quick dark tone then phone… “Beth,” Maddie’s mom…child on left [AT]…blue vase blurred to right of Donna…low through the doorway to Leland…no blinking…. “It’s the strangest thing.” [MNT: Principle: LT: HQT]…he puts gum in his mouth without blinking [FM]….his smile is menacing…[“Donna, don’t you worry about a thing. I’ll get a glass a lemonade. We’ll sit down and give a think and we’ll work the problem out, together.” [IM: Principle: HQT] …in mirror [RM]…Bob is in our eyes…pear sliced…two sides [RM: FM: AT: DMT]…..pan right to Bob [DMT]…buttoned up all the way…
Zoom into Donna pondering Laura [ZM]…Missoula elk painting to left [MNT]…Leland touches her hair [PTHM]…not….image shown then Missoula mentioned [MNT: AT: red lamp centered]….[Leland: “You’re taking this much too much to heart]… “I [know the] cure for what ails you.” [Principle: HM: IM]… “It’s simple.”… “It makes me feel good.” [Principle: HQT]…grain of top of record player…Bob shown there…screaming….lightning flash [WRQ]…tense mouth….dancing towards her [AT]…duck…sitting [IM: MNT]…on table…she is sitting duck…red on record player…up-close shot [ZM]….light outside…purplish…hug…in neck…hand on head…and hands…points at her [PTHM]… “You stay right [t]here.” [IM: HQT]…pan towards her [ZM]…pear in mirror [RM: FM]…halves [DMT]…..blinds on wall…
Donna left…in the pines [WTM]…sign on the tree on right…trees…pan down….pondering by the water [Principle: RM: HQT]…park bench [at the Golden Hour[5]]…James on motorcycle [HQT]… [moving] tone….but still triumphant [AT]…[James: “It doesn’t matter; don’t you see?] Nothing we do matters, nothing’s [ever] going to change. ” [Principle: HQT]…[“It doesn’t matter if we’re happy…the world] goes to hell.” [IM: WRQ: Principle: AT: Echoes of the ending of “Bohemian Rhapsody”: HQT]…Donna left….
Clouds rolling fast over the mountain…to dark trees [WTM: WRQ: HQT]…to….
Road House…lined bikes [HQT]…lightning flash… “Fine Kugel” on tap [FM: Horne cracking nuts: IM: FM: MNT]…angled with Albert and Cooper…above shot down….two pinball machines [GT]…flashes of lightning…Leland in [ZM: AT: Hallway hanging, white background with black X’s, five in all.]….bikes lined up, but where are the bikers?…red curtain behind….hip shot…lighting…purple light…ale shown [AT: Neon]…elk shown [AM: AT: MNT: Larger, but similar to Missoula painting at the Palmer’s?]…[DMT: Reflection of blue and red on table before room clearing.]… [Horne:] “Hail hail, the gangs all here.” [IM: HQT]….Leo flannel….Leland with red curtain behind….[Cooper: “I spend most of my time seeking simple answers to difficult questions. In the pursuit…I have employed Bureau guidelines,] deductive [technique, Tibetan] method, instinct, and luck. [But now I find myself in need of something new; for lack of a better world, we will call magick.” [Principle: LT: HQT]….to left of Harry… “Someone is missing.”…clock strikes…old man in…Bobby’s dad, Major Briggs [X’s now have lavender background and yellow centers.]….American flag on the right of Cooper [HGT]… [Leland: “Gum.”… “Used to chew it when he was a kid.”…Butler: “That gum you like is going to come back in style.” [FM: IM]…..flashes…still shots of everyone in the room illuminated….Cooper illuminated [MNT]…Midget dancing [WRQ: AT]…angled pattern on rugs…[Laura:] “My father killed me.”….whispered in his ear…no one or anything there…Giant appears [WRQ]…red curtain behind…red bowtie…ring in palm…fade hand, keep ring, drops blurry [PTHM: ZM: WRQ]…slow drop shot….light normal …gum in mouth of Cooper [FM]…looks down….no words of others….up shot…down shot…..blue on table…Briggs….waist shot…Cooper thumbs up…lightning flash…black and red tie old man waiter…waves hand [PTHM]…
Cooper whispers in Harry’s ear…what…. “B 3 B” on wall…blurry Cooper hat on right….werewolf…..[Leland] hits wall….other wall…[Horne: “Leland?”…Hawk: “That’s not Leland.” [DMT: WRQ]…. [Cooper:] “Laura told me, in her dream.” [WRQ]…[Harry:] “We’ll need a lot stronger evidence than this.” [Principle: HQT]…cuffed…laughing…view down…Hawk had gun on him…Bob mouth made… “I suppose you want to ask him some questions.” [WRQ: Principle: HQT]…monkey noises [AM: WRQ]….[“That’s a yes…Gee whiz, I guess I kinda, sorta did]…I have this thing for knives. [Just like what happened to you in Pittsburg, huh Cooper?”] [WRQ: HQT]…“Leland…you have been a good vehicle and I enjoyed the ride…now it’s nearly time to shuffle off the buffalo [IM[6]]…. “A large hole where his conscience used to be.” [WRQ]….hand on gun, Hawk [PTHM]…..Hawk senses a spirit from Native American tradition? [NAM: WRQ]….
Dick Tremaine…comic contrast….red sign….red lipstick…tree between them…two people sawing [AT: HQT]…. “Got a light”…[Andy: “No!”]…pinky ring [PTHM]…behind shot…with smoke…detector [FRT]…close shot [ZM]…
Hawk [stands] watching…wondering [Principle: NAM]…Albert, tie…white dots blue circle around them on gray [AT]…on the wall in red [“OKING” [MNT: Albert smoking and previous scene with smoking moving plot forward.].]…. [Cooper:] “A signature on a demon’s self-portrait.” [WRQ: AT]…..she reminded him of Laura…same actress……. Harry doesn’t believe ….[Harry: “Leland’s] just crazy.”…. we start hearing counterpoint… “Through the dark of future’s past, a magickian longs to see, one chance out between two worlds, Fire walk with me….I’ll cut you with my death bag…You may think I have gone insane, but I promise I will kill again.”…“NO” [Red on wall: MNT]…shown…sprinklers on…screaming Leland….now Bob….wet…arms up not cuffed…shot up-close of water….ramming door…..head bloody….smashed on door….has realization… “Laura, I killed her.” [WRQ]….open-mouthed Cooper…. “I was just a boy, I saw him in my dream.”…. “He said he wanted to play.” [GT: WRQ]…. “He came inside me.”…. “When he was inside, I didn’t know.” [WRQ]….hand on hand of Cooper [PTHM]…..now shot of all of them….on ground… [“They had me kill that girl,] Teresa.”…..ascending piano… “Oh god have mercy on me. [What have I done?…My angel, forgive me.” [IM: Principle].]….Harry hand on thigh [PTHM]… “[Leland,] the time has come for you to seek the path.” [Principle]… “[Your soul has set you face to face with the clear light and you are now about to experience it in its reality.”…. “Wherein all things are like the void and cloudless sky.”…[“and the naked spotless intellect is like a translucent vacuum,] without circumference or center.”… “In this moment know yourself and abide in that state.”… “Look to the light…[Find the light.]”….exorcism… “[Enter the light…into the light. [Into the light. Into the light.” [LT: WRQ: The Tibetan Book of the Dead[7]: HQT].]….. “Don’t be afraid.”….water stops…back to…
Tree, now up shot [MNT: (W)TM]…stone path….Briggs in purple on path [MNT: AT: Alfred’s tie is lavender.]…..paper coffee cup Cooper…. “[But people saw Bob;] People saw him in visions.”…. [“Gentlemen,] there is more in heaven and earth than is dreamt up in our philosophy,” says Briggs [SHM: Hamlet: AT: LT: WRQ]….[Harry: “Well, I’ve lived in] these old woods [most of my life]”… “Seen some strange things.”…. “But this is way off the map.” [HQT: WRQ [“The Map is Not the Territory.” -Alfred Korzybski[8]].]….Harry…. [Major Briggs:] “An evil that great in this beautiful world. [Finally, does it matter what the cause?”…Cooper….[“Yes, because] it is our job to stop it.”….[Alfred: “Maybe that is all Bob is:] the evil that men do. [Maybe it doesn’t matter what we call it.” [WRQ: MNT: “Arbitrary Law”]….is Bob…..
Blurry shot to left of Cooper….hanging….image….light on pine [WTM]…now free of Cooper…car down…POV…filtered light….tunneling [ZM]….fast jerky to light….flying owl [AM: WRQ]…..end…owl at you and spread-winged [MNT]….
[1] J. E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, trans. Jack Sage (New York: